Calculating Episodes Per Hour
Jul 30, 2009
I need to calculate the number of calls my operators take per hour of the day in order to calculate the busiest times of the day. Each call is time stamped and captured but now how do I calculate the total number of calls taken between 07:00:00 and 07:59:59 etc etc for the whole 24 hour period?
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Nov 6, 2007
Calculate certain time increments for various work-shifts. I have a start time,finish time and increments of time across the spectrum of 24 hours. There are also multiple start time across the 24 hour period with some start times begining on one day and ending on the next day.
In B5 Startime is 22:00
In C5 Finishtime is 06:30
In I3 increment begins at 00:00
In I4 increment ends at 00:30
The employee working the shift from 22:00 - 06:30 would fall into the time increment of 00:00 - 00:30 where another employee working a different shift (08:30 - 17:00) would not. I'm looking for a formula that would return a 1 in a cell if the employee fell into the 00:00 - 00:30 time increment and a 0 in a cell in the employee did not fall into the time increment.
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Jul 16, 2012
I've calculated the time of hours worked by staff using th 24 hour clock - "hh:mm" format.
When summing up the hours, it goes a bit haywire, i.e.
Staff A = 12:30
Staff B = 14:00
Sum = 02:30
Total should equal 26:30 (26 and a half hours), however I get returned 02:30. I assume it is down to the 24 hour clock and I so I tried adding 24 to it in the formula bar to get the right answer and it didn't work.
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Jun 7, 2014
I am a flight instructor and legally we cannot work more than 8 hours in any consecutive 24 hour period. I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that will calculate the totals from that 24 hour period for me.
Right now I have something that sort of works, but not the way I would like it. I have a column for "time" that has the date and ending time of the flight and I am using that as if the total flight occurred at one moment (the ending time).
So, for instance let's say I did these flights
1: 8AM-10AM (2 hours, clocked at 10AM)
2: 11AM - 2 PM (2 hours, clocked at 2PM)
3: 7AM-9AM the following day (2 hours, clocked at 9AM)
If I have my formula calculate the time for 9AM the following day (totaling the past 24 hours) the first flight won't be included in the calculation since the hours from that flight is only imputed at 10AM. The formula would read 4 hours rather than the (actual) 5 hours.
Here is my workbook : 8 hour calculator sample.xlsx
Here are the formulas I am using
The time is formulated at date and time, with time being the ending flight time
The start time for the calculation is
end time is just =NOW()
Total calculation is
[Code] .....
All I'm trying to do is use the totals under "flight start" and "flight end" instead of the end flight time I had to put in under the date column.
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Mar 23, 2013
I need creating a formula that will tell me the total number of employee hours worked during a certain hour (6:00 AM) for a particular department. Some employees clock in at 6:00 AM, some clock in at 6:30. Here is the current formula I'm using which only tells me the amount of employees in the department not how many hours worked . I have three employees that clock in at 6:00AM and one at 6:30AM, the total I'm looking for is 3.5 but my formula gives me the result of 4.
C5:C1446 is a list of departments
T1503 is the 6:00 AM
D5:D1446 are the Clock In times
K5:K1446 are the Clock Out Times
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Sep 4, 2006
I have created a daily schedule which has a number of factory variables taken into consideration which determine the date and time a particular product should, barring any mechanical problems, come off the machine. (see attached spreadsheet).
The date at the top will be editable by me only so that when I update the production quantities, the “date/time off” column automatically re-adjusts to the remaining quantities.
The formulas are a little long winded, but I have left them that way whilst I try and develop it. I should be able to figure out how to condense them later.
My problem is that the “date/time off” on the right works excellent, but over a 24 hr period.
Ordinarily, we work a 12 hour day (6am to 6pm) with overlapping shifts to cover breaks, and 20 mins warm up at the start of the day for the machine, thus maximising a 12 hour day.
Of course if demand exceeds the allotted time we put on overtime.
Is it possible to specify that normal days are only 12 hours so that if a product exceeds 6pm, it flows into the next day with the balance starting at 6:20am?
And, if the production for the week exceeds the time could I stipulate particular days which we deem are suitable for overtime? Ie, we decide Wednesday is a 14 hour day and not 12.
I had toyed with the idea of creating a 365 day table/calendar, on another worksheet which would have its individual allocated hours in an adjacent column and somehow link them to the date/time off, perhaps by way of a VLOOKUP, but I have been chasing my tail trying to figure out how to implement it.
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Oct 21, 2013
I work in a computer lab and we have to keep track of how many people sign in (using excel 2010), and how long they were here.
I'm looking for a way to count how many entries were made per hour for every hour someone was signed in.
For example someone signs in at 9:22 am and leaves at 3:34 pm.They were here from 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 etc.. and its getting very tiresome to go through and manually enter a "1" for each individual hour in each cell under the hour.
Is there a way I can feed the in and out times into a spreadsheet and have it automatically count how many people were in the lab each hour?
8 am
9 am
10 am
[Code] ...........
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Nov 12, 2013
Is it possible to take data in format dd:hh:mm and convert to working days - ie. 8 hour days?
For example:
02:12:15 (60 hours and 15 minutes .. or 3615 minutes)
to be converted to:
07:04:15 (7 working days: 4 hours: 15 minutes)
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a time table which some hours are 3 hours time period. I want to distribute to new table hour by hour this kind of hours, or hour to same hour period.
Attached file, defined example and detail.
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Apr 22, 2014
I am trying to set up a time sheet for staff where it calculates hours worked in and outside of core hours. I can do a calculation to work out what they have worked in and out of core hours providing that part of their time starts of finishes in core times. The problem I am having is when some one works only outside core hours. Our core hours are 6am to 6pm. The problem is when they work from say 7pm to 1am. This is irregular work paid as overtime not shift work.
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a form to round to nearest quarter but if it is less than 1 hour I need it to round to a total of 1. Can this be combined in one formula.
I also need my time to be configured so that if the start time is a PM number then end time AM it does not figure right. is there a way to remove the AM/PM from time. I have already tried all the formats from number,time, & custom.
Attached is my form : Timesheet Form 2014.xlsx
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Mar 7, 2008
I'd like to convert from 24 hour standard time to 12 hour time using VBA code. For example: instead of 13:00 I need 1:00.
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May 8, 2008
I have a list of FLIGHT departure times that are listed in MIL TIME, however, there is no : in the format. Its just 4 or 3 digit numbers. I need to convert these to time in 12-hour clock. If I go to FORMAT/CELL/TIME and select 1:30pm it simply makes the time ZERO!
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Sep 27, 2008
I have this
Select Case Hour(Format(now, "13:00"))
Case Is >= 7, Is = 15, Is = 23, Is
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Aug 28, 2012
I have a code that I have put in the ThisWorkbook section, and I thought it should work - but nothing happens....
Sub FirstSub()
Application.OnTime TimeValue(Sheets("SetUp").Range("G1").Text), "SecondSub"
ResetTime = Now() + 1
Application.OnTime ResetTime, "FirstSub"
End Sub
Sub SecondSub()
If Weekday(Now()) > 2 And Weekday(Now()) < 7 Then Call CreatePDF
End Sub
It's supposed to call a sub called CreatePDF.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a table on excel that I would like to have an event calculated by the hour and would like to know how to, ex:
that above is where I want the formula to calculate the following:
Activiy 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Also I would like to do something similar like that but for age, ex:
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Dec 4, 2006
I do not understand how to get a macro to run exactly on the hour, each hour of a day, day after day?
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Jan 10, 2008
How do I change a column of times from "h:mmAM" to just "h"?
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Sep 1, 2009
how to change the below statement to allow for when the time in B9 is 1:01 so it displays as 1 Hr 1 Min. I tried an IF statement to change the hr but i cant seem to find a way to change the Mins at the same time.
HOUR(b9)&" Hrs "&MINUTE(b9)&" Mins
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Nov 16, 2009
I am having trouble with this formula
=IF(E4-D4 < 1/24*7.1,E4-D4,E4-D4-1/24)*24
it works well unless the staff member works past midnight. I get a negative hours worked value returned.
for eg
E4=8AM and D4 is 5PM i get an answer of 9 hours in F4, this is all good but if the start time E4=4PM and the finish is D4=1AM then I get the result of -15 hours in F4
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Aug 7, 2008
I have a macro I need to run every hour. I have tried 3 different macros that seem to work the first few times but then the code executes and will run 2 or more times.
Application.OnTime ("01:00:01"), "macro1"
Application.OnTime Date+TimeValue("07:05:00"), "macro1"
I then tried this
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Jul 28, 2014
I need counting the number of staff within a time period. Unfortunately the schedule structure does not allow application of the simple solutions I've found regarding this which results in this being more complicated. My example is attached. My start and end time are in the same cell. I have used the Left() and Right() functions to manipulate the times. I am unable to count the number of occurrences of between the start/stop times of all my employees in the array. The formula also needs to take into account a manually entered time on the actual day.
00:00 if F9:F42 = time is TRUE and I9:I42 = "" then count occurrences of 00:00 in scheduled times F9:F42 + if F9:F42 = time is FALSE, then if I9:I42 = time is TRUE then count occurrences of 00:00 in scheduled times I9:I42
Even when I think I've gotten close the midnight time crossover keeps throwing off.
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Apr 2, 2009
I have a start time in cell A1 (say 9am entered as 900), cell B1 has a time interval (25min), Cell C1 gives total (925). Cell B2 has the next time interval (56min). How do I get cell C2 to give total of 1021 rather than 981? Values in columns B and C continue on down.
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Nov 3, 2006
I have simple (or not) question:
how can I convert a digit that I input into a cell to an hour format ?
I want to achieve something like this:
- when I input a digit into a cell , for example: 9 a want to convert it to 9:00 (9 hours, 0 minutes). How can I do it ?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have a timesheet which for certain days of the year calculates double-time. What i would like to do is have a formula that gives double time for a 24 hour period. I have a formula setup with a start time and end time for my double time, but it wont stop at midnight.
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Sep 19, 2013
I have a countdown in my work sheet that counts 30 days from today if Cell A11 has a value and the date is in B11. Below is the function.
I love the function above because it counts in reference to a value. I would like something like this function but I want it to countdown 24 hours and not 30 days from today.
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Jan 9, 2014
I get data in the form of an .xls worksheet that includes a date column and an "hour" column. The hour column contains 1-2 digits representing the hour of the day (0-23). I need to be able to combine the date and time fields for graphing, searching, and sorting the data. No matter what I try, I can't get excel to recognize the hour as the time of day (e.g. 2 = 2:00am, 16 = 4:00PM, etc). The data sets tend to be large and I get new data in the form of new .xls files often, so a script to convert the data is probably not a good solution.
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Nov 16, 2007
My spreadsheet contains two text columns that represent dates and times; 11/21/2007 and 0935 for example. The rows are populated with the date and time for every event during a 48 hour period. A single worksheet may contain up to 3,000 events (rows).
How do I create a subtotal for the number of events in each of the forty-eight 1-hour periods?
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Mar 13, 2008
I'm attempting to chart 3 series over a 24 hour period (8am-8am). The 3 series are captured in 1 minute intervals. My X axis intervals is displayed hourly though. My issue is, charting goes bad at 00:00:00. i.e. it stops.
Here are the values I have on my X axis
min: .33333
max: 1.35
maj: .04167
min: .00347
cross at: .33333
Any ideas how I can get from 8am to 8am?
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Sep 26, 2008
08:00 26calls
12:00 50calls
16:30 16calls
The problem is the data is output as above just outputing intervals with data.
I need to convert this data to 15 minute intervals as below:
08:00 13calls
08:15 13calls
12:00 25calls
12:30 25calls
16:30 8calls
16:45 8calls
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