Automatically Add Cell Formula With Code

Dec 4, 2006

Cell b2 contains the formula
=IF( COUNTIF(B$1:B2,B2)=1,MAX(A$1:A1)+1,"")
I want cell b3 to contain the formula
I can do this within the spreadsheet by simply highlight and drag down to autofill and excel updates the formula references as I need

However - because the sheet gets very large (its a sort of rough database)
I dont fill in all the formulae on a blank sheet, but each time a record is entered using a VBA form I have the following working code copy the formula

ActiveCell.Offset(nextline, 0).Copy
ActiveCell.Offset(nextline + 1, 0).Select

However I dont want to use 'Active' - because I have to work out what cell is selected before this is executed and then reselect it after, which also causes the screen to flash when the active sheet changes so I tried the following which does not work

Worksheets(" Analysis").Range("A2").Offset(nextline, 0).Copy
Worksheets("Analysis").Range("A2").Offset(nextline + 1, 0).Paste

because 'object does not support this property or method' on the Paste.

I can save the code in a string and modify the string to generate the new code, but I cant find a way to assign the new formula to the next cell.

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VBA Code To Automatically Fill Down And Apply Formula Till Last Cell

Aug 22, 2012

I am using this code and it works fine:

Dim MyData As Range
Dim MyResult As Range
Set MyData = Range("E1:E1000000")
Set MyData2 = Range("F1:F1000000")
Set MyResult = Range("J4")
Selection.Formula = "=COUNTIFS(" & MyData.Address & ",""=Kim""," & MyData2.Address & ",""=done"" )"

Is there any way I can change the code so that it automatically finds the last cell as Im using Range("E1:E1000000") and Range("F1:F1000000") because there will not be more than 1000000 entries.

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Formula To Automatically Add New ID Number To Code

Jul 15, 2009

I would like to add something (formula) to the following code to automatically add a new ID number with each new entry. Some of the entries will have the same name but each time a new entry is added I want the ID number to increase by 1. Assume that the first entry is 0001.

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VBA Code To Populate A Cell Automatically Whenever Another Cell Is Filled In Manually?

Mar 29, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with 6 hidden columns (B to G). Rows 1 to 14 are frozen and have data that comes from another work book and these rows will be protected. The user will enter data from H14 to U14 and then H15 to U15 for the next row and so on down the sheet. The number of rows of data over a week is variable, a minimum of 21 rows (3 per day) but no maximum.

When the user starts entering new data in the column range H to U I would like to automatically populate the 6 hidden cells on that row with information from particular cells in protected rows 1 to 14. For example B14 would populate with the value from I4, C14 would populate with the value from I5, D14 from I6, E14 from I7 and so on whenever someone enters a value anywhere from H14 through to U14.

I can understand that a worksheet change event would be useful to do this but I guess then it wouldn't want to run every time each cell is populated so I think if it had to activate on a single cell change then the cell in column L would be best. Also, as I understand it, there can be only one block of code per sheet that operates on a worksheet change event, have I got that right? If that is the case then I assume all the code to populate the hidden cells on each row will need to be in this block of code.

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Automatically Execute Code Based On Cell Change?

Sep 5, 2013

I need to be able to hide and unhide a given set of rows based on the value in a particular cell. My current code allows me to successfully do this, ONLY, when I select the cell being 'watched' for changes and press enter. It does not execute the code automatically.

The cell is changed by a set of filters that modifies the data. The watched cell is then a summation of the filter modified cells. If the filters change to all "0" or "-" then my 'watched' cell sum becomes "0" and thus should execute the code automatically.

Current Code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=3
If Range("I62").Value = "0" Then
Rows("63:87").Hidden = True
End If
End Sub

So, right now if I use the filter and the cells change then the sum in I62 becomes "0", I have to manually select cell I62 and press enter and which point the above code executes exactly as I intend.

I need the execution part to be automatic and not have to manual click into cell I62.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Automatically Change Colour Shape Based On Cell Value

Mar 2, 2012

I have a peice of code that i know is inefficient and it is in danger of becoming too large. I have a spreadsheet that has circles aligned to each cell. There are around 100 in total. The code changes the colour of the shape based on the cell value in which it sits. However, the code needs changing and also it does not automatically update the colour shape even though the cell value changes. I have to manually select a cell and then the formula bar and then press return for it to update.

I am using excel 2010.

This is the code i am using for each shape.

If Range("n12").Value = text Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Oval 250").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If


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Automatically Copy Formula To Next Cell When I Enter Something In Perticular Cell

Sep 8, 2007

Automatically copy formula to next cell when i enter something in perticular cell ....

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Automatically Add Formula To Next Cell In Column

Apr 20, 2009

I have a list of names in column 'A' and a lookup formula in column 'B'. Rather than drag and copy the formula to succeeding rows I would like to have the formula added to column 'B' when a value (name) is entered into column 'A'.

The list in column 'A' is auto sorted by alphabet and the lookup reference in column 'B' need to stay with the value (name) in column 'A'. Mabe some conditional format/formula that says if their is a value in cell A2 to copy the formula in A2 into A3 and so on down the list.

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Cell Formula: All The Links To Update Automatically

May 3, 2006

I am linking to cells on a spreadsheet and in some cases the formula is showing in the cell and in others the contents of the linked cell. I have forced updating (F9 )and F2 enter with no effect. Is their something i am missing as I want all the links to update automatically. If I copy and paste a working formula into one of these cells it updates albeit with the wrong reference but if i go in and edit F2 etc then it shows as a formula.

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Automatically Lock / Protect Formula Cell When Entered

Feb 26, 2008

I need to create a macro to where once a cell has had a formula or data inputed that it locks afterwards and cannot be edited without unportecting the sheet or not at all. The problem is I have no idea how to program in VBA. I can get there and select the worksheet but after that I am stumped. How would I enter the macro and what should the macro look like?

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Automatically Insert Blank Line When Value Of Cell A Changes And Use Of COUNTA Formula

May 29, 2013

I need to do two things in my Excel spreadsheet: 1) I want it to insert a blank row everytime a value in the 1st column changes. 2) In the blank lines, I want to do a COUNTA for each of columns G through N. If I can get the program to insert the blank rows...they will not be a set # of records apart...some will have 3 records & some might have 17 records. Is there a way to automatically cause #2 to happen instead of having to choose the function icon and then tell Excel the first and last cells in each range?

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Automatically Copy Formula From A Cell When New Entries Added To Excel Database

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to get VBA code in Excel to copy formula in specific cells to copy the cell below when an entry is added to a database.

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Lookup Formula: Commission Calculation To Be Done Automatically Once Data Is Inputted In Cell

Mar 25, 2009

I am trying to come up with a formula that will allow the commission calculation to be done automatically once data is inputted in cell A2 and E2. I have tried IF statements, but can not figure out how to make it work. I am not able to figure out how to get cells F9 and F19 to work with the proper formula.

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Code To Add Formula To Cell

Aug 16, 2007

I tried putting a formula into the below code but without any success.

mylogoff. Offset(0, 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(WEEKDAY(RC[-1]=""6"",""17:30:00""+0,""18:00:00""+0)

It says application defined or object defined error.

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Code Formula So The Formula Is Not In The Cell

Sep 30, 2006

I am using the Networkdays function to calculate the number of working days between a date entered in A1 and a date in B2 and I have a range of holidays called 'holidays' and then have the result placed in E1.

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Vba Code To Insert A Formula To Certain Cell

Aug 14, 2008

I try to put a formula to a certain cell using this code, but I get application defined or object defined error:

HTML Selection.Cells(1).Offset(0, 5).Formula = "=INDEX(range1;MATCH(""D""&C13;range2;0);MATCH(""S""&D13;range3;0))"

The weird thing is, that if I type the same formula itself to a cell, it works, so the problem shouldn't be with the formula:

HTML =INDEX(range1;MATCH("D"&C13;range2;0);MATCH("S"&D13;range3;0))

On the other hand I tried to replace the formula in my VBA code with simpler one, like this one and that worked aswell:

HTML Selection.Cells(1).Offset(0, 5).Formula = "=a1+a2"

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Code To Insert A Formula In Cell

Sep 2, 2009

I'm using the below to code to insert a formula in cell E1, what am i doing wrong here.

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Cell Value Range In Code Formula

Oct 31, 2007

Here is my
Dim value1 As String

value1 = "=OFFSET($B$6,$A6-1,0,1,1)"

Range("g6:ad12").Formula = "=SUMIF(OFFSET(" & value1 & "!$j$6,0,0," & value1 & "!$A$5,1),(" & value1 & "!AS$5)-1,OFFSET(" & value1 & "!$n$5,1,0," & value1 & "!$A$5,1))"

my "value1" needs to equal the value in the corresponding row for the formula. For example:
B6 = "BEA"
B7 = "GE"
B8 = "TAS"
My formula only gets cell B6 value and doesn't pick up B7 or B8 as the formula copies from G6:AD12

how do i get it to pick up B7 then b8?

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VB Code To Place Formula In Cell

Jul 9, 2008

Upon user making selection from data validation list in Active Row Selection & Column A : i would like to do the following (is possible)

Place formula in Active Cell Row & Column S

=MT4|BID! (followed by cell A1 but replace the "/" with "") followed by "m"

I have tried several combinations but with no success.
Also - where would i place this code so that it automatically updates the formula in Column S as soon as the user changes selection in Cell A?

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Add Subtraction Formula To Cell Via Code

Aug 11, 2007

If I wish to amend the below code such that it must use the cell one row above minus the cell on the left, how should I go about it?


If in cell C10, the formula is to use C9 minus B10.
If in cell C11, the formula is to use C10 minus B11.

mylogoff.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]-RC[-2]

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Cell Formula To Convert Text To VBA Code

May 8, 2014

I am about to take on a rather large excel project for our company. The first part is coming up with how to deal with our drafting department's length inputs. In this project, our users will be entering lengths in a unique format. I have to convert that unique format to a standard Foot-Inch-Fraction format.

To try to keep the file size down and keep the complexity down, converting a cell formula to VBA so i can run this on a group of cells rather than repeating my code downward multiple rows on multiple sheets.

It is either this or come up with my own font that will convert it for me but I do not know where to start with that. How to take a stab at converting this to a VB code i can run?

A3 = 1.0108
B3 = 1'-1 1/2"

The code in B3 looks like this:

[Code] .......

An explanation of the unique format we use in our drafting department:

Basic Feet, Inch and Fraction format = 0 . 00 00 = Feet . Inch Fraction

The numbers left of the decimal point are feet. The first two numbers to the right of the decimal point are inches and the next two are sixteenths of an inch.

4’-2" = 4.0200
15’-5 1/4" = 15.0504
4’-11 3/8" = 4.1106
0’-1 15/16" = 0.0115

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Color Code Cell Formula References

Dec 3, 2007

If I have a cell containing a formula say c1= sum(a1..a10) and the output appears in a50. how do I colour code it so I know the formula in c1 is linked to the output in a50?

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Code To Add Nested IF & ISERROR Formula To Cell

Jun 26, 2008

Application. ScreenUpdating = False

For FormulaRemake = 2 To 2000
Worksheets("Data"). Range("D" & FormulaRemake).Formula = ""=If(ISERROR(Data!W"" & FormulaRemake - 1 & "")"" & ""=True,"",Data!W"" & FormulaRemake - 1 & "")""
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

I'm having troubles with the syntax for the .Formula part. I read that when you do this you're supposed to double quote everything, except if you need a "" in it...?
Should look like this when done right: =IF(ISERROR(Data!W1)=TRUE,"",Data!W1) Also is there anything besides ScreenUpdating that will make this code run faster?

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Macro Code To Replace Part Of Formula With Value Of Certain Cell

Jun 18, 2014

Here is the code I'm working on:

I want this code to replace the value of s with the value of a cell.

sub Macro2()
Dim s As String

s= value of (cell F2)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[(s).xlsm]Payroll Computation '!R8C11"

End Sub

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Code Errors On Setting Cell Values To A Formula?

Jul 15, 2014

the following two statements return the error "Application-defined or object-defined error"

Sheets("Purchase").Range("PurchaseTax").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]0,ROUND(RC[-1]/11,2),"")"
Sheets("Purchase").Range("FreightTax").Formula = "=IF(FreightCharge0,ROUND(FreightCharge/11,2),"")"

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Use TextBox Number In Cell Formula Added By Code

Mar 4, 2008

I'm having trouble getting my random number generator functions to use my variables that are defined by text box inputs. I can mouse over the variables in the code and they have the correct values, with the excpetion of where they are listed in the functions. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, thanks in advance for any help!

Private Sub cmdPopulate_Click()
StdDev = txtStdDev.Value
RandomNum = txtRandomNum.Value
Mean = txtMean.Value
lambda = txtLambda.Value
OriginCell = txtOriginCell.Value
If cmbDistributions.Value = "Normal" Then .................

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Create Macro Code That Auto Fill Cell With Formula?

May 23, 2014

When I enter data in the cells A1 and B1, C1 needs to calculate the result. (not copy and paste)

For examle: I have formula C1=(A1+B1)/2

C column for formula, but shows result only when there is a data in A and B

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Importing Formula / Code From One Cell To Another To Affect Multiple Cells?

Mar 5, 2014

The idea is to select an item i one cell, which in return will affect the following cells with the nutritional values. So far so good. I would then like, if a given amount is entered, it calculates the values.

A food item is typed in Cell A. The following cells will Index Match a table (on a different sheet), importing calculation formulas based on the food items nutritional value (Cells C - G). If an amount is typed in Cell B (i.e. 100 grams) the following cells will then calculate the correct nutritional values.

i learned to make an INDEX MATCH function, so that when i type "Gulerod" or something like that, the following cells import information from the Table tab... When the table contains fixed values, this works just fine. However - i tried to make the table (the cells) with calculation formulas (i.e. =SUM(4*B3))... this means the values in the tables are 0 untill a value is typed in B3 (in this example).

... however when i do the Index Match in my main tab, only the "0"'s are imported, and no matter what value i enter in B3 in the main tab, the following cells remains with the fixed value 0.

... so my question is - is it even possible to have the Index Match function import the calculation formula from the table and have it work in the main tab as well? Or is there any other way to make this work in Excel? Basically - to have the main sheet find the relevant data to use for calculation on a different tab/sheet, and then do the actually calculations on the main tab/sheet.

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Check & Change Cell After Adding Formula Via Macro Code

Apr 17, 2008

The loop is putting the correct formula into the cell - but THEN... - I wish to (within the loop and before it moves on) check if the value is equal to OR greater than 1 - if it is, make it a value of 1 (this '1' is then used at the bottom of the column of data to give a total). I need to do this before it moves onto the next cell. What am I doing wrong? Is it because once it puts formula in the cell, it then moves down - do I need to select the cell again first? As I had originally posted on this site - link: url][/url]

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Add Formula To Cell To Equal Product Of 2 Other Cells Via Macro Code

Apr 18, 2008

I'm trying to set a cell on one sheet to be equal to the product of two cells on another sheet. The problem is that one of the cells on the other page is dependent on the variable T. This is what I've got and it's giving me errors

Worksheets("Output").Range("K14").Formula = "Worksheets("Calcs").Range("D17")*worksheets("Calcs").Range("D17").Offset(10+T,0)"

When I record a macro it gives me this, but again, I need the last cell in terms of "T"

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=Calcs!R[3]C[-7]*Calcs!R[14]C[-7]"

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