I need some assistance in using an array formula which averages based on multiple arguments. The relevent range names in my input data are:
Col A - Manager Col B - Report Type Col C - Days taken to Complete
and I have used Validation Lists to include several different Managers and 5 Report Types which I'll call A - E, with Days taken to Complete an input. Each Manager may have 0 to numerous instances of each report during each period.
I'm trying to build a table which includes each manager and the average number of days taken to complete each report. The complication is that, while Report A & B are separate reports, for this purpose I need to get an average for A & B together.
For C, D & E, I have used the following:
but this doesn't work. Could someone please advise me the correct formula if either of two states in a named range are to be used to average a second named range?
I'm getting the error that tells me I have more than 30 arguments when trying to get an average of cells across a row. The biggest issue is that I don't want to average all the cells in the row, just some of them.
I tried writing an IF statement for it and failed. What I want is every fourth cell to be totaled into the average. Another way to look at it is that I want every cell under the heading "south" to be totaled into the average.
I've created a spreadsheet that calculates both the SUM and the AVERAGE on 2 different rows. So far, so good. The problem I've come across is that there are 35 different numbers (arguments?) that have to be calculated and from what I see, Excel has a limit of 30.
Is there a way for me to get around this? If it'll help, I can send the spreadsheet to you so you can see what I'm talking about in the event I didn't properly explain it here.
Need to find average (see attached file) of certain rows of column C that correspond to letters on column B that match any letter on column A. Basically if column B has the same text as in one of the cells in column A then number across in column C should be used to calculate the average. In column D I have entered(manually) all values that satisfy the above condition and obviously the average should be 1 if formula is correct.
I have tried to use AverageIF function but not able to do it as there are many conditions. Another thing to consider is that conditions change (column A content) so I need to use cells that have information rather then actual text in it.
i have 18 arguements that i want to enter using the "if" formula. however, after entering the data i get a message stating that i have too many arguments.
here is the data that i'm trying to enter: ALLOYDENSITY A200.291 22050.285 254SMO0.284 A2000.321 A4000.319 A6000.304 A6250.303 A800HT0.287 A8250.294 C2760.323 C220.290 A2860.289 I7180.296
i start the formula as follows: =IF(B7=20,".291",IF(B7=2205,".285",IF(B7=254,".284",............. i drop the letters from column "b" because i stopped getting error messages when i took them out.
I’m using a SUMIF function to evaulate some date. The second argument in the function, the criteria, is that the numbers to be summed are greater than 25 but less than 50.
"You've entered too many arguments for this function" Logically I can follow this message but I was under the impression that you could get a maximum of 64 arguments in an "IF" condition.
The actual value of Cell P34 is DKK1938.22 so I expect it to return £203.68 in cell Q34.
If you try to use this it will not work, as excel takes only 7 arguments can someone help me with this. Do any one know macro for the same.
if you use this formule it will work =IF(E18>760,(">760"),(IF(E18>550,("550-760"),(IF(E18>365,("365-550"),(IF(E18>210,("210-365"),(IF(E18>120,("120-210"),(IF(E18>90,("90-120"),(IF(E18>60,("60-90"),(0))))))))))))))
I want to create a modalless userform with a textbox on it. While running, if user select a range on the active worksheet, the textbox will display selection address (example $A:$B,$A1:$C2...). Now I can do this with Application SheetSelectionChange Event. But I dont know how to make my userform like a Function Arguments dialog.
VBA will error out with "Run-time error '424': Object required". I know I need to declare the variable arg1 as a type in order to use it in this form, but I don't know the correct data type.
I also ran across a similar issue like this where the advice was to use the Set function in the form of:
Function addValuesToComboBox(arg1) Set arg1 = arg1.AddItem("one") Set arg1 = arg1.AddItem("two") Set arg1 = arg1.AddItem("three") End Function
The following is a medical reference equation. I have gender in column B, height in column G and age in column I. There are three age ranges: child, adolescent and adult. These are the individual equations: ...
I'm trying to use multiple arguments for a date, but they are not going through for some reason
the two I'm using are: =IF(month(a1)=month(today())+3,"yes","") =IF(year(a1)=year(today()),"yes","") each one is fine on its own, but if I try to put them together using "and" it does not work.
I am trying to have the word yes show up when we are three months away (not 90 days), but also I want it to show only this years results and not next years.
V = 100 x [E /(IY + YP)] x Sqr. [((R + G)/2 / (IY + YP + F)] V = 100 x [6.10 /(5.60)] x Sqr. [((10.2+2)/2 / (5.60 + 2.1] V = 108.93 x Sqr (.79) V = $96.89 / share as of 7/18/2014
E = Earnings in $ / share 6.1 (b9) IY = Interest rate in % 5.6 (b10) R = Profitability Factor in % (internal growth rate)10.2 (b11) G = Earnings Growth in % / yr. 2 (b12) F = Inflation Rate in % / yr. 2.1 (b13)
Here's what I have, result should be $96.89, I need to tell excel to take square root of everything to the right not just (B11+ B12)
I'm tryig to find a way to index data in an array that meets certain matching criteria. I am looking for an employee's rate on a given day by searching a database that lists the dates that an employee's rate was changed. I was hoping to solve it with a crafty index and match array formula but have been unable to find something that works so far. I have attached a simplified example of what I am trying to do.
I need entering multiple arguments in an IF formula in Excel 2013. Here is the formula with just 1 argument.
I need to combine it with the following.........
So to say, if the sum totals more than 3000 but less than 10000, then I want the cell value (G15) multiplied by 80% (.80). if it is greater than 10000, i want the sum minus 10000. If both arguments are false (sum totals less than 3000) then the value placed should be 0.
I am entering the following Nested IF(AND statement into a cell and getting a message stating "You've entered too many arguments for this function." Any idea on what formula I can use to get the needed information into this cell based on the fact that there are different inputs that can be entered into the related cell that will trigger the needed respons in the working cell?
TotHCInv.Value = WorksheetFunction. Sum(KRInv, PBLInv, CRInv, PVInv) If i >= 34 Then CPSCtphRMA.Value = WorksheetFunction.Average("G" & (i - 30) & ":G" & i)
The first line runs properly, but the second line bugs out with the error message "Unable to get the Average property of the WorksheetFunction class". I can simply do the math, but I thought that using the worksheet function would be easier than summing and dividing. I'm curious, though, as to why I can't seem to use the Average function.
TPR, DISPLAY and FEATURE columns generate a rating based off of an IF function. In the Executed column, I need TPR, FEATURE, DISPLAY to be averaged together...BUT....In I want the average only include columns where there are numbers. For example in row one the eqn would be (1+3+2)/3, but in row 2 the eqn would be (1+1)/2...can I state an average function within an if function? Or what would be the best way to create an eqn for this?? I have thousands of rows to complete and doing it manually is not an option.
0- Did not meet expectations 1- Below expectations 2- Met expectations 3- Exceeded expectationsTPRDISPLAYFEATUREExecuted?Effective?Comments132Coming off of a Dec promotion113111111221
I am trying to create a table showing the yearly average occupancy rates per quarter for every year between may 1998 and december 2008 inclusive (for licensed hotels, motels and guest houses, and serviced apartments in Australia; if that interests you).
I have a spreadsheet with a row of data showing the appropriate quarterly results for those dates. Let's say the data for this is displayed A1 through to A44.
For the yearly per quarter averages, let's say they are to go from B1 through to B11, I know I could put, for each year, an average formula with the relevant data range. Finding this to be tedious, I tried to fill-down.
I learnt the hard way however (not being too aware of how excel's grammar ticks) that the fill down function will not work for me. i.e., if B1 contained the average for the data range A1:A4 (the four quarters of 1998), the filled-in B2 would have the data range A2:A5 (i.e. the 2nd quarter of 1998 through to the 3rd quarter of 1999).
I have a data range - C4:C54 and I want an AVERAGE calculated in C56, but I only want a value displayed in C56 when a data entry is put in. Up to 50 data points could be put in anywhere e.g. only 14 values in C16:C30, or 44 values in C6:C50, or the full 50 in C4:C54.
The formula I've been trying is =IF(ISERROR(C4:C54<>""),AVERAGE(C41:C54),"")
However, when no values are in the range it displays DIV/0! whereas I'd like the cell blank.
How do I perform average for a range and be able to exclude outliers. For example I am taking 100 measurements, some are not measureable and recorded as 9999.9. How do I average 100 values, but exclude all the 9999.9?
Each sheet contains the test data for an individual class and I am trying to create a "Totals" sheet where I can show the average that each class had on a particular test and the letter grade breakdown. I am trying to create one 'average' formula that I may then copy across that will change the sheet reference automatically without me having to manually re-create the formula every time I add a new class sheet. I tried using the INDIRECT function but could not get it to work. Keep getting #Ref error.