Excel 2007 :: Moving Negative Numbers To Another Cell Automatically?

Sep 15, 2013

I have an issue with two columns in Excel 2007. The first one has a bunch of numbers that run from top to bottom and I would like to move all of the negative numbers from the first column to the second one. I understand that this can be done with the IF command

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Excel 2007 :: Gather Last Two Numbers In A Cell?

Mar 28, 2012

I'm using excel 2007 sp3. I have a function that I want to adjust so that, when used, it spits back the last two numbers in a specific cell. Is there an easy way to do that? If my cell said blahblah12395-01, how can I get excel to gather the '01'? My current code is below...

RowPos = RowSpec & ", and " & Range("C" & LoopStrt)
The 'Range("C" & LoopStrt)' is what I currently have to gather the contents of the cell. I have a message box later that displays the "RowPos" string.

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Excel 2007 :: SUM Numbers Within Cell Based On Unique Strings In Another Cell?

Jan 11, 2012

how would you do the following in excel 2007:

"SUM numbers within a cell based on unique strings in another cell".

For example, how would i use formula to SUM the following numbers (and only the numbers for david and sam only once), 700+454+50+40+2+129+16

700 david

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Excel 2007 :: Formula That Counts Individual Numbers Within 1 Cell

Jun 13, 2014

For work I keep track of errors in files my co-workers make. So in one individual cell it may look like this :




I simply need to count how many of those file numbers there are in one cell.

Is this possible? I also use Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Change Autofill Options Or When Moving Right In Row Reference Down A Column

Apr 15, 2014

I'm working on a decision matrix to evaluate different alternative production methods. Before that criteria have to be choosen and weighted against each other. The user would fill out the yellow/ blue cells with (0=less important; 1=equally; 2=more). Then values are added up and put into some kind of ranking.

The example was done by hand, which costs a lot of concentration. I would now like to extend the matrix - do you know how to fill out the grey cells more efficiently?

(Excel 2007, Win7)

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Excel 2010 :: Finding Average Value For Positive And Negative Set Of Numbers

Aug 25, 2014

Please find the attached MS Excel 2010 file <average set.xlsx>.

There is set of positive set & negative set of values available in the Column A. The values are plotted against Column A in Column B. Light green are positive sets and light yellow are negative sets.

Now I want to calculate the average for the positive set & negative set of values as shown in light majenta in the cells F4:F9. Also all majenta cells to be plotted by formula.

The Column H and Column I also same as like above , but here negative set of numbers starts first.

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Formula To Make Product Of Two Negative Numbers Negative

May 12, 2009

I have a large dataset (24000 rows) that requires me to multiply two different columns of integers. In some cases, the two integers are both negative and multiplying them results in a product that is positive. I actually need that product to be negative rather than positive. I can't quite seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this.

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Excel 2010 :: Moving Numbers From String Of Text To New Cells

Feb 8, 2013

I need to remove numbers from a string of text and put them into new cells in Excel Starter 2010. There are two different values which need moving. The first is in parentheses and the second follows the parentheses.

Here's a few examples of what I mean:

Original text
RED008 - Wickaman and Hoodlum bandwidth (0.06Gb @ 2.00) 0.12
MFR005EP - Various Artists bandwidth (0.19Gb @ 2.00) 0.38
RAZORS010 Future Cut bandwidth (0.01Gb @ 2.00) 0.01

would like to split into...

Cell 1
RED008 - Wickaman and Hoodlum bandwidth
MFR005EP - Various Artists bandwidth
RAZORS010 Future Cut bandwidth

Cell 2
(0.06Gb @ 2.00)
(0.19Gb @ 2.00)
(0.01Gb @ 2.00)

Cell 3

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Change The Worksheet Tab Names With Cell Value In Each Worksheet?

Feb 14, 2012

I am fairly new to macros and have trouble with VBA. I have a file with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet contains the name of a specific location in cell A8. I want this name in cell A8 to be the name on the worksheet tab for each worksheet in my file but do not know how to accomplish this. Is that even possible?

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Convert Negative Numbers With Negative Sign On Right

Aug 1, 2007

I have data that comes from a subsytem that places the negative sign at the right of the number, so it is recognized as text. I can get around this using find and replace and then a second step to multiply that by -1, but is there a formula that can do this for me?

I was trying if(right(A1,1)="-",TBD,A1)

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Excel 2007 :: Macro Won't Recalculate Automatically?

Feb 4, 2014

A certain macro (or is it a VB script?) in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet has to be manually recalculated every time I open the file. The only way I've found to do this is to click in the formula bar and hit Enter, or else click the green check mark to accept the formula. The spreadsheet is set to recalculate automatically, so I do not understand why this is happening.

Another wrinkle is that I can't locate the specification/definition of the macro. I checked the Developer menu on the ribbon and looked in the Visual Basic and Macros lists, but could not see the definition of the macro in question. Another user created the spreadsheet but I am unable to contact him...

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Not Automatically Calculating?

Jul 3, 2012

Using Microsoft Excel 2007 and all of a sudden, my spreadsheets are not automatically calculating the formulas. It does not matter if I have other workbooks open or not. I still get the problem. It does not happen 100% of the time to make it even more complicated.

- Calulation set to auto in Excel Options.

- No VBA functions being used. I can the worksheet summing 1 + 1 and get the error periodically. It does not have to do with the spreadsheet being too complicated.

- Even if I can hit Ctrl-Alt-F9 to force the formulas to calculate, it won't work.

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Excel 2007 :: Moving Data From One Worksheet To Another Keeping Data And Formatting?

May 5, 2014

I am working on a project that has 5 worksheets. I have been able to figure out everything else I need to do but this has me stumped. I have data in Sheet1 A6, that i want to place in Sheet2 A6, Sheet3 A6, Sheet4 A6 and Sheet5 A6 and keep data and formatting(BOLD AND UNDERLINE). So I change Sheet1 A6 and the other 4 sheets change also. I'm using Microsoft Excel 2007.

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Showing Both Positive And Negative Numbers As Postive In Adjacent Cell.

Jan 19, 2009

In my first column I will be entering both negative and positive numbers. In the cell next to it I need the amounts to all show as positive only. So both negative numbers and positive in the first column will all show as positive in the adjacent column/cell.

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Data Validation - Negative And Positive Numbers Based On Another Cell?

Mar 15, 2012

I have created a template using data validations. I have a drop down in column O, which you can choose from Credit or Charge. In column V, I want:

- If selected Credit in column O, only negative numbers allowed in column V

- If selected Charge in column O, only positive numbers allowed in column V

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Selecting Cells - Highlight As Range

Jul 29, 2008

I'm new to Excel 2007... whilst I'm managing to find most things I'm used to using in 2003, I have an issue in one workbook that I can't figure out.

When I click in some single cells (not all), that cell and several below it automatically highlight as a range... left-clicking initially highlights the cell, but as you release the mouse button, the others below it also highlight.

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Excel 2007 :: Stop Automatically Selecting Multiple Cells

Oct 1, 2009

I use Excel mainly for creating & updating simple logs, and the problem I keep running into is that when I click in a cell, it will automically select & highlight multiple cells below the one I am trying to work in. It will select anywhere from 4-5 cells up to 13. I don't know what this function is, and I don't know how to fix it. But it makes it very difficult to navigate and cut/paste or change a formula.

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Excel 2007 :: Data Entered Automatically When Type Certain Things

Aug 2, 2013

I use MS Excel 2007 and I was wondering if it was possible to enter data for certain things once, and have that data copied automatically every time I type the text. For example, if I type Blue Car in a cell and type 4 in the next cell, is there a way I can program Excel to enter that data every time I type Blue Car?

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Excel 2007 :: Transferring Columns With Same Titles To Another Sheet Automatically?

Aug 18, 2014

Excel (2007) user however I'm not very well versed with VBAs and Macros.

I have three sheets and on each sheet the first 5 columns (A - E) have the same title (all in row 1, frozen top row and with filters) there are other columns but I only need A -E to auto transfer.

Sheet 1 is named "Total"

Sheet 2 is named "Management Referral"

Sheet 3 is named "Health Assessments"

What I'd like is for any entry that goes into any row in both sheet 2 and 3 to automatically transfer to sheet 1, but only the information from columns A - E.

There will be dates (dd/mm/yyyy) in column A in each sheet and when transferred to sheet 1 they must be listed chronologically oldest to newest.

I also need all the information in columns A - E that transfer to sheet 1 to stay in their respective sheets.

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Excel 2007 :: Formulas Do Not Automatically Refresh When Change Cells

Jul 11, 2012

I am using excel 2007 and when I change cells my formulas do not automatically refresh. I have set it to automatic and the calculations will not refresh. How I can force a calculation. I did the control alt f9 and nothing seems to work. Any macro that can force all calculations.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Generate Email When Button Is Pushed

Oct 25, 2012

I am using the following piece of VBA code in Excel 2007 to automatically generate an email when a button is pushed:

Sub SendEMail()
Dim Email As String, Subj As String
Dim Msg As String, URL As String
Dim r As Integer, x As Double
r = ActiveCell.Row
'Get the email address
Email = Cells(r, 3)

[Code] .....

The button to launch this code sits in cell AK7. What I would like to do is have the macro copy the email address present in cell E7 into the email address section of my created email. In addition I would like the reference provided in cell AJ7 to appear in the Message Subject part of the generated email in the format " RCS Reference contents of cell AJ7".

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Excel 2007 :: Inserting New Rows And Automatically Including ActiveX Checkbox

Nov 30, 2012

I'm using Excel 2007.

I'm building a spreadsheet which includes a few columns which have activex check boxes which are linked to cells. I want to allow the users of the spreadsheet to insert new rows if necessary. Ideally, when these new rows are inserted, the check boxes would also automatically appear in the corresponding columns of the new row (and be linked to the relevant cells), just the same way that pull-down menus and formulas automatically copy into the new row. Is there a way to do this?

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Excel 2007 :: Waterfall Chart - Change Color Of Vertical Bar Automatically

May 19, 2012

I am building this waterfall chart. I'd like to put conditional color formatting to change the vertical bar automatically e.g. if it is positive, the bar color is green and if it is negative the bar color is red.

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Excel 2007 :: If Then Statements Applied To Multiple Cells And Triggered Automatically

Oct 12, 2011

VBA in Excel 2007. Essentially, what I am trying to do is this:

I have to two columns (A and B) that have a drop down list in each cell containing text options. I created the drop down lists using simple data validation. Let's say that A has the following options (East, West, North, South) and B has (Up, Down, Left, Right). For each combination of these, e.g., A1 = East and B1 = Down, I want C1 to pull a unique piece of data (a $ amount) from a separate worksheet. I can get this to work in its most basic form but I want to be able to be able to do this for cells in rows 1 - 300 without having to write separate lines of code for each.

Additionally, I am having trouble getting C1 to update automatically once A1 or B1 are changed.

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Excel 2007 :: Option To Have Row Heights Set Automatically Based On Content Of Text In Row

Sep 28, 2012

Is there an option to have row heights set automatically based on the content of the text in the row, and given a specific column width?

I can right click, and set each row height individually.

I can select serveral rows stacked one on top of the other, each with limited text, and change all of those rows at the same time.

But when I select all rows, and try to change row height, the row height option is not there.

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Excel 2007 :: Appending Sheet Number Automatically By Dragging Cells In Formula

Jul 12, 2011

appending excel sheet number in a formula. Here is the example.

In an excel book, I have sheets 1 to 50. In each sheet i have a standard format to enter the details. And in one sheet I want to keep some summary with required cells. I made a table by applying formula, for example in cell A1 i kept formula ='9'!$D$9. In this '9' refers sheet9. In the similar way i want to capture the data from all sheets.

A1 cell ='9'!$D$9
A2 cell ='10'!$D$9
A3 cell ='11'!$D$9....etc

Is there any formula to append the Sheet number automatically (like dragging the shell) intead changing sheet number manually. because it is wasting so much time.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Highlight In Yellow Each Row Containing Words Gmail / Yahoo / Hotmail?

Jun 6, 2013

I have Excel 2007. I have a spreadsheet with email addresses in it surrounded by other text. I want to automatically highlight in yellow each row containing the words gmail, yahoo, hotmail and so on.

I CTRL-H then enter the info as you see it in the pic attached. When I click Replace All it says "that function is not valid". It works like a charm for every other word I test it with.

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Excel 2007 :: Salary Payslip Save As PDF And Automatically Send Email Using Outlook

Sep 13, 2013

I am using Excel 2007 and have to send monthly payslips to respective email ids. I have the Name and Email ids in Sheet 2 Range B1:C59 , and employee codes in A1:A59. And in Sheet 1 i have the Payslip format which was automatically displayed when i select the employee code from drop down list in the cell E7 in sheet 1.

Every time i manually save the files as PDF and send to their Emails. I want the out put as whenever i select the employee code from drop down list , it should automatically save as PDF with Name of that employee ( Name of the employee is located in B1:B59 in Sheet 2 ) and attachment should automatically go to that employee's email Id.

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Excel 2007 :: Rearranging Numbers In Another Column

Apr 22, 2012

Formula that can do this?

Excel 2007

I basically want column A to be like Column C. The logic is that every time the row that have 1, skip a row and run the numbers until the next 1 appears.

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Excel 2007 :: Separating Text And Numbers?

Jul 9, 2014

In Excel 2007, I would like to split Alpha Numeric Text to separate out Prefix portion of the text, example below represent Row no. 1, 2 , & 3

Original Text
Column A
Result A


In the same example, I would like to extract /Copy Result A or Result B into another cell.

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