Changing Order Of Text Based On Results?

Oct 7, 2013

I've attached a spreadsheet. I want the order of the sentence to change based on the numbers and whether they are positive or negative. Below are more details and the spreadsheet has numbers.

"Total expense for September was 8 higher (lower) than prior year, driven by a higher (lower) claims expense and admin expense"

This might be hard to explain: For the second part (starting from "driven by", I would like the variable that explains more of the positive or negative variance (in the example, claims) to come first.

Here is a different example

Total expense for September was 6 lower than prior year, driven by a lower admin expense (claims is not included because it is higher)

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Changing Sort Order - First Text Then Numeric Values

Nov 3, 2011

Currently I have a macro set up that sorts a range.

It sorts numbers first in ascending order and then text comes at the bottom of the sorted range.

Is there any way of reversing this so that text appears first and then numeric values in ascending order below?

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Macro To Set The Order In Which Worksheets Should Be Printed (order Is Changing Daily)

Nov 29, 2008

I looked at threads realted to printing but wasn ot able to find something similar to what I need. So here is my problem:

I have a file with more than 100 worksheets (each sheet contains the invoice for one store). I would like to create a macro that would enable me to determine the order in which worksheets would be printed. How to do it?

Idea #1: the printing order would be based on the value in cell L1 that would contain the route number for each store. Stores belonging to the same delivery route will have the same value in L1. So, the macro should first print all sheets with 1 in cell L1, then print all sheets with 2 in cell L1 and so on...

Idea #2: Creating a separate data sheet with the list of all stores and their corresponding route number. Let's say info is contained in range A1:B150, where Column A contains the name of the stores and column B contains the route numbers. The macro then should look at that list to determine the printing order of the subsequent worksheets (the name of the store in column A would be the same as the name of the worksheet corresponding to that store).

Idea #3: sorting my 150 worksheets manually. It does not solve my problem fully, though, because stores do not always belong to the same route. So the manual sorting should be carried out daily and would not save time at all.

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Changing Text Box Colour Based Off Another Text Box Value?

Dec 5, 2013

I have an userform with 10 txtBoxes that I want to have the color changed based off another textbox Values (they will side by side, so when the user enter a value, it will know either it's excelent, good, average or bad based on the colors green, blue, yellow and red).

Is there a way to do so? Because all I have managed to do is to change one txtBox color per time, based on the value entered on the same text box (i.e. if I change the text box which should be changed, nothing changes).

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Return Text Results Based On 2 Criterion

Oct 6, 2008

I am attempting to create a formula that will, return text results based on 2 criterion.

This is what my sheet looks like

Name Job Full Time / Partime
Bob Admin Full Time
Barry Accounts Part Time
Chris Claims Full Time
Emma Claims Full Time

The formula I have for this is {=INDEX(A1:A4,MATCH(1,(((B1:B4)="Claims")*((C1:C4)="Full Time")),0))}

Which is fine and returns the name Chris, however as you can see from above, Emma also meets the criteria given however, I cannot get Emma to appear also. Is it possible to display more than one entry in a cell/s based on this formula, or am I missing something.

I would use a pivot table to do this, however I need the sheet to be completely automated.

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Generating Text For Cells Based On Results Of Formula?

Aug 14, 2013

So basically I have a spreadsheet that tracks if a patient has turned in there required paperwork within the last 6 months and then changes the cell to white and lets me know how many days they have left until they are due to turn this paperwork in again. Then if it has expired I have a condition format change the cell to Red but I would like to add in the text EXPIRED to the cell. lastly I have Cells that have no data in them gray and I would like to add in red text saying No Paperwork.

I'm hoping this will be my last build of this spreadsheet so I can go ahead and start applying it to the real workbook [URL]

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Results In Alphabetical Order

Jul 8, 2014

Example Data...


I have this formula in cell C1, filled down to C7:


This creates a list of cells from column A where the correspsonding value in Column B is greater than or equal to 5.



Any way that would generate these cells in alphabetical order making it look like this:



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Changing Text Based On Another Cells Value?

Dec 19, 2012

I have a value list box in C1 with 4 values "Yes", "No" , "Pen" & "Con"

If a user selects Yes in C1 for example I need J1 & K1 to populate with Yes (or No if they selected No from C1)

but if they have selected or later change the value in C1 to Pen or Con for J1 & K1 to remain empty.

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Re-Order Columns Based On Column Order Of Another Worksheet

Mar 1, 2008

I need a way to re-order an excel worksheets columns based on another worksheet.

Data is extracted from a database into excel however users can configure the columns in the initial system. to how they like This causes problems when the data is copied into an excel spreadsheet I have created as the data copied will not be in the same column order as is required.

How can i reorder the columns without physically having to cut and paste the columns to match?

I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

You will see on the spreadsheet that 'fixed columns' is the order that i require the data however 'variable columns' is not in the same order.

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Order Results Of Table Extraction

Jun 12, 2007

I am finding that I am often using Max(if(... formulas to pull in Staff ID's that have seen activity in a large data dump. I then use a VLOOKUP to return name based on ID.

Trouble is, the names end up out of order. I want to be able to order them in one of two ways - either by work done, or alphabetically.

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Creating CheckBoxes With VBA Results In Random Order

Jan 7, 2010

I have some VBA (using Excel 2007) that deletes and re-creates a bunch (20-ish) checkboxes in a spreadsheet. Since i'm using the controls-based checkboxes, Excel defaults them to object names of "CheckBox1, CheckBox2, CheckBox3, etc" as I create them the first time around.

Later on, i clear all checkboxes and implement the SAME checkbox-creating code to re-create all or some of the checkboxes, but Excel doesn't number them in order the second time around! I end up with something like "CheckBox2, CheckBox19, CheckBox3, CheckBox12, etc."

What could be causing my code to create things out of order the second time around? Is there a way to reset Excel's Checkbox-numbering iterator?

The code i'm using to create checkboxes is:

Dim x As Long
Dim BoxCell As String

BoxCell = ""
x = 0
'j gets passed into the sub as a "Long" somewhere between the values of 5 and 35

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Show Report Results In Chronological Order

Apr 17, 2008

I'm currently working on a model that calculates the costs associated with various phases of a project. I want to allow the user to input the number of weeks that each phase requires as part of the calculations. The result will then be displayed horizontally in chronological order with the values associated with each phase underneath ex:

phase 1 phase 1 phase 1 phase 2 phase 2 phase 3 phase 3 phase 3

Through multiple lookups I've been able to get the data into this format:

phase 1 phase 1 phase 1
phase 2 phase 2
phase 3 phase 3 phase 3

What can I do to merge these series into one series that is in the order I desire (each phase will vary in length based on the user's input)?

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Changing Text Color Based On Information In The Cell?

Nov 28, 2013

I have created a gradebook template so that I can keep track of my assignments as I get them and keep on top of my grades. Any way that I can code excel to work so that if my current average in the class ever drops below 70%, I want the color of the text to change to red to alert me that the grade is too low and needs to come up. I'm new to using VBA in excel and not sure how to do it or what to code.

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Changing Textbox Background Based On Other Cell Text

Jul 15, 2014

I wish for a text box (drawn Text Box, from the "Shapes" tab) to conditionally change its background color based on whether a cell in a different sheet says "Online" - in which case it should be green, or "Offline" - in which case it should be red. So far, the code that I have that doesnt work at all, which I'm not even sure where to place (I tried in the Workbook - Open?), is the following:

[Code] .....

I also need to do this for a total of 9 Text Boxes, if that changes anything.

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Changing Order Of Names

Jul 20, 2009

Can this be done with a formula?:

Smith, John

changed to:

John Smith

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Changing The Order Of A Date

Mar 22, 2008

I have an entire column with the date reading in this order:

The actual date should be April 19th, 2007, however, Excel is reading it as
July 4th, 2019.

How do I correct it?

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Changing Labelcolor In Chart Based On Source Text Color

Mar 5, 2013

I have data. 2 columns a2:b5

each row has a different font color

apple 4
banana 3
peach 2
pear 1

I want the label in a chart to march the font color of the source cell

So in a chart I'd have 4 labels:

I can't see how to do it. When i select the albels it's "all or none". I can change ll the labels to a color. But, I want each individual label to be a diferent color.

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Changing Cell Colors For All Matching Textboxes Based On Text From Dropdown Menu

Feb 19, 2014

I have a large workbook, with multiple sheets. I would like to be able to select a name from a drop down menu, and have the cell color change for all entries of that name in my other sheets. I can do it manually, but it would be much cleaner and easier to have Excel do it for me. I have looked at other answers here on this forum and know that if it can be done,

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Changing Cell Text Color WITHOUT Using Conditional Formatting Based On Finding Keywords

May 29, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that uses VB macros to calculate sums of cells based on the font color of the numbers inside. It used to be fairly easy going through each cell and "classifying" them by color, so that my macros can go ahead and sum the numbers in each respective color's cell... but now I have a huge amount of numbers and would like to automate the process somewhat. Here's an example using the A and B columns:

flight $400
hotel $150
hotel $130
meal $20
meal $15
flight $350

I tried using conditional formatting to automatically change the color of the adjacent cells based on the presence of a keyword such as "flight" or "hotel", but this change is only cosmetic, and doesn't actually change the font color (it is still the default black, hence why my color-summing macros won't work!).

I'm including a sample macro for what I use to color-sum my cells, but what I am looking to automate the color-coding process based on looking for keywords as explained above in my example. Here is one of the working color-summing macros (for red, in this case) if you'd like to use it as a reference:

Function SumRed(SelectedCells As Range)
' Adds the values of the cells where the font colour is red(3).
Dim Cell As Object
Dim x As Double

[Code] ...........

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Excel 2010 :: Converting From SUMIFS To SUMPRODUCT In Order To Make View Filtered Results

Jan 2, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010. I have a spread sheet with sales data covering 3 years and multiple customers. I was able to create formulas such as this to calculate the figures for the entire sheet (all customers) by year.


I believe that in order to use filters that show this date for a specific customer I need to convert this to a SUMPRODUCT formula, I've tried this multiple times and had no luck.

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Use ComboBox For Changing Autofilter Results

Apr 9, 2013

I have a problem very similar to this thread: [URL] .... Therefore I have tried to adapt but so far failed.

My requirement is that a userform pops up with multiple comboboxes (in this scenario 3) and once the results have been selected and the user clicks the button "OK" then the autofilter changes to the same as what the selected ComboBoxes were.

So, there are 3 comboboxes so I have tried the following:

[PrivateSub CommandButton1_Click()

If Sheets("Data").AutoFilterMode = True Then Range("B3", Range("B600").End(xlUp)).AutoFilter
Range("B3", Range("B600").End(xlUp)).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=ComboBox1.Value, visibledropdown:=False

[Code] .....

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Changing Results Depending On The Category?

Jun 18, 2014

I'm trying to figure a function wherein if I change the category, the results will automatically changes. see attached sheet.

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Charting The Results Of Changing One Cell That Has Many Chained Precedents

Feb 12, 2014

I have a document with a huge number of chained-together precedent cells, each changing vastly when a single input cell's value is changed (my x-value).

I need to look at the bottom line (my y-value) which is the result of a number of calculations based on the aforementioned cells, there is no linear relationship as there are a number of thresholds and roundups.

I have done this in mat-lab, however my company doesn't have that luxury and all the information is created by a standard estimating sheet that cannot change format.

How could I go about doing this? I've had a look through pettier however I can't see anything that doesn't either require a named cell with a huge formula in it or a table (which isn't practical in this instance - I need to chart the bottom line for 100 different values).

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Excel 2013 :: Set One Columns Text To Color Based On Another Columns Results?

Apr 9, 2014

how to set one entire columns text to two different colors based on another columns values. So for example I have column A and B. Column A has two values called Internal and External. Column B is a title table so the entire column is just titles. We'll say it goes for 20 rows if you need a row count. What I am looking to do change the text in Column B to Red for External and Blue for Internal. I tried the conditional formatting and I just can't seem to find the right option.

I'm using Win 8.1, Office 2013.

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Changing Cell Color Based On Changing Values

Sep 16, 2009

This may have been answered on here but can not seem to find it. My situation is I have values in A1,A2 & A3 that are like counter reading so the value is always changing. What I am looking to do is change the cell color if one of the values is over 500 from the other two values. Say A1 is 3000, A2 is 3250 and A3 is 3500. I would like the cell for A3 to change color.

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Find Last Cell In Range, And Changing Another Cell Based On Offset Text

May 4, 2009

If i have a range say E12:O12 and want to find the last cell before blank, lets say it finds m12 as the cell with the value before blank. then with m12 it needs to determine weather row 11 in the same column has Text either "S" or "F" if "S" then m12 = t if "F" then m12 offset(1,-1) = t. And just to make things more difficult i need the range E12:O12 to step 2 as well until it gets to E208:O208 .Noting that row 11 never changes and will always have either an "S" Or an "F"

and also t = time()

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Changing The Background Of A Range Based On Text In The Range

Oct 20, 2008

I have been tasked with creating a scheduling system for my work. There are three groups of shifts that can be selected, Opens, Swings, and Closes. I have been asked to make the cells turn red if a user selects a sequence of shifts. We are trying to avoid having a person working three scenarios:


If they select the shift that meet this scenario, then I need the cells to turn red. The complete list of shifts are on the "Data" tab and the the three scenarios have been inputted into the "Jan" tab in E13:G15.

I am using the code below to change the background of the cells in my worksheet based on what is in the cell. How can I modify it to accomplish the changes below and meet the criteria above?

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Sort Order And Text ..

Nov 20, 2007

I'm sure this has been asked many times before, but I can't seem to find an answer that works for my data. I have some data that is sorted by an ordered list (like a table of contents from an overly detailed book):


This list can be arbitrarily deep (although probably not more than ##.##.##.##), and because I'm using periods to separate the nested levels (can be changed), I've formatted it as text. This means when I sort the data using this column I get 1.11 before 1.2 (text sort order).

After lots of failed formula attempts I've resorted to using an additional column with hand-entered values to sort by so it will sort correctly:


but I'm hoping someone knows a more elegant way to do this, or at least to generate this column without typing so many zeroes!

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Tab Order Of Text Boxes

Aug 5, 2009

I have been working on an excel sheet with several text boxes that need data manually putting into them. I have set the texts boxes out in the correct order and could tab thru them perfectly in order, but then I saved, closed then reopen the document and now the text boxes do not tab in order. I have tried to rearrange them, delete them and start again but the same problem happens every time and I cannot get the tab order of the text boxes to stay in order

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How To Put Non-repeating Text In Ascending Order

May 6, 2014

how to ascendantly sort groups of numbers within a cell?

For instance, in a cell I have the numbers "5417" and after sorting it would come out as "1457"

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