Automatically Moving Data Between Sheets?

Jul 20, 2013

I am working on a macro which transfers data from one sheet to another. The code starts by taking cells M1:P1 from sheet SL_Background and moving them to B9:E9 on sheet CreateSL. It then moves to the next set of four cells on SL_Background (Q1:T1) onto the next line down on sheet CreateSL (B10:E10). I am repeating this process about 180 times right now and it is all coded like this:

Application.CutCopyMode = False


So what I would like to do is to make something that automates this process and will eliminate more than 1000 lines of code.

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Moving Data Automatically From One Worksheet To Another

May 22, 2008

We use work order worksheets in excel with basic information: Date in, work order #, account, date out, total # of days, work conducted by, number of samples, description of sample, etc. Each work order has an individual worksheet. The information in these worksheets eventually get entered into a work order log containing the same information in order to compile a quarterly report. We might have 400 work orders in a quarter.

My question is: How do I link the individual worksheet to the work order log in order to get the data to transfer automatically when a new work order is entered into a worksheet? I'm able to get the first work order to link to the log worksheet, but CAN NOT figure out how to get subsequent work orders to enter into the following rows, rather than just replace the first row over and over.

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Moving Data Automatically From One Sheet To Another

Apr 13, 2007

I am constructing a database where i need to transfer data from one sheet to another constantly. Assume I have column A in sheet 1 listed with names, and column B in the same sheet listed different dates and colume C in the same sheet displaying today's date.

Wht I want to do is when Dates in Column B has expired today's Date (13/4/2007 > 1/4/2007), I want the entire row transfer to Sheet 2 A3, with the original row in Sheet 1 deleted. If there are multiple rows in Sheet 1 expired, i want them transfered to Sheet 2 starting from A3, follow one another. The new data transfered to Sheet 2 will then be high-lighted in Red color.

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Moving Data Between Sheets

Apr 9, 2009

I have one very large piece of data located in one worksheet that I use across ten other worksheets. I simply copy and paste this data into each worksheet each morning after the data has been refreshed. Is there any way to be able to simply have my master sheet update and then get coppied to all of my other sheets?

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Automatically Copy Data From 3 Sheets To Another?

Jun 30, 2012

I am trying to copy data from three separate tables (from sheet 1, 2 and 3) into 1 table (sheet 4). I do not want to combine the data, instead have all of the data in one place.

I have tried the consolidate function, but am not having much luck?

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Automatically Populate Data To Multiple Sheets?

Dec 31, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that contains many lines of information that will constantly be added to and updated. One of the columns contains a drop down with 4 possible options. I am trying to get the data to copy to a sheet based on 1 of the 4 options selected. So for example, if Education is selected, then that row of data should also appear in the Education sheet. Same goes if one of the other options is selected.

I have seen several examples on this forum, but they are mostly macros (or formulas that don't quite apply). I am trying to use formulas so that the information is updated live so macros don't really seem to be a viable option.

I am including a sample of the spreadsheet with data on the main sheet and how I want it to look when it is transferred over to the other sheets. I had to substitute a lot of the information (with numbers or filler words) due to it being confidential.

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Automatically Combining Data From Multiple Sheets?

Sep 28, 2013

I have a time tracker that provides hours that employees clock in and out. It provides me with an excel document with all the employees time every two weeks as needed, however it does not total the hours from all previous spread sheets so that I can have a YTD (year to date) total of the employees hours worked and I need to be able to have this. Currently I am going through each and every spreadsheet and totalling them up. I have over 40 employees and this has become very time consuming to say the least.

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Have Data From Multiple Sheets Automatically Go To Master Sheet

Aug 24, 2013

I currently have an excel work book with multiple sheets per year. What I want to happen is that whenever I input data in one of the Year sheets, it will automatically go to the Master sheet.

See attached file for sample


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Targets To Make Data Move Automatically Across Sheets

Aug 1, 2013

I want to make a spreadsheet that has codes that make items show up on another sheet but how to do this.

For example I would start on sheet 1 and on cell A2 I would type the amount $100. Then in cell B2 I would type in F (I will call this a code).

Now on sheet two I want the amount on cell A2 to show up in a column of items designated for F items. If I had typed in G instead I would have wanted it to go to a column for G items. All the values under the given code will show up in the column that is represented by them.

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Automatically Moving Cells With Macro

Jan 7, 2008

I have a list of diagnostic procedures, some of which are for the same patient. I need a macro that does the following: move every second procedure (a couple of cells per row) of one patient number (column B) next to (11 cells to the right and 1 row up) the first procedure. But only if there's less than 3 months between the procedures (dates are in column G) and if both procedures were on the same side of the body (left or right, column L)
Is there a macro that can do this for me?
Is there a macro that just moves a couple of cells in a row 11 cells to the right and 1 row up?

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Automatically Moving From One Sheet To Another Through A Double Click

Jul 29, 2006

I am trying to do is use VBA to move from the diagram directly to the macro number. The Cells on the Diagram have functions in them and there is no reference to what macro goes with which function. My list loocs like this

Macro NumbersFunctionCommands
1001 Lamp On
1002 Lamp Off
1003 (Empty)
1004 (Empty)
1005 (Empty)
1006 CH 611 611
1007 Ch 612 612
1008 Ch 613 613
1009 Ch 614 614
1010 Ch 615 615
1011 Ch 616 616
1012 Ch 617 617
1013 Ch 618 618

The diagram is a 20 by 20 grid of cells that correspond to macros I have a third sheet that has the macro numbers listed in the same format as the diagram. The problem I have is how to read the corresponding macro number from Sheet 3 then find that number on Sheet 2.

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Moving Columns Automatically When Date Changes Business Days Only

Aug 7, 2012

I would like to move columns to the right as the date changes. For example, the top of the column has the current date. Within the column are about 40 rows of data. as the date changes, I would like that column to automatically move to the right and show that column with yesterday's date, and have that data associated along with it moved. I am looking for 6 months of columns to store, with the current date in the first column and subsequently moving right with the previous dates and info.

August 7, 2012 | August 6, 2012 | August 5, 2012 | August 4, 2012 | August 3, 2012
Accepted Processed Accepted
Rejected Accepted
Processed Processed
and so on

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Moving Colored Text Within A Automatically Adjusting Table Containing More Than 3 Col

Jan 17, 2007

Moving Colored Text within a automatically adjusting table containing More Than 3 Colors, from Coloum to Coloum. i have managed to put this little chart together to use on our gaming wedsite but i would like to go one step further with it. may table automatically moves the colums up and down the table as i enter the infomation in to it,, "but" I the colours in the text do not stay the same as they move up and down the coloums. how to make the coloured text keep its colour in the table as it alters its position in the table

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Negative Numbers To Another Cell Automatically?

Sep 15, 2013

I have an issue with two columns in Excel 2007. The first one has a bunch of numbers that run from top to bottom and I would like to move all of the negative numbers from the first column to the second one. I understand that this can be done with the IF command

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Fix Position When Moving Between Sheets

Feb 26, 2009

I use a Workbook with several Sheets. I want to be able to quickly move to the same cell (whatever cell is currently in use) up and down the Sheets. Ideally I would also like the chosen cell to be centered on the page as well!!

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Moving Rows Between Sheets

May 22, 2008

I have a dropdown list with names of different people: Bob, Jane, Joe, et cetera. I also have tabs at the bottom (sheets) for each of these people. Is it possible that when a name is selected from the dropdown box in column D, say Bob, the whole row (row 10 or whatever) is cut from main sheet and put into Bob's sheet, then the row is deleted from main sheet? If this doesn't make sense (because I stink at making sense), just let me know and I will try to clarify

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Stop The Moving Sheets

Jun 21, 2006

I have a macro that will open all the workbooks in a specified folder, regardless of the actual number of workbooks...All worked fine, until I tried to move a particular worksheet, from each wbk, into another specified wbk....The files open correctly, and copy / move the sheets correctly to the assigned won't stop inserting starts over and continues the process....?????

Option Explicit

Sub rbaOpenAll()
Dim x As Integer
Dim WB As String
Dim wbk As Workbook
For x = 1 To 100
WB = "G:ClaimsXtenTESTRBARBA " & x & ".xls"
On Error Resume Next
Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=WB)
Worksheets("Current Rules - 1").Activate..............

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View Two Sheets - Moving In Sync

Jun 11, 2007

Remember Lotus used to do this?

I have on one sheet - 600 rows of financial products by 100 regions worth of $ balances and on another identically formatted sheet the associated interest rates.

I just want to page down on the $balances tab and have interest rates tab move in sync - letting me eyeball the related info.

I've tried searching for an hour to come up with the right terms - split, freeze, etc.

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Unhiding Sheets With Combobox Selection And Duplicating Sheets Automatically

Sep 27, 2011

I have 25 sheets in the workbook and a combobox on the main page, The combobox references a range of 1-25 that represents the 25 hidden pages. right now i can get the sheets to unhide one at a time based on the selection e.g. combobox option 1 will unhide sheet 1 but the sheet are representing sites in a design so i need to have the option to select multiple sites in the combobox option so for example if i select 5 then sheets 1-5 should unhide. I hope I've explained that clearly.

The other question or option would be to just duplicate sheet 1 based on the combobox selection e.g. selection 5 duplicates sheet 1 5 times.

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Moving Information Within A Workbook And Inserting In Sheets

Oct 29, 2009

Can someone help me i have a few columns of information i need to move over to a another sheet, but the problem is the information i need to move is the end result of a formula and when i move it the answers are gone how do i fix this,,,,, and both sheets are on the same work book as well
is there a vlookup formula to use,,,im not experienced in Vlookup up formulas

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Moving Filtered Rows From Two Sheets At Same Time

Feb 15, 2014

My code below is supposed to move filtered rows in 2 sheets ("BANK ENTRIES" and "GL ENTRIES")with "Y"/"y" character on column J which is manually encoded by user. The rule is, before they can move, the total amount in column I in both sheets should match. That is the reason why rows in both sheets should be moved at the same time. I was able to figure out this rule with the use of an If Statement and a message box.

My problem is, if I run the code where there is only 1 row remaining in both sheets, "BANK ENTRIES" would insert a blank row in the third line despite my if statement

[Code] .....

The second problem is, If I run the code on "BANK ENTRIES", my first header on the "GL ENTRIES" will be deleted. If I run also the code on "GL ENTRIES", my first header on "BANK ENTRIES" sheet will be deleted. There must be something wrong on my code. I am attaching my working file for you to have a clear visibility on my problem.

Attached File : xx_xxxx_xxx_Template2_2013-11-30v3.xlsm‎

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Macro - Shortcut For Moving Between Sheets In A Workbook.

Jan 13, 2009

Could some one amend the VBA below to allow a continous loop on moving to the previous sheet within a workbook. Currently when I move to the first sheet if I use the shortcut key I get a debug error.

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Shortcut For Moving Cursor To Cell A1 Of All Sheets Within Workbook

May 15, 2014

I know that the shortcut for moving the cursor to cell A1 of an active sheet within a workbook is Ctrl + Home. However, I thought there was a shortcut (using just keystrokes) to do this for all the sheets within the workbook. Is there such a shortcut?

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Moving And Deleting Entire Rows Between Tabs In Workbook And Moving Them Back If Needed

Sep 23, 2013

I have an excel work book with 6 tabs. I would like to have Excel move an entire row from one tab to another tab (removing the row and inserting it in the other tab). I.e. Example I have a tab with items that are marked as "Open Actions" so if I were to change the drop down to close. Excel would move that entire row of actions to the tab with the "closed actions" and insert into the next available row. Now if someone were to come back at a later date say no it should be reopened than I would change the drop down to open and excel would move that row back to the open actions tab into next available row. I tried a PIVOT table and no good I played with few macro and not.

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Data From One Worksheet To Another Keeping Data And Formatting?

May 5, 2014

I am working on a project that has 5 worksheets. I have been able to figure out everything else I need to do but this has me stumped. I have data in Sheet1 A6, that i want to place in Sheet2 A6, Sheet3 A6, Sheet4 A6 and Sheet5 A6 and keep data and formatting(BOLD AND UNDERLINE). So I change Sheet1 A6 and the other 4 sheets change also. I'm using Microsoft Excel 2007.

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Get Sheets Names Automatically?

Feb 5, 2014

How do I get sheets names automatically? I.E. I want to get in A2 sheet number 2 name. In A3, sheet number 3 name...

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Automatically Sort Information Into Different Sheets

Nov 30, 2008

I have a sales sheet that records every sale as it comes in. I want it to copy the relevant information (only that sales reps sales) into each sales reps individual sheet automatically so that I can send each rep his own sheet. Can this be done? SEE ATTACHMENT

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Automatically Generating Day And Date On Several Sheets

Dec 5, 2007

I have made a daily planner for each month. The dates are on separate sheets which are titled 1st Dec 07, 2nd Dec 07 and so on.

This is also included on the actual sheet as well in the form of a heading. I want to know if it's possible to automatically rename the text on the sheet to what the sheet is called?

Or if the first sheet has a title of '1st Dec 07' how can I get the other sheets to automatically be titled in sequence so I don't have to do it manually?

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Automatically Consolidating Multiple Sheets

Nov 25, 2008

I'll be as succinct as I can, and I'm sorry if this question has been answered already. I've had a look at past posts and can't seem to find anything.

My service has an Excel workbook of patient details. These details are separated across three sheets called 'Generic', 'Heart Failure' and 'Falls and Fracture Management'.

The columns in each sheet are the same. Every month I produce a single report of data from columns A, B, L, Q and R in each sheet.

I've been doing this by copying/pasting each of those columns from 'Generic' individually into a new sheet, then putting the same data from 'Heart Failure' underneath, etc., then manually deleting all rows that contain a blank in any cell.

Is it possible that VBA code can be written to do this? I don't know anything about codes; I know I could achieve the same effect with linking, but it seems that this would be unreliable.

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Automatically Delete Certain Sheets Upon Save As

Sep 14, 2009

Our company has designed a Excel Document for quoting purposes. The problem we are having is that certain sheets that are needed to do the quote do not need to be used after the quote is finished and saved. These extra worksheets are taking up a lot of room on our server. In the document I have already disabled the save feature so that the saveas has to be used. Is there code that can delete sheets 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 upon doing a save as?

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