Excel 2007 :: Moving Data From One Worksheet To Another Keeping Data And Formatting?
May 5, 2014
I am working on a project that has 5 worksheets. I have been able to figure out everything else I need to do but this has me stumped. I have data in Sheet1 A6, that i want to place in Sheet2 A6, Sheet3 A6, Sheet4 A6 and Sheet5 A6 and keep data and formatting(BOLD AND UNDERLINE). So I change Sheet1 A6 and the other 4 sheets change also. I'm using Microsoft Excel 2007.
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Jul 20, 2012
I have a Workbook (Test 1) with several columns A-S. I'd like to be able to continue to add data into Test 1, and have some of the data pulled into a new Workbook (Test 2). Basically pulling data from Test 1, cols. D, L, J, E, I, C, K, Q and S - into the new workbook Test 2.
Some of the columns in Test 1 have conditional formatting and data validations, but I need the data in these columns to be replicated into Test 2 - without having to copy/paste between the 2 workbooks.
I figured how to do this in Excel 2010, but my office is still using 2007 and I can't seem to get it to work....
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Mar 2, 2012
I want to be able to run a macro that will export some of the data from a worksheet called Generated Report into another worksheet called Matrix. The data will be taken Generated REport and grouped into sections of the worksheet. These sections will be defined by the BRID value.
The Data that i want to export will be from the first 5 columns within the Generated Report(note there are other columns which data is not required from).
The following columns will be exported from Generated Report -
BRID,Requirement, Bug Description, Bug ID and Alt Bug ID.
BRIDRequirement Bug DescriptionBUG ID Alt Bug ID
PQ115 PQ115-Login Bug Description text xihllloloj43712 123
PQ116PQ116-Landing Bug Description text ghghghgoot 43713 126
For Matrix
The data will be imported into Matrix worksheet into the following columns as part of the row headings
- Requirement, Description, Bug ID and VF Bug ID.There will also be other columns (outlined below) which i will use to manually enter data
The data will be grouped and imported into the relevant section by its BRID eg PQ115, PQ116 etc.
I want each section (marked by BRID number)to be separated by row headings.
These row headings are to be generated after populating all data within each BRID number.
When the data has been populated in each row there is a column called 'Status' which contains drop down list boxes which can be assigned.
The default status will be set to 'To Do'. The complete row headings are displayed with Output from Generated Report underneath
BRID Priority Requirment Description BugID Alt Bug ID PC UpdateNotes Actual Result Type of DEfect Test Status Tested by
PQ115 PQ115-Login Bug Description text xihllloloj43712 123 To Do
BRID Priority Requirment Description BugID Alt Bug ID QC UpdateNotes Actual Result Type of DEfect Test Status Tested by
PQ116 PQ116-Landing Bug Description text ghghghgoot43713 126 To Do
So far the macro that i have been using allows me to locate the data for each specific BRID in Generated Report and copy into the corresponding BRID section within the Matrix. I have to repeat this step for each new BRID and i want to be able to whole automate this process.
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Oct 3, 2012
I am using Excel 2003.
I have 2 worksheets.
Worksheet 1 is called "Master List Data". Every cell within this worksheet contains a formula so that it matches the cell value contained in a worksheet held within another workbook.
The formula for reference is as follows:
=IF('[CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1="","",'[WFX CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1) .
If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer contains no data, Cell A1 in Master List Data would be blank.
If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer equals John Smith, Cell A1 in Master List Data would display John Smith.
There are currently non-blank values contained in cells A4:A750. But next week there may be non-blank values is cells A4:A790 (i.e. it will grow each week)
Worksheet 2 is called "Master List Flat. At the moment, I am manually copying and pasting the rows which have non-blank values in cells from Column A from Worksheet 1 into this report (e.g. A4:IV4).
I would like to automate this process and I have created a Macro, but I do not know how to word it so that it will only copy cells with actual data in.
The Macro I have written is below:
' Macro recorded 01/10/2012 by walesb
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Master List Flat").Select
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Oct 28, 2013
I have a piece of code that runs through various excel files and takes the data (minus the header) and pastes that into a separate workbook. The piece of code that does the actual copying i think is this (i have used code from the msdn website)
With sourceRange
Set destrange = destrange. _
Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count)
End With
destrange.Value = sourceRange.Value
I have tried replacing the sourceRange.Value with sourceRange.Text however when i do that it will copy nothing any more.
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May 8, 2013
My data is in column A. I need to have the data as in column E and F. Column E is the field names.Rows can be up to anywhere and may very.
Excel 2007
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Feb 22, 2013
I have a spreadsheet filled with formulas that depend on a value being entered into A2, A3, A4, etc... So column A starting at A2 is where I will manually input a number and the formulas I have in columns B, C, and D will import information from another sheet based off what is put in column A. In column D the formula I have to import data
is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Master!C:M,11,0),"").
This will import another number. Additionally in column D, I have conditional formatting that will return a red, yellow or green light based off the rule I have in place. Everything works fine, the only problem is that column D has a green light all the way down even without a value being placed in column A. I would like to find out a way to keep the cells in column D blank until a value is entered in column A. Also, if I go back and delete the value in column A, I would like the corresponding cell in column D to go back to blank as well.
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Oct 13, 2013
I'm trying to build a workbook (2007) with multiple worksheets where each worksheet corresponds to a different query/dataset pulling data from the one database.
I would have expected that you could define the one data connection object and then specify the SQL that each worksheet table will invoke. The apparent structure of having the query coupled to the connection object is confounding me. I'm therefore trying to set up a separate connection for each of the worksheets and Excel is getting tied up in knots.
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Jan 17, 2012
I am looking for macro where it can generate multiple workbooks with a single worksheet data source. I have this worksheet with data which is look like this:
This data will be places in 1 workbook for each of line with given file name as page number above those workbooks generated will have same information for each line but at different cell position such as: take this example at line 3
Microsoft Excel 2007
Window 7Pro 64bit
This line could be up to 50 lines of data. I try google search but found most about consolidate multiple workbooks to single worksheet. I do have VBA reference that I refer to from [URL] ......
How to put the information from the worksheet into specific position in the workbooks.
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Mar 20, 2014
I have a combo-box in a Multipage control. Now I want to get the combo-box populated with list in 2 columns from 2 different consecutive columns from the same worksheet (Product List). Now, Once the list gets populated, user will be selecting his choice from the list, which is then needs to get copied to another worksheet (Order Placed). Both worksheets exist in the same or one spreadsheet.
I am trying to make it work with the following code. I am able to see 2 columns but with no data getting populated. I am working in MS Excel 2007.
[Code] .....
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Mar 20, 2013
I've got a workbook where I need to protect certain cells by locking them.
The trouble is when I do this I lose the ability to apply formatting and to insert symbols in other cells?
I've checked the obvious options for when you're locking cells but nothing seems to be stopping this there.
Is there a reason it disables these options, a work around or am I just being dumb?
I'm using Excel 2007 by the way.
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Apr 9, 2014
Each month I get a report that is formatted by the customers and this sheet never changes. The problem is that the master sheet my job uses is not formatted this way. The master workbook has several sheets that breaks down the data from the monthly sheet. Instead of having to enter the data manually I'm looking for a way to export the data from the monthly sheets into the master workbook. As I stated the sheets are all the same but come from different providers and all contain the same amount/style of data.
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Jan 14, 2014
I have a table created in Excel 2010 by a SQL query. the query pulls 3 columns of data - Resource Name, Contract Company, Labor Category. I then add a column called "KEY". KEY is derived using VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP is matching the Contract Company from the table created with SQL to a table called "Rate Key" in another worksheet in the spreadsheet based on the matching the Contract Company. That all works fine. If the table changes due to changes in data coming from the SQL db, the column I've added using VLOOKUP recalculates correctly. Then I add 2 more columns. One is called RATE - which is a number that I manually type in. The last column is called RCode and is calculated by the RATE times the KEY. Whenever I refresh the SQL query, all of the the calculated rows work fine; however, the data in the RATE column that I manually enter does not move - it stays with the row regardless of whether or not the name changes when the new SQL data comes over. How do I get the values manually entered in the RATE column to move with the correct row when the rows change?
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May 22, 2008
We use work order worksheets in excel with basic information: Date in, work order #, account, date out, total # of days, work conducted by, number of samples, description of sample, etc. Each work order has an individual worksheet. The information in these worksheets eventually get entered into a work order log containing the same information in order to compile a quarterly report. We might have 400 work orders in a quarter.
My question is: How do I link the individual worksheet to the work order log in order to get the data to transfer automatically when a new work order is entered into a worksheet? I'm able to get the first work order to link to the log worksheet, but CAN NOT figure out how to get subsequent work orders to enter into the following rows, rather than just replace the first row over and over.
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Dec 27, 2012
I have a simple reporting sheet where the data for orders place is in one sheet and on the other sheet is an imput box for 'date' and it filters through and presents a table of data and two graphs for the date chosen.
I give a daily report (contents of this sheet) but I also need to leave this sheet available for anyone to open and change to another date.
I want to copy the repor sheet into a new one and email but I want the graphs to remain, not go blank when anyone changes the original sheet.
Excel 2007 / Windows 7.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have a 5000 line table I am filtering by a few columns, and I'd like to calculate an exponential trendline value.
But I actually don't want all the values from R1059 to R1167 - I want to select only the displayed values (R1059, R1068, R1077, etc). Is there a way to select only display values to use in a formula? The problem is it would be a lot of manual work to select them all - there are 50 or so instances I would have to select 13 manual values.
I am using Excel 2007 on XP.
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Sep 23, 2011
I am building a rather good size userform. It is getting really lengthy code-wise because I want certain things to be enabled and disabled on the form as they click on certain options.
I know I can hard code the lines but so I am trying to come up with some coding elements where I will not have to add 20+ lines of code for everytime I want to add a new feature.
Here is one of the functions that I have, There is going to be several of these:
Private Sub chkMore2_Click()
If chkMore2 = True Then
cboProtocol2.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
cboApplication2.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
txtLowPort2.BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque
[Code] .......
So If I click chkMore2 ... all of the 2nd elements will be editable. If I click chkMore3 ... then all of the 3rd elements will be editable, etc. etc.
So I tried to play with this code example:
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1 = True Then
Call Changeit(1, "yes")
Call Changeit(1, "no")
[Code] ........
Excel 2007 does not like the .concatenate element.
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Feb 28, 2014
I am looking for VBA code to extract data from each tab into master tab based on data.
I have 3 tabs (inputs)
Tab1 (Dept A-NAME) (RANGE B4:I7)
Start Time
End Time
Customer 1
[Code] .....
Tab 2 (Dept B-NAME) (RANGE B4:I11)
Start Time
End Time
Customer 3
[Code] .......
Tab 3 (Dept C-NAME) (RANGE B4:I7)
Is it possible to run vba code to get below result in new tab
Start Time
End Time
Customer 1
Dept A
[Code] ......
Condition here is date 2/25/2014, is possible when running code message box pops up to ask date, when we give conditional date it extracts those dates.
Excel -2007 & Windows 7
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Feb 17, 2012
I have a workbook (excel07) that I use to import data onto our purpose built database. I have some macros to sort the data and send it to the correct columns however the one stage I still have to do manually is assign each row its own unique sorting Code (in a bespoke column "B2:B999").
These are objectives and the code should contain three seperate parts (part 1a and b do not need to be seperated);
1a. The characters "PO" should be the first in the code (for sorting purposes)
1b. The persons initials (first letter of the first name and last name) found in column J2:J999. [They are sorted by name so It would also be good to add a number after the initials seperated by a space incase of multiple objectives however I could defintly live with typing these in manually]
e.g. "Joe Blogs" second objective = JB02
2. The numerical part of the stategic objective they have selected found in column H2:H999. [incase you need this these range from 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.5,3.1-3.6 and 4.1-4.5 all with a short text strings after which shouldnt be included in the code]
e.g. "1.1 We are Committed to being nice" = 1.1
3. The year they are applicable for which will all be "12/13" however I will need to change this next March.
Therefore the final code should appear as "POJB02 3.1 12/13"
There is a 16 Character limit on these codes but all of that information is needed for sorting, filtering and report generation, the spaces could be replaced by "_" if that makes things easier.
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May 20, 2013
I work in a medical facility, and I need to track data I've entered representing patient visits indefinitely over time. I've attached a weekly grid to this thread that I use to record which patients have had visits during the course of the week. It sums their total visits on the right. I need to continually track these because every patient gets an insurance-mandated progress update after 10 visits. Unfortunately, they don't always show up, and the most I can possibly keep track of is two weeks, max, and most patients only get two visits per week. Is there a way to dump these sums into another column indefinitely?
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Nov 26, 2013
import it into to Stata to do statistical analysis. I always receive spreadsheets like this:
and I have to manually reorganize it like this to import into Stata:
Is there way I can quickly design a macro to do this? The problem is that I generally have a list of about 60 countries, and years from 1991-2011. So, it's really time consuming copying the column of data corresponding to the year, pasting below, repasting the list of countries and the years...then again..then again...then again...I'm using Excel 2010.
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Sep 15, 2013
I have an issue with two columns in Excel 2007. The first one has a bunch of numbers that run from top to bottom and I would like to move all of the negative numbers from the first column to the second one. I understand that this can be done with the IF command
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Apr 15, 2014
I'm working on a decision matrix to evaluate different alternative production methods. Before that criteria have to be choosen and weighted against each other. The user would fill out the yellow/ blue cells with (0=less important; 1=equally; 2=more). Then values are added up and put into some kind of ranking.
The example was done by hand, which costs a lot of concentration. I would now like to extend the matrix - do you know how to fill out the grey cells more efficiently?
(Excel 2007, Win7)
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Mar 2, 2014
I'm currently working on a spreadsheet for my husbands work in a school environment. All was going well until I hit a wall with the alphanumeric data of the current uk stats system. Is there any way of getting my 4c...4b...4a...etc. to chart?
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Feb 12, 2014
Extracting data from an excel file, the data needed in lies in one column.
in this line
<GPSPosition pntRef="GPS_Auto_0080" wgsLatitude="33.334329659885" wgsLongitude="44.405736558207" wgsHeight="27.615921">
i need to get a table with three columns shows
wgsLatitude, wgs Longitude , wgsHeight
33.334329659885 ,44.405736558207 , 27.615921
and get rid of all other information
this is an example of the how the file look like
---------Column N -------------------
<GPSSetup id="GPSSetupID_18" GPSReceiverDetailsID="GPS_1" antennaHeight="1.660000" stationName="GPS_Auto_0080">
<GPSPosition pntRef="GPS_Auto_0080" wgsLatitude="33.334329659885" wgsLongitude="44.405736558207" wgsHeight="27.615921">
seems from above that there are too many data not needed the only thing need to be exracting is one lies of GPSPosition Line.
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Nov 21, 2012
I have a table with names of employees in Column A, the data for each employee is written in columns B, C and D.
I'd like to be able to type in this data in cells E12-E14 and have Excel bring up all of the names in the table that are associated with this data, and preferably separate them with commas.
I'm working with Excel 2007, without VBA/Marcros.
Please see the example file: find_name_example.xlsx
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Jun 13, 2013
Here is basically the problem, I have 2 sheets and want to copy/ paste them like this:
Sheet 1
Name of a product
Data 1
Data 2
Data 3
Can this be done in Excell 2007?
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Nov 1, 2013
I work as an alternative health practitioner and am making reference lists to use for working with various conditions. So far I've been using MS word and manually typing out everything into lists, but since that document is becoming hugely ungainly to work with (60+ double columned pages) I thought maybe there is an easier way to do this?
So my question is, can I use excel (or another program?) to do these things? And how would I go about doing them?
"Tag" various procedures with symptoms to alleviate. For example, can I tag Scalene trigger points (technique) with the symptoms brachial neuritis, extremity numbness, neck pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, shoulder pain, upper back pain, etc (some techniques will need 25+ symptom tags). Because of the large amount of "tags" I'll need to add, being able to quickly add them (for example, maybe typing them all in one cell separated by commas) is crucial Sort the data by symptom i.e "neck pain" and have all techniques tagged with "neck pain" show up in list form. Transfer all the data I already have sorted into the excel spreadsheet - for example I have a list of 100+ techniques for "neck pain", so I would need to be able to paste that list into excel and tag it with "neck pain" so it would show up along with anything added in excel. Be able to copy/paste the compiled list of techniques for each symptom into a document that I can print out and use as a reference at work. So for instance, be able to search "neck pain" copy the list of techniques for neck pain without including any extraneous data (such as all the tags) and paste it into ms word as text, not a table.
Edit: I have Excel 2007
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Nov 26, 2011
I want to import data from 1 excel sheet to another sheet in excel 2007 by clicking the button which i was created through.
Developer>insert>forum control>button
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Feb 14, 2012
I have a table in Excel 2007, one set of data in a column contains cells with data such as = AA701 DIS34 5283000, Z00IS0750 Now these AA codes DIS codes 5283 codes and Z00 codes can all be different!! and they are all within the same cell.
What I need to be able to do is find out which AA code which DIS code which 5283 code and which Z00 code is reported within each cell on each row?
So could I split them out into different cells via VBA? or can I do some kind of lookup that picks up a AA code (for example) ?
The constraints I have is this is downloading from a web query, I do not have the ability to alter the way the original data is coming across, I can only alter it once I have received it - refresh and then alter it again.
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