Automatically Delete Certain Sheets Upon Save As
Sep 14, 2009
Our company has designed a Excel Document for quoting purposes. The problem we are having is that certain sheets that are needed to do the quote do not need to be used after the quote is finished and saved. These extra worksheets are taking up a lot of room on our server. In the document I have already disabled the save feature so that the saveas has to be used. Is there code that can delete sheets 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 upon doing a save as?
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Jan 22, 2010
I'm not sure if this is possible but I want to be able to click print and after it has printed, transferred and cleared I would like it to save the purchase order and continuation sheet.
If this is being done on different computers is it possible for it to simply bring up the dialog box and the user save it where they would like?
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Aug 26, 2008
I have plenty of sheets in my spreadsheet but I need some of the sheets to be deleted before it can be sent to client due to sensitive data. Just to be proactive, some time I may not delete the sheet/s before I send it to client...and that means I am fired from my job.
How is it possible that before I save as my master spreadsheet, excel deletes some of the sheets (Names: "Cost", "Contacts","Vendor"), etc.
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Sep 27, 2011
I have 25 sheets in the workbook and a combobox on the main page, The combobox references a range of 1-25 that represents the 25 hidden pages. right now i can get the sheets to unhide one at a time based on the selection e.g. combobox option 1 will unhide sheet 1 but the sheet are representing sites in a design so i need to have the option to select multiple sites in the combobox option so for example if i select 5 then sheets 1-5 should unhide. I hope I've explained that clearly.
The other question or option would be to just duplicate sheet 1 based on the combobox selection e.g. selection 5 duplicates sheet 1 5 times.
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Jun 4, 2007
I have 120 sheets in my workbook and I only need 5 of them to save when there are changes, the other 115 are were data is pulled from. Is it possible to tell excel not to look at a sheet when it saves? I'm just after making it save faster.
This is going to be a workbook that " moves" a round a lot, so I want to the 115 sheets in the same workbook.
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Mar 30, 2008
I have received following macro from someone to delete series but the problem is that it gives error when some sheets are protected, and I want those sheets to protected. When run it will ignore/leave protected sheets but delete series only from unprotected sheets
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Rng As Range, i As Long, r As Range, lVal, uVal
Dim DeleteCount As Double
Dim lRow As Long
Dim dr As Long
Dim dc As Long
dc = Sheets("Deleted Numbers").UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1
dr = Cells(Rows.Count, Sheets("Deleted Numbers").UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
If dr = 60001 Then ................
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Dec 30, 2008
Is it possible to have the worksheet save itself automatically every 5 minutes or so?
I don't want the user to have to click on a macro or do anything. Basically they will not even know that it is saving.
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Jan 3, 2007
I would like to save a spreadsheet at a certain time every day.
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Jun 13, 2009
I am trying to fix is that I have two computers networked together both with multiple users all with access to the report form that I am using which is in the shared file. If I have been working on it (I am still trying to do improvements when I have time), and I have to leave for a fire or forget to close the report, no one can access it other than with read-only.
My idea was to run some type of code that either when the screen saver comes on or after so much time with no activity, it would close and save the file with a new file name(just in case I don't want the changes that I have made in the code or something).
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Sep 13, 2012
I have a workbook with 4 worksheets the first is called "input" which I use to enter information which goes to the other worksheets which arecalled engine, gearbox, doors.
I am stuck on the following; after inputting the information. I want to save as pdfs in various locations.
Is it possible to have 4 buttons on the input sheet which automatically :
Button 1 - Save "engine" worksheet as a pdf to a specified folder
Button 2 - Save "gearbox" worksheet as a pdf to a specified folder
Button 1 - Save "doors" worksheet as a pdf to a specified folder
Button 1 - Save the sheets as multiple excel files to a specified folder
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Oct 27, 2008
I've created a MsgBox that if you do not respond or Click on it within a set time it will either disappear or perform an action upon no selection. It works great....IF it’s the only excel workbook open. If there is a second workbook open (Even if the second WB is minimized) then the MsgBox just stays up and the "Timer" no longer works. My Code is as Follows:
Sub TimedMsgBox()
Dim Box As Object
Dim varResponse As Variant
Dim Res As Long
Set Box = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
varResponse = Box.Popup(Text:="Which button will you click?", secondstowait:=5, Title:="Click Me!", Type:=vbYesNoCancel)
If varResponse = vbYes Then
MsgBox "You clicked Yes"
ElseIf varResponse = vbNo Then
MsgBox "You clicked No"
ElseIf varResponse = vbCancel Then
MsgBox "You clicked Cancel"
ElseIf varResponse = -1 Then
Res = Box.Popup(Text:="What? Do you not like me?", secondstowait:=5, Title:="You Didn't click Me!", Type:=vbOK)
End If
End Sub
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Jan 23, 2008
I want to write a piece of code that will automatically do a SaveAs on the workbook I'm using, say every hour, and add the current system date and time to the filename every time.
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Jun 21, 2014
I need a macro that will create a backup copy of excel file in other folder when an original file is closing.
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Mar 21, 2009
I would like excel to automatically suggest the save as file name and location for my workbook when I click the save, save as or close options. The file name should be a combination of values in cells A1 and A2 of Sheet1. The location should be a folder named "Bill" in C:/My Documents. I think I can do it with a beforesave code but I am new to vba.
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Jul 22, 2013
How to click a button to automatically combine a few cell data and save it as the file name ?
The file name i want to save, is in this method.
( Date 2013-07-22 ) + ( Cheque No UOB000000 ) + ( ReceiverName ) + ( InvoiceNo L123456 ) + ( Payment Voucher Code ) + ( Amounts $1111111 )
______V5___________________E17___________________D11________________O9______________Add word ( PV )_____________W16
Sample File name : 2013-07-22_UOB000000_TransAuto_Inv778899_PV_$$$$$$$
I tried to add this code : FName = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Payment Voucher").Range =("V5&"_"&E17&"_"&D11&"-"&O9&"_"&"PV"&"_"&W16")
But getting error.
Than i tried to group all the cell data into cell (E11) and than select as range (E11), but when i tried to group it, the beginning the file name instead of i want it to be the date 2013-07-22_UOB........ it become 41113_UOB............
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May 28, 2008
I have a range that refer to an external data. This external data is refreshed every one minute. So the data is changing every one minute. I need to copy the content of one fix cell in that range into another cell every one minute, each time copy to a different cell. Example: cell A1 has the content that refer to an external data. Cell A1 is updated every one minute. At first A1= 100, I need it to be copied to cell B1 (so B1=100); one minute later, A1=101, I need it to be copied to B2 (so B2=101) and so on.
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Jun 4, 2008
Is it possible to open a template, prompt the user to enter data and have the template save itself as the user defined data?
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Jun 30, 2008
I am in the process of setting up an Excel invoice. So far I have managed to implement the following:
On open: Incrementing invoice number
Cells cleared ready for next use
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("Sales Invoice").Range("H2").Value = Sheets("Sales Invoice").Range("H2").Value + 1 .....................
There is only one task left I need to automate. On closing the document I would like a copy to be saved in a specific folder and be given the file name of a cell (B9). Obviously I would not want the 'saved copy' to retain the Incrementing invoice number or the clear cells function. Even if the invoice copy was exported as a flat jpeg that would be fine. I am using Office Exce 2003 (Sp2) - I have attached my invoice should anyone be kind enough to take a look.
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Sep 5, 2006
I'm trying to create a sub that will save my worksheet to a tab delimited text file anytime there is a change in the worsheet data (all cells are linked to cells in other workbooks). I've figured out the command to save the file
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisMy DocumentsBook1.txt", FileFormat:=xlText _
, CreateBackup:=False
but I'm not sure how to get a sub routine to start running when the file opens and to have it run continuously while open. I've found the command:
that will flag when any cells in my range are recomputed and run a function, but functions don't allow me to save the file.
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May 31, 2007
I have put together a booking spreadsheet which uses a UserForm. see attached worksheet. When you start the UserForm and select a name, date, number of nights, and then 'Add', the data is added to the worksheet.
1. My first problems is that when I select the 'Cancel' button on the Userform, I would like the spreadsheet to automatically save under C:My Documents. And also save the file as 'Marketing_DDMMYYYY.xls' as todays date.
2. My second problem is that the 'Leaving Data' column sometimes shows the leaving date in American format (MM/DD/YYYY), and sometimes English format (DD/MM/YYYY).
How can I make this always use English format?
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Jul 21, 2009
I am very new to vba and trying to figure out an auto save macro that will automatically save my workbook when a certian cell range is changed. Right now I have a macro set that automactially record the time and date of when a change is made to the name cell, I want to set up a macro that will automatically save the file when the time is updated.
This program is used by several users and they have a tendnecy to forget to save the program so that when other people want to check the updated data nothing has changed because the changes have not been saved. I have attached the file that I am working on. When a change is made in column F then Column G automatically updates, now I want column G to trigger autosave. I would also like a msgbox to appear to tell user that file has been saved.
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an excel file that I use to track all my financial investments. The file is already set up with a query to retrieve stock prices when I refresh the document.
I would like to be able to open up the document, and store the closing price of the stock(s) with a date in the next column over. With this information I can graph weekly, monthly annually, or any time period I want.
I have been searching for a couple of hours now, and I could not find anything similar to this. I would think this is a pretty common idea for many people tracking their investments with Excel, so if it has been covered perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.
I don't have any programming experience in excel so as detailed of an explanation as possible
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Aug 11, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that from a button I want to run a macro that will input todays date, the value in cell A1 as the filename into a default dialog box that is at a default file path. I have been trying to do this for several hours and can not completely get it done.
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Apr 15, 2009
I wanted to make a macro that saved my worksheet, then printed all the different tabs. The save is, of course, easy. Printing all tabs is being more difficult.
I tried to use the macro recorder, but all it did was select range, and then name each tab.
My tab names change though, so I need something that will just select all tabs.
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Mar 15, 2008
I have a workbook with several Sheets. I wish to automatically protect all sheets with specific user permissions, i.e. Select Unlocked Cells, Insert Rows, Use Auto Filter and Edit Objects, as I would have available when using the manual approach. Also, I wish to invoke a Password in the process.
Additionally, I need this code to operate when the file is Saved or Closed... transparent to the user.
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Mar 21, 2008
I don't believe this is possible but I've been wrong before.. Is it at all possible to Kill the current workbook using VBA? I " saved as" in another location and do not wish to keep the current workbook.
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Apr 20, 2008
I was wondering if it is possible to have a macro running that will automatically save a .csv file to specific location and close the file. I would like to have the macro running so that as the files are opened they will be automatically saved to this location.
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Apr 24, 2014
I have a script that opens the workbook Excel, and save him as PDF format. But my script saves all sheets in a book. I need to save only sheets with name "Cnt1", "Cnt2" .... "CntX".
Dim xlObj, objArgs, xlWB, xlSH
Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
file = objArgs.item(0)
fileToSave = objArgs.item(1)
set xlWB = xlObj.Workbooks.Open(file)
xlWB.ExportAsFixedFormat 0, fileToSave , 0, 1, 0,,,0
xlWB.close False
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Oct 24, 2007
I will have about 20 excel spreadsheets that will need to be run through some data cleansing and validation than each one exported to a csv file (without the column headings on them), and saved as the same file name as the spreadsheet was. If there are errors in the validation process then the one that fails (row) will be copied to an error log spreadsheet. There will be multiple worksheets in the error log workbook (one for each of the spreadsheets – which I hope VBA can create). What I am doing so far is creating a loop that will run on all of the spreadsheets located within a folder.
'Procucedure that will run all validation processes and error checking on extracteds spreadsheets
Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim i As Integer
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error Resume Next
Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
With Application.FileSearch
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Sep 13, 2013
I am using Excel 2007 and have to send monthly payslips to respective email ids. I have the Name and Email ids in Sheet 2 Range B1:C59 , and employee codes in A1:A59. And in Sheet 1 i have the Payslip format which was automatically displayed when i select the employee code from drop down list in the cell E7 in sheet 1.
Every time i manually save the files as PDF and send to their Emails. I want the out put as whenever i select the employee code from drop down list , it should automatically save as PDF with Name of that employee ( Name of the employee is located in B1:B59 in Sheet 2 ) and attachment should automatically go to that employee's email Id.
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