Cannot Edit A Macro In A Hidden Workbook. Unhide The Workbook Using The Unhide Command?

Apr 23, 2009

using Excel 2007/Vista

when I go a new edit a macro, I get the message

"Cannot edit a macro in a hidden workbook. Unhide the workbook using the unhide command"

Where do I find the relevant "unhide command"?

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Unhide Specified Multiple Sheets In A Workbook

Jun 27, 2006

I would like to unhide specified multiple sheets in a workbook at one go. What I'm doing now is something like this:

Sheets("Source 1").Visible = True
Sheets("Source 2").Visible = True
Sheets("Source 3").Visible = True
Sheets("Source 4").Visible = True

I managed to get the array function when I want to hide the sheets:

Sheets(Array("Source 1", "Source 2", "Source 3", "Source 4")).Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False

but I can't do this when I want to unhide them. I do not want to unhide all sheets in the workbook, only those I specify in the code. How can I use the something like the array code to unhide the sheets.

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Unhide Hidden Rows..

Sep 5, 2009

I have a worksheet with a macro as follows: ...

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Unhide A Hidden Application

Jan 4, 2010

Already read some threads about how to hide and unhide an excel application.
I was able to hide my excel application, but, somehow I'm not ale to unhide it when I close my Form:

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Unhide One Row From Many Hidden Rows

Jun 7, 2007

I am trying to create a macro to unhide only a row at a time, from around 150 hidden rows altogether. It is basically to give the effect of adding extra rows to a "table" that a user could then input with new data (I have to do this way according to other set-up in the workbook), but this isn't very important to do with this question. When I do a Format<Row<Unhide from the Excel menu, it always unhides ALL of the hidden rows. I have fiddled around but can't seem to find a way to avoid this happening, all I want is for just one row to unhide. I thought it might depend what cell/s I had highlighted, but I haven't found a way that makes it work.

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Unhide Hidden Rows

Aug 21, 2007

I HID 4 rows using this help section. (Format - Hide)

Then, I modified several column widths simply by placing my curser at the top of the column and pulling it smaller or larger.
(I don't know if this did or did not cause my problem) which is simply that - I am now unable to find my hidden rows.

I know where they are supposed to be, but when I highlight them and click (Format - Unhide) nothing happens.

I tried (Find and Select - go to special) and no white bar shows up.

Can sombody please tell this frustrated Newby How to find the rows I just hid 1 hour ago?

If I posted in the wrong place, I appologise as I spent more time trying to figure out where and how to post than I did trying to solve my hidden row problem.

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Different Password To Unhide The Hidden Sheets.

Nov 22, 2008

I have 5 sheets, 3 of them are hidden, how can i put a 3 different password to unhide the hidden sheets.

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Can't Unhide Cells And Got Hidden Formulas?

Sep 3, 2009

I've unlocked it fine, revealed formulas etc, but it doesn't make sense so must be a hidden formula stopping people like me from unlocking the hidden treasures!!!!

At the moment it stops at column V and I can't get it to unhide any further???

Used the edit, go to, etc won't go.

Deleted all code in vb I can see or find

Tried clicking on all sheet and unhide


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Select Range Of Columns And Unhide Any That Are Hidden

Dec 10, 2013

I have a macro that allows me to select a range of columns and unhide any that are hidden. I am on the sheet "Employees", but the action happens on the sheet "Enter". I can run this macro when I am on "Employees" and jumps top "Enter" and works exactly as I want it to.

Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Range("M8") = Sheets("Employees").Range("B5")

But when I try to run it as part of another macro that begins on "Employees", I get "Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed", and Columns("B:T") is highlighted.

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Columns Appear To Be Hidden But Will Not Respond To Unhide Or Width Change

Oct 6, 2013

I have just been sent a strange file, which I have attached, on its only sheet columns "A" and "B" have data entered in them, but they are not visible. You can access them if you select column "C" and use the left arrow key, but all attempts at unhiding and changing the column width are fuitless.

I have tried selecting the ENTIRE sheet, then Home>Format>Unhide Columns but it does nothing I try selecting the entire sheet, then Home>Format>Column Width and setting it to something, like "20", but again it is fruitless.

I even tried using a macro in the "Immediate Window" to ask Excel whether the columns are hidden (by using "?Columns(1).Hidden" and it returned "False") then I used a similar macro ("Cells.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 12.75") and again - nothing! :O

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Unhide Specific Column From Hidden Range Of Columns?

Jan 19, 2003

find if there is a way to unhide in one step a specific column from hidden range of columns...

Assume columns D..H are hidden, now how can I unhide column G alone or column F alone and so on.

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Macro To Edit Userform In Other Workbook

Apr 23, 2008

I'm writing a macro that opens another Excel file, opens a userform within that file, and manipulates the data. I've never tried to do this before. I keep getting "Object Required" error. My macro fails on the "frmMain.Show" where "frmMain" is the userform I am interested in. Here's the

Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open ("C:DataCalculations.xls") 'Open file
frmMain.Show 'Bring-up UserForm
frmMain.cbUser.Value = "Guest" 'Sign as Guest
frmMain.cbVariables.Value = var 'number of variables

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Macro Where I Try To Edit The Links After I Open The Workbook

Feb 3, 2007

I have a macro where I try to edit the links after I open the workbook. I used the macro recorder to get the code, and if I use it, it works great. However, when I try to insert some variables in the code, I get an error saying "Method 'ChangeLink' of object'_Workbook' failed. I don't know why I'm getting this error. Below is code.

Sub MyCode

Dim VarianceMonth As Variant
VarianceMonth = VarianceReport.cboMonth.ListIndex + 1

Windows(VarianceMonth & "_2007 Forecast (LGBU).xls").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeLink Name:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & VarianceMonth - 1 & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, NewName:= _
"\sf1d3shareLGBU_ FinanceAdministrative ReportsMonthly Forecasts" & VarianceMonth & "_2007" & variancmeonth & "_2007 Forecast (Ancillary).xls" _
, Type:=xlExcelLinks

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Pull Data From One Closed Workbook Into Active Workbook With Command Button

Feb 27, 2014

I've been using the following code to bring in individual cell values from one closed workbook to an active one. I would like to modify this is possible to bring in multiple cells at once and also pull them into a different worksheet in the active workbook. Basically, my command button is on Sheet1 but I'd like the data to pull into a cell on Sheet2.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
With Range("Q9")
.Formula = "='C:Users[Workbook Name.xlsm]Worksheet Name'! N27"
.Value = .Value
End With

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Unhide Row Macro

Nov 18, 2006

If I have say ten rows hidden so that the numbers go from 50 to 61, how do I write a macro that will only reveal rows 51 to 60 one at a time, starting with row 51. If the macro is run a second time it should reveal row 52. A thirs time will reveal row 52 and so on. Finally, when all rows are revealed, the macro should not give a error wanring. Instead, it should say something like "No more rows available"

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Command Button To Copy Row Of Data From One Workbook To Column In Another Workbook

Jul 24, 2013

I would like to use a command button to copy a row of data from one workbook to a column in another workbook. The row of data will have different values on a daily basis but will always be B2 through BE2. I would like the copied row of data pasted in the next available column to the left in the other work book.

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VBA/macro To Unhide A Sheet?

Nov 15, 2008

I'm having a challenge with a spreadsheet that puzzles me: I'm using this quite simple code to hide one of the spreadsheets (named "Ark2"). It written directly in a module as a subprocedure and there's no more code than this:....

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Macro To Unhide All Rows

Sep 16, 2009

Is there an easy way to make a macro to unhide all rows? I can do this to unhide a certain range however different rows maybe he hidden and so a set range won't work.

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Macro To Hide/unhide A Row

Sep 23, 2007

I made this simple little macro to hide/unhide a row on a different sheet based on a check box. The row hides fine. The problem I have is unhide. I uncheck the box, but the row stays hidden. What am I missing to make this little gem come to life? This is for tracking popcorn sales for scouting and I'm trying to make it as easy to use as possible.

Sub Patrol1_Scout1()
If True Then
Sheets("Show_n_Deliver_Sold").Rows("7:7").EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If

If False Then
Sheets("Show_n_Deliver_Sold").Rows("7:7").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End Sub

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Pasting Charts Between 2 Instances Copies Macro Code Into Hidden Workbook

Apr 13, 2008

Consider two instances of Excel - one with a workbook containing a chart and some VBA code, the other containing a blank workbook. When I paste a chart from the first instance of Excel to the other, all the VBA code from the original workbook is also pasted into a new third hidden workbook in the second instance of Excel! If that weren't weird enough ON WINDOWS XP (but not Windows 2000) if the VBA code included WorkbookOpen or AutoOpen this code is executed in the second instance of Excel, which of course fails if it references sheets that only existed in the workbook open in the first instance of Excel! This is the first time I've seen the same version of Excel do different things on different versions of Windows! Example attached - What's going on!? Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;...note: this does not happen when pasting charts between workbooks open in the SAME instance of Excel

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Macro To Hide/Unhide Worksheets

May 3, 2007

Develop a macro that will enable me to hide or unhide worksheets.

Basically, I have a few worksheets in my workbook and I want to have a page at the front with two buttons. One for Unhide sheet and the other for Hide sheet. Once activated, I want it to give me a list of worksheets that I can click to hide or unhide (depending on the button i click).

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Hide/ Unhide Sheets With Macro

Nov 6, 2008

I want to run 2 different macros:

Macro 1- hides Sheet1 and unhides Sheet2
Macro 2- Hides Sheet2 and unhides Sheet1

I used the macro recorder to attempt to make this work but am running into a problem if Macro1 is run two times consecutively. In this situation the macro displays a debugging error b/c Sheet1 is hidden. Is there a way to get around this...possibly using an if then statement?

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Column Hide/unhide Macro..

Nov 9, 2008

I am trying to hide/unhide several columns by hitting a button. It's a pretty simple macro to do it once, but how do I get a button to hide on the first click, then unhide on the second?

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Hide Or Unhide Columns With One Macro

Nov 21, 2008

I have a single button I want to use to call a macro to:
1.Hide columns C:AZ if they arent already hidden
2.Unhide columns C:AZ if they are already hidden.

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Macro To Hide / Unhide On Cell

Oct 20, 2012

need to create a macro that will hide/unhide rows. I have a list of items that need to be completed and under each item is another list that explains how to complete the items on the first list.

Let’s say for example, How to bake a cake

I want rows 2 – 6 to be hidden when the file is opened and then unhide when A1 is clicked. Then hide again when A1 is clicked again.

I have a huge list of items that need to work in this format.

The other thing I need is when the document is printed all of the hidden items are printed.

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Set Up Macro That Will Hide And Unhide Columns?

Nov 27, 2012

I want to set up a macro that will hide and unhide columns.

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Macro To Unhide Then Hide Sheets

Sep 29, 2008

I have 16 sheets and 4 additional sheets that will kind of 'Group' these 16sheets. For example: I have 'Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3'......, 'Sheet16'.
4 additional Sheets are: 'Group1', 'Group2', 'Group3', 'Group4'.

I need a help with macro so that when this workbook is open all 20 sheets ('Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3'......, 'Sheet16') will go into hiding and only 4 additional Sheets ('Group1', 'Group2', 'Group3', 'Group4') will be visible. Now, these 4 sheets will have the command button links to the following sheets:

Sheet 'Group1':'Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3', 'Sheet4', 'Hide All'
Sheet 'Group2':'Sheet5', 'Sheet6', 'Sheet7', 'Sheet8', 'Hide All'
Sheet 'Group3':'Sheet9', 'Sheet10', 'Sheet11', 'Sheet12', 'Hide All'
Sheet 'Group4':'Sheet13', 'Sheet14', 'Sheet15', 'Sheet16', 'Hide All'

This being said, when you click on each command buttons, the respective sheets will open up and when click on 'Hide All', all of the open sheets for that *additional sheet' for example sheet 'Group1' will go into hiding again.

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Macro - Unhide 'x' Number Of Worksheets

Feb 12, 2010

I have no idea about VB code and writing macros so I was hoping to get some help on this issue.

Is it possible to unhide a specific number of worksheets based on an input value, i.e. if someone inputs a value of '3' in the specific cell, then 3 worksheets with a certain name is unhidden?

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Hide Unhide Rows Via Macro

Feb 26, 2010

I have a workbook that has 500 rows. In order to be able to print the spreadsheet, I have added a Macro in that hides any rows that have a "0" in the A column. I then put an if/then formula (ex. if(isblank(A5),0) so that if the cell was blank and 0 would be there and therefore the row would be hidden.

The problem now is that I want a new row to become unhidden everytime the row above has data in it. So, if row 5 gets data put into it, row 6 would become unhidden. The problem I'm running into is that the data in column A is peoples names, and therefore each row will have a different name (i.e. different data).

1. Is there a macro to do this?

2. (This may be a really stupid question, but...) Can you run 2 macros in the same sheet?

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Macro To Hide & Unhide Certain Columns

Sep 19, 2008

I'd like a macro that can hide/unhide certain columns. At the moment, the columns I want to hide/unhide are F, I, M, P, U and Y.

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