Display Data From 1 Sheet To Another Sheet Automatically
Apr 18, 2011
automating a excel sheet for me. I am actually doing this process manually copying and pasting, but it seems to be taking too much of my time.
I have attached a sample workbook below.
I have a Main sheet where my data is currently present. Right now the data has been sorted accordingly to Track Names.
What i need is I manually copy all the Data belonging to 1 Track into another sheet thats being named under its name. e.g. Aintree sheet will contain all the details found inside my Main Sheet for Aintree track.
This process is currently manual. Is there a way to automate it? Is it possible that my individual track sheets be able to link automatically to reference the mainsheet to display whatever values thats under its track?
Current my Data in the Mainsheet is sorted by Track Name in ascending format. Is it possible for the formula to pick up the correct track automatically without my sheet being sorted, since I have to add data in every data, so my excel keeps on growing.
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Feb 9, 2014
I remember years ago that I made a couple formulas that on sheet one would transfer to another sheet when I enter in sheet one.
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Jun 26, 2006
i'm trying to get data added in one sheet of a workbook to automatically be entered into another sheet. such as a monthly, Quarterly and Annual balance sheet.
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Dec 21, 2013
i want automatically filled data in customers sheet when i enter his name only (in other sheet)
i am using this formula but this gives me empty cell in between when name comes after a few cells
=IF('all people'!A3:A6='all people'!$K$1,'all people'!B3:B6,"")
some one gave me example workbook but that formula is working in the same sheet
and i need it to work in another sheet and i could not do that
download sample work book to understand this formula
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Feb 2, 2014
i have two sheets, sheet 1 is a list of some items i sell on my website and the stock quantity.sheet 2 is a list of what my supplier has in stock.i want a quick way of my stock values on sheet 1 in column G to match the stock values on sheet 2 column E.
the product codes are the same (sheet 1 is column E for product codes, on sheet 2 the codes are in column B).
on my website (sheet 1) the products size options (column J) are more detailed than that of my suppliers (sheet 2 column F)
for example, my sheet (sheet 1) will say on some items for example MEDIUM: DRESS SIZE 10-12 but my supplier sheet will just say medium also my sheet (sheet 1) will say ONE SIZE or PLUS SIZE where as my suppliers (sheet 2) will be blank however this means that there is only one stock value to update anyway as there is only one size option
is it possible to magically make sheet 1 match the relating stock values from sheet two?
so on sheet 1, item 10035 Child Gangster Suit in size small would change from 7 to 13 and item 10001 Jumbo Syringe would change from 11 to 20
i would also need the updated values on sheet 1 to be highlighted so i know if any have been missed, for example my supplier may have stopped supplying an item in medium but obviously i would still have a stock value for it on my sheet so therefore that value wouldnt be updated so i would need to be made aware of this so i can then remove the option (which has to be done manually) on my website...
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Sep 13, 2009
I have 2 sheets.
Sheet2: it contains data that is being imported from an external link with the following info: ....
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Jun 10, 2008
I need to show on one page all of the people that are above a certain percentage for the day from largest to smallest, as long as they are over 4.5%.
Unfortunately the sample size will change daily.
on the second page i have the people's names, plus all their data, plus the % metric i'm using for the front page.
so the data page would look like this:
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Jan 14, 2013
I've got 3 problems I've been trying to solve for the last 7 hours, I think they are all relatively simple to those who know what they are doing but I've exhausted my excel for dummies and every formula I have taken from this siteand tried to adapt. Obviously I'll post each problem on a different post, so here's problem one. The sample is attached. It will consist of about 35 sheets, each documenting the hire of a Motability scooter or wheelchair.
On each sheet column P will identify any review dates. What I would like is: On the Master page in Column C next to the relevant sheet name is for it to display any 'Review' that is flagged up, so that the user can have an overview. There will only ever be one 'Review' per sheet, I can only get the master page to show it by referencing it to one cell, I can't work out how to search the whole column.
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Apr 21, 2014
I have an excel workbook which requires us to enter the log details of some sites and then a report is generated using these logs (report attached) . [URL] .......
I want that excel should automatically identify the site and calculate its outage with the following formula:
Outage %age= Total Outage(min)/100.80
and add it in the respective column while identifying the outage.
e.g. if outage is of power then the calculated %age outage should be pasted in the power outage column in front of the respected site.
e.g. in the sheet attached above the first row in the first sheet states that SKU2326 was down for 50 mins
Now %age outage will be
Outage %age= 50/100.80
Outage %age=0.496
Now as the outage is related to power so this outage should go into power column in sheet number 3 labelled as "Network Total Up time Week#17"
Now the next time SKU2326 becomes down it should be added with this 50 mins and the outage calculated as presented above.
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Mar 20, 2014
Once a job is complete on a sales tracking sheet I created, it needs to transfer automatically once I click on a "completed" section of my work sheet.
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a workbook with a Cost Analysis sheet, a master menu sheet, and then all the sub sheets. I have coded command buttons on the master sheet, so once a category is selected, it goes to the appropriate sub sheet. On the subsheet is a list of items of varying sizes, and command buttons beside that which will allow the user to "Select" that particular size. Once the size is selected, the verbage in cell B5 plus the verbage (size) beside the selected amount, and the prices (labor and materials) in the next two columns, need to be transferred to the first available blank line, starting with line C5, to the Cost Analysis sheet. I have never done coding before for a Loop (i.e. For i = ???) and am not sure how to get it to do what I want. After they select that, they can pick a command button that takes them back to the master menu so they can continue picking various items until they are through. Then the Cost Analysis sheet will show all the items they picked, (name of item, material cost and labor cost: Columns B, C, & D). Not everything is coded yet (such as selecting a command button to go back to the main menu, because I wanted to make sure I could solve this problem before doing the easy stuff).
I read over quite a few of the previous threads and am not sure how to change them to suit my circumstance. I know some code (VB), but not much. I do not understand the concept of DIM, and how the loop works to make it happen myself, and all the websites I could find were not suited to my situation of copying three cells of data to the first blank cell on another sheet.
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Aug 10, 2008
I have a workbook with a hidden sheet ("Template") and a visible sheet("New Job"). I need code so when cell F1 in "New Job" is populated:
1-the sheet is renamed to the value of F1,
2-a new tab is made (a carbon copy of the hidden sheet "Template")
3-the new tab is named "New Tab" and marked as unhidden.
Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ActiveSheet.Name = Range("F1").Value
End Sub
Function WorksheetExists(SheetName As String, _
Optional WhichBook As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim WB As Workbook
Set WB = IIf(WhichBook Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook, WhichBook)
On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = CBool(Len(WB.Worksheets(SheetName).Name) > 0)
End Function..................
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Mar 26, 2014
I would like to extract from a massive list of names, all occurrences of one name and display the data on a new sheet.
For example;
Name Date Location
James 23/04 edinburgh
Jimmy 28/04 london
David 03/05 Belfast
Sarah 08/07 Glasgow
David 12/09 Birmingham
James 13/01 Manchester
So the output on the new sheet would be;
Name Date Location
James 23/04 edinburgh
James 13/01 Machester
I basically want to find where James has been and on which dates without having to scroll through 1000's of names.
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Aug 30, 2009
I have a table with names in column 1 and the date as row 1. The corresponding cells contain the data I want to link to in another sheet and display them by the data/date
Name 01-Sep02-Sep03-Sep
bob A1 A1 "blank"
joe A2 "blank" A2
steve A3 A3 A3
I want it to display in another sheet with column 1 data and row 1 as date if the data has a match versus that date;
The data is in list boxes.
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Jan 22, 2014
How to automatically copy a row of data from one sheet to another, only if a specific cell contains specific data. It would have to populate on one sheet but read from multiple sheets in the same workbook.
I.E. if tab 213 has "SOP" in column F, I would like to copy the data from that row and insert it into the SOP tab.
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Feb 12, 2014
Is it possible to create a cell in one sheet, where after data is entered, will move it to another sheet. Additionally, the data in the cell, after the transfer to another sheet is made would delete itself. Once the data is entered, sent to another sheet and deleted, next time data is entered into the same cell, it would be sent into a row below the cell that the first piece of data would be in. Therefore, after I enter data, [for example] press enter, then go back to input some more data, after a while there would be a long list in another sheet. The last feature of the problem (it would be something extra really) is that the function/macro is to be time dependent - during one month the data would stack up in one column, after the next one begins, the next column will automatically start all over.
The idea is to create a budget book - where on the main page I would only have to enter the value in a specific box, the value then would be automatically sorted into the right row and column in another sheet, after the month/week ends, data would start to stack up in a column devoted to a new month/week.
Of course the data could be entered manually in different sheets, but it proved to be too complex to be useful.
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Sep 8, 2009
I need some sort of function which will automatically retrieve task data from one sheet and place under a heading in another based upon the month selected. But the complication to this is that i need is that i require the tasks project heading to be retrieved aswell.
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Jan 23, 2008
I have Excel 2003. I need a formula that will automatically move data in a row to another sheet, in the same workbook, based on either a two digit department code or possibly a date. I enter information on a master sheet, (8 columns of data: Text/$/digits) and I need that information to separate out to the other sheets when that department's two digit number is entered on this sheet. There are a total of 6 sheets in this workbook, counting the master. The data I am entering will be about 40-50 rows down of information, 8 columns across. Will this take a macro? Loop?
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Apr 13, 2007
I am constructing a database where i need to transfer data from one sheet to another constantly. Assume I have column A in sheet 1 listed with names, and column B in the same sheet listed different dates and colume C in the same sheet displaying today's date.
Wht I want to do is when Dates in Column B has expired today's Date (13/4/2007 > 1/4/2007), I want the entire row transfer to Sheet 2 A3, with the original row in Sheet 1 deleted. If there are multiple rows in Sheet 1 expired, i want them transfered to Sheet 2 starting from A3, follow one another. The new data transfered to Sheet 2 will then be high-lighted in Red color.
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Apr 29, 2014
I am trying to create a formula which will allow me to type a word in a cell on the Main sheet, and then pull any row from multiple sheets and display them on the Main sheet. For example, my sheet named Main looks like this:
1 Query:
2 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date
And there's a sheet for each month with the same format and different data:
1 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date
2 Apple Dominicks 1.99 Bagged 3/16/2014
3 Apple Piggly Wiggly 2.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
4 Banana Jewel 0.49 Bagged 3/1/2014
5 Banana Dominicks 0.57 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
6 Banana Costco 0.69 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
7 Cantaloupe Jewel 2.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
8 Cantaloupe Dominicks 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
9 Eggplant Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
10 Eggplant Dominicks 1.19 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
11 Eggplant Costco 1.29 Ala Carte 3/21/2014
12 Eggplant Safeway 0.79 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
13 Pears Jewel 1.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
14 Pears Dominicks 1.59 Bagged 3/1/2014
15 Pears Piggly Wiggly 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
16 Rhubarb Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
17 Rhubarb Piggly Wiggly 0.59 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
18 Rhubarb Costco 0.89 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
19 Tomatoes Jewel 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
20 Tomatoes Safeway 1.69 Bagged 3/30/2014
21 Tomatoes Dominicks 1.89 Carton 3/27/2014
... and so on. On my main sheet in Cell B1, I want to type a fruit name, such as Banana, and have every row in every sheet with Banana in column A,pulled and displayed on the Main sheet. Firstly, is this even possible with a macro?
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Feb 25, 2014
how I can get this thing work. I am trying to create a model/code that copies old sheet and create a new sheet and paste the copied old sheet into the new sheet automatically each month.For instance, if my current sheet is February tab, I wish to create a model/code that copies February month's tab and paste it onto a new sheet, for month of March, at the end of the month.
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Nov 21, 2013
just wanted to know of how to quickly link cells and columns from one cell to the next without using the equals function because i have about 75 individual sheets to do.
so there is a master sheet which includes operators name and #
i would like for one person to key in numbers into that master sheet ("ENTRIES")
everytime that individual enters info into that sheet, i would like it to be entered into sheet "#1"
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Jan 14, 2013
is it possible to hide a sheet automatically if i select the other sheet. For example, I have sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3, I'm at sheet2 and if i select the sheet1, sheet2 and sheet3 will automatically hides.
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Aug 24, 2013
I currently have an excel work book with multiple sheets per year. What I want to happen is that whenever I input data in one of the Year sheets, it will automatically go to the Master sheet.
See attached file for sample
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Dec 27, 2012
it has been eye opening to say the least. I have a question however, I am in the process of creating a workbook of different things for my construction company and I am stuck. Is there a way that I can pull a cost code from a drop down and have whatever data is inputted into the cell to the right automatically transfered to a budget report (another sheet)? Example - Inputting time for my crews - select a code from the drop down list say for "concrete" Then I input the crews hours per day in subsequent columns and then sum it up at the final column. Can the sum of the hours worked doing "concrete" then automatically be transposed to the budget in the "concrete" section?
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Aug 18, 2014
Download the attachment and have a look.
I want there to ALWAYS be 5 FREE/EMPTY rows to be able to enter data into them I also want the black area around the outside to ALWAYS be a further 15 rows in height below that.
Sheet 1 = Simple Example
Sheet 2 = A much larger example
Sheet 3 = Erroneously added data should still extend the sheet by 5 rows each time.
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Oct 26, 2011
How to fill a web form automatically with excel data. I need to sign up like 300 people on a site per day. Their detail are given to me in excel. How can I automatically fill the form with the excel data without spending time doing copy and paste for each person's data?
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Apr 17, 2014
I currently have a large spreadsheet that multiple people fill out. Each person fills out all the information in a row. At the end of the row, I would like a button that says "Generate Form" so that when clicked, a new sheet automatically opens with a template form that I created and is already filled out with the information that was just inputted into the spreadsheet. Also, there are four different template forms that could generate. For example, there are forms A, B, C and D. If the user inputs "B" into the first column of the row, then when he goes to click "Generate Form", a new sheet is created with all the information filled out in Form B.
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Apr 26, 2012
I work for an insulation company and we have all of our jobs, completed and in progress, on a master worksheet.
Currently there are 437 rows of data (but will increase), and columns A to N with various bits of data.
Row A is a location field - there are 5 locations currently.
I would like to be able to add a new line at the bottom of the master sheet, and then this automatically identifies the location from column A and which worksheet is it to be copied to and then copies the data from that new row to the bottom of the relevant location sheet.
I would also like to be able to update the data in the existing entries (e.g. when a job has been assessed initially, and then completed, I need to put the dates in) and for this to update on the relevant worksheet.
Each worksheet has the same format (columns A to N have the same headings in row 1, then data to begin in row 2).
I wouldn't say I'm an advanced Excel user (otherwise I wouldn't be asking this question), but I do have a fairly good working knowledge of it. Currently using Excel 2010. Would ideally like to be able to do it without VBA as it needs to be uploaded to Google Docs and for others in the company to access online.
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May 2, 2012
I am trying to sort a table of data by "Status" and automatically populate another Sheet. In Sheet 1, I have data as follows:
Issue Status Issue - 1 Open Issue - 2 Closed Issue - 3 Closed Issue - 4 Open Issue - 5 Closed Issue - 6 Open
I want Sheet 2 to automatically sort this information by Status = "Open".
Issue Status Issue - 1 Open Issue - 4 Open Issue - 6 Open
How I can accomplish this by Excel functions (I do not want to use Pivot table)?
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