Calculate Difference Between Dates In Work Hours With Lunch Period
Mar 8, 2013
I need also to calculate difference between dates(dd-mm-aaaa hh:mm) in workhours ( hh:mm):
The work period is 9-18 with lunch interval 13-14 The startdate and end date could be out of the work hours and i can't include the extra hours. I can have several days (workdays) at the difference, but i should maintain the format hh:mm.
Startdate 05-03-2013 18:34 ( date to calculation should be 05-03-2013 18:00)
end date 06-03-2013 10:30
Time Difference 1:30 ( from 9 to 10:30 of 06-03-2013 )
will be equal to:
Startdate 06-03-2013 8:34 ( date to calculation sould be 06-03-2013 9:00 )
end date 06-03-2013 10:30
Time Difference 1:30 ( from 9 to 10:30 of 06-03-2013 )
Startdate 06-03-2013 12:01
End date 06-03-2013 14:28
Time Difference 01:29
Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.
For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.
So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
If a person does a full day I want the formula to calculate how many hours minus 30 mins for lunch i.e. 7:30 - 4:00 = 8 hours. I have done this and it works fine, the problem comes when a person does a half day i.e. 7:30 - 11:30, this will read 4.5 hours. If this is the case I don't want the 30mins deducted so it should be 4.0 hours worked.
I have high lighted a column in the work sheet (yellow) whereby the user puts an 'x' in the appropriate cell if they are working a half day.
The probem is I cannot incorperate the two formulas in one cell (the Actual hours cell) I have the one formula in the actual hours cell and the other bolted on the end thus giving two different readings.
The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie : Difference between 02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes
The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format
I currently have an Excel payroll extract that populates a start date and end date via the calender control 11 user form.
What I have found out is I need to inject some sanity to this application. I can not have users select days that are outside of a pay period.
The users should only be able to select the first or the 16th of the month for a pay period start. Then they can only select the 15th or the 28th/31st for the pay period end.
What I am trying to do is have them select the month and the pay period start date, then the end date would automaticly be selected. But I don't want to have to create a bunch of loops to counter for the differing month end dates or leap years.
I need to enter a formula that calculates the time a report is received from the time it was recorded in our database. therefore, it needs to exclude non working hours. here are the fields:
I'm attempting to make a simple time sheet for a handful of employees. I'd like to enter the clock in time and clock out time for each day. The end cell should be the running total for the week. The tricky part for me is having the formula subtract an hour for each day that is over 5 hours.
I have an excel spreadsheet where you enter the start time and end time for job function. Since some of the times cross midnight, I use the formula J3=IF(I3>H3,I3-H3,1+I3-H3) where I is the end time and H is the start time (format hh:mm). This part works fine, however when I sum column J and change my format to Time 37:38:00 (since it is over 24 hrs), it returns a large number of 2234:48:39 which should be closer to 223:00:00.
Excel formula to calculate period between multiple dates.
Column A has first arrival Column B has first departure Column C has second arrival Column D has second departure Column E has third arrival Column F has third departure Column G has forth arrival Column H has forth departure Column I has fifth arrival
I have call data in date/time 06/07/08 2:00 PM custom format for a 2 month period. I have my regular opening times eg Monday 9-3, Tuesday 10-4. For each call I want to know if it was made during opening times or not.
I have to calculate employees work hours for overtime.
in the timesheets:
A B C D E 1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod 2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular 3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular 4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 13:00 <----- total for cell D2,D3, and D4 is more than 40
A B C D E 1 ID Date Code Hours PayMethod 2 A123 4/14/14 TRN 20:00 Regular 3 A123 4/14/14 TTT 15:00 Regular 4 A123 4/14/14 TRN 5:00 Regular <----- to make 40 5 A123 4/14/14 TRT 8:00 Overtime <----- 13-5=8, so i have to write down 8 here for overtime
How can I do this?
I want to make a command button for macro to perform this.
I am creating a problem report spreadsheet for work. In col C I have a date/time that the problem started, eg, 23-Jun-2006 15:20 and in col D I have a date/time for when the problem was resolved, eg, 26-Jun-2006 15:40. I need to calculate the amount of hours that we were not available for use (due to the problem). This is based on a list of available hours. Eg, on Mondays we are available 19.5 hrs, T-F 22.5 hrs, Sa 14.5 hrs, and Sun 0 hrs.
If I do a straight subtraction, it uses 24 hrs for each day - not taking into account our available hrs. If I do NETWORKDAYS it automatically doesn't consider Sat or Sun - and i need it to - and it does have a DayEnd and DayStart but it assumes they are constants. I found the day corresponding to the date and thought I could determine the series of days between it, e.g., if the start day was Friday & the end day Monday, the series in between is Sat & Sun. Then I could do a lookup on all 4 days in a table & add them all together. But I can't figure out how to do this!
I am creating a 'HelpDesk Issue Logger' and I am trying to calculate the Network Days and Network Hours between two dates with times. I want to know how many business days and hours are between the two days to give me a TURE 'Response Time.'
I have been to several sites and forums looking for the answer, but I have not been able to find a solutions that works for me. Please find attached a 'stripped' down version of my project.
I need to determine a formula which will allow me to calculate a future date based upon a current date with varying time periods.
For example:
I have a bill which is paid on the 15th and last business day of each month. I would like to be able to see the next due date regardless of what day of the week it is.
I have a bill which is paid every other Tuesday. I would like to know the next due date without having to enter +14 for every due date in the future. In other words, it is preferable to be able to open the spreadsheet and automatically see the next due date, not use autofill to repeatedly add +14 to a previous date which would limit the # of future due dates that could be calculated.
I have a bill which is paid on the last business day of each month, not the last Friday of each month. I would need excel to return a value for the last day of the month which = Monday-Friday, regardless of what day of the week it may be as long as it isn't Saturday or Sunday(holiday exclusion would be nice but not required).
I can calculate total hours when a user enters a start date/time and a finish date/time. The kick is I only want to include hours from 2:00 PM to 12:00 AM (10 hour period). So assuming all the start and end times will be in this range, how can i calculate work hours over multiple days? For example: Start date/time = 2/26/13 2:30 PM and end date/time = 2/28/13 10:30 PM. I want my calculated hours to show 28 hours.
I need to calculate the amount of time between two dates, and show it in the number of hours and minutes. My dates are formatted to show the time in Zulu time. So 1406 = 2:06PM.
Here is what I have:
A1 = 6/4/08 1406Z B1 = 6/5/08 0402Z
For this example, the formula should return a result of 13 hours and 58 minutes. With the result, there is no need to desingate Zulu time with a 'Z'. But I need the result in a format that will allow me to calculate an average for all my data.
I am trying to figure out what formula to use to calculate the difference between the creation date and resolved date in hours and days. That is, In once column I would like to see the difference in 'hours' and in another column I would like to see the difference in 'days'.
how to calculate the difference in value of an item between two dates on a pivot table. I have one table that feeds the Pivot Table and it has three fields:
Data as of Date Item Value
So each day, the Data as of Date is updated to the current day and the items are the same but the values are different. I need to calculate the difference in value between the most recent date and x days ago. I cannot figure out how to do this via Pivot Table.
I'm just trying to calculate the difference between dates in two columns and applying conditional formatting based on if it is a positive or negative number. But when there is a null value in either of the date columns I don't want anything returned.
So far I'm either getting a 0 or a FALSE.
Column A = Date 1 Column B = Date 2 Column C = Formula
From the below example, I would need to know the difference between date & time of Received and Resolved in number of days. Meaning - time difference should also be calculated in days
CELL ACELL BCELL CCELL DCELL E - REQUIRED OUTPUTReceived DateReceived TimeResolved DateResolved TimeTurn Around Time - IN DAYS20-Jan-122:43:00 PM23-Jan-124:50:00 PMDifference between Resolved date & time and Received date & time
I have two Rows of data. Each row contains a unique Name column and separate columns for Date, Hour and Minute. I would like to calculate the Time difference in Days, Hours and Minutes between the two Dates. I’m not sure if the way I’ve set it up is the most practical. I’ll attach the spreadsheet to better explain.
I need to calculate the date difference between two dates and get the result in the number of years and proportion of months ie;
20/09/99 to 01/02/02 is 2.33333333 years. I can use the DATEDIF function to get 2 years 4 months as the result but for the calc I'm doing I need it in the format of 2.33333333. Thinking I just need to tweak the DATEDIF a bit but just can't work it out!
I have a vacation data of my company. I want to calculate difference between two dates (relieving date & rejoining date) after excluding holiday(which I will decide as per my company policy) also note that now i m in gulf country hence here Friday is weekly off not Sunday.
I wanted to calculate the difference between dates, excluding the weekends. After much thought i used =NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)+IF(NETWORKDAYS(A1,A1)+ NETWORKDAYS(B1,B1)=2,-SIGN(NETWORKDAYS(A1,B1)),0) that seemed to be working fine. However, I had a problem today with this formula when my start day was saturday (24/05/08) and the last day was monday (26/05/08). What i want is that when i take the difference between these two days, i should get zero as answer as we are not including the weekends in calculation so the start date should ideally be the first weekday which is Monday. However, the formula is giving me 1 as an answer.
This formula works fine if i select 27/05/08 as last date in which case i get 2 as an answer which is right. In gist, what i am looking for is a formula which will give me the difference between two dates and exclude the weekends from the calculation. The last date can't be a weekend, but the start date can. Hence, whenever the start date is a weekend, the formula should take monday as a start day.
I am attempting to get the formula in Column "E" (see attached excel file) to work based off the individual reps 'days off / holidays' (Columns K:P (or more as needed) that they might have. the formula I am using (which works fine) is:
My issue comes up when I am coping this formula for say 100+ rows. When I copy the formula to all of the rows, the (COUNTIF($K$2:$S$2) becomes static and does not realize that the row (ie. Row 26 Rep C) has different days off than Rep A. I can manually change the reference for the countif to specify the correct row to their own days but that becomes tedious very quickly. I was wondering if anyone has come across a way to make the countif work based off of that the name in Column B matches the name in Column G then looks 'to the right' and uses the 'days off' that are listed for the corresponding Rep. I have tried a few different ideas but nothing has worked so far.