Input Numeric Values Only On Textbox

Mar 5, 2009

who can restrict the input values to numeric values only? I have 2 textboxes where the user enters employee id and numeric choice value of 1,2 and 3...I need help in making the textboxes restricted to numeric values input only. How Preventing the users from entering alpha and symbols values.

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Automatically Updating Numeric Values In Textbox

Jan 15, 2007

In the userform I have several textboxes with default values. There are five text boxes that the user can modify and three whose values I want calculated based on the values of the five modified. This is how I initialized the userform :

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
A_BB_and_HBP.Value = Worksheets(5). Cells(2, 35).Value
A_H.Value = Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 36).Value + Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 37).Value + Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 38).Value + Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 39)
A_2b.Value = Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 37).Value
A_3b.Value = Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 38).Value
A_HR.Value = Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 39).Value

Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 41).Value = A_BB_and_HBP.Value
Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 42).Value = A_H.Value
Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 43).Value = A_2b.Value
Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 44).Value = A_3b.Value
Worksheets(5).Cells(2, 45).Value = A_HR.Value
A_AVG.Value = CStr(CSng(A_H.Value) / (130 - CSng(A_BB_and_HBP)))
End Sub

Then I have :....................

When the user changes A_H, A_AVG remains at its default value.

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Find ComboBox Value On Sheet, Return Row Number & Use To Input TextBox Values

Apr 5, 2008

I've created a userform that has one ComboBox (ComboBox1) and two text fields. I am trying to get the userform to return information to my worksheet in the same row as the name that is displayed in the ComboBox. This is my VBA code.

Private Sub Cmdpayment_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheet4
iRow = Cells. Find(What:=Me.ComboBox1.Value, After:=C5, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
ws.Cells(iRow, 12).Value = Me.txtpdate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 13).Value = Me.txtpayment.Value
Me.txtpdate.Value = ""
Me.txtpayment.Value = ""
End Sub

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Force Numeric Input

Jul 21, 2006

I want to force the user to input a numeric value in a textbox and for a message to pop up if a letter is typed, what code do i use?

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Textbox Numeric Validation

Dec 6, 2006

i am using this code which was provided by a kind ozgrid member

If Not IsNumeric(Me.txtLength.Value) Then MsgBox "Use numbers only", vbCritical, "Numbers Only"
With txtLength
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(txtLength)
End With

unfortunately it will not allow me to use a decimal point EG: 2.5. allow a deciaml point?

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Clear Numeric Input From All Worksheets

May 26, 2006

I'm trying to create code that will clean up a budget template of numeric inputs so it can be reused. This is as close as I can get but the code still isn't right.

[HTML]Sub ClearSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 21).ClearContents
Next ws

End Sub[/HTML]

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Round Up Numeric TextBox Entries

Sep 30, 2006

in the timber industry stock lengths for timber start at .900 then go up in .300 mm incriments.

how can i have userform textbox2 return a result as below:

if textbox1 = 2.701 or 2850 or 2.999

textbox2 = 3.000.

if textbox1 = 3.001 or 3.256 or 3.299

textbox2 would = 3.300

so on and so on

i could write a heap of if formulas but i would need every combination from .900 to 6.600

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Validate Textbox As Numeric But % Stopping Code

May 16, 2013

I've got a userform for pricing items and am having an issue when changing margin. I want to validate the user enters in .22 or 22%. The code places the decimal value in a worksheet just fine and runs back end calculations. I want to make sure no one fat-fingers .12b by accident so I came up with the following code. It seems to run fine, but if I tab over a couple of textbox (there are 4 Margin textboxes) it trips the coding for that textbox even if there was no change to the value.

Private Sub txtPDLaborMargin_AfterUpdate()
If IsNumeric(txtPDLaborMargin.Text) Then
Range("LaborMargin") = txtPDLaborMargin


how to validate the value is numeric

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Numeric Validation Of User Form Textbox

Aug 13, 2008

I want one procedure that will validate the CURRENT textbox (not named by name, to allow for the procedure to be included in the change event of several different textboxes), to see if it is numeric (decimal places allowed) in Excel 2007.

I followed the instructions here: {url}, which describe exactly what I want to do. So I put the final procedure listed on that page (the dynamic validation code) into the private module of the user form object as listed below:

Private Sub pipes_Change()


End Sub

Private Sub OnlyNumbers()
'This procedure checks to see if the value
'of the current textbox is a number or not

If TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then

If Not IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then

MsgBox "Sorry, only numbers are allowed."

.Value = vbNullString

End If

End With

End If

End Sub

I then ran the form and typed a number into the "pipes" textbox that had been validated. A compile error is thrown: "Invalid or unqualified reference", highlighting the ".Value" portion of IsNumeric. I tried to remove certain parts of the code, such as the IF statement and the "And .Value <> vbnullstring", but nothing works. I have a feeling it is because this code was created for Excel 2003 (though I'm not certain).

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Pass Number From TextBox To Cell In Numeric Format

Aug 24, 2007

I have uploaded a copy of the spreadsheet I am working on and have completed the user forms and coding for march the 1st only, so if you test, please use the options march and then the 1st!

The problems i have is, when I enter a number into a text box and press next page, the numbers fill where i want them to but the cells do not recognise them as numbers, therefore conditional formatting doesnt work! Even if I change the cell properties to numbers, this does not remove the error!

Second problem!! If a user forgetts to enter a value in a box, or they wish to edit just one value, and go back into the user form to change a figure, when they press next page, all the values in the column seem to disappear!

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Copying TextBox Input?

Feb 10, 2014

I have several textboxes through my Worksheet. I am wondering if there is a way to mirror the text I put in one box to appear in the other boxes without having to copy and paste each box.

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Textbox Input Greater Than 9

Aug 22, 2009

I have a userform with a textbox1 on inputting the numbers 1-9 the code fires to open that qty. of worksheets it works fine. But, why if the user wanted to input 10 it reads the 1st number 1 and only opens 1 sheet. I need it to open another userform if 10 or greater is input.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Userform_Initialize() 'CALCULATES # OF SHEETS

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Input A Table As The Value Of A TextBox In UserForm?

Jun 19, 2014

I have a UserForm from which you are required to select all options. Then the user is supposed to click "Add To List" and the selected items must appear in the TextBox in a Row format.

1) In order to accomplish this i create a Sheet in Excel from which i will store all the Added Items to the list. From there i will send the results to the TextBox.

2) The user must be able to select a Result from a row in the TextBox so he can delete it.

3) The user cannot select the first row as it is the header.

I have to this code in the "Add To List" button SUB.

Private Sub AddToListButton_Click()
End Sub

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Search Function Using Input Textbox

May 20, 2009

I have a search spreadsheet where I click a button, and an input box appears where I put a car reg in, and it searches a different sheet, returning results on the row the reg belongs in.

I've had a slight change in spec. I now need the same function to work, but instead of an input box.. I want the user to type the reg in a text box that is already on the sheet, and then click a search button to retrieve the results.

Is there anyway to easily amend the following code to get there?

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Userform Textbox Input As Capital

Jan 22, 2013

Whats the correct code to use on a userform text box which when you type in it, it is all in capital even if you have not got caps lock on.

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Input TextBox Control To Corresponding Cell

Sep 27, 2006

When I select in my combo box I would like it to populate fields. That part is fine. When I try to input I want it to input in corresponding cell to the combo box selection i made. Problem is I can only get it to input in a certain cell not cell corresponding.

Option Explicit
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.ComboBox1.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
iRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(Me.ComboBox1.Value, Range("People"), 0) + 1
Me.TextBox1.Value = Cells(iRow, 2)
Me.TextBox2.Value = Cells(iRow, 3)

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me.....................

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Lookup Based On Input Into Textbox On Form

Jan 19, 2007

I have a form that pulls up. When the person enters in a ticker symbol I would like the VBA code to perform a lookup in a range "Data_Company_Names" (3000 lines long of company ticker sybols and names) and use the corosponding Name to fill in the textbox for the name. If no Ticker symbol is found then the textbox would be blank.

I realize I would have to use some type of Private Sub TextBox1_Change() code but I am not sure how to have it lookup in a range and return the corosponding name to the ticker. For example, when the form pulls up and the person enters AAPL in Textbox1 then Textbox2 value should equal the Apple which is the company name located in the column over from AAPL in range Data_Company_Names

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Excel 2003 :: Protect Textbox From Formatting But Not Input?

Mar 15, 2013

Is it possible to protect an inserted text box from being moved, stretched, etc. while allowing data input into the cell/s? I'm using a 2003 version of excel.

I've attached the sheet in question. The yellow text boxes are what I want to lock, yet still allow data input.

excel tip example.xls‎

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Is Userform Textbox Input By User Default TEXT?

Mar 31, 2009

If it is how do I convert the user input for the text box field as number. thx

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Userform Macro To Use Textbox Input To Generate Blank Rows?

Mar 28, 2014

I have a userform with 16 Textboxes Named "Text1" through "Text16". What I am trying to do is apply code that if there is content in the textbox it generates a new row after row15 and inputs the text in cellA of that row. Ex. "Text1" = JOE "Text2" = TONY......Hit Commandbutton1 on userform. It inserts Row16 puts "JOE" in A16.....then sequentially it inserts Row17 puts "TONY" in A17.

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UserForm - Keep User In Textbox If They Made Format Input Error

Oct 27, 2012

I have a userfrom with a text box which is used to receive a telephone number from the user. The 'Event' code that checks the formatting of the telephone number is "tbCustTel_Exit". If my user enters a format other than what is acceptable for a tel number, they get an error message telling them to re-enter.

My problem is they still end up EXITING that text box they made a mistake in? How can I override them exiting the text box if they make a mistake - and keep them in the text box so they can try and re-enter the tel number again?

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Insert Vertical Text In Cells Based On Textbox Input

Jul 25, 2006

I am designing a from with a variable number of titles. The user should be able to insert a title into a column by typing in the title that he wants into a text box, and pressing a command button that I have created ( named add). The problem arises when I try to get the text to lie vertically as opposed to horizontally (in the cell, not as a text box. If this can only be done as a textbox, let me know). Is there any way to do this?

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Multiple UserForms With Multiple Numeric Data Input TextBoxes

Sep 25, 2008

When one creates multiple UserForms with multiple (identical) TextBoxes, every control must have its own event handler procedures. All these TextBoxes in my workbook are to capture numeric data to populate various cells in the workbook.

Would you recommend using a Class Module to handle these events for TextBox controls, rather than having to repeat the event handler code for each control?

And if so, do you have some code that I can use that will cover most of the events and potential error handling routines for numeric input data?

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How To Add Alpha Numeric Values

Mar 5, 2014

In a column I have data like 2W, 2BM, 4W, 6BM, 10W and 15BM. Question is how can I total all W and all BM. Total for W = 2W + 4W+10W = 16W and total for BM = 2BM +6BM +15BM = 23BM.

What formula should I used to get totals

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How Do I Replace Numeric Values Only

Jan 20, 2009

When using the replace rule in Excel, you can use "?" to represent a standard variable, e.g. if you had the text "Bottle 100g", and you set the replace rule as "?g", it would delete the "g" and the four characters before it, leaving you with "Bottle".

However, if I have lots of replace rules to make in a file, and I only want to eliminate the numerical values before a letter, how do I go about doing this?

For example, if I had the text "Dog food 10g", and I made a replace rule "??g", it would leave me with " food ". What I would really need, is a way of taking away the numeric values before the "g", which would give me "Dog food".

Therefore, is there a unique identifier for numeric and/or text values?

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Padding Numeric Values With 0's

Feb 3, 2010

I need a left side padding for numeric values to keep them in 4 digits
ie 1 becomes 0001, 25 becomes 0025 and 345 becomes 0345. Following is the custom number format I tried and it fails.


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Read Numeric Values VBA

Aug 13, 2012

I have the following code and I am really confused to, why its not reading numeric values from the code below:

Sub MG08Aug32()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Dn As Range
Dim n As Integer
Dim Num As String
Set Rng = Range(Range("E2"), Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))


I desire the following output below:





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Cell Values Not Numeric?

May 7, 2013

I have the following issue:


The above formula does not return any value and it simply appears as it is keyed. Cell AR85 has 5. I know it is something to with this cell, but I cannot fix it. In fact the whole Column AR has these values downloaded. I tried "text to columns" but it still doesn't work.

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Macro Does Not Run With Numeric Values

Jun 9, 2007

The Macro below will not combine numeric values Just Text. I get a Type Mismatch Error When I open It. I need for this macro to run with Numeric Values 1,2,3,etc.

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Creating A Chart Using Non Numeric Values

May 20, 2014

I'm trying to show learner progress during our half term collections but the values we track are similar to that below


When I attempt to make a chart in the normal format it doesn't recognise the value.

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