AVERAGEIF Function Using Reference As Criteria Range
Dec 5, 2013
I am trying to use the AVERAGEIF function to give calculate averages based on dynamic data. The formula I want to work is:
but this returns the "#DIV/0!" error.
[Code] ....
returns the correct value.
I want to be able to calculate averages of only the cells that are greater than the value of cell D6. Is there a way to do this?
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Sep 15, 2009
I'm trying to use the average if function to average a range of numbers, only if a different range of numbers numbers equal a number in two different cells.
ex. average A1:F1 if G1:L1 equals M1 or M2
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Feb 12, 2014
Is it possible to utilize the AVERAGEIF function for a specific range of values. For Example, instead of ">45", I would be looking to only average the cells that have values between 40 & 60. I've tried several different ways to input that into the function but nothing seems to work.
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Jun 5, 2014
I am trying to use the AVERAGEIF function on the below screenshot. I have a mix of text cells (ignored by default), 0s, and whole numbers from 25-100. For some reason, the value in Q16 is incorrectly averaged. The interesting thing is, I have similar data and function in R16 and it is working as expected.
Q16 =AVERAGEIF(B16:B16:D16:D16:F16:F16:H16:H16:J16:J16:L16:L16:N16:N16,">0") --> expected value of 275/3 (decimal rounding 0 places) is 92[code]....
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Sep 24, 2009
I need something like AverageIf function that basically takes the B column and averages only the numbers that are not 0… I have messed around with this and finally just got frustrated, maybe its because I’m using Excel 2003?
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Nov 6, 2008
I have data that i need to average. In Excel 2007 there seems to be a function to do this but it isnt available in 2003 version.
In column A there is a load number in column B there is a total load time, i need to be able to calculate an average load time.
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Sep 11, 2013
In cells G2 to G57 I have the months from Jan-09 to Aug-13. In H3 to H57 I have the monthly data. In cell k2 I am trying to average all of the December data without individually clicking each cell (Ex: Dec-09, Dec-10, Dec-11, Dec-12). I was thinking of doing Averageif formula like =AVERAGEIF(G2:G57,"Dec*",H2:H57) but I get the dreaded #DIV error.
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Mar 11, 2014
I'm looking to average the numbers contained within 5 different columns if the corresponding cell in a different column is blank.
Here's what I have currently (with column A being the conditional cells and D:H being what I'm looking to average)
=AVERAGEIF(A3:A26, "", D3:H26)
From what I understand, this function only allows me to average a single column. If this is in fact a limitation of excel and not just of my knowledge, is there a different way to calculate the average of D3:H26 when the corresponding cell in column A is blank?
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Jan 2, 2009
I cant figure out an averageif formula for a particular criteria. my criteria is any number between 10000 and 20000. Here is an example.
=AVERAGEIF(C:C,"between 10000 and 20000",G:G)
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Apr 30, 2009
How would I used the indirect function to reference a named range in the workbook in formula creation.
For instance, if in cell A1 I have entered the text "Sales" which is also a named range in the workbook. Then in cell A2 I tried entering the following formula to sum based on the entry in cell A1 using the indirect funtion. For instance:
In this instance I was hoping this formula would then sum the amounts in the "Sales" named range. And, if I changed the text in cell A1 to "Cost" for instance (another named range in the workbook), it would sum the amounts in the "Cost" named range. Allowing for a dynamic formula based on the entry in cell A1.
I'm using Excel 2007.
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Feb 14, 2008
I have a split named range covering non-contiguous areas, ie:
Name: status_web
Range: =$F$14:$I$122,$F$700:$I$746,$F$798:$I$830,$F$905:$I$933
This appears to work fine when selecting the name however it returns a #VALUE! error when using it in a formula, eg: = COUNTIF(status_web, "*p*"). Is there any way to get this to work, or do I need a separate named range for each contiguous section? NOTE: Not sure whether this extra fact would through a spanner in the works, but I am referencing this named range from a separate workbook.
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Feb 28, 2008
Is there a way to start match from a relative position?
Say a match I have in column "A" returns 344. Is it possible to start a new match for column "B" from that spot, instead of having it return a match starting at the top?
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Dec 31, 2007
I have set up regression in excel using the linest array function which automaticly updates whenever the data it is references changes. Currently the formula in K3 =
Only the Y range in column K changes and then the formula automaticly recalculates the regression parameters. However sometimes the range of valid data changes with each new update so currently K8 to K50 contains valid values and so the formula works. But if the range of valid data now ends at say K45, and the remaining rows (K46- K450) contains #DIV/0!. In this case the formula does not work and I need to go in manualy into K3 and reselect the range to get it to work (in the baove case to =LINEST(K8:K45,M8:N45,TRUE,TRUE)
Is there anyway I can get the formula to update the range (the number of rows to use) in the calculation automaticly so I don't have to go into the formula in K3 and change the range manually everytime the data changes? Basicly I like to use all rows in column K (from K8 to K50) where there is a values and ignore cells with #DIV/0!
I'm guessing the easiest way to do this would be to set up a dynamic range of some sort that feeds into the linest array function so that the end row reference for columns K and M & N changes depending on where the first #DIV/0! occurs in column K.
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Apr 15, 2009
I have the following formula below to return "C" if the value in the cell is "C", and nothing if not.
I want to expand it to return "C" if the value in the cell is "C" or "D", for a range between C2:H2.
I'm have trouble with this easy adjustment.
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Jan 22, 2007
I am trying to use the function DGET() to re-organize the information on the "DbCalc" sheet in the attached workbook. This formula can be found in C2:C5 in "purple. I am referencing the worksheet "Exp Rpt" as a database and match info based on two criteria. I can do this using an array formula like this ={SUM(IF((A1='Exp Rpt'!B$9:B$10000)*(A2='Exp Rpt'!E$9:E$10000),'Exp Rpt'!H$9:H$10000,0))} , however with the amount of data that I need to reference this array is soaking up all my memory. I would usually turn to access to do this, but the person that will be utilizing this tool only knows excel.
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Mar 1, 2014
I have created a register that gives the ages of the participants being registered. I need to figure out the number of boys and girls of different age groups. I used the formula =DCOUNT(database,column no,criteria) with criteria having two columns, Gender & Date of Birth. Under Gender was M, Under Date of Birth was >=01/03/2002 [dd/mm/yyyy]. This gave perfect results shwing me the number of boys less than 12 years old. However, wishing to make the formula dynamic I changed it to >=EDATE(TODAY(),-144) which is exactly twelve years ago. This formula gives wrong results and I can't understand why.
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Feb 27, 2008
I have a worksheet with 6000 rows (W1), and another with 2500 rows (W2).
I need to check whether the values of W2 are found in the second column of W1. As in if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) ---> resulting in something like:
If the value is found in the cell B2 of column B on W1, then return its reference which you find in A2, otherwise leave a blank.
I need to check all 2500 values in all 6000 rows.
I know for sure that I will have limited hits (max of 200) so I would like to create a list on W2 (the values) where I check if they are found in W1 and return only the 'hits'. I would like to filter out the blanks.
YOu can filter the blanks, I know, but you need to have a 'full' version (I thought) with all the blanks and the hits and then and only then you can filter.
But is there a way how I can use the advanced filter, with a criteria range using a function. Something like: criteria range --> if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) is not equal to "".
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Aug 19, 2014
I am trying to SUM the total task done per date. The problem is, (for the sake of this problem) the DATE is in Column B and the Task Total is in Column A. I know that SUMIF is not possible because the SUM RANGE should be always on the right side of the CRITERIA.
My question is, is there other formula other than SUM IF to figure this out? or I have no choice but to Interchange the data in a matter that SUMIF function will run.
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Mar 20, 2009
Another interesting dilemma to solve. Using this formula:
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.
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Jul 14, 2014
Is it possible to reference a cells value to define a range reference?
[Code] ......
I am trying to define the row value in the range reference with a value in a secondary cell?
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Jul 8, 2009
I am trying to calculate time in the ER, avg. time in the ER, and time before seen in minutes USING the Averageif function. However, in the columns that I am trying to calculate, there are a lot of ######### and 0:00. So I thought that if I use =AVERAGEIF(AL2:AL47,">0") then that would exclude the ######## and the 0:00.
However, it seems that the formulas are not working. For example, one column contains 00:10, 00:04, 00:05, then a lot of ########, and 0:00.
When I take the =AVERAGEIF(AL2:AL47,">0") of this whole colum then it gives me and average of 18:02!!!!
18 hours and 2 minutes can not be correct!
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Feb 3, 2010
I am using the following formula, but for the cells that dont have data I get the #DIV/0! error.
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Oct 27, 2009
I currently have this equation: =AVERAGEIF($B$2:$B$900000,">="&L5,$C$2:$C$900000). Where L5 = 100. I'm interested in having the formula averageif B column value is between L5 & L6. Where L6 = 200. So I want it to find all values in B$ that are between >= 100 but < 200, and then average their C$ counterparts.
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Dec 17, 2008
I've got a spreadsheet I use to track quality scores, it will appear like such, and with 2003 I don't have AVERAGEIF()
name | team | score
joe f | billing | 3
may r | billing | 3
roy m | status | 1
kay t | first call | 1
I already used an array function to find the average of each team (even with empty scores) by using:
=AVERAGE(IF(DeptRange=$B$7,C$20:C$200)) [Ctrl-Shift-Enter]
EDIT: Incidentally, I changed AVERAGE() to COUNT(), and it kicked back 9 values instead of 3 (I have one value entered for each team atm). B7 is the name of the department I'm finding the average for. I've got 3 departments in one location, and 6 in another location. I'm trying to add OR() to give me our regional quality averages, and it's not working. I used:
=AVERAGE(IF(OR(DeptRange=$B$7,DeptRange=$B$9,DeptRange=$B11),C$20:C$200)) [Ctrl-Shift-Enter]
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Dec 3, 2012
How can I do
But across 18 tabs all with the same ranges???
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Jan 20, 2010
This is what i was using,
I want to add more sets of ranges and average ranges like this,
=AVERAGEIF(($B$6:$B$48,$B$70:$B$112,$B$134:$B$176,$B$198:$B$240),B262,($C$6:$C$48,$C$70:$C$112,$C$13 4:$C$176,$C$198:$C$240))
Which of course returns #VALUE!
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Sep 26, 2007
I've searched around the web for AverageIf solutions and found the CSE formulas. However I've come across a big problem I can't resolve.
I have two columns of data. Column A has _similar_ text and column B has data.
The problem is the following: AverageIf does not support finding similar text. This means that a formula like:
=AVERAGE(IF(A2:A400="Info/German*";F2:F200;FALSE)) does not work.
Column A contains words like Info/German, Info/German2, Info/Italian etc. But I only need to find the average of cells that begin with "Info/German".
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Jun 5, 2013
I have simple Countif and Averageif formulas that I would like to have linked to variable data in cell E6 on the Assumptions (2) tab however, the formula is not taking the cell as the criteria and only taking a hard number when I am using >=.
The example would be: I3 needs to be able to use the data changed in E6 for the >= number instead of the hardkey 29...
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Apr 12, 2006
SUMIF allows one to enter a [valid] criteria text string into cell D2, say
">14000", and then reference D2 as the function criteria, e.g.,
Is there a syntax that SUMPRODUCT will accept that does the same thing? Note the inclusion of a comparison operator is important.
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