Moving Colored Text Within A Automatically Adjusting Table Containing More Than 3 Col

Jan 17, 2007

Moving Colored Text within a automatically adjusting table containing More Than 3 Colors, from Coloum to Coloum. i have managed to put this little chart together to use on our gaming wedsite but i would like to go one step further with it. may table automatically moves the colums up and down the table as i enter the infomation in to it,, "but" I the colours in the text do not stay the same as they move up and down the coloums. how to make the coloured text keep its colour in the table as it alters its position in the table

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Automatically Adjusting League Table

Sep 12, 2007

This is for a call centre and sales office. there are 3 tabs. Tab 1 represents the values that we update at the end of each week which then gives a running total over an 8 week period and then an average below. there is a seperate table for each staff member. Tab two is for one team of people and tab two is for the other team. Namely LG team and Sales Team. the tab 2 and 3 are to show league tables that both collect data from tab 1, but then create a league table showing who is top dog over the 8 week period. But this also has to self adjust to be in order.

on tab 2 and 3, the tables on the left will be hidden once complete, but are there to work out the league. the table on the right is then there to put and show the league in the right order. I HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE, COS EVEN I'M LOST NOW. I've followed previous advice on this and inputted what I think are the right formulas, but for some reason it's coming up with the wrong answers and several names are being repeated which are wrong. For example even when ben perhaps is number 2, it will show rahim as number 2 and number 3. why is this?

also, how do I get by the problem of on the odd occassion when perhaps ben and rahim have the same stats and are joint second, but it will only show ben as 2 and ben as 2 again, leaving rahim out of it. WOW. I'm glad I've got that out of my system. I was doing the washing up yesterday donig Excel formulas in my head. But the washing up got done at least.

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Automatically Adjusting Vlookup

Oct 22, 2008

I have a table upon which I wish to perform vlookups, however I need to be able to adjust the range that the vlookup searches to include any data that may be added in the future without having to go into the sheets and change the vlookup.


Name DOB
Tom 01/01/81
Dick 02/02/82
Harry 03/03/83

if someone then adds

Fred 04/04/84

I would like the vlookup to automatically accommodate the extra entry without needing any changes.

I've seen this done on data validation with the following formula:


It only needs to do new rows, not columns.

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Automatically Adjusting Dates

Jun 29, 2006

I am using the =today() function to places todays date in a can I get the next to cells to automatically display dates that are 2 months and 4 months later without having to change them manually every day. FWIW, this is for an certification expiration chart.

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Automatically Adjusting Sum Of Numbers When Adding / Deleting Rows

Jul 21, 2014

I currently have this formula to deal with this:


However, whenever I delete the top row...I get a reference error and have to re-adjust...

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Automatically Adjusting Sum Of Numbers When Adding / Deleting Rows?

Jul 21, 2014

I currently have this formula to deal with this:


However, whenever I delete the top row...I get a reference error and have to re-adjust...

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Complex Formulas Not Automatically Adjusting When Adding / Removing Rows?

Jul 11, 2014

I have this spreadsheet that I am creating schedules for my employees since our scheduling software at work is horrible to work with. It calculates total hours for each employee at the far right of the rows, and calculates total hours for each day in the columns. The formulas that calculate the hours for each day is set up to automatically deduct 30 minutes from a shift, for lunch, if they're scheduled for more than 5 hours (the gray shaded employee rows are for managers and that only deducts 30 mins if they're shift exceeds 8 hours).

I'm familiar enough to put somewhat complex formulas together, but I don't understand it enough to always make them work correctly. What I'm wanting to be able to do is add or subtract entire rows (add new employees or remove old), and have my formulas for calculating the total hours to still work. Right now if I delete a row the cell with the formula in it says #REF!. I can fix this by going through the formula and manually deleting everything in that contains those other cells, but the formula is huge, and it's pretty tedious going through the whole thing when it feels like there should be a simpler way of doing it.

TLDR: I want to be able to add/remove a row and have my cells currently on row 36 update the formula correctly.

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Duplicating Multiple Buttons Adjusting Target Cell Automatically

Jun 6, 2014

I tried to search the forum for my unique problem but had no luck. As you will see attached, I have a series of excel buttons I need to duplicate and have target a different set of cells. I am hoping there is a way to avoid manually doing this.

The goal of the document is to push the button when both colours in the row and column interact (research on birds). There are two additional behaviours with an exact same set of buttons but they need to target "Body Rush" and "Food Displacement" tables underneath. I need all the buttons on one page since multiple behaviours happen simultaneously that need to be recorded.

I have something like 100+ modules in VBA I have created, I am hoping there is an easier way to do this so I don't have to create another ~200 modules in order to get the last two behaviours setup.

I am hoping there is either an easier button system or way to make buttons adjust somehow.

I am not the most advanced VBA user

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Adjusting Dropdown Filter In Table

Oct 11, 2013

I've got a Table with 3 columns. (Goods, Amounts, Type). Every column has similar filter. Can I from the second and third filter remove the single item selection (red square below).

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Adjusting Row Height To Fit Text

Dec 10, 2012

How Auto Resize (height) cell to fit text? (macros, formulas, setting)? One can make the height of the cell is reset according to the amount of text?


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How To Find Colored Text

Sep 8, 2008

how to find the blue text in all sheets? I have around 10 sheets and from each sheet if a cell contains text in blue then that row, row number and the sheet name should be captured in a new sheet.

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Add Text To Specific Colored Cells

Sep 30, 2006

I would like to write an If clause to do the following. If the cell is colored blue (color index 32), insert the text "ignore" in the cell

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Certain Colored Text To Appear In Specific Total Cells?

Jan 20, 2014

What i need it for certain colored text to appear in specific total cells.

For example; i have 38 cells in a column within these cells id like it to have black writing which i want to total up and go into a total for that color into a specific cell and say green colored text into a different total cell and red text into another total cell.

If i had for instance 6 numbers all red 6 numbers all black and 6 green id like the numbers to all be added correctly and also into color specific cells?

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Automatically Filter Can Filter And Blue-colored Cells

Feb 20, 2009

How to automatically filter can filter and blue-colored cells.

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Match Date & Multiple Cells To Various Colored Text

Sep 28, 2006

I'm trying to have a date selector dropdown box added on sheet as where indicated. This will have an option of last 1-10 draws which will trigger from cells a4:a13. Next, I need a submission button put on sheet as where indicated. When pressed it will give results in cells m4:n29.

Now the match part will lookup the source #'s entered from L6:L11, note these source numbers are repeated for match lookup for each date. The match should look for matching numbers derived from cells c4:j13. If a match is found it will then display the colored text as indicated in my sample, if no match is found it will display " No Match " in black text.

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Automatically Moving Data Between Sheets?

Jul 20, 2013

I am working on a macro which transfers data from one sheet to another. The code starts by taking cells M1:P1 from sheet SL_Background and moving them to B9:E9 on sheet CreateSL. It then moves to the next set of four cells on SL_Background (Q1:T1) onto the next line down on sheet CreateSL (B10:E10). I am repeating this process about 180 times right now and it is all coded like this:

Application.CutCopyMode = False


So what I would like to do is to make something that automates this process and will eliminate more than 1000 lines of code.

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Moving Data Automatically From One Worksheet To Another

May 22, 2008

We use work order worksheets in excel with basic information: Date in, work order #, account, date out, total # of days, work conducted by, number of samples, description of sample, etc. Each work order has an individual worksheet. The information in these worksheets eventually get entered into a work order log containing the same information in order to compile a quarterly report. We might have 400 work orders in a quarter.

My question is: How do I link the individual worksheet to the work order log in order to get the data to transfer automatically when a new work order is entered into a worksheet? I'm able to get the first work order to link to the log worksheet, but CAN NOT figure out how to get subsequent work orders to enter into the following rows, rather than just replace the first row over and over.

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Automatically Moving Cells With Macro

Jan 7, 2008

I have a list of diagnostic procedures, some of which are for the same patient. I need a macro that does the following: move every second procedure (a couple of cells per row) of one patient number (column B) next to (11 cells to the right and 1 row up) the first procedure. But only if there's less than 3 months between the procedures (dates are in column G) and if both procedures were on the same side of the body (left or right, column L)
Is there a macro that can do this for me?
Is there a macro that just moves a couple of cells in a row 11 cells to the right and 1 row up?

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Moving Data Automatically From One Sheet To Another

Apr 13, 2007

I am constructing a database where i need to transfer data from one sheet to another constantly. Assume I have column A in sheet 1 listed with names, and column B in the same sheet listed different dates and colume C in the same sheet displaying today's date.

Wht I want to do is when Dates in Column B has expired today's Date (13/4/2007 > 1/4/2007), I want the entire row transfer to Sheet 2 A3, with the original row in Sheet 1 deleted. If there are multiple rows in Sheet 1 expired, i want them transfered to Sheet 2 starting from A3, follow one another. The new data transfered to Sheet 2 will then be high-lighted in Red color.

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Blocks Of Blue Colored Cells And Want Them Surrounded By Lavender-colored Cells

Jun 29, 2007

I have large data sheets with blocks of blue-colored cells. I want to surround them with lavender-colored cells. Then I want to run a command to Clear Contents of all lavender-colored cells. Is this possible?

So first I have:

Then I want:

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Automatically Moving From One Sheet To Another Through A Double Click

Jul 29, 2006

I am trying to do is use VBA to move from the diagram directly to the macro number. The Cells on the Diagram have functions in them and there is no reference to what macro goes with which function. My list loocs like this

Macro NumbersFunctionCommands
1001 Lamp On
1002 Lamp Off
1003 (Empty)
1004 (Empty)
1005 (Empty)
1006 CH 611 611
1007 Ch 612 612
1008 Ch 613 613
1009 Ch 614 614
1010 Ch 615 615
1011 Ch 616 616
1012 Ch 617 617
1013 Ch 618 618

The diagram is a 20 by 20 grid of cells that correspond to macros I have a third sheet that has the macro numbers listed in the same format as the diagram. The problem I have is how to read the corresponding macro number from Sheet 3 then find that number on Sheet 2.

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Moving Columns Automatically When Date Changes Business Days Only

Aug 7, 2012

I would like to move columns to the right as the date changes. For example, the top of the column has the current date. Within the column are about 40 rows of data. as the date changes, I would like that column to automatically move to the right and show that column with yesterday's date, and have that data associated along with it moved. I am looking for 6 months of columns to store, with the current date in the first column and subsequently moving right with the previous dates and info.

August 7, 2012 | August 6, 2012 | August 5, 2012 | August 4, 2012 | August 3, 2012
Accepted Processed Accepted
Rejected Accepted
Processed Processed
and so on

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Negative Numbers To Another Cell Automatically?

Sep 15, 2013

I have an issue with two columns in Excel 2007. The first one has a bunch of numbers that run from top to bottom and I would like to move all of the negative numbers from the first column to the second one. I understand that this can be done with the IF command

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Moving Cells Up Or Down Under A Pivot Table?

May 25, 2014

is there an option to allow cells under a pivot to keep the same distance under the pivot table when it grows larger or gets smaller?

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Moving Table Data Between Worksheets

Apr 11, 2008

I am trying to convert a workbook that we commonly use from worksheet functions over to VBA. Looking to use controls (buttons and such) to automate the tasks which functions used to do.

Most I figured out on my own, but there is one that is giving me some problems.

I have a worksheet page that queries data from an external database. I need to take this data and move it to another sheet with the correct formating and calculations. (see attached sample workbook. Sheet 2 is the database info and sheet 1 is where I need to move it to.)

Since the database data will have a variable number of rows, I need to do the following with a button:

1. If a row from sheet 2 contains data,
- Move the 'wonum' value from sheet 2 to the 'W/O' column on sheet 1
- Move the 'description' value from sheet 2 to the 'Name' column on sheet 1
- Move the 'wopriority' value from sheet 2 to the 'Pri' column on sheet 1
- Move the 'laborhrs' value from sheet 2 to the 'Hrs' column on sheet 1

(here is where it gets tricky)

- If values for 'targstartdate' and 'targcompdate' on sheet 2 are the same, then insert the 'laborhrs' value from sheet 2 into the correct day of the week column (minus 1) on sheet 1

(for instance if a database record's start and end date are both '4/13/2008' and the 'laborhrs' value is 3.00, then place 3.00 in the cell corresponding to the column labled '4/12/08' on sheet 1)

- If values for 'targstartdate' and 'targcompdate' on sheet 2 are not equal, then the 'laborhrs' value must be equally divided by the number of days difference and placed on the date columns on sheet 2 that correspond to all of the days (minus 1) that fall in that date range.

I filled out 2 of the rows on sheet 1 to give an example of what I am looking for.

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Insert A Row With A Macro On A Moving Table?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to create a macro that will allow me to insert two rows to extend two separate tables. The problem is that one table needs to be directly below the other. So if the number of additional rows exceeds the margin between the two tables, the macro will just be inserting two rows into the top table.

I guess I'm looking for a way to get the macro to insert a row, not at a specific row number, but at the first row of the bottom table, which will change as rows are added to the top table.

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Moving Data In Formatted Table

Mar 6, 2010

Receive worksheets with data in different layouts that needs to be moved into formatted worksheet with unique layout and field size to import in to Access database.

Example of formatted table layout ....

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If Cell Is Colored Get Whole Rows Where Colored Cell Belong

Sep 19, 2012

How to make a macro that will:

Scan Sheet1, if colored cell is found, copy the Entire Row of the colored cell to sheet2.

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Moving Cell Values Appearing Multiple Times Into A Table Listing Them Only Once?

Jul 5, 2014

I have a table listing certain values (Column C) and their respective probabilities, based on normal distribution (Column D). As these probabilities are dependant only on values from Column C, I'd like to list all the values from that column into another fragment of the sheet, say F6 and below, but each value should appear there only once, no matter how often it occurs in its original Column C (I listed them manually in Column F in the enclosed example). Moreover, if a new value appears in Column C, it should be also included in the new place and sorted in increasing order.

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