Changing Values In A Range Using Input Box

Jul 26, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that has multiples ranges. Some values are displayed as negative values. I would like to create a macro that allows me to first select the range/s, (maybe using a input box) I want to change and then display the negative values as positive values.

Would I need to create a separate macro to do the opposite (change the values that are positive to a negative value)?

The other macro I’m trying to create is a similar type. What I would like this macro to do is first select the range I want to change and then divide all the cells in the range by 100000

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Changing Single Formula Range With Input Values?

Aug 7, 2014

I have data in column A and formula in D2 is =MAX(A1:A1)

If i enter 12 in B2 cell
....... and 5 in C2 cell formula in D2 should change to =MAX(A12:A17)

If i enter 140 in B2 cell
........and 30 in C2 cell formula in D2 should change to =MAX(A140:A170)

I tried entering INDIRECT function inputting value in B2 as A12 instead only 12 but not fully succeeded

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Changing Input And Range From Current Macro?

Apr 10, 2013

So I found a macro that does something similar to what I need.

I tried changing the data range and input column but it doesn't work.

What the macro does is I type whatever name into the msg box and it will copy and paste all the rows that contains the name to a different sheet.

Here is the macro:

Sub test()Dim vl As String, res, sh, myrange As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False: vl = Application.InputBox("Enter value for Column B", Type:=2): If vl = "" Then Exit Sub


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List Changing Range Values

Apr 29, 2008

i have 118 cells and they are changing every 10 second so, how to gather the max value from these cells and displaly them in Marquee box or in pop message?

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Array Changing And Formatting - Range Of Values

Mar 4, 2013

I have an array that refers to a range of values:

Dim vtimeheader As Variant
vtimeheader = Worksheets("output").Range("e4:xfd4").Value

(1) I now want to delete all values in the array
(2) I want to apply the format "General" to all the cells in the array

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Multiply Range Of Cells By Cell Reference Without Changing Hard Coded Values?

Aug 20, 2014

I am trying to multiply a range of cells by a cell reference. The cells currently have hard coded values in them. I know with past special you can multiply a range of cells by a copied #. I want a similar function to that just instead of a copied cell its a cell reference. No VBA.

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Changing Vba Code With Input Box

May 10, 2007

Is there a way to change a line of vba code using an input box?

The current macro downloads a file from our intranet. However the filename changes each week. It is only the last portion of the filename that changes since this part is the date it is created. e.g filename010507.xls filename090507.xls

What I want to do is for an input box to pop up, the user then enter the date and this will then replace the existing filename in the code with the new date.

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Changing Cell Color Based On Changing Values

Sep 16, 2009

This may have been answered on here but can not seem to find it. My situation is I have values in A1,A2 & A3 that are like counter reading so the value is always changing. What I am looking to do is change the cell color if one of the values is over 500 from the other two values. Say A1 is 3000, A2 is 3250 and A3 is 3500. I would like the cell for A3 to change color.

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Changing Background Colour On Data Input

Mar 28, 2008

I need to input values rangeing from 0 to 5. When inputing I want to make the background colour change to a differant colour for each value. I can do it but only for data already in the spreadsheet.

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Input And Display Data In Cell In H:mm Format Without Changing To Time

Feb 25, 2010

Can i put into the cells B38-AF38, that would display the sum of B20:AF20 + B24:AF24 + B28:AF28 + B32:AF32 +B36:AF36 in a h:mm format.

When imputing the data into a cell in a h:mm format, I need it to display in that cell and formula bar the h:mm format without having to put an apostrophe in front of "h" or ":mm" value. Once complete, this form is going to go to other trainers to use on their computers and I dont think they would remember to keep putting an apostrophe before the data.


B20= 1:15 (1h15m) NOT 1:15:00 AM

B24= :30 (30min)

B28= :45 (45min)

B32= 1:45 (1h45m) NOT 1:45:00 AM

B38= 4:15 (4h15min)

I have attached a copy of the form for better clarification.

It doesnt seem to be complicated, but it's certainly a lot more than I thought.

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Changing Cells Colors In Relation To Cell Input - NOT Conditional Formatting Ques

Mar 22, 2008

I'm a average excel user, i know my way around it and kow common and basic formulee, VB isnt a strong point, but i am willing to attemp anything for this, let me explain

Lets say in colum A I have a list of items, in colum B i have a check box, currently the check box is red, if i tpye a x it turns green due to conditional formating. That works fine...onto the problem...

Lets say in colum A i have my items but they are A1, A145, A166, A122 are all the same item, what i want is regardless of where i place the x each check box under coloum B either gets a X and turns green, or just turns green, i dont mind...

I dont think conditional formatting can cut this, though i may be wrong. Ive tried to use the IF function under condtional formatting but ran into problems...

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Comparing Input Value From Set Of Values 1 And Output Data From Set Of Values 2

Sep 28, 2012

Got a road block on one of the trackers which I am trying to create which compares some of our agreements. Basically we need to compare current production with our contracts and then bring the tier level they are at in order to then calculate how much in overrides we receive. Belwo is an example:

Input Value = 140000
Out Should be = 1.5%

Set of Values 1


In a nut shell it will look for 14000 in set of values 1 and pick T3 to then go in set of values 2 and display corresponding T3 which will be 1.5% in above example as output.

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Select A Range That Will Be Changing By Column: Method 'Range' Of Object '_worksheet' Failed

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to select a range that will be changing by column. I'm not sure why my syntax isn't working. What I've got:

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Stop Graph From Changing Named Range To Formula Range

Sep 8, 2006

I am trying to create a graph for a range of data that updates monthly (adding an extra month each time). I wanted the graph source data to update automatically each time the data is refreshed so used an OFFSET formula to identify a named range. I then point the graph to the named range as the source data.

When I enter the range as the source data the graph picks it up. However, when I re-enter the source data option on the graph it has converted the named range into a cell written range (ie. replaces "=QUALITY" with "='Front page'!$B$7:$J$10" - which therefore will not update when the range increases.

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Changing The Background Of A Range Based On Text In The Range

Oct 20, 2008

I have been tasked with creating a scheduling system for my work. There are three groups of shifts that can be selected, Opens, Swings, and Closes. I have been asked to make the cells turn red if a user selects a sequence of shifts. We are trying to avoid having a person working three scenarios:


If they select the shift that meet this scenario, then I need the cells to turn red. The complete list of shifts are on the "Data" tab and the the three scenarios have been inputted into the "Jan" tab in E13:G15.

I am using the code below to change the background of the cells in my worksheet based on what is in the cell. How can I modify it to accomplish the changes below and meet the criteria above?

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Changing Values With = RAND()?

Dec 29, 2009

When I use the =RAND() function, everytime I do anything within my spreadsheet the number changes. Is there a way to get that number to change after(for example) 10 refreshes of my spreadsheet instead of every single time I do something to it?

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Changing Conditional IF Values

May 29, 2009

I have two worksheets. One is called "Orders" and the other is "Invoice2".

On my "Orders" sheet I have a listed of product codes and ordered quantity. One column being ordered quantity and the other being product codes.
For instance it is like this:

Product Codes Ordered Quantity

TH1 5
AB3 0
JC5 10
LFK 11

On my "Invoice2" sheet I have a column for product codes and ordered quantity. Basically, I want the "Invoice2" sheet to reference the "Orders" sheet in relation to these columns. However, on the invoice I only want to display the product codes ordered and ordered quantity. For instance TH1 would be the first line and JC5 the second line. This is because AB3 is less than 0. So ever product code on the "Invoice2" sheet must be greater than 0 in ordered quantity on the "Orders" Sheet. This is what the invoice2 sheet would look like:

Product Codes Ordered Quantity

TH1 5
JC5 10

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Run Macro If Values Are Changing?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a code that clears the content of a cell if the value of that cell exceeds two.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Cells(1, 1).Value > 2 Then Cells(1, 1).ClearContents
End Sub

My problem is the value of this cell comes from a function and changes every second automatically (linked to a data feed). So I'm not changing it manually, therefore my code is not working unless I touch it. I just wanted to ask if I can add a code onto this which checks the values and runs the ClearContents macro if there is any change.. I've got a few sheets like this so I need this to run in the background..

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Changing Values To Text

May 28, 2012

i have a spreadsheet that has 3 shifts. its a weekly data sheet. i have 52 sheets for every week of the year. so far i have a "data" sheet aswell. this is the first sheet. I use this data sheet to generate the information or the other 52 sheets. example is you enter the date of the first monday of the year and it generates the dates on all of my sheets for the whole year. i would like to do something similar for the shifts. i would like to have a cell the enter the shift of the first supervisor on that first monday and have all the shifts generate. 1=nights,2=days,3=afternoons. but i do not want the number to appear i would like the word. the set up goes like this:

DATA E9 = the first number for shift to generate all other numbers

A5 = cell to display first shift
A22= cell for the next shift
A39= cell for last shift

on sheet1 i have A5 as =sum(DATA!E9)

i would like A22 to be the shift after example if A5 as 2 for days than A22 would be 3 for afternoons and A39 would be 1 for nights.

preferably displayed as DAYS/AFTERNOONS/NIGHTS

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Input Numeric Values Only On Textbox

Mar 5, 2009

who can restrict the input values to numeric values only? I have 2 textboxes where the user enters employee id and numeric choice value of 1,2 and 3...I need help in making the textboxes restricted to numeric values input only. How Preventing the users from entering alpha and symbols values.

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Input/output Values Into/from An Array

Nov 6, 2009

I have a long list of values, a few thousand lines, that I need to input into an array so I can run a formula on the values in the array and then take those results and put them into another array which I can then call to output down a different column. Is there a faster way to accomplish this than the typical For Loop with the activecell.value and activecell.offset commands, that just takes forever.

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Input Box: Return 2 Values To 1 Cell

Jan 30, 2008

I am attempting to have a user enter a First Name into the first Input Box and a Last Name into the second Input Box.

Within the code, I would like both answers to be returned to cell A1.

For example: A1 would read as Doe, James or James Doe (any variation is fine, as long as its one value in A1).

Sub Name()
y = InputBox("Enter First Name", "Information")
If y = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter", 16, "Message"
x = InputBox("Enter Last Name", "Information")
If x = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter", 16, "Message"
Range("A1") = y & & x
End If
End If
End Sub

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Changing Percentage Values Automatically

Dec 2, 2013

I'm designing a spreadsheet currently. I want to input a number into cell A1 - for example 13. Now the number 13 has a percentage value of 67.3%. When I enter the value into A1 I want excel to automatically fill cell A5 with the percentage value of 67.3%.

I need to have the numbers from 1-20 all with varying percentage values.

1 = 100%
2 = 97.8%
3 = 94.3% etc..

So essentially I would like to enter 13 into cell A1 and for cell A5 to automatically fill in the value of 67.3%, if I was to change the value in A1 to 10 it would also automatically change the percentage from 67.3% to 74.7%..

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Changing Time Values In Column

May 6, 2009

I am looking for a way to simply change the values in column B (start time) back by one hour, for instance 06:00:00:00 would become 05:00:00:00. Because this schedule is a broadcast schedule, time is shown in 4 fields hour, minutes, seconds, and frames (hh:mm:ss:ff).
I can't find a way to quickly adjust it, and because my company broadcasts in a lot of different timezones, I spend a lot of time manually adjusting the values myself. It seems frustrating because I know excel recognizes the values, because it is capable of sorting them, of course that may mean absolutely nothing. I have attached a sample file that I hope should make my problem a little clearer.

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Named Ranges Keep Changing Values

Oct 5, 2009

I have two defined ranges, and they keep changing to include the workbook name. XV2 =

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Changing Raw Data To Point Values?

Dec 4, 2012

I'm looking to change raw data into a "point" system. One of my value exchanges is every $1,000 equals 5 points. So if cell A1 equals $4,685 I am looking for cell A2 to give me a value of 20. (5pts times 4 increments of a $1k) The point value only changes at the $1k milestones, so the remaining $685 does not change the point value. What would the formula look like for something like this?

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Changing The Sign Values In Cells

Oct 29, 2009

i have one row of values ie c4="-121" d4="122" e4="123" f4="124"

and h4="test" like this .

if h4="right" (i change the value test to write) i want to change the

c4,d4,e4,f4 signs positive to negative

ie c4=+121 d4=-122 e4=-123 f4=-124

i write sample code like this

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Changing Cell Formulas To Values

Oct 25, 2006

I currently maintain a program that creates an Excel report. The report is full of formulas (mostly vlookups).

After the report is built, I'd like to get rid of the formulas. The only way I know to do this is to copy the report and do a paste special values.

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Vlookup On Form - Changing Values

Feb 9, 2007

When I type in a ticker into TextBox2 the form is prepopulated. Sometimes the info that is prepopulated is incorrect and the user should just be able to click in the textboxes and make the changes. The problem is that when the user does click on the boxes and makes the changes and hits submit the combobox values do not change and stay that of the vLookup results. So, the vLookup results can't change even if the user makes the change and hits submit. What am I missing. Do I have to declare somehwere that ComboBox1.value (for instance) is actually the value as of the submit button ebing clicked and not when the vlookup happens?

Private Sub TextBox2_Change()
On Error Resume Next
TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TextBox2.Value, Range("Data_Company_Names"), 2, False)
ComboBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TextBox2.Value, Range("Data_Company_Names"), 4, False)
ComboBox8.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TextBox2.Value, Range("Data_Company_Names"), 3, False)
ComboBox11.Value = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TextBox2.Value, Range("Data_Company_Names"), 5, False)
On Error Goto 0
End Sub

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Cross Referencing Cells To Input Values

Aug 4, 2009

I am attempting to cross reference sheets to match up IPs to building names. I have attached an example. Essentially, I am trying to take column E on the TEST sheet and match it to column A on the IPs sheet. Whatever the Building Name (column B, IPs sheet) is, I want that filled into Column G on the TEST sheet. This would be a very labor-intensive process if it cannot be done automatically.

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