Changing The Order Of A Date

Mar 22, 2008

I have an entire column with the date reading in this order:

The actual date should be April 19th, 2007, however, Excel is reading it as
July 4th, 2019.

How do I correct it?

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Macro To Set The Order In Which Worksheets Should Be Printed (order Is Changing Daily)

Nov 29, 2008

I looked at threads realted to printing but wasn ot able to find something similar to what I need. So here is my problem:

I have a file with more than 100 worksheets (each sheet contains the invoice for one store). I would like to create a macro that would enable me to determine the order in which worksheets would be printed. How to do it?

Idea #1: the printing order would be based on the value in cell L1 that would contain the route number for each store. Stores belonging to the same delivery route will have the same value in L1. So, the macro should first print all sheets with 1 in cell L1, then print all sheets with 2 in cell L1 and so on...

Idea #2: Creating a separate data sheet with the list of all stores and their corresponding route number. Let's say info is contained in range A1:B150, where Column A contains the name of the stores and column B contains the route numbers. The macro then should look at that list to determine the printing order of the subsequent worksheets (the name of the store in column A would be the same as the name of the worksheet corresponding to that store).

Idea #3: sorting my 150 worksheets manually. It does not solve my problem fully, though, because stores do not always belong to the same route. So the manual sorting should be carried out daily and would not save time at all.

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Changing Order Of Names

Jul 20, 2009

Can this be done with a formula?:

Smith, John

changed to:

John Smith

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Changing Order Of Text Based On Results?

Oct 7, 2013

I've attached a spreadsheet. I want the order of the sentence to change based on the numbers and whether they are positive or negative. Below are more details and the spreadsheet has numbers.

"Total expense for September was 8 higher (lower) than prior year, driven by a higher (lower) claims expense and admin expense"

This might be hard to explain: For the second part (starting from "driven by", I would like the variable that explains more of the positive or negative variance (in the example, claims) to come first.

Here is a different example

Total expense for September was 6 lower than prior year, driven by a lower admin expense (claims is not included because it is higher)

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Changing Sort Order - First Text Then Numeric Values

Nov 3, 2011

Currently I have a macro set up that sorts a range.

It sorts numbers first in ascending order and then text comes at the bottom of the sorted range.

Is there any way of reversing this so that text appears first and then numeric values in ascending order below?

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Sort Table In Date Order But With The Date Nearest To Today's Date At The Top

Nov 19, 2009

I have data going in to a small table which has some empty rows as that data is not yet available... My problem is, I need to sort this table in date order but with the date nearest to today's date at the top...

The sort function puts oldest at the top or oldest at the bottom which is no good for what I need...

I use xl 2003.

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Stamp Cell With Today Date Without The Date Changing Tomorrow?

Feb 7, 2013

If a1,a21,a41 have a value greater than 0, I wish to stamp cell b1,b21,b41 and so on with todays date, but without the stamped value changing/advancing tomorrow. At the moment cells b1,b21,b41 are copied down as follows. =if(a1>0,TODAY(),"") This works fine, but the date stamp of course changes tomorrow. I can not apply code to the whole b column as cells b2:b20, b22:40 etc have other non-date format data to which the code does not need to apply - the todays date value cell occurs every 20 cells.

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How To Order Date Automatically

Sep 13, 2013

How to order date automatically for leave balance that does not approved based on total days

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Not Returning Date In Lookup When Dates Are Out Of Order

Mar 20, 2014

I have a bit of code (See below) which basically looks at a list of data in rows 10:99 and then finds a date that is between cells c1 and b1. If there is one the it puts that date in if not it leaves cell blank.

[Code] .....

The problem I have now found is that is the dates in the sheet TR rows 10:99 and one of the dates is outside the range so for instance if the range set by c1 and b1 is 10/3/14 - 20/3/14 and in TR there are dates:

it wont return anything but if the dates are
it will return 15/3/14.

Is there anyway that I can change it so it wont return 0 if the last one is outside the range.

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Data Sequence - Order Recorded Date

Dec 16, 2013

Find below the data sequence. 1st is the customer code, next are the date we have recd. the orders. In one excel command i want to find out the when was the order recd. date.



[Code] ......

If I give code and order qty then the formula should go to the code row and find out if any order of that qty had come if yes then date has to be returned as a result.

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Macro To Sort Rows By Date Order

Feb 21, 2007

Starting at E8 and going down the E column there is a list of non sequential dates that could potentially be very small or extremely large. These dates must be sorted in ascending order together with all the data in their respective rows so for example

John Ball 20/2/07
Mark Dunn 19/2/07
Tim Jones 18/2/07

should be sorted as

Tim Jones 18/2/07
Mark Dunn 19/2/07
John Ball 20/2/07

If anyone can write such a piece of code it'd be very time saving.

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Large Order Spreadsheet With 3 Date Related Columns

May 15, 2007

I have a large order spreadsheet with 3 date related columns. One for customer requested delivery date, one for factory quoted delivery date and one for actual delivery date.

I want to be able to set something up that if it gets near either the requested or quoted delivery date (by say a week), that the cell flags red so it's a visual reminder to check whether the order has been dispatched etc.

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Sorting- Planetary Symbols (astrology) In 3 Columns (A,B,C ) In Date Order

Oct 18, 2007

I have a page of planetary symbols (astrology) in 3 columns (A,B,C ) in date order, that I'd like to copy across on the same line (date) ,to a designated column on the same sheet, in order of the ColD symbol it won't show here properly as there's no astro font, just tried it.

date Mercury 180 Venus Mercury180Venus
" Venus 60 Mars Venus 60 Mars
" Jupiter 30 Venus Jupiter 30 Venus

here, we have Venus copied to same line in ColE
Mars " " " ColF
how to sort the columns, Cols B,C & D themselves could be resorted instead into the order of the ColD symbol-- so I'd have colA, date-- the B,C,D sorted by D, into about 8 Cols to the right

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Changing Values Of X-axis, And Descending Order Axis(x-axis)

Feb 8, 2009

Two questions:

1) How do make values on x-axis as words? E.g. apples, oranges, etc.

2) Is it possible to have the numbers on x-axis in descending order? If I can figure out 1), I can do this as well, but it would be nice to know if it is possible to have the numbers on x-axis in descending order.

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Re-Order Columns Based On Column Order Of Another Worksheet

Mar 1, 2008

I need a way to re-order an excel worksheets columns based on another worksheet.

Data is extracted from a database into excel however users can configure the columns in the initial system. to how they like This causes problems when the data is copied into an excel spreadsheet I have created as the data copied will not be in the same column order as is required.

How can i reorder the columns without physically having to cut and paste the columns to match?

I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

You will see on the spreadsheet that 'fixed columns' is the order that i require the data however 'variable columns' is not in the same order.

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Changing Date Format?

Jul 18, 2014

I have data in these two formats 7/13/2014 9:24:14 AM and 07/12/2014 13:02. I want them in Am - PM style. I tried date , there is no format which suits my requirement. The first format in excel is general and other is custom under dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm . I have 23k rows, which I cannot afford to change manually.

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Changing Date Format

Aug 12, 2009

I've got dates and times in the format of a text string. each string is always formatted in the exact same way to identify the data and time. As such:

Wed Aug 12 16:39:52 BST 2009
Mon Aug 10 14:39:03 BST 2009
Sat Aug 08 18:01:34 BST 2009

And I want to change them to a date formate that excel can understand, so i can search by month, or by date range. The main crux of the question is how to change that string into a excel understandable date though.

If you want to know, this is for my mobile phone bill. I have excel set up to give me a summery of how many texts I've sent, minuets I've used/have remaining. but i want to filter them by month, so I can see how my usage changes.

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Changing The Format Of The Date

Dec 11, 2009

FYI I put up this question on another forum, however I'm asking it again here b/c I'm not really getting an informative answer there and this project is due soon.

I'm working on a file right now where dates are in the format "06/01/09" meaning 6 Jan 2009. Or more specifically thats what the data is supposed to mean, however when I change it to word form it appears as June 1 2009. This means dates such as "27/01/09" dont get translated.

How can I fix this? I've tried changing the date format, and I've changed the global settings, yet this isnt working.

In case its relevant, before I pasted this data into the current spreadsheet my global settings were set at month day year, which is what I prefer. But the rest of the office works on DMY so I'm switching to that.

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Changing URL Based On Date

Jul 21, 2014

How to have VBA return the value of the following month in mm format (i.e. 08 for August, not 8), based on today's date. As such, today it being the 7th month, I wish to return the value 08 (the 8th month).

I need the URL of

[Code] .....

To essentailly be

[Code] ......

but the way in which I have posted it above does not work!

Also, I need to define it such that as the month in question (in this example 08) will rename the subsequent part of the URL (here, August). So for example, next month (August), the URL should automatically become

[Code] .....

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Track Changing Date

Jun 11, 2007

How can I track date of every last change made in certain cells so my boss can monitor if I am keep working on a project?

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Automatically Changing Date

Oct 14, 2009

I have 2 Excel Files. In the main file I have a macro that copy/pastes data from the secondary file. The secondary file is a daily file that gets its file name changed every day (eg. 14OCT09.xls).

The last piece of the Macro goes back to the secondary file and ends with:

Range ("A1").Select

Now tomorrow, I have to manually edit the Macro and change the code to 15OCT09.xls before I run the Macro. Is there a way to automatically change this date without having to manually edit it on a daily basis?

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Changing Computer Date

Jul 21, 2006

I have a form to imput a date but the problem is that it changes the computer date aswell. Is there another code i can use? Im using CDate code.

Private Sub CommandButtonProceed_Click()
Sheet2.Cells(2, 57) = TextBoxInitials
Cells(1, 2) = TextBoxSiteName
Cells(2, 2) = CDate(TextBoxDate)
Date = Cells(2, 2)
Sheet2.Cells(3, 28) = TextBoxPlant1
Sheet2.Cells(3, 31) = TextBoxPlant2
Sheet2.Cells(3, 34) = TextBoxPlant3
Sheet2.Cells(3, 37) = TextBoxPlant4
Sheet2.Cells(3, 40) = TextBoxPlant5
Sheet2.Cells(3, 43) = TextBoxPlant6
Sheet2.Cells(5, 27) = ExtractElement(Date, 3, "/")
Unload Me
End Sub

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Changing Date Layout

Feb 8, 2007

way to change the date layout at all.

the problem is that i have a user form with a text box in it to put in the date i.e 08/02/07 but when i click the button to add it to the worksheet that has the database it comes out as 02/08/07 is any way to change or will i just have to put the month first rather then the day

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Change Date After Changing A Value

May 4, 2007

I got a simple spreadsheet that I made for personal use. I want to be able to tell when certain boxes were last modified.

For example..
A1: any number
B1: date that A1 was last modified

I want it so each time I change the value in column A1 it will change the date in B1 to the date it was changed (ie, today).

I also need to tally up all the numbers listed in the A column to give a total of all the numbers in a cell below them.

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Excel Date Format Not Changing

May 22, 2014

When I tried to import data in a CSV file, I ran into a couple of issues when trying to change the date format from MM/DD/YYY to other date format. I've already tried a couple things to no avail:

1. Use text to column functions and change the format from text to MMDDY
2. Use format cell function and change the date format
3. Use the text function (text(Cell,"MM-YY"))

Interestingly when I click on the cell and put my cursor and press backspace, the format will change. It seems like there's an extra space, but using the trim function does not work. I can't do this to thousands of data manually.

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Formula For Changing Date Different Colours

Nov 10, 2008

i need a formula that does the following:

if the date is two months under the date it needs to be checked it goes yellow
if its over two months before it needs checked it goes green
if its passed the date it needs to be checked by it turns red

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Changing Yyyy:mm:dd Date Format

Feb 25, 2009

I have a list with several thousand dates listed like:


That is, yyyymmdd.

I would like to list it as yymm only. Is there a way to convert it in Excel? I have for a long time been copying and pasting in to Word then doing a search and replace of the first and last two digits, which results in the yymm format I am looking for. A better way would be nice.

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Changing Color Of Cell By Date

Mar 2, 2009

I am trying to make a reference to tell me when my rigging gear is due for inspection. I want the cell to change colors when a date is in range. For example i would like a red cell when the item is due or past due for inspection. A yellow cell for when the item is 90 days out from the due date. i have used conditional formating and used =E$-30<=TODAY() and changed cell to red. but when i add another format, for E$-90<=TODAY() for yellow, it will not work.

Once this is solved, i will need to make the entire row change color.

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Add Semicolon To End Of Date Without Changing Format?

Feb 24, 2013

I have many rows with dates I want to add a semicolon to. I do not want to type in each one, so I looking for a formula or something that will do this automatically.

I've tried formula, =A1&";" but this changes the format.


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VBA Code For Changing Date In Excel

Aug 15, 2014

I am trying to automate the status date on worksheet so that if ANY data is changed/ added/ deleted within a range (cells "B6:L34"), the status date will insert today's date in Cell "S6" but if the worksheet is open and no changes occur within that range, the date remains the same. I used this code below and it is not working.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim R1 As Range
Dim R2 As Range
Dim InRange As Boolean
Set R1 = Range("S6")
Set R2 = Range("B6:L34")

[Code] ....

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