Average Based On Top 90%
Sep 4, 2009
I have a column of data. Some are "--" and others have a number of 1-100.
I need to average the top ranked 90% of that data without including the "--" in the average. Is there a function I can use to do this?
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Jul 1, 2014
I have attached a file where there is information in the sheet Weekly with the first row showing the same month for several weeks. add a formula in the sheet Monthly which would calculate average for each month based on the first row in Weekly sheet. Plus the grouping in the Weekly sheet is done by shops and in the Monthly sheet by food, which would I imagine make the formula more complex.
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Feb 20, 2014
I have attached spreadsheet so it may visualize
What I want to do is enter a date in cell F2 and it will look up that value in column c and will then add up that days number and the 2 days numbers before that date in column d and average them out.
So in the example i have used 20 january 2014, the 20th ,19th and 18th of january have values of 100,40 and 10 so in cell I2 it should return the value 50 ( the average of the 3 numbers )
But this would change with new dates going in cell F2.
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Aug 26, 2006
I have two columns. Column A has lots of repeated values, and column B is a list of numbers. For example:
A 1
A 3
A 4
A 2
A 6
B 1
B 1
B 2
B 1
C 3
C 3
C 2
C 4
Is there any way to output the following:
A 3.2
B 1.25
C 3
Where the second column are the averages. Any Excel function or VBA method will be fine.
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Oct 18, 2006
i have a excel spreadsheet that contains point of person. Every week a person can or can not compete. That means that there is some days that is blank wouthout points. I want to get the latest 5 points of a person and then out of that 5 i want to get the top 3 point.
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Aug 6, 2014
The workbook is attached.
Columns B,C,D,E have the desired result in row 18.
What I want the formula to do is starting from row 13, go up and average the next 7 values that are not blank. If its easier, the starting point could be row 4 and I could adjust my data.
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Mar 2, 2014
I am performing a given exercise every day in the month of march. I have the dates all lined up in my spreadsheet, with the sum at the bottom. What I want to do is have another cell that will give me my daily average of performance. For example today is the 2nd and I have performed this exercise 360 times, making my daily average 130 per day. If I performed 200 of the exercise tomorrow I would have a grand total of 560 repetitions making my daily average roughly 186 per day (the day, march 3 divided by the number of repetitions, 560) and so on and forth.
I need a formula that will automatically calculate that daily average as I progress with the month. But I want the calculation to stop at the end (i.e. I don't want it to continue as the year progresses, meaning the divisor keeps going throughout the rest of the year). Basically, I guess, I am looking to fill in the daily repetition and the divisor to increase each day as I do so. My average is to be displayed in cell B36, so today my formula should read (=2/B36) and on March 31st the formula would be (=31/B36).
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Jul 29, 2014
I would like to average a column based upon another column value. Namely, if one column is a duplicate, I would like to take the column to its right value and average all the duplicates. For example
comp 1409 99.7
comp 1409 99.5
comp 1409 100
comp 1308 65.7
comp 1509 99.5
I would like that to become
comp 1409 99.73
comp 1308 65.7
comp 1509 99.5
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Dec 30, 2008
I am trying to include numbers in an average if two separate columns prove true. For example, I want to include all numbers in column "C" in the average if the cell in column "A" matches a name and the cell in column "B" is equal to the number 1.
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Feb 18, 2009
Exist any function which makes somtehing like =SUBTOTAL(9;AF5:AF407)? I mean it will be average only cells in column, whitch are displayed. Like subtotal counts only displayed cell.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a series of numbers in the column AB56 going downwards and in AC56 going downwards their respective counts in a data-set.
What I would like to do is find the average of the min and max, the min and max for the average calculation are both determined by looking at the count column, isolating the max, isolating the min, provided they both have a count greater than zero then averaging both results.
0.15437019 2
In this calculation the MAX is 0.155326043 because it has a count greater than zero, the MIN would be 0.138120697 as it has a count greater than zero, the average of both would simply be 0.1467. i.e. Average(0.155326043,0.138120697)
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Feb 29, 2012
I am trying to work out average for a particular area based on a criteria.
Area time
A 01:00
B 02:15
A 01:15
C 01:16
B 01:30
C 03:15
In Cell
E100 - 103 I'm trying to work up the average of each area and using the following formula.
I keep getting an the following error #value!.
i changed the average to median and still get the error.
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Feb 26, 2013
I have a list of 186 random numbers sorted by descending order in column A. In column B I have another statistic of corresponding values to the number in column A. I am hoping to calculate the average of values in column B based on the percentiles of column A. (i.e. for the top 10th percentile values of column A the average B value is X, for the top 20th percentile of values in column A, the average B value is Y).
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Jul 8, 2013
I am trying to do a moving average and running into an issue with the count part of the formula.
Column C (C2 to C54) has the numbers I need to average.
Average is based on last 5 weeks.
My issue is that C23 is blank as we had no data for that week.
Currently the formula is counting 25 entries between C2:C27, there should be 26.
My average should be 31 but I am getting 33.
This is the formula I am using :
I have tried using different Counta and ISnumber still not working
I would rather use a formulas then VB code.
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Jul 29, 2008
I have a list of ages of people who cancelled their account. I'd like to find the average age of people within each month.
So column A = age
and column B = cancel date
Let's so for January 2006 I'd like to find the average age.
Logically this is how I see it...
Average Column A (If column B >= 1/1/2006 and < 2/1/2006)
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Dec 1, 2009
Im currently trying to report on cycle times for a certain task that is carried out on a daily basis. I have used NETWORKDAYS to calc each rows cycle time in Cell R14:R512 the code is:-
This is returning the cycle time providing both the start date/time and end date/time are filled in, or it returns blank if nothing has been filled in. I have then tried to calc the average overall cycle time in Cell R12 by using the below formula = SUM(R14:R513) / (COUNT(R14:R513) - COUNTIF(R14:R513,0))
This seems to be working proved i have two rows of data filled in. My problem lies when all the cells are blank, it then returns the DIV error. I have tried using an if statement to ignore if the cell is blank but it still returns the DIV error. Im really at a loss on this and now im not even sure if i have gone about this in the right way or if there is a better way to approach the whole task? I have attached a sample workbook to try and better explain.
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Jul 29, 2006
I'm trying to find the best Macro or Formula to get this done.
Sheet 1 has a list of salesperson in column "A" and the total numbers they made on Monday (in the same row, column "E"), Tuesday (In the same row, column "F"), Wednesday (In the same row, column "G"), Thurday (In the same row, column "H"), and Friday (In the same row, column "I"). I also have a sheet for each individual salesperson. I need to find a Macro or a Formula that I can use to give me the average of the numbers if "A5" = the salesperson in Sheet 3 then avarage the numbers from "E5" to "I5" and I want the results to show up in cell "D35".
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Jul 27, 2007
I need to calculate the average of values in a particular column if some other column contains a particular text. For e.g. I would like to calculate average age of all the people who belong to the Comapny "XYZ". Which means that I have two columns here one is "Age" and the other one is "Company". So For all the people who belong to the company "XYZ", I need to calculate average age.
Company Age
XYZ 24
ABC 26
ABC 34
XYZ 30
My average should be (30+24)/2 = 27.
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Nov 30, 2007
I am trying to get the average of two columns
column A and Column B
Column A has text (survey type) i.e. Move In, Mid Year, Year End
Column B has the scores given on that survey type i.e. 70
I am trying to get the average of of all the Move In cells from column A
for each survey type so that I get average of all the scores in column B.
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May 3, 2008
Having trouble working out a macro for this...
Column B with dates and column C with values. I'd like to make another column with the cell value averages based on the date. In essence, calculating daily averages. In turn I will later be adapting it to go through the all sheets in all workbooks.
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Mar 22, 2013
If my spreadsheet has columns A-H.
A is Date
B is Room Number
C is Location
D,E,F all have numbers results in them.
G is the average of D,E,F for each person
H is group average.
If I want to define a group average in column H where it calculates the average of a group that attended the same location, date and room, for each group that attended would that be possible?
So For Example (Columns DEF left out for clarity)
G Inidivual Average
So because room number changed it calculated as a different group. Is this possible?
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Apr 14, 2014
I'm calculating meter data in 5 min intervals B column is primary meter data C column is secondary meter data B and C are averaged in D using
I'm using AverageIf ">0" because one of the two meters is regularly removed from service for calibration, in which case I don't average, I'll only use the online meter reading.
Now I have to figure out how to average B3 and C3 only when the deviation between the two is <10%, and or if >10% to use the greater of the two values.
The examples are B12, C15,18,19...
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Jan 23, 2014
I have three columns of data, one containing numerical values. I want to average the numbers based on the other two columns of data. Attached is an example file with the desired output I'd like. What is a formula that will do this?
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Jul 14, 2009
Im creating a spreadsheet at work, which has a drop down box with the options of open and closed in it.
I also have a column for length of time of the claim, what i need to do, is now find a way of getting a average length of a claim, but only to see the closed option from the drop down box.
for example,
row 1
open date - 02/06, closed date - 01/07, dropdown box - closed, life - 29
row 2
open date - 10/06, closed date - n/a, dropdown box - open, life - -39400
as you can see from the example above, i cant simply do a average of the whole column, as would read the open ones as well. so is there a way of doing the formula, but telling it to only see the open, or closed ones?
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Mar 26, 2014
I have a workbook with each month as a tab Jan 2014- dec 2014. I have a totals page that's has total billings( the sum is adding all the totals of each month). The totals for each month are in different cells based on the number of individual invoices I enter for each month. I have entered jan- march invoices. I would like to put in a formula on my totals sheet that gives me a ytd avg without changing it. ie: d4/3 then next month april d4/4.
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm trying to determine the average of a set of numbers, based on a scale of 1 through 10. There are two columns and it would look something like this:
1 3,452
2 2,990
3 564
I want to determine the STDEV here as well but assume I can just exchange the AVG function with that function, once I know how to tie column B (the numbers) to column A (the rank).
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Aug 21, 2012
I have the formula for calculating a 13 week rolling average, but I need to be able to set goals in the future and still have the average calculate from current and not from future.
I have my dates set up in row 3 (these dates are all mondays, not every day) and my data in row 4. I need the 13 week rolling average to calculate starting from the prior monday and going back 12 more mondays for the 13 weeks. IE: This monday I'm running reports that the info will be entered into the previous week's monday.
Here is the formula that I'm currently using: =AVERAGE(OFFSET(K4,,COUNT(K4:BV4)-13,,13))
The formula works but will calculate the average for 13 weeks prior based on the last cell with data in it. It's calculating the average of the last 13 weeks of next year.
how to make this work without having to remember my weekly goals every week??
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Apr 24, 2014
I have 2 columns of data in Excel which I have brought a small section of it below. As can be seen the values in the left column have a large spike (difference of more than 10) at certain points (in this case at 34). I wan to find the average of the numbers in the right column but only till the point where the large spike happens (in this case the average of the first 5 numbers). I've tried AVERAGEIF but it's not what I want. I want this to repeat for the entire column and give me the averages of each of these groups.
[Code] .........
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Aug 4, 2009
I have 5 years of data in 2 columns:
Col A. Col B.
8/2/2004 Value 1
7/31/2009 Value n
I have a table set up as follows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I was wondering how I could construct a conditional statement to pull the associated values with the given month and year in the table...
I tried the following to no avail... I'm just getting a zero value:
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Feb 24, 2010
I'm trying to average out scores in a list based on when the score was given. For example:
Average (of three numbers below)
2/26/2010 99%
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