Automatically Load Analysis Toolpak Add-in
Nov 17, 2006
I have seen spreadsheets where there are macros embedded that 1) check to see if the Analysis Tookpak is loaded and 2) Load the Analysis Tookpak if it is not loaded. I would like to do the same in a spreadsheet that I am creating and using. Does someone have example macros they could share that do what I am asking?
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Nov 13, 2008
I use various spreadsheets which use the EOmonth function. The reason for this is that I have a variable start month and then move out for a set period and this is a very easy way of doing this. My only problem is that you have to have the Analysis ToolPak add-in selected, so when you send to other people, it doesn't work. I have use a bit of code to turn this on, but if the disable macros is selected than this doesn't work.
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Feb 23, 2007
I found this code in the posts to automatically install the Analysis ToolPak at Open.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
AddIns("Analysis ToolPak").Installed = True
End Sub
I tried this in the workbook module but it doesn't seem to work. Is this code correct or have I done something incorrectly?
Also, are there any drawbacks to an automatic install of an add in like this and if it runs the code every time the workbook opens, is there any performance issues (maybe only opens a bit slower)?
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Apr 9, 2007
I currently have a formula like this:
this formula is used because I was adding or subtracting a certain number of days from one date to figure out when a certain event would occur next. When the date fell on a weekend, I wanted to make sure that it rolled over to the next closest weekday.
HOWEVER, what I also want this formula to do is exclude weekends in the counting of the days. So basically, I want to exclude weekends completely from my formula.
example, Printing always occurs 4 days after the p.r. meeting. the p.r. meeting is in e87. so e87 + 4 = the printing date. but I dont want those 4 days to include weekends in the count AND I dont want the final date to fall on a weekend either.
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Feb 28, 2007
A workbook was created using the English version of Excel. It uses Analysis Toolpak functions.
When the workbook is opened on a Spanish version Excel system, embedded functions - like IF, AND, OR translate to Spanish. Other functions, like NETWORKDAYS, do not.
Any cross-language users have a tool for this? Other than doing a Find/Replace or creating custom functions.
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Dec 16, 2002
I need to do a macro that will open a search window, the user would select a folder and it will search for a .csv file within it. Then after locating the file, it would automatically load it into a specific sheet in the workbook.
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Nov 22, 2006
in excel, is there a place called data analysis under tools? im an exchange student in sweden andthe work that teacher gave me is half swedish and half english.. im looking for histogram there.
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Aug 7, 2009
I need to write a program that will take numbers from various sheets, do a function on them (specifically a statistical analysis), and print that number to a cell on one sheet. I've tried to have all of the numbers go to one cell and have the analysis done on them, but after so many sheets, I get a memory error. I don't necessarily need all of the numbers to be saved, just the result is what I need.
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May 11, 2009
how to tackle a piece of work that I really don't want to do.
We have extracted some summary information on one of our products. The workbook has 10 sheets, one for each of our 10 main sales channels. Each sheet has the same layout of information on. There are 7 tables on each sheet, and each one cuts the data in a different way (eg one summarises by age of purchaser (in age bands), another by demographic group etc). Each table then has the same 14 columns of key data (eg number of sales, average order value).
I've been asked to analyse this information "for anything interesting". At the moment, the only way I can think to do this is to print out the 10 sheets, sit down with a highlighter, and try to visually identify trends and anomalies. The idea fills me with dread, and I suspect will be quite inefficient.
I've asked whether I can get the data in a pivot table or some other format that might be more conducive to analysis, and have been told no. (There will easily be more than 100,000 lines in the original data (we're using Excel 2003)). To be honest, I'm not sure that I'd really be that much better off, even if it were in a pivot table.
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Aug 20, 2009
to figure out a breakeven analysis.
Here is the situation. I bought 100 shares of stock at $40 each for total investment of $4000. The stock price is now $26 a share so the investment is down $1,400. I want to figure out the number of additional shares I need to buy at $26 so that when the price goes to $26.01 i turn a profit.
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Oct 6, 2009
I have this piece of code that loads a list box and it has worked without 1 problem for the longest time.
Today, there have been 4 or 5 instances when it doesn't work, where I hit the load button and it does nothing.
I have closed down and restarted and it seems to work but this is very annoying
If txtBusinessName = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter search criteria"
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
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Feb 25, 2007
I have made the next code
Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename("JPG Files(*.jpg),*.jpg,GIF files(*.gif),*.gif")
If Filename = False Then
Response = MsgBox("Er was geen file gekozen!", vbOKOnly & vbCritical, "Er is iets fout gegaan")
Exit Sub
End If
Userform.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Filename)
I can choose a picture and it will be vissible in the Userform.
The problem is it's not saved into the userform it self.
How can i make it so that when i choose a picture it's also the picture i see the next time i open the userform.
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May 30, 2006
how I can pass a value to this function. For example I know the record id that I want loaded, it is 42, so I want to create a button that brings up record id 42 when clicked. I think to do this I would load the form, then call cmbSelect() and pass it Me.TextBox1 = Value "42", but I am not sure on the syntax on how to do this
Private Sub cmbSelect_Click()
Dim r As Integer
Dim cell As Range, rngRecord As Range
' Locate indicated record
For Each cell In MyData
If CStr(cell) = Me.TextBox1 Then
For Each rngRecord In cell.Range("B1:AS1")
If rngRecord.Offset(-rngRecord.Row + 1, 0) <> "" Then
Me.Controls(CStr(rngRecord.Offset(-rngRecord.Row + 1, 0))) =
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Dec 28, 2006
how assign a variable to the combobox into a bucle, (they are many combobox)
can be this way?
Dim combo As String
Dim cell As Integer
For combo= 1 To 10
With combobox(combo)
Do While cells(cell,1).value <> ""
.add item activecell.value
End With
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Dec 17, 2012
My boss wants me to take the holiday info from SAGE for 80 employees and create a record on excel. He wants to know what holidays each employee has taken and is due to take throughout the year. As each employee works a different amount of hours and a different shift pattern, SAGE records their holiday entitlement in hours rather than days. I have attached an example of one employees details and if come up with an excel document containing similar information for 80 individuals - all starting on different dates and all having a different amount of holiday entitlement. He wants to be able to look at each employees record for the year and see not only holiday data but sick days too. I don't know where to start with this - I've thought about creating a workbook with 80 pages and create a 12 month calendar for each individual with days off marked on it?
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Aug 13, 2008
What's the technique for opening a .pdf file and copying its contents into Excel for subsequent analysis by VBA?
On my Mac version of Excel there doesn't seem a facility to import it or even copy and paste it. Is this something that's available in Windows versions of XL?
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Feb 10, 2012
I need to summarise a batch of data in this format....
YearPeriodAccountCustomerPart NumberSalespersonChannelValue2011Jan1SteveA1KylieHome1502011Feb2BillA2KylieExport1802011
And need to put it in the following format...
Salesperson - KylieJanFebMarAprMaySteve150Bill180Fred200John100Andy85
I know I can use a series of pivot tables but would like to keep the size of the file to a minimum.
Is a DSum the way to go or can I use a Sum if and use an and function with the sum if?
formula if so to saveme a bucketload of trial and error attempts...
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Sep 25, 2012
I have a problem that I am finding impossible to find a solution to myself. I want to take the maximum value on a graph (in a column) that has the 2 values next to it (above and below) within 5% of that value. If they are not within 5% I want it to look for the second largest value with the same conditions and so on until the conditions are met.
If it makes it simpler, the final point can be ignored as there are only values above it in the column.
It is in column H, which goes from H3:H51
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Jul 5, 2008
I have been putting together workbook for my golf analysis.
Against each hole (1-18) I enter in one row which club I used from the tee which could be any of the following: D,3w,5w,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,w,s.
I also have a row that says whether I have hit the fiarway or not. If hit fairway = 1 if missed = 0.
What I want to be able to do is show the % of times I hit the fairway with each club. This would seem ida for the if function but I'm not quite sure how it would work because the result row is going to need to look at every hole to see if the club used was d,5w,3 etc etc and 'if' so then it will need to look at the row which says 'hit fairway or not' i.e. 1 or 0. This is where I get lost and am not sure if I do need the 'if' function or something else? Perhaps I need additional rows?
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Sep 4, 2009
If I wanted to calculate weighted average of a bunch of salespeople, is there a way to not include some values, such as ones below a certain value? I'm trying to so something like, what would my weighted average be if I didn't include my bottom 2 salespeople or my top 2 salespeople.
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Oct 5, 2006
I need to analyse trends between a range of cells. The idea is to display an image of a triangle pointing up if the percentage between the current month and the previous is bigger, a triangle pointing down if the percentage has decreased or a rectangle if both months are the same. I've tried to build a userform to ask the user to input the range and then analyze the data...with no luck at all.
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Apr 2, 2007
I need to analyse data content in cells. For example, I need to analyse a list of post codes. I need to get the following info:
Max Length
Min Length
Data Types
Data Formats
Null Count
Most frequently used value
Unique record count
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May 1, 2007
I have an excel question on how to create a table that will be able to compare actual results with our estimated results.
Basically, the column I have in blue in the attached excel file contains our estimates. Once the actual numbers come out, we will replace those numbers with actual numbers.
I would like to create a table that will automatically show the magnitude of the impact of the actual numbers vs our results -- basically how much each item added or subtracted from EPS.
The items I would like to show the impact of are:
(1) The tax rate -- how much the actual tax rate impacted EPS vs. our estimate. For example - if it was a lower tax rate there may be a $0.03 benefit.
(2) interest expense line - more/less interest..what the impact of that is.
(3) non-recurring items
(4) Share count - a lower share count or a higher share count than we anticipated - what the effect on EPS is.
For each item though, every other item should be held constant. So if looking at tax rate -- then use the actual interest expense and the actual shares.. and if looking at that to our estimate but use the actual tax rate reported and the actual interest expense....
There should then be a sum total of these items +/- impact to EPS.
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May 3, 2007
i want to run data analisys(Rank and percentile) on each row in my sheet and put the results on a new sheet
(the reuslts are 4 rows ) My problem is some how the command of the run analisysWon't run the command
kStop = . Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
ActiveSheet.Name = "Analisys_Results"
Sheets(" Total time data").Select
Var = 4
Var1 = 8
For ILoop = 1 To kStop
If (ILoop > 1) Then
Var = Var + 4
Var1 = Var + 4
End If.....................
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Sep 29, 2007
I am trying to do some analysis on montly bank account data. To do this I need to take the bank statement information for the month and put it into a table that shows every day of the month (see attached example).
I am currently doing this manually but I'm sure there must be a smarter way of doing this.
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Aug 30, 2013
I created the csv file from excel sheet. Now I have created a copy of that excel sheet in a new sheet, and I am trying to load that saved csv in the new sheet. But when I do that I see some cells formatting mismatch (can be seen in attached picture) though I clicked on preserve cell formatting at the time of import.
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Dec 17, 2009
i had a file with 10,500 lines, 18,000 kb and it seemed slow to load (about a minute) every time i made changes and then saved it or reopened it.
so i broke the file up into 3 smaller files by cutting and pasting. i deleted all empty lines and columns beyond the file content. i defragged my compter. i cleared all excess format in job history - but -
one file now has 3,900 lines, 22,300 kb and takes 4 minutes to load.
one file now has 2,000 lines, 20,100 kb and takes 4 minutes to load.
one file now has 4,900 lines, 14,500 kb and takes 1 minute to load.
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Apr 27, 2009
I'm trying to load the following XML file in Excel 2007 (from Excel 2007 VBA Programmmer's Reference) and get the error "Strict Parse Error" when I do so.
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May 19, 2009
I have a checkbox with a userform. I can get it so that if I enable it and add data then it correctly shows as "Yes" or "No" within excel. However if I open the data using offset the checkbox is greyed out with neither Yes or No. Is there a way to make the checkbox allow and show a value of Yes/No?
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Jul 12, 2009
I have a main form (Form1). From this main form another is loaded (form2) and then if necessary another form is loaded (form3). On form3 I have the following
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