Auto Time Formatting

May 28, 2009

Hears a quick question..

Is there away in VB that a cell can be automatically set to time

What i mean at the moment when i need to type in a time i have to type it in as follows 10:00 ( the cell is formatted to time)

What i was wondering is there a way of programming in VB so that when the user types in 1645 it automatically changes it to 16:45

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Auto-formatting A Text String.

Oct 15, 2008

I have a cell containing a post code (U.K). For example CF678JU however I need it to be formatted to show CF67 8JU. Is there a quick option of setting a formatting rule to add the space instead of me going into each cell and changing... (there's thousands of them!!!)

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Auto Filling Conditional Formatting?

Apr 9, 2013

I have created a couple of conditional formatting rules on the first row that fill the whole row of the table based on whether there a number in one cell or another. (Fill the whole row green if cell E3 has a number in it, or fill the whole row red if Cell F3 has a number in it).

I want to apply this to each row of the sheet but when I auto fill it down, the conditional formats fill but the reference cells stay as E3 and F3. This is causing the entire table to be filled instead of just the individual rows.

I don't want to have to put in conditional formatting rules manually for each row. Is there a way to auto fill down with the reference cells changing to suit each row like a normal formula would?

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Long Date Auto Formatting?

Dec 8, 2011

for some reason every number in excel is automatically formatting as long date. while i can go into the individual cells, columns, rows, sheets and change the format it always auto formats to date at the outset.

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Conditional Formatting To Auto Fill Cell

Apr 23, 2009

I have written in some conditional formatting to have a cells automatically updated based on a response in a cell above. That is: If a no response is chosen to a certain question, then all other questions in that range are to also be a No response. I have attached the document im working on with an outline of what the problem is!!!!

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Auto Insert Row Before Monday With Formula And Formatting

Jun 21, 2014

In column H I have a list of dates as I will add new rows each day for different records - it's a payment collection. e.g.


21/06/14 is Saturday & 23/06/14 is Monday, Sunday is holiday so that day is no collection but I want Sunday row also be there with date in that column. Currently I am doing it manually.

Is there a method with VBA (or other) to automatically insert a row with formulas & formatting above Monday date after workbook save.

I have data validations, conditional formatting & lot of formulas there. I have other date column also on workbook but I want it happens only with column with H. Also what if I have to change column H in future.

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Stop/Prevent Web Query Auto Formatting

Apr 23, 2009

I use a query table to import data into a workbook which works fine

With wsActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=sQueryString, _
Destination:=wsActiveSheet. Range("A1"))
.Name = CStr("main.html?LANG=de&search=true&searchterm=" & sIdentifier & "_1")
.PreserveFormatting = True
.BackgroundQuery = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertEntireRows 'xlInsertDeleteCells
.RefreshPeriod = 0
.WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
.WebTables = "9,14"
.WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
.WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
.WebDisableRedirections = False
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With

One of the fields I import has a value like 100:01 or 10:01 or 01:01 or other combinations (the above ones are the most frequent ones).
Unfortunately excel always converts this field into a date and a time but this is not what I want.
Is there any way to stop excel doing this? I tried to work around it with the text property e.g. formating it to text after I imported the data and formating the entire sheet to use text before

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Applying Conditional Formatting On Auto Shapes

Mar 7, 2006

I have many autoshapes in my excel file and I want to use the "VBA version of conditional formatting" one two of these autoshapes. I am saying VBA version because conditional formatting does not work on autoshapes (just found that out). The autoshapes on which I want the conditional formatting to work are "AutoShape 73" and "AutoShape 74" (from Autoshapes > Stars & Banners > Explosion1).

This is how I want the conditional formatting to work:

If the text in the autoshape is "A", fill the autoshape with RED color and bold + white arial 12 font

If the text in the autoshape is "B", fill the autoshape with BLUE color and white arial 12 font

If the text in the autoshape is "C", fill the autoshape with GREEN color and bold + black arial 12 font

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Auto-formatting Rows With ILastRow Variable

Feb 14, 2007

I need each row in the Range("A2:G" & iLastRow) to be formatted with the top and bottom border. I'd prefer to go loopless but if that's not possible I will use the loop.

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Auto Time Freeze

Feb 8, 2006

I have a long sample list, (names and telephone no.), once a name and number
are used an outcome code is entered in the end cell like so ...

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Auto Static Time

Mar 18, 2008

When a value is placed in a cell (Mr Brown) I would like a static time to automatically appear in the next cell.

I have never written macros or used the VBA.

Can someone give me simple, step by step instructions on how to do it.

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How To Avoid Auto-formatting To Date Format In Excel

Apr 6, 2014

System is generating IDs like 1-OCTO33, 1-NOVE44, which on exporting in excel converts to 1-OCT-33 & 1-NOV-44. How can this auto-formatting be restricted in excel?

To test, you can try entering in excel 1-OCTO33, it converts to 1-OCT-33.

I am looking for some setting in excel, which would prevent it on exporting to excel. Other options like changing column format to text or using a limiter ' will not work in this case.

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Stop Auto-Formatting Headers In Table Upon Row Insert

Jan 3, 2013

I decided to format my data as a table so that excel will auto-fill my formulas when inserting new rows which works quite well. I have one snag though, when trying to insert a new row at the very top (i.e. inbetween the header and first row) and choosing Format As Below, it also applies Data Validation and Conditional Formatting to the header. The inserted row, however, is actually formatted fine and works well.

How do I stop this from happening, and why would Excel do this anyway (as it is effectively applying formatting to TWO rows when only one row is being inserted)?

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Auto Date & Time Stamp

Feb 16, 2008

I am having a very difficult time making this work, if there is anyone who can assist me, I would greatly appreciate the assistance. You can see below what I am trying to do. The entries between the last cells H,3 & K,3 just contain data that is not affected by the rest of the sheet functions.

Cell one (A,3) has a drop down menu for vehicle status.
(B,3) vehicle number
(C,3) Drop down vehicle type.
(D,3) is for dept.
(E,3) Date/Time stamp auto generated from (A,3) entry. (Vehicle Status)
(F,3) is POC.
(G,3) Phone/email.
(H,3) Date & Time stamp out of shop. (This cell will recieve the date & Time Stamp from entry of work done in (K,3)

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Auto Date And Time In A Macro

Nov 11, 2008

There is a standard Excel macro to add the current date and time to a spreadsheet. But how do you add those to another macro and have them populate the date and time as of when activate the second macro? I have the following code (only the part that is applicable for this question):

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Auto Date And Time - Input Data

Dec 6, 2013

Auto date and time using excel macro.

In cell B2 until Z2 I am inputting data.

Once the data has been inputted in cell B2, I like to have date and time to have in Cell B6.

If input in cell C2 then cell C6 to have date and time..

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Anyway To Make Auto Fill Time Value Static

Jan 24, 2009

I have 2 cell, A1 and B1. When any data is entered into A1, B1 will display the time corresponding to when the data was entered.

I was thinking about function for B1 would be "=IF(A1="","",now()) ". It worked such that it will display the time, however the value in B1 will automatically update itself if I were to randomly input any data in any other cell too.

For example, I input "testing" in A1. B1 display "11:20PM". Ten minutes later, I input "hello" in A2. B1 now display "11:30PM".

Anyone know a way to stop B1 from updating? or only update when new data is entered into A1 only?

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Cell Auto-lock After Entering Time

Sep 16, 2013

I have created a time sheet and I would like to know if there is a way to auto-lock cells after time is entered so that it cannot be changed. As of right now I have employees enter the time by using Shift+Ctrl+;, so the exact time is recorded, however employees can write in whatever time they want. so I guess what I want to do is 2 things:

1- can the cell be formatted to only accept Shift+Ctrl+;, so that the exact time is entered in the cell and prevent employees from entering times they were not at work?


2- can the cell auto-lock after Shift+Ctrl+; is entered so that they can't modify the time sheet the next day if they arrived earlier than the day before?

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Auto Insert System Date & Time

Nov 17, 2009

I am currently using Excel 2007 and I am looking for an easier way to enter the system date and time into a cell. I am aware of the MS-Excel shortcuts but work in an environment where data capturers still often get it wrong.

Is it possible to use a Excel function/button to auto insert the system date and time by clicking on a cell/button or Alternatively use a calendar to do so.

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Auto Save File Name Based On Time Of Day

Jun 1, 2012

I have a file that will successfully save every 10 seconds.

I want this file's name to change based on what time of the day it is

for example from 630-230pm i want the file to include "day"
230-1030pm include "swing"

this is the code i have


Dim newFile As String, fName As String
On Error GoTo backup
If Hour(Now()) > 14 And Hour(Now()) < 23 Then
newFile = Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & " " & "swing"
newFile = Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & " " & "day"

backup: newFile = Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy") & " " & "dayerror"
End If

It currently returns the backup....

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Auto Run Macro Every X Minutes Or Time Specified In Cell

Sep 23, 2008

The below seems to work but I'm wondering if there might be a better way. I'm trying to keep an ongoing up-to- date and accurate time. my code is as follows:

Private Sub Workbook_Open() ' placed inside thisworkbook
Call TimeUp
End Sub

Sub UpdateTime() ' placed in module
If Range("A4") = TimeValue("00:00:00") Then
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "TimeUp"
End If
End Sub

Sub TimeUp()
[a1] = Time
End Sub

Sub UpdateTime2()
[a1] = Time
Application.OnTime Now + Range("A4").Value, "TimeUp"
End Sub

Does anyone know if there is any way to improve the Code or formulas within the Cells?

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Auto Start Excel File On Specific Time?

Aug 15, 2012

I have a delivery time programm (clients to be delivered the next day) which I would like to run every night at a specific time. Is there any MS tool to trigger the Excel file? Or do we have to use the "old" batch file ( if yes, pls send example)?

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Decimal Time - Auto Sum Hours And Minutes Columns

Nov 21, 2012

I am a truck driver and keep a record of my loading times when I am loading and unloading. At the end of a trip i transfer all the data to my computer, then "auto sum" the "HOURS" and the "MINUTES" columns. At the bottom of ech trip I end up with figures, lets say 32 (hours) in column "J" and 303 (minutes) in column "K".

Now 303 minutes is {5 hours and 3 minutes}. Now we all know that mathematically we can work out that {3} minutes is 0.05 of 1 hour and that would make the total time worked 32 (hours) + 5 (hours(from the minutes)) + the last 3 minutes and the total is 37 hours and 3 minutes.

What I am in need of is a formula that will take the hours in column "J" add the hours from column "K", leaving the minutes to be converted to 0.05, giving me a total in cell "M29" that can then be multiplied by the wage rate in cell "M30", giving me an amount that I should be paid in cell "M31"

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Macro To Auto-populate Date And Time In Text Format

Jun 7, 2012

I think there's a way to use Excel to automatically create a 5-day calendar. Maybe a macro?

The date format must be dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm and it must be in text format. If its June 9, 2012 at 6pm - the correct format is: 12/06/2012 18:00

I want to post 5 times a day: 09:05, 9:55, 10:45, 16:55 and 18:00.

Column A is where the date and time goes. Ideally, I'd enter in A1 the start date and then run a macro that would automatically populate the next 5 consecutive days with the specific times above (so 25 rows total in column A).

I have to save the file as a csv file, so the date and time format has to be in text or I'll get an upload error in Hootsuite.

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Auto Populate Current Date And Time On Making Entry

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying to get excel to auto populate the current date and time each time I make an entry, however, each time i make an additional entry the current date and time populates but it changes all the prior entry's with that current date and time.I am trying to keep a log of all the times I make a new entry. Correct formula that will work?

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Auto Fill Non-changing Date&time When Cells Change

Apr 17, 2007

Let's say I have column C blank, but every time it's filled in with something I want column A to be today's date and B to be current time. Unfortunately, the functions NOW() and TODAY() don't give me what I want. They get recalculated every time that I update the spreadsheet.
Another thing that I can do is just press ctrl+shift+; to generate a non changing date/time, but I want it to happen automatically (being super lazy).

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Create UserForm TextBox At Run-Time & Auto Size To Fit Text

Dec 11, 2008

I have a user form on which I need to create a textbox every time the user clicks a button. There are too many to create them all in advance and make them visible when needed. The sample attached, from this forum, is good, except, the numbers in the text box just scroll along and I need to see all the text typed into my textboxes. I would like the textboxes to be multiline, wordwrap and have them resize according to the amount of text.

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Filter Auto-update As Opposed To Hitting Reapply Button Each Time?

May 29, 2013

If I am using the "filter" function in Excel and some of the values in my list change such that the filtering criteria requires certain rows to be add/removed. Is there a way to have this filter automatically update as opposed to hitting the "reapply" button each time?

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Formatting With Time Calculation

Oct 15, 2009

I have a calculation whereby I use two variables which are 1. Man hours left in the week formatted as [hh] and 2. Amount of work left to do in the week formatted as 0" Man Hrs" I need to carry out a calc which says:- Man hours left in the week - Amount of work left to do in the week.

The answer should tell me if I have a deficit or surplus of hours which can then use for planning purposes. Unfortunately the problem I have is that I can't make the formatting the same for both unless someone knows of a workaround.

Man hours left in the week = 128. Man hours required to complete all work this week = 224. Therefore I need to say 128-224 = -96. However when I do this this an answer of 16 is returned.

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Conditional Formatting With Time Value?

Jul 16, 2013

I have an Excel report I have to generate. I need "Call Back" (F3) to show highlighted in red if time value of (F3) is = to or greater than 4 hrs. of "Time Reported" (C3) and highlighted in green if value is before 4 hrs. Also "Arrival Time" (G3) needs to be highlighted green if within 24 hrs. of "Time Reported" (C3) and highlighted red if after 24 hrs. of "Time Reported" (C3).

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