AverageIf Function To Average A Range Of Numbers
Sep 15, 2009
I'm trying to use the average if function to average a range of numbers, only if a different range of numbers numbers equal a number in two different cells.
ex. average A1:F1 if G1:L1 equals M1 or M2
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Dec 5, 2013
I am trying to use the AVERAGEIF function to give calculate averages based on dynamic data. The formula I want to work is:
but this returns the "#DIV/0!" error.
[Code] ....
returns the correct value.
I want to be able to calculate averages of only the cells that are greater than the value of cell D6. Is there a way to do this?
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Feb 12, 2014
Is it possible to utilize the AVERAGEIF function for a specific range of values. For Example, instead of ">45", I would be looking to only average the cells that have values between 40 & 60. I've tried several different ways to input that into the function but nothing seems to work.
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May 7, 2013
I need to create a custom function that can do the following without modifying the selected range. If I have data in a row, I need a function that can give me the following result:
Original unsorted data:
The custom formula will not modify the selected range, and after saving it or copying somewhere and sorting it, it will provide the following result: if N or count(range)=5 , and p=1, average(second and third smallest values of the range)=34; and if N=4 (lets say that we errase the number 1 data point in the range), average(third and fourth smallest values of the range)=67.5 So it is basically a sort and then getting the averages of specified row numbers depending on N or count(range) Here is what I have.
I'm missing how to create a variable with the sorted range and how to use an index to refer to the rows I want to average:
Function CSORT(r, p)
'rs or something similar that will contain the sorted range r
Dim rs As Range
'Sort rs (The following line one doesn't work, so I need one that does)
rs = Application.Range(r).Sort
Dim p As Integer
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Jun 5, 2014
I am trying to use the AVERAGEIF function on the below screenshot. I have a mix of text cells (ignored by default), 0s, and whole numbers from 25-100. For some reason, the value in Q16 is incorrectly averaged. The interesting thing is, I have similar data and function in R16 and it is working as expected.
Q16 =AVERAGEIF(B16:B16:D16:D16:F16:F16:H16:H16:J16:J16:L16:L16:N16:N16,">0") --> expected value of 275/3 (decimal rounding 0 places) is 92[code]....
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Sep 24, 2009
I need something like AverageIf function that basically takes the B column and averages only the numbers that are not 0… I have messed around with this and finally just got frustrated, maybe its because I’m using Excel 2003?
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Nov 6, 2008
I have data that i need to average. In Excel 2007 there seems to be a function to do this but it isnt available in 2003 version.
In column A there is a load number in column B there is a total load time, i need to be able to calculate an average load time.
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Sep 11, 2013
In cells G2 to G57 I have the months from Jan-09 to Aug-13. In H3 to H57 I have the monthly data. In cell k2 I am trying to average all of the December data without individually clicking each cell (Ex: Dec-09, Dec-10, Dec-11, Dec-12). I was thinking of doing Averageif formula like =AVERAGEIF(G2:G57,"Dec*",H2:H57) but I get the dreaded #DIV error.
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Mar 11, 2014
I'm looking to average the numbers contained within 5 different columns if the corresponding cell in a different column is blank.
Here's what I have currently (with column A being the conditional cells and D:H being what I'm looking to average)
=AVERAGEIF(A3:A26, "", D3:H26)
From what I understand, this function only allows me to average a single column. If this is in fact a limitation of excel and not just of my knowledge, is there a different way to calculate the average of D3:H26 when the corresponding cell in column A is blank?
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Jan 2, 2009
I cant figure out an averageif formula for a particular criteria. my criteria is any number between 10000 and 20000. Here is an example.
=AVERAGEIF(C:C,"between 10000 and 20000",G:G)
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Nov 6, 2011
Is there a macro that get the average of the best 3 out of 5 in a range of numbers....if the range doesn't have 5 then adjust with what it has.
a....65 66 54 33 72
b....57 57 42 70
c....55 45 22 65 80
d....78 34
e....66 66 54 23 56
f....55 66 77
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May 20, 2014
I'm working on a workbook that will track staffing patterns.
The workbook has three worksheets: Sheet1 "RCS", Sheet2 "HCT' and Sheet3 "Hidden". I've attached the workbook to this thread. The password for the form is "j".
On Sheet3 "Hidden" I have two tables that are set up to collect the SUM of columns on Sheets1 "RCS" and Sheet2 "HCT". I'm finding the SUM of each range by way of the background color. I've set up the following formulas and when the "data collection tables" are in the same worksheets as the original information, the formula's work perfectly:
The following functions are pulling data from Sheet1 "RCS" and placing them into a table in Sheet2 "Hidden"
[Code] ........
The following functions are pulling data from Sheet1 "RCS" and placing them into a table in Sheet2 "Hidden"
[Code] .......
I have two more functions that aren't working due to the fact that the source values are percentages and NOT plain numbers. The above functions work great for SUM but not for percentages. EXAMPLE--Let's say, 3 sub percentages it gives me the SUM of the 3 percentages (i.e. 85% + 100% + 100% = 285% instead of giving me 95%.
[Code] ........
How might I use the following functions to find the average of the source fields instead of the SUM?
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Jun 14, 2013
E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).
E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.
I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.
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Jan 22, 2014
I am looking for a function that gives a range of numbers a score, here is what i need:
if A1 is between 6&15 B1=25 if A1 is between 16&35 B1=15 if A1 is between 36&65 B1=5 if A1 is 66 or more B1=0
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Jul 18, 2006
I have a range of numbers between 1 and 25 in 50 cells.
How could I use the countif function to look at that range of numbers for
values between 5 and 10 and count those values that meet the criteria of
between 5 and 10?
Or if there is another function to use, let me know.
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Oct 26, 2012
is it possible to use the VLook up function to look at a range of numbers - I.e.
30-40, answer = 15%, I have tried 30-40 also 30,40 but none seem to work?cualte?
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Sep 11, 2012
Is it possible to create a string with a range of numbers
Result: 1,3:6,8,10
Result: 1:4
Result: 1,3,5,7
Where consecutive numbers are separated by a ":" and other numbers by a ",". I use the following function to create the ","-concatenate, but I don't know how to create the ":"-ranges.
Function AConcat(a As Variant, Optional Sep As String = "") As String
'By Harlan Grove, March 2002
Dim Y As Variant
If TypeOf a Is Range Then
For Each Y In a.Cells
[Code] .........
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May 13, 2006
i am trying to convert a range of numbers to text using the Cstr function ,it doesnt work. excel VBA help states that CStr function converts a numeric value to a String. i am aware that i can convert a number by preceding it with an apostrophe
i just need to know why Cstr doesnt do the job
Sub covrt()
For Each rng In Selection.Cells
rng = CStr(rng.Value)
End Sub
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Jan 23, 2007
TotHCInv.Value = WorksheetFunction. Sum(KRInv, PBLInv, CRInv, PVInv)
If i >= 34 Then CPSCtphRMA.Value = WorksheetFunction.Average("G" & (i - 30) & ":G" & i)
The first line runs properly, but the second line bugs out with the error message "Unable to get the Average property of the WorksheetFunction class". I can simply do the math, but I thought that using the worksheet function would be easier than summing and dividing. I'm curious, though, as to why I can't seem to use the Average function.
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Jan 27, 2012
I have a spreadsheet wtih a number of rows that contain answers to different criertia in each column.
The row may therefore have cells that either have numbers or letters.
Column A will be the title of the row.
I want to write a function to find the average value of the numbers in any row with title 'x'.
So it would look down column A, and look for those called 'x', and then average all the numbers across all those rows.
I have tried to use =averageif, but I think the fact there are letters in the cells being assessed (which I just want to be ignored) creates an error.
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Feb 18, 2010
TPR, DISPLAY and FEATURE columns generate a rating based off of an IF function. In the Executed column, I need TPR, FEATURE, DISPLAY to be averaged together...BUT....In I want the average only include columns where there are numbers. For example in row one the eqn would be (1+3+2)/3, but in row 2 the eqn would be (1+1)/2...can I state an average function within an if function? Or what would be the best way to create an eqn for this?? I have thousands of rows to complete and doing it manually is not an option.
0- Did not meet expectations
1- Below expectations
2- Met expectations
3- Exceeded expectationsTPRDISPLAYFEATUREExecuted?Effective?Comments132Coming off of a Dec promotion113111111221
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to calculate time in the ER, avg. time in the ER, and time before seen in minutes USING the Averageif function. However, in the columns that I am trying to calculate, there are a lot of ######### and 0:00. So I thought that if I use =AVERAGEIF(AL2:AL47,">0") then that would exclude the ######## and the 0:00.
However, it seems that the formulas are not working. For example, one column contains 00:10, 00:04, 00:05, then a lot of ########, and 0:00.
When I take the =AVERAGEIF(AL2:AL47,">0") of this whole colum then it gives me and average of 18:02!!!!
18 hours and 2 minutes can not be correct!
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Feb 3, 2010
I am using the following formula, but for the cells that dont have data I get the #DIV/0! error.
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Aug 18, 2009
Field 1 input: Beginning Date (e.g 7/17/09)
Field 2 input: End Date (e.g. 7/23/09)
Need: Average costs on and between these given dates
From table with this information:
Date Market two
7/16/2009 80
7/17/2009 80
7/20/2009 82
7/21/2009 84
7/22/2009 82
7/23/2009 82
7/24/2009 82
7/27/2009 82
I need Excel to average Market two 7/17 to 7/23 (80, 82, 84, 82, 82) based on the dates I give it.
If I change the date to 7/20 to 7/24, I then need excel to average (82, 84, 82, 82, 82)
How can I get Excel to average based on different dates? Or basically, how do I get it to pull rows between 2 inputs?
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Nov 27, 2005
I m making a worksheet for our shooting results. I need the average of the
top 3 results from collum E6 to W6 and top 3 reults from Y6 to AJ6. Can
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Oct 27, 2009
I currently have this equation: =AVERAGEIF($B$2:$B$900000,">="&L5,$C$2:$C$900000). Where L5 = 100. I'm interested in having the formula averageif B column value is between L5 & L6. Where L6 = 200. So I want it to find all values in B$ that are between >= 100 but < 200, and then average their C$ counterparts.
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Dec 17, 2008
I've got a spreadsheet I use to track quality scores, it will appear like such, and with 2003 I don't have AVERAGEIF()
name | team | score
joe f | billing | 3
may r | billing | 3
roy m | status | 1
kay t | first call | 1
I already used an array function to find the average of each team (even with empty scores) by using:
=AVERAGE(IF(DeptRange=$B$7,C$20:C$200)) [Ctrl-Shift-Enter]
EDIT: Incidentally, I changed AVERAGE() to COUNT(), and it kicked back 9 values instead of 3 (I have one value entered for each team atm). B7 is the name of the department I'm finding the average for. I've got 3 departments in one location, and 6 in another location. I'm trying to add OR() to give me our regional quality averages, and it's not working. I used:
=AVERAGE(IF(OR(DeptRange=$B$7,DeptRange=$B$9,DeptRange=$B11),C$20:C$200)) [Ctrl-Shift-Enter]
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Dec 3, 2012
How can I do
But across 18 tabs all with the same ranges???
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Nov 27, 2008
I am trying to figure out how to take the average of the last 4 "non-zero" numbers in a series of values.
The sheet looks something like this, numbers are all in one row:
7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , Total = 28 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , Total = 0 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 7 , 7 , 7 , 7 , Total = 28 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , Total = 0 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 8 , Total = 32
I'm looking for a formula that will look at all the last few totals (starting from the end) and take an average of the last 4 totals that were > 0. In this case it would average {32, 32, 28, 32} ignoring the 0 total.
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Apr 23, 2009
I have this formula where it averages the last five numbers in a collumn, but I want to average the last 5 numbers less the max and min number.
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