Dividing Multiple Arguments In Same Cell

Jul 26, 2014

V = 100 x [E /(IY + YP)] x Sqr. [((R + G)/2 / (IY + YP + F)]
V = 100 x [6.10 /(5.60)] x Sqr. [((10.2+2)/2 / (5.60 + 2.1]
V = 108.93 x Sqr (.79)
V = $96.89 / share as of 7/18/2014

E = Earnings in $ / share 6.1 (b9)
IY = Interest rate in % 5.6 (b10)
R = Profitability Factor in % (internal growth rate)10.2 (b11)
G = Earnings Growth in % / yr. 2 (b12)
F = Inflation Rate in % / yr. 2.1 (b13)

Here's what I have, result should be $96.89, I need to tell excel to take square root of everything to the right not just (B11+ B12)


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Dividing Number Of Steps In One Cell Into Multiple Cells?

Aug 15, 2014

I have the onerous task of dividing up a series of steps in one cell into multiple cells. I tried the text to columns utility, but it only delimits once, not multiple times. Below is a data example:

"1) Load App
2) Login using Administrator Access details .
3) Click on icon 'Admin' on the right hand side of page.
4) click on subcategory 'Administration'"

"1) Load App
2) Login using Administrator Access details .
3) Click on icon 'Admin' on the right hand side of page.
4) Click on subcategory 'Administration' .
5) Click on any Organization name from 'Organization' section in the list.
Or click on 'Add Organization' icon in section 'Organization' .
6) Validate field 'Parent Organization' in 'New Organization' or 'Edit Organization' form"
"1) Load Documoto.
2) Login using Administrator Access details .
3) Click on icon 'Admin' on the right hand side of page.
4) Click on subcategory 'Administration' .
5) Click on any Organization name from 'Organization' section in the list.
Or click on 'Add Organization' icon in section 'Organization' .
6) Validate field 'Tenant ERP Accessible' in 'New Organization' or 'Edit Organization' form"

1) Load App
2) Login using Administrator Access details .
3) Click on icon 'Admin' on the right hand side of page.
4) Click on subcategory 'Administration' .
5) Click on any Organization name from 'Organization' section in the list.
Or click on 'Add Organization' icon in section 'Organization' .
6) Validate field 'DMZ license key expiration period ' by click on checkbox or by 'Uncheck' checkbox"

I need to put each step into it's own cell.

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If Then Multiple Arguments For Single Cell

Nov 14, 2008

IM getting a too many arguments error on this ...

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#DIV/0! Dividing Multiple Countif Functions Into Value

Jul 19, 2007

I have this formula


that returns the number 2 (which is correct). However, if I precede it with


it returns a DIV/0 error, even though AZ6 has a value of 24.

Surely 24/2 would return a value of 12? NB AZ6 cell value is derived from the result of a formula.

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Dividing Single Worksheet Into Multiple Workbooks

May 31, 2012

I have a worksheet in excel that has financial data for several departments and schools. The data is across 2 columns and 948 rows. I need to break the data down into multiple workbooks so I can use and existing email macro to send them to managers. There is a unique character that separates the data and I was able to use a previously written macro to enter page breaks which is below, but I'm having trouble using the same unique character (or page break) to put the data into separate workbooks.

Dim PBRange As Range, PB As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set PBRange = .Range("A1:A1000")
For Each PB In PBRange
If PB.Value = "***********" Then
.HPageBreaks.Add before:=PB
End If
End With

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Multiple If Arguments

Jan 24, 2007

The following is a medical reference equation. I have gender in column B, height in column G and age in column I. There are three age ranges: child, adolescent and adult. These are the individual equations: ...

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Multiple Arguments For Date

Jan 11, 2012

I'm trying to use multiple arguments for a date, but they are not going through for some reason

the two I'm using are:
each one is fine on its own, but if I try to put them together using "and" it does not work.

I am trying to have the word yes show up when we are three months away (not 90 days), but also I want it to show only this years results and not next years.

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Average Function: Multiple Arguments

Nov 19, 2006

I need some assistance in using an array formula which averages based on multiple arguments. The relevent range names in my input data are:

Col A - Manager Col B - Report Type Col C - Days taken to Complete

and I have used Validation Lists to include several different Managers and 5 Report Types which I'll call A - E, with Days taken to Complete an input. Each Manager may have 0 to numerous instances of each report during each period.

I'm trying to build a table which includes each manager and the average number of days taken to complete each report. The complication is that, while Report A & B are separate reports, for this purpose I need to get an average for A & B together.

For C, D & E, I have used the following:

For A&B, I have tried:


but this doesn't work. Could someone please advise me the correct formula if either of two states in a named range are to be used to average a second named range?

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Multiple If Statement Give Too Many Arguments Error

Aug 3, 2012

I keep a formula to many arguments error.

=if(C2="","X","", ), IF(h2="","X","", )

What I am trying to say is if cell c2 is populated enter a "x" and if h2 is populated enter a "x".

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Multiple Array Arguments In Match Formula

Jun 11, 2006

I'm tryig to find a way to index data in an array that meets certain matching criteria. I am looking for an employee's rate on a given day by searching a database that lists the dates that an employee's rate was changed. I was hoping to solve it with a crafty index and match array formula but have been unable to find something that works so far. I have attached a simplified example of what I am trying to do.

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Excel 2013 :: Enter Multiple Arguments In IF Formula

Aug 21, 2013

I need entering multiple arguments in an IF formula in Excel 2013. Here is the formula with just 1 argument.


I need to combine it with the following.........


So to say, if the sum totals more than 3000 but less than 10000, then I want the cell value (G15) multiplied by 80% (.80). if it is greater than 10000, i want the sum minus 10000. If both arguments are false (sum totals less than 3000) then the value placed should be 0.

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Diagonally Dividing Individual Cell

Nov 5, 2008

how could divide one single cell in diagonal direction ?? without using line from drawing tool.

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Dividing Range Of Cells With Given Cell Having Formula?

Sep 3, 2012

I am working an Excell sheet. It have many cells with formula like sum of a range of cells etc.

I wanted to divide a range of cells with the given cell (which is inturn having a formula for sum of a range of cells.) want i wanted is to divide a range of cell values with a given cell whose value (number) is obtained through a formula.

when i do

=100*(v65)/v20 for T65 cell and copy the formula for T66-T106 cell range

it is calculating for T66=100*(v66)/v21 and T67=100*(v67)/v22 ........T106=100*(v106)/v61

what I want is all the cells T66=100*(v66)/v20 ... T106=100*(v106)/v20.

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Two Different Arguments In One Cell

Oct 19, 2008

I am trying to get two different arguments to work into one cell. I was using the "If" statement eg. if the value of B1 is greater than B2 then use the value in cell A1 else use A2. I also need in the same cell if the value of C1 = B then use the value in D1

What I am looking for is a statement which will decide which statement to use eg if B1 is blank then use the second statement else use the first statement.

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Simple Macro For Dividing Cell Content By 100 Needed

Dec 14, 2006

I'm only starting to get into the Macro side of excel, and I've created a couple of macros to automatically format cell contents and the like.
However I'm having trouble trying to divide some cell contents by 100.

I have 2 files I'm working with, one contains information regarding cd's and percentages, however the percentages in this file cannot be formatted to percentages (so the powers that be say) for whatever reason.
I copy all this information into another file which does have the percentages formatted as percentages, the result is that the values get multiplied by 100.

So values that read:

for example, appear on the new sheet as:

Is it possible to write a macro that will divide these percentages by 100 so the read correctly as:

the macro will have to work on selected ranges.

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Dividing Data In A Cell If Conditions Met In Another Cell

Jan 4, 2009

I'm a Graphic Designer and am just starting to learn how much fun Excel can be. I'm still learning things though and this is an easy one I think, but I can not figure it out.

All I want to do is the following...

If there is any data present at all in column B on a particular row, then I want the number on the same row in Column D to be divided by 2.

In the example below... TB_5129-001 is present in B8. So I would want $45.00 (D8) to be divided by two automatically. Also, if B8 were to be blank i would want D8 to be left alone.

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Excel 2010 :: Dividing Numbers By Number Of Cell They Are Found In?

Feb 13, 2012

I am using excel 2007 or 2010.

I need to divide the numbers on sheet 1 column D. This column contains numbers and blank cells so I need to divide by the actual number of cells that contain only numbers. I will be referencing the divided numbers on sheet 2 in a monthly summary format.

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Dividing Hard-coded Data By Named Fixed Cell?

Feb 6, 2014

I am trying to divide hard coded financial data by a named cell that will allow me to toggle viewing the financial data in dollars, thousands of dollars, and millions of dollars. I have named my toggle cell _000s and I have used Go To Special to highlight all of the hard coded data in my financial spreadsheet. Once I have done this I would like to Copy my _000s toggle and divide the hard coded values by this cell. I am using copy and then paste special divide by but I am having no luck with this tactic.

faster more efficient way to go about this rather than individually changing each hard coded item?

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Dividing Output Of Sumproduct Formula By Count Of Specific Cell Contents

Aug 21, 2009

I've got the following sumproduct formula (which seems to work):


B17 is a keyword to be found in the Product_Keywords range

I'd like to modify it so that:

ifthe cell in the range Product_Keywords also includes "," thendivide the sumproduct by the number of commas+1

Presumably I could add --(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(",",Product_Keywords) as one of the conditions,
but how would I keep track of the number of commas in the cell?

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Dividing Cell By Another Cell Of Same Row But Different Column

Jan 18, 2014

I need to divide Cell A1 by another cell in same row but different column. The column number will be based on a reference cell. If ref cell =6 then formula would be A1/a6. Seems simple and more than one way to do it via cell formula. I will be copying and filling this formula down many rows, but cell reference will remain fixed for all.

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Dividing A Time Value

Jan 29, 2009

Need to divide a cell containing a time value (hrs:mins:secs). My timesheets calculates the number of hours on a job and I want to divide this total by the number of components made.

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Dividing And Returning Different Value Than Zero

Jun 24, 2014

How to do the following?

When dividing two cells and the answer is zero then I want to return a different value. I've tried the following with no luck:




=if a1/b1 = 0 then "*", else return actual value

64 13
82 16
82 16
2 0 --> change this to * or -
264 52
13 3

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Dividing Numbers Evenly

Apr 6, 2009

I have a total at the bottom of my spreadsheet and I want to distribute that total equaly to the missing columns for each month and each product highlighted in green in the spreadsheet. What formula do I need to use to be able to do that?

At the end I want the numbers in each month to total the total at the bottom.

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Dividing Time By Numbers

Sep 6, 2006

I've found how to present time exceeding a minute in seconds ([m]:ss.00), but I need to formulate items per second. Doing simply CellItem / CellTime won't work. I've tried Minute(CellTime)*60+Second(CellTime), but this leaves out the hundreds of a second.

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Dividing Column In Equal Parts?

Sep 15, 2014

Dividing column in equal parts divide a column in groups with the same rows and the same total sum? For example, I have the column A as following:













The total number of rows is 12 and total amount is 52,254

I want to divide the column in three equal parts with the same total. So each group must contain 4 rows with the total sum 17,418

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Dividing A List Into Equal Parts?

May 23, 2006

Have a list of information and would like to divide that list by a number that the user enters. Then from the total count of nonblank rows divide by the numeber entered by the user didive the list into equal parts and print out each group with a page break per groups.

Have attached an example.

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Detracting Two Times In Hh:mm:ss Format And Dividing?

Jan 24, 2014

I'm not sure if it's just been a long week but I can't get get the following to work in a sum formula.

In the example below I want to deduct B1 from A1 and then Divide by C1. The result should be 0.57 but I can't get to it within 1 formula.

9:49:12 - 6:18:46 = 3:30:26 / 2 = 0.57!!! Not sure if it's because I'm using unfriendly hh:mm:ss format but I need to.

A1 - 9:49:12
B1 - 6:18:46
C1 - 2

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Dividing Number With Hours And Minutes?

Feb 10, 2014

Cell A1 contains 2, B1=220077:23

In C1 I created a function = (2*1000)/B1, I get error. I want the answer 2000/220077h23m = 0.009087713

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Dividing Letters And Numbers String

Jan 25, 2009

A given string of some letters (from three to five, six) is followed by a single number (1-4). Then it ends, or is followed by another such combination, up to a maximum of, let's say, four.


What I would like to do is to divide a given chain of characters into the smallest chains which contain only letters and one number. To the examples given above, I'd like to receive the following sets:

yyy3 and yyyy1
xyzxx1 and yxz4 and xzx1
... and so on

Is it somehow possible to do it with simple functions? Or is VB necessary (which sadly I don't know)?

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Sumproduct And Dividing With Blank Rows

Apr 9, 2009

I am trying to divide a range that has blanks in. The range is the result of a webquery and taking the blanks out would be time consuming at best.

Conveniently (potentially) the blank row is every other row in the range.

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