Calculating Total Time In One Sheet And Pasting Results Automatically In Another Sheet
Apr 21, 2014
I have an excel workbook which requires us to enter the log details of some sites and then a report is generated using these logs (report attached) . [URL] .......
I want that excel should automatically identify the site and calculate its outage with the following formula:
Outage %age= Total Outage(min)/100.80
and add it in the respective column while identifying the outage.
e.g. if outage is of power then the calculated %age outage should be pasted in the power outage column in front of the respected site.
e.g. in the sheet attached above the first row in the first sheet states that SKU2326 was down for 50 mins
Now %age outage will be
Outage %age= 50/100.80
Outage %age=0.496
Now as the outage is related to power so this outage should go into power column in sheet number 3 labelled as "Network Total Up time Week#17"
Now the next time SKU2326 becomes down it should be added with this 50 mins and the outage calculated as presented above.
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Nov 23, 2007
I am putting together a time sheet for my peoples and can not figure out how to total the hours and remain in hour format, so I have the first employee's start time in B10, Stop time in B11 and total in B12, then the second in C10, C11 and C12 etc etc a grand total of all employees in H12 how would that be entered?
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Jun 19, 2012
I have several sheets with one master sheet. I have a trigger on each sheets that manipulates the data on that particular sheet. Here is the code I'm using:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim r As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set r = Intersect(Target, Range("A:A"))
[Code] .....
Now the point where i put new code is where i want the information from that particular row, column a thru column m to be special pasted linked to the first blank row from the top down to be pasted starting over from Column B. so A1 would be pasted on B1. I ran the recorder and got this as the code ActiveSheet.
Paste Link:=True so i do i incorporate what i want.
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Jun 28, 2006
I have multiple worksheets and I am looking to take specific information from those worksheets and paste them into a new one, thereby compiling the information.
The "C" column is populated with certain cells that say "Not Acceptable". This varies from sheet to sheet, but all in the C column. I'm looking for a code that will run through all the sheets, find the cells that say "Not Acceptable", copy that row of information it is in, and paste it onto a specific sheet that we'll call "Summary"
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Nov 10, 2006
I'm trying to write very simple code that copies totals from one worksheet and pastes to a different worksheet. Normally, it is a one cell to one cell copy/paste. For instance, I want to copy the total found in cell "C4" in Worksheet "BalanceSheet" and paste it into cell "C14" in Worksheet "SpreadFinancials." I'm able to do this fine, and the code below is what I've been using.
Occasionally though I'm needing to sum up 2 cells in Worksheet "BalanceSheet" and only copy/paste the summed total into one cell in Worksheet "SpreadFinancials". For instance, I want to sum the totals found in cell C8 and C9 in Worksheet "BalanceSheet" and then paste that summed total into cell "C8" in Worksheet "SpreadFinancials". I'm looking for simple code that does this. Here's an example of what I've been doing so far for one cell to one cell copy/pastes:
Sub PopulateFinancials()
Sheets("BalanceSheet").Range("C4").Copy Sheets("SpreadFinancials").Range("C14")
Sheets("BalanceSheet").Range("D4").Copy Sheets("SpreadFinancials").Range("E14")
Sheets("BalanceSheet").Range("E4").Copy Sheets("SpreadFinancials").Range("G14")
End Sub
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Feb 12, 2014
I am trying to come up with a formula that calculates total time someone has worked in a day. The scenario is an individual will work at a home and start working with an individual. Their start/end times look like this in a pivot:
Min Start Max Start Min End Max End
Location A+Counselor A 8:56 AM4:01 PM 1:11 PM 7:00 PM
Location A+Counselor B 12:00 AM 8:00 PM 6:00 AM 11:59 PM
Location B:Counselor C 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
Location C+Counselor D 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
Some people work split shifts while others work a straight shift. The formula I created was this:
=IF(OR(B9=C9,E9=D9,D9=C9),E9-B9,IF(D9>C9,((E9-D9)+(C9-B9)),IF(C9>D9,((D9-B9)+E9-C9),"New Formula Needed")))*24
(I use a pivot table to show max min for start and end times)
This works great except for the individuals that have multiple punches during the same time frame. The one scenario I am having trouble solving for is when someone punches in more than once during their shift displaying. This occurs when a counselor starts a shift working with one person but then adds another person mid shift. An example of this could be:
Location A+Counselor E Min Start Max Start Min End Max End
Consumer 1 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM Total Time: 7.5
Consumer 2 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 2:35 PM 2:35 Pm Total Time: 2.6
Pivot says that they worked a total of 10.1 because it is grabbing the max and mins and calculating. The actual total time worked is 8.5 hours in reality.
The raw data comes in like so:
Location Counselor Consumer Start Time End Time
A A A 1:00 PM 8:30 PM
A A B 12:00 PM 2:35 PM
A A C 12:00 PM 5:00 PM
Is this solvable with a formula?
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Apr 14, 2009
I have set up a spreadsheet to calculate time as followed:
A1 - Start Time
B1 - Finish Time
A2 - Hours Worked:
C1 - Start Time
B1 - Finish Time
C2 - Hours Worked:
and so on.........
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Apr 6, 2008
i have two sheets, one to display results (Reults tab) & the other tab containing the data (Data tab)
what i am trying to do is some how create a search function and have a forumula which contains a LIKE function that looks up the data table
RANGE = Data!A2:K255
the search needs to lookup the primary column Data!B2:B255 ... if any results are found .. show them on the results tab.. and if multiple results are found, display those as well.. (in either instance, the whole row of information in respect to the results need to be dislayed and hopefully no duplicates are found .. eg, Data!A:K of a hit)
is there a formula that can achieve this? oh, the search is TEXT based and there should be no empty cells within the dataset
after some MASSIVE googling, i have stumbled accross this
B1 = Search box (txt field)
A6 (which will be a hidden column) contains =MATCH($B$1,Data!A2:A255,0). this formula provides the first instance of the result and provides the row number
A7 contains =MATCH($B$1,OFFSET(Data!$A$1,A6+1,0,8-(A6+1),1),0)+A6.
this is supposed to look for the next row number which contains a match and provide that row number
and througout my other columns, i have
and so on
2 things i cannot recitify..
1, the match has to be EXACT ... unfortunately i cannot use exact .. needs to be LIKE .. eg, i cant use the search word "boat" as the range of data has "boats"
2, it comes up with multile .. irrelevent results.
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Apr 22, 2009
This may not be the best way to do this, but I don't know Macros or Pivot Tables.
I am looking for a way with formulas to do the following:
Within a workbook the 1st sheet is the data entry.
In another sheet that will total data from the data sheet is where I want to be able to total columns of data, depending on what is entered in one specific column:
Data Sheet, E2:E2999 is a unit number selcted by pull down tab entry.
G2:G2999 in the same sheet is where the data is.
Q: What formula would allow to total the data on the Total Sheet depending on what unit number is selected in column E on the Data Sheet and the data amount in column D from Data Sheet?
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Feb 9, 2014
I remember years ago that I made a couple formulas that on sheet one would transfer to another sheet when I enter in sheet one.
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Jun 26, 2006
i'm trying to get data added in one sheet of a workbook to automatically be entered into another sheet. such as a monthly, Quarterly and Annual balance sheet.
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Mar 20, 2014
Once a job is complete on a sales tracking sheet I created, it needs to transfer automatically once I click on a "completed" section of my work sheet.
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a workbook with a Cost Analysis sheet, a master menu sheet, and then all the sub sheets. I have coded command buttons on the master sheet, so once a category is selected, it goes to the appropriate sub sheet. On the subsheet is a list of items of varying sizes, and command buttons beside that which will allow the user to "Select" that particular size. Once the size is selected, the verbage in cell B5 plus the verbage (size) beside the selected amount, and the prices (labor and materials) in the next two columns, need to be transferred to the first available blank line, starting with line C5, to the Cost Analysis sheet. I have never done coding before for a Loop (i.e. For i = ???) and am not sure how to get it to do what I want. After they select that, they can pick a command button that takes them back to the master menu so they can continue picking various items until they are through. Then the Cost Analysis sheet will show all the items they picked, (name of item, material cost and labor cost: Columns B, C, & D). Not everything is coded yet (such as selecting a command button to go back to the main menu, because I wanted to make sure I could solve this problem before doing the easy stuff).
I read over quite a few of the previous threads and am not sure how to change them to suit my circumstance. I know some code (VB), but not much. I do not understand the concept of DIM, and how the loop works to make it happen myself, and all the websites I could find were not suited to my situation of copying three cells of data to the first blank cell on another sheet.
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Aug 10, 2008
I have a workbook with a hidden sheet ("Template") and a visible sheet("New Job"). I need code so when cell F1 in "New Job" is populated:
1-the sheet is renamed to the value of F1,
2-a new tab is made (a carbon copy of the hidden sheet "Template")
3-the new tab is named "New Tab" and marked as unhidden.
Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("F1").Value
End Sub
Function WorksheetExists(SheetName As String, _
Optional WhichBook As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim WB As Workbook
Set WB = IIf(WhichBook Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook, WhichBook)
On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = CBool(Len(WB.Worksheets(SheetName).Name) > 0)
End Function..................
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Dec 21, 2013
i want automatically filled data in customers sheet when i enter his name only (in other sheet)
i am using this formula but this gives me empty cell in between when name comes after a few cells
=IF('all people'!A3:A6='all people'!$K$1,'all people'!B3:B6,"")
some one gave me example workbook but that formula is working in the same sheet
and i need it to work in another sheet and i could not do that
download sample work book to understand this formula
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Feb 25, 2014
how I can get this thing work. I am trying to create a model/code that copies old sheet and create a new sheet and paste the copied old sheet into the new sheet automatically each month.For instance, if my current sheet is February tab, I wish to create a model/code that copies February month's tab and paste it onto a new sheet, for month of March, at the end of the month.
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Feb 2, 2014
i have two sheets, sheet 1 is a list of some items i sell on my website and the stock quantity.sheet 2 is a list of what my supplier has in stock.i want a quick way of my stock values on sheet 1 in column G to match the stock values on sheet 2 column E.
the product codes are the same (sheet 1 is column E for product codes, on sheet 2 the codes are in column B).
on my website (sheet 1) the products size options (column J) are more detailed than that of my suppliers (sheet 2 column F)
for example, my sheet (sheet 1) will say on some items for example MEDIUM: DRESS SIZE 10-12 but my supplier sheet will just say medium also my sheet (sheet 1) will say ONE SIZE or PLUS SIZE where as my suppliers (sheet 2) will be blank however this means that there is only one stock value to update anyway as there is only one size option
is it possible to magically make sheet 1 match the relating stock values from sheet two?
so on sheet 1, item 10035 Child Gangster Suit in size small would change from 7 to 13 and item 10001 Jumbo Syringe would change from 11 to 20
i would also need the updated values on sheet 1 to be highlighted so i know if any have been missed, for example my supplier may have stopped supplying an item in medium but obviously i would still have a stock value for it on my sheet so therefore that value wouldnt be updated so i would need to be made aware of this so i can then remove the option (which has to be done manually) on my website...
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Apr 18, 2011
automating a excel sheet for me. I am actually doing this process manually copying and pasting, but it seems to be taking too much of my time.
I have attached a sample workbook below.
I have a Main sheet where my data is currently present. Right now the data has been sorted accordingly to Track Names.
What i need is I manually copy all the Data belonging to 1 Track into another sheet thats being named under its name. e.g. Aintree sheet will contain all the details found inside my Main Sheet for Aintree track.
This process is currently manual. Is there a way to automate it? Is it possible that my individual track sheets be able to link automatically to reference the mainsheet to display whatever values thats under its track?
Current my Data in the Mainsheet is sorted by Track Name in ascending format. Is it possible for the formula to pick up the correct track automatically without my sheet being sorted, since I have to add data in every data, so my excel keeps on growing.
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Nov 21, 2013
just wanted to know of how to quickly link cells and columns from one cell to the next without using the equals function because i have about 75 individual sheets to do.
so there is a master sheet which includes operators name and #
i would like for one person to key in numbers into that master sheet ("ENTRIES")
everytime that individual enters info into that sheet, i would like it to be entered into sheet "#1"
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Jan 14, 2013
is it possible to hide a sheet automatically if i select the other sheet. For example, I have sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3, I'm at sheet2 and if i select the sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3 will automatically hides.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have 2 sheets.
Sheet2: it contains data that is being imported from an external link with the following info: ....
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Feb 1, 2009
I am using 'Dim' to define a string for SheetName, a variable.
I have tried with no success various ways to try and paste data to a sheet with this variable.
I know the variable is correct as I am using it to make a new sheet then rename it and also move it.
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Jul 27, 2006
I need a macro which goes thru the columns A to K, picks up the value in the filled cells and paste them all in 1 column on another sheet, like sheet2 A1 onwards. Attached is an example of the file.
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May 12, 2014
I am using the following code to paste an excel generated chart into ppt. How do I adapt it such that it only pastes the charts from sheet2 and not the entire workbook?
[Code] .....
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Aug 14, 2012
I have the following code (which works fine when the sheet isn't hidden)
FinalRow2 = TtlRev.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
TtlRev.Range(Cells(6, 39), Cells(FinalRow2, 41)).Select
However, I need to hide the sheet, but it doesn't work because you can't use .select on a hidden sheet I believe. Any way of doing this to a hidden sheet?
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Jan 10, 2014
I am trying to create a macro that will take inputs entered into a range of cells in 1 worksheet and then paste it into another range on another sheet. The target range is selected based on a condition and once the values have been pasted then the target range should be locked.
I have been trying the following code but keep getting the Run-time error 1004 telling me that the PasteSpecial method of range class has failed. Can some one explain what I may be doing incorrectly?
Dim i As String
i = Range("Month").Value
Select Case i
Case "January"
Sheets("INPUT SHEET").Select
[Code] .........
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Jul 3, 2008
if anyone has some vba code that can help with keeping latest duplicates when pasting to another worksheet.
Basically, I have a worksheet with YTD data and another worksheet with data for the current month. I need to paste the data from the Month to the YTD sheet. However, if the data (a reference number in column A) already exists, the row from the Month data should be pasted over the duplicate in the YTD sheet, and if it doesn't exists, it should paste it as a new row.
At the moment I'm just copying the whole lot to the YTD sheet and then try to remove duplicates, however, once it's pasted, I don't know which ones to remove.....
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Jul 22, 2006
I just need a code that will copy items in a row from column A:F...
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Nov 9, 2013
I have values printed between from c5:c14 ( not always all 10 will be filled up. sometimes can be 1 also). Wanted some code or method where any value in this gets pasted in the second sheet from A1 onwards. Also whatever number of times I paste it keeps on adding one below the other in the A column in the second sheet . Important : If there are blank cells between one value and other in the working sheet, then it should eliminate the blank space and paste it in sequence in the second sheet. i.e if there are values in c5 , c8 , c14. Then when pasting in the second sheet it will be in A1,A2,A3.
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Jun 29, 2014
I am looking at trying to develop a workbook for my job that would make things alot more efficient.
Firstly, I download data from a web based app into excel. I now want to take certain full rows and paste them into another sheet depending if they have certain text in a cell. So i want to search the entire coloumn for a value of "OR" and if this is present copy the entire row into a new sheet ?
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