Browse For File User Input

Sep 3, 2009

Does VBA support any type of "browse for file" interface? I'm thinking something similar to an inputbox, but instead it gives you the standard looking windows explorer window to find a file (think adding an attachment in outlook).
The function would return a string.

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User Input For File & Path For File Copy

Jan 26, 2008

Below is the current code I have for File Copy before the workbook closes. This file will be distributed all over and obviously will not have the same old path and new path locations as I have in my code also will not have the same file name. Is there anyway to still perform the file copy without knowing the old path and file name and possibly have message box pop up to ask the copy to location and use that in the new path string?

Sub Macro1()
Dim fs As Object
Dim oldPath As String, newPath As String
oldPath = "I:EXLDATAMC Daily" '<---Where the file is currently located
newPath = "H:South RegionOrlando Mail Services2008DI" 'Since the super shared drive is super slow we will just copy and replace this file each time before we close and of course after we save
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile oldPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls", newPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls"
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub

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Prompting User For File Input

Nov 7, 2006

I want to do is prompt the user for an Excel file and then insert it as a new worksheet as sheet 2. Also, if possible I would like the imported file to insert to the right of sheet 1. Anyone know how to do this or at least know some parts of this problem.

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Browse A Text File With 10 Textual Lines And Rewrite The Contents In The Same File

Feb 5, 2010

i want to browse a text file with 10 textual lines and rewrite the contents in the same file (starting from line number 11) from bottom to top.

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Browse To Attach The File

Oct 29, 2007

send automaticaly, or it waits until user will push button send or brows to attach the file.

In all given samples it says: “If you use Microsoft Outlook”. I know that any office has Outlook. Is it impossible to make Outlook usable with macro and then send an e-mail?

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Macro To Prompt Where To Browse For The File

Aug 28, 2009

I have looked in books and online and can't seem to locate how to create a macro that opens a browse function. From Excel I would like to click a button to start a macro and have that macro prompt me where to browse for the file. There is a lot of other code that will go after this step (which I already have), so once I click to "open" a file I want the macro to continue.

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Browse For Picture File And Put Location In Cell

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to code where when someone hits the command button it will popup with the browse form and they find the location of the file and it puts there choice in a cell. don't know if it matters but the location would always be a picture. Here is what I have but it shows -1 in the cell

HTML Dim strFilePath As Variant
strFilePath = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker).Show
shUserInformation.Range("D12").Value = strFilePath

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Browse Button Code To Obtain Single File Name

May 29, 2009

i've looked on the threads and there are some exaples of this but not specfic enough.

i need code that allows me to browse my PC for Excel Files then select one file and put it's name into the activecell?

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Suppress Browse For File When Copy Formula Linked To Other Workbooks

Jan 19, 2008

I am trying to write some VBA that will select a row of cells that each have links to cells in another workbook, and then either autofill the formulas down (or pastespecial them down) for 20 rows. I have that part down using either pastespecial or autofill, but -

Since the forumulas are links to another workbook, Excel wants to resolve that link to calculate the values at the time of the pastespecial or autfill. If the sourced workbook is not open, the "browse for file" popup displays. I don't want the popup to display and would rather just get the #REF in the pasted cells and let it resolve the next time the sourced workbook is open. The end result would be like clicking "cancel" to the "browse for file popup", which I'm tired of constantly doing... I would just like to skip that popup all together and get the #REF value.

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Prevent The User From Saving The Data Input From The User Form If Any Of Those Three Fields Is Left Blank

Feb 9, 2010

I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.

What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)

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Check A User Input To See If The User Has Entered The Date Correctly

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to check a user input to see if the user has entered the date correctly. I am using the code below but it keeps giving me a "Type Mismatch" error.

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Excel 2003 :: Browse For Text File When Folder Root Is Known But Filename Unknown

Apr 25, 2012

I have run into a problem in a project where I know what the folder root of the file I would like to import into excel is, but I do not know the file name.

I would like to open a dialogue open where I can select the file I wish to import from the known root supplied and retain the file name as a string.

All solution I have read assume the full file root is know or file name is known but root is unknown

I am working with Excel 2003.

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Making Excel File Accessible For Few Users But One User Should Not See Other User Entries

Jul 11, 2012

I have an excel file with multiple sheets. I want my HR team to update that file, but one user shouldnt see the entries of other users. I want to make a consolidated file out of three files. This excel template is for salary input.

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Prevent User From Accessing The Excel File When It Is In Use By Another User

Jul 22, 2013

An Excel file named CLEARING is availble in thr central server system. it will be accessed by 5 or 6 staffs from some other systems what i need is when one person accesses/edits this file the others should not even able to open in the read only file ,when the file is saved and closed ,then only the next person should access it

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Wait For User Input

Jan 24, 2014

How do I pause my macro until the user selects a chart in the worksheet? Or Keep prompting a message to the user till he selects the chart and when a chart is selected run the macro.

Step 1: Check if a chart is Selected
Step 2: If yes, run the macro
Step 3: If no, prompt the user with a msgbox of Retry/Cancel.
Step 4: If the user selects Retry, wait till he makes a selection.
Step 5: If the selection is a chart, run the macro. If the selection is not a chart prompt the same msgbox again and keep looping it till he selects a chart.

Sub test5()
Dim chtSelected As Chart
Dim UserResponse As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Set chtSelected = ActiveChart

[Code] .....

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Macro User Input

Mar 28, 2009

I would like to do a Macro which requires user to go to a specific line which is variable in each work sheet. I would like to be able to enter the number and then delete all lines below that point and then continue with the balance of the macro.

Is there an easy way to pause the Macro and then restart it? Or is there a code that I can insert in the Macro to locate a specific Cell and then delete all lines below the next line?

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User Input To Multiply

Apr 15, 2009

In my macro, I'm trying to use an input box to determine the factor to multiply another cell by. I also want to only allow entry of 6.0 or less, and only allow, (but not require), a single decimal place. Here's what I've got so far, but it's not working:

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How To Autofill With User Input

Mar 2, 2012

I would like to make a button on my toolbar that will let me autofill whatever cell I've selected down to whatever row I designate. I would like to have a user input where you put in the row number and it autofills whatever formula down to that row in the column selected.

I know how to do a normal autofill, but I don't know how to do a user input or have it input into the autofill process.

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User Input Into A Range

Jul 14, 2006

This code works fine if i use static ranges, but i would like the user to input the column in which the data is stored.

'Get data for the locations of the gaming license numbers needed for the comparison
varPlayerHost = InputBox("Please enter a single letter for the" + vbCrLf + _
"Column that the Player Host License" + vbCrLf + _
"numbers are in.", "Player Host Number Location", "H")
varHostLicense = InputBox("Now enter the column letter for the copied employee" + vbCrLf + _
"license numbers", "Employee License Number Location", "U")

'Set the ranges for the data to be compared
'This is where I am getting the error???
Set rRangeA = Range([varPlayerHost,1], Range(varPlayerHost, 65536).End(xlUp))
Set rRangeB = Range([varHostLicense,1], Range(varHostLicense, 65536).End(xlUp))

'The actual comparison and deletion of record that match the license numbers copied.
'When this function finishes you will be left with a spreadsheet that only has patron
'information left for the patrons that have an invalid host number.
For Each rCell In rRangeA
If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(rRangeB, rCell) > 0 Then
End If
Next rCell

This exact code is kicking an error
"Run Time error 1004"
"Method 'Range' of Object '_Global' failed"
Not quite sure where i went wrong.

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Validate User Input

Aug 10, 2006

If anything else is entered into the input box a message box (MSGbox) with a vbCritical button will appear with the following prompt "You entry (insert entry data here) is inccorect." I don't know the code for "insert entry data here".

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Need User Input Value Or Formula Value In Same Cell

Sep 15, 2014

I would like a cell to have user input. If there is no input then the cell should reference a value in another cell. My strategy was to use a formula in another cell to check to see if the user input cell was empty. If it was empty then the formula propagated the cell. If it had user inputted data then it stayed like it was.

Here is an example:
Begin Invent

End Invent
User input or
formula here





I want the user to be able to input a value for the End Invent cell right below 1000. If there is no value I want that same cell to mirror the cell above it with the 1000 in it.

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How To Protect Cells After One User Input

May 2, 2007

I want to administrate a short training test. The user has chooses a correct answer A-E, off a drop down menu. I want to set it up so the user can't answer multiple times until they choose the correct answer.

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User Input And Cell Formatting

Dec 1, 2009

I have a cell which team members enter their team name in to. For example FR1 and RA5. I set up data validation to only allow four characters so they can enter RA10 FR15 etc. However I have now found some are entering FR 1 with a space between the team name and number. This then means my formulas further on are not picking up the cell correctly. How can I have the space between the FR and 1 removed automatically upon user input?

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Default Cell Value Before User Input

Aug 14, 2013

I need a cell to display a default value (something like "Input Here") which a user can overwrite with a value. When the value is erased, the cell should return to the default. Preferably, it'd be great if the cell reset to the default value whenever the workbook is opened as well (i.e. won't save the user's input value).

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Log User Input In Successive Rows?

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to build a user-friendly Excel database that takes the user's input from various cells and logs that data input by the user in successive rows to the side. Please see the screenshots of my current spreadsheet below:

Compressor Database.jpg

From the screenshot above, I would like for the user to input their data for the Date of Last Inspection, Current Hours, and check the boxes for any services they performed in the orange/pink "Input" box on the left. Currently I have the spreadsheet set up so that the orange/pink "input" areas recognize data put in to the yellow "Data Log" cells to the right. I am trying to get the yellow "Data Log" cell area to store the Date and Hours data put in by the user in successive rows like a database, but I am not sure how to do this. I was thinking of putting a button in the says "Log Data" which would, when clicked, store the data in the "Data Log" cells. I am unsure if I need to use a Macro or whether Excel has a simple, built-in function that can be used. Eventually I have plans for the "Date of Last _______ Change" Gray boxes, but would like to take this one step at a time.

I am not well versed in VBA and Excel Macros, and I am currently using Microsoft Excel 2007 (yes, I know it is old). I do have C# and Matlab coding experience, however I would like to do this in Excel to make it easier for the User as it is a well known program.

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User Input From A Supplied List

Jun 18, 2007

I want to present a user with a list that they can make a selection from and enter their selection in a cell. Sounds easy but.........

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Repeat Macro From User Input

Jun 14, 2008

I have a very simple macro for recalculating formulas and printing the page.

I need a way to show an input box where the user can say how many times to repeat the process i.e. 2x = recalculate, print, recalculate, print.

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User Input For Current Path?

Oct 31, 2008

I am writing a macro that will perform a loop operation to export files. I want the user to specify the path, and the macro will save each exported file to that folder.

I did a number of searches and I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.

I think I want to use ChDir after using CurDir. But I don't know how to code the macro so that it asks the user to specify the location.

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How To Create A User Input Dialog Box

Nov 13, 2008

I have a macro that's running quite well and is cross-posted here:


What I need to do is allow for user input. I want to create a dialog box that pops up and asks for an input range, when the user runs the macro. Values can only be from 1 - 50. And the user won't be allowed to select broken sequences, like 6, 9, 12-15.

They would have to be continuous, i.e. 6 - 15, etc. I'm still very new to VBA. I can play with the control toolbox, but I have very little understanding of how to interface with the components that I'm adding/creating. Once I have that range, I want to use the inputs as the 'start' and 'stop' points for my loop. So I need to capture the values and pass them as input parameters, I'm guessing.

I can modify the loop to accept the inputs, I'm just not sure how to capture them from a user input dialog box.

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Getting User Input For Find Macro

Feb 27, 2009

Due to the economy we are only scheduling days to work one week ahead which leads to alot of phone calls. The gaurds who get the calls then search thru a printed spreadsheet looking for a clock number or last name. I realized right away they should just look at the file on the computer and due edit - find. The problem is they due not use computers unless printing and they looked at me like I was talking in a different language. So I want to edit this macro below so it will allow user to type in search criteria instead of using same search criteria every time. Here it is 70039. I also need to place a shortcut or button to this macro on the toolbar or sheet and do not know how. How do I stop "remove macro or enable when file is loaded"?

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