Check Cell For Valid Time

Aug 26, 2007

I am using VBA to determine the data type of the active cell value. I have the following:

'To check Number

'To check Date

'To check Formula

'To check Text (*not perfect solution)

However, I cannot find the way to check for Time. In addition, the method IsText will return True even if the active cell value is a date.

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Employee Leave Tracker & Check Leave Time Is Valid

Feb 27, 2008

I need to create a leave tracker wherein i will get the names of the person who want to take leave in that particular month. I have prepared a calendar to make an entry. I need to take care of the following things

1) The person must have sufficient leave balance available to take the leave. so i have to first check if he/she has sufficient leave balance.

2) There are four team leaders and each team has around 13-14 members. so if lots of people from the same team apply for the leave then they will not be eligible for leave. this i want to know in percentage as to how much percentage of people are taking leave from that particular team.

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Valid Email Check Within Regular Cell?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a cell in which I would like to have a user enter an email address. If it does not follow a valid format I would like it to display an error message, "Invalid E-mail Address", clear contents and re-select the cell otherwise move to the next cell. By Valid email I want it to check for only one "@", and at least one "." but I also want it so that a user can't just bypass it with typing "@.". I would like it to reject special characters and spaces and only allow "-" and "_" maybe a general format of <name>@<place>.<domain>

The cell in question is K45 and the following cell would be K47 if a valid email is entered

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Check For Valid Sheet Name

May 20, 2008

I have a macro that creates a new sheet and names it based off a cell value (date, MM-DD-YY), and copies a 'Template' sheet to it, values only. Every so often, two sheets need to be made with the same date. I need the right direction in creating an addition to the below code that will add an A, B, or C at the end of the sheet name if the name is already taken?

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Check If URL Is Valid Using Excel / VBA?

Oct 29, 2012

I've 1000's of website URLs which I need to open one at a time, and check if the page contains message such as 'Product not found' or 'Oops...' or 'Page not found' or 'Error'

Is this possible using Excel / VBA ?


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Run Macro To Check If Hyperlinks Are Valid?

Jan 22, 2014

I have a large spreadsheet that has thousands of hyperlinks that I would like to check periodically to make sure they are up to date. I have found dozens of examples of VBA code that will do this for me and seemingly very clear instructions on how to do it (for example this), but haven't yet been able to successfully run anything in my spreadsheet. It either doesn't do anything, or I get an error message of a bad file name.

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Check For Valid Named Range

Dec 10, 2007

I have this formula =COUNTIF(WallA,D35) which works great unless the named range is deleted. Is there a way to check to see if the named range is valid in formula?

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IF Statement To Check Valid Numbers

Apr 28, 2006

I was wanting to use an IF Then statement to check if numberes entered into cells in Sheet1 were valid numbers in another sheet. The valid numbers will not always be consecutive.

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VBA - Check If Data Entered Is Valid Date

Aug 19, 2012

Any way to check if data entered is a valid date using a VBA function/routine?

For example, cdate() and isdate() functions accept dates like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11 when they are not valid.

If the cell is formatted as date format, then Excel replaces hyphens with forward slashes for dates, except invalid ones like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11, so in these cases I can test for existence of forward slashes in the following way

Len(Mid(pCell, InStr(pCell, "/") + 1, Len(pCell) - InStr(pCell, "/"))) 7

However this approach fails for Input boxes. Obviously I can't convert the Input box response using cdate function as it will incorrectly accept 31-Feb-12 as a valid date.

Any routines that will work for both cell entered and Input box entered dates?

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Collect Date From User & Check If Valid

Aug 31, 2007

want to do something simple, and it just wont paste. not sure why. anyone care to look it over and tell me what i'm doing wrong here?

'Insert Date Information
Dim vDate As Date
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Date
vDate = Date

'Get date from user
Dim dDate As Date
vDate2 = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Type in the due date for the location." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "*If you want the date to default to " & Date + 5 & " then leave the field blank.", _
Title:="Due Date", Type:=1 + 2).............

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Enter A Valid Time

Jun 13, 2009

I have a textbox (on a userform) that populates into a spreadsheet. the way I have it set up the user enters a time, but omits the semicolon, and a macro adjusts the time to show the semi colon in the spreadsheet, that is working great. But what I would like to do is to use a textbox change event to force the user to enter a valid time using a 24 hour clock. I have the textbox set to accept numbers from 0 to 2400, using the textbox change event but this allows the user to enter an invalid time such as "1575" basically anthing above 59 for the last 2 digits would be invalid.

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The Sort Reference Is Not Valid - Run Time Error

Oct 13, 2008

I used the vba recorder to get the code and didn't change one thing, and now I am getting an error when i click on the command button to execute the code.


Run time error 1004
The sort reference is not valid. Make sure that it's within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By Box isn't the same or blank.

Row 1 = column headings

row 2 is the first set of data, *****, however, most of the data in the column is blank. There are only 2 options, (Yes) or blank, and I am trying to sort the sheet so all the (Yes) appear at the top

when i did the macro recorder, it seemed to work.

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Verify Valid Time Is Entered Into Textbox?

Jul 23, 2013

I have a textbox on a userform in which I want the users to enter a valid time, such as "1:20" or "0:15". How can I test this input to verify it is a valid time? Also, after this time is entered, how do I subtract it from the current time which I am displaying in another box>

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Check If Time Has Been Or Is Entered In A Cell

Jul 21, 2007

Is there a simple function to check if a time has been or is entered in a cell, just like the IsDate function.

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VBA Check If A Cell Is Empty - Move 7 Cells Over And Check Again (Loop)

Aug 10, 2012

I have data in Row 53 that spans 7 columns, but stays in the same row. I want to design a loop to select every 7th cell in that row and check if it is empty. If not, add onto a "counter" then display the final number of occupied cells (the value of the counter) at the end. This is what I have so far, but I get all sorts of errors.

Sub Tester()

Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheets
Dim modCounter As Long
Dim Cell As Range

Set WB = Workbook("Transverse Series.xlsm")
Set WS = WB.Sheets(BM18)

[Code] ......

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Check For Time Range

Apr 26, 2006

I have attached a sample for better understanding. First of all, I need to check for the highest value in Col B and lowest value in Col C in the range from Time 0900 to 1100 only. I need to use the check time function (which i have no ideal how) rather than selecting the number of rows to check.

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Check Two Columns At The Same Time And Return The Value In The 3rd

Aug 6, 2009

Is there a good way to check two columns at the same time and return the value in the 3rd?


12 0.07 8
12 0.37 10
12 0.82 12
12 1.30 15
12 3.90 22
12 8.00 28
12 15.00 35

I look for 12 in the first column with vlookup but I need to also look for a figure in the 2nd column which is greater than my figure. So say I want 12 & 6.0 I would want the formula result to be 28 because the nearest larger number in the table column 2 is 8.00.

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Static Check Boxes With Time Stamp

Aug 18, 2009

I have a spreadsheet in which a check box fills the corresponding cell with the value "TRUE" if checked and "False" if unchecked. I use this check box for several functions (e.g. assigning a unique ID number). One of the functions I would like to make is a time and date stamp in another column when a user checks a box.

I have perused some of the past topics on this subject and there are a few hiccups in the other fixes.

1. I can't simply set the iterations to one because this sheet also is used to calculate expenditures, fund balances, etc. I need the calculations to be ongoing.

2. I currently have a check box macro that placed a check box on a thousand rows. It may require more rows later on. I need a solution that sets up a time stamp for all of these rows, not just a macro for one row at a time.

3. I need the time stamp to be static. I need to know when entries were made. I cannot use track changes, because we will be using this data to measure the effectiveness of our process. I need to be able to add and subtract the time between the timestamps.

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Check Length Of Time It Takes Macro To Run

Mar 16, 2007

I've done quite a bit of searching in the forum and online and haven't found anything that's generic and can be used at anytime.

What I'm looking for is a way or for code that tells you how long it takes a macro to run from start to finish, something that can be used to time any macro. I've seen some threads in the forum where people indicate that it took x amount of seconds for their macro to run but not sure how to do it.

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Check Date & Time For Missing Hours

Aug 7, 2007

I have a column A with some dates at this format "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm".
In this list, some hours are missing, and I don't know which ones.

In order to find the missing hours, I created an additional column B, displaying all the hours, this way:
B1=01-01-2006 00:00:00

And then : B2=B1+"01:00:00"

Then, in column C, I compare both columns A and B:

As a result, I first get some "ok", and then more and more "missing" statements, even though the dates look the same.

I checked the numerical values of my dates. At the first "missing" statement, I saw that there is a slight difference in the numerical values, at small decimals...

Can you tell me how to define my date /time in a good way, in order to avoid this kind of problems, please?
(I could take the int part of the numbers, but this could lead to further errors, so I prefer to define my dates in the right way, from the beginning).

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Check User Input To Prevent Run-Time Error

Dec 28, 2007

what I want. It relies on an input box asking the user to enter a part code, which when found creates a duplicate copy. However, if the user enters a part that doesn't exist I get a run-time error. Can anybody point me in the right direction so when a user enters an incorrect part they get a message telling them it doesn't exist.

Private Sub SortTest_Click()
Dim s As String
Dim r As Excel. Range

s = InputBox("Enter the number you wish to find")
If StrPtr(s) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must enter an existing part number!"
Set r = Cells.Find(What:=s, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

Range(Cells(r.Row, "A"), Cells(r.Row, "AH")).Copy
Sheets("APL").Cells(r.Row, "A").Insert Shift:=xlDown

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Goto Sheets("APL").Cells(r.Row, "H")
Selection.Offset(-1, -5).ClearContents
Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End If

End Sub

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Copy Of Active Workbook Path Stamped Onto Spreadsheet With Date And Time / Edit Check

Feb 1, 2010

1) I need to add an edit check
2) have a copy of Active Workbook Path stamped onto spreadsheet with date and time to create a visual record of where the file has been saved (described after the code below).

1) I need to verify that two cells (S7 and S9) are not blank before running my code below (=IF(OR(S7<>"",S9<>""),RUN CODE,"You must select your Provider or Division before you can save this document")).

- If both of these cells are blank a message box should notify the user that they must select the provider and/or division before they can continue with the save.

- If one or more of these cells are not blank the code below should run.

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Using ^ And "" As Valid Cell Entries

Jan 16, 2009

I have the need to enter ^ (carat) and "" (double-quotes) within a cell without Excel interpreting them as centre-justify/right-justify and then removing them. Generally, the carat will have some text after it (ie. ^FRED), but the double-quote will be on its own.

How is it possible to this without having to do a double-carat or a quadruple-quote (as it won't necessarily be me that ends up using the spreadsheet)?

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Inserting Time (or Date And Time) In Cell On Row When Cell In That Row Changed

Aug 21, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where an engineer is expected to record sample temperatures of water outlets, along with the time he took the sample. Each outlet has a row on the spreadsheet with a column for the Temperature and column for the time. I would like to automatically input the current time(or time and date) on each line as the temperature is entered.

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Not A Valid Add-in Error

Aug 7, 2007

I created an add-in for Excel 2003 by following your site's instructions, substituting my own subroutine's name for "MyGreatMacro" (for the purposes on testing all it does is spit out a MsgBox). I then put the resulting xla file on a network drive and went through the standard process for installing an Addin :

Tools -> Addins -> Browse for the file and hit ok, check it off, etc

This works perfectly fine when i try to install on my own machine, but when I try on other user's machines I get an error message stating that the xla file is not a valid Addin. Excel's error message in this case is about as unhelpful as they come.

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Any Way To Filter Valid Website?

Jun 12, 2014

I have list of various web site and i want to keep only valid site . How it is possible ?

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Add A Named Range And It Says Name Not Valid?

Jan 23, 2014

I try to add a named range and it says name not valid!! I'm putting in jan13. Why would this not be valid. There are no other named ranges in the workbook

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File Format Is Not Valid

Aug 3, 2005

i have a customer (im a computer tech, but excel is not my specialty) that has a weird problem with her most important file. She meant well, but tried to back up a 2.6 MB file to a floppy disk, and after it told her the disk was full, she was unable to open the file again in excel. (File Format Is Not Valid) It will, however, open in word, with the data there. Its in an unusable format, as there were 12 different worksheets (one for every month), all on the one page of MS Word. Better than nothing, but still will take weeks to reenter properly. I searched for a repair utility and had one that seemed to work, but only put a "0" in column A row 8. A far cry from what we are looking for. Ive also run a disk recovery program in the hopes of finding an older version of the file, but came up empty.

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0 As Valid Value Rather Than Null Or Empty

Apr 3, 2007

I am trying to define some variables as byte, but I want 0 to be a valid value rather than null. When there is no data, that is when I would like for the variable to be null.

Is there a way to accomplish this? In addition, I use the same variables in a loop, which are reset at the beginning of the loop. Is there a way to reset a variable without giving it a value (like 0)?

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Not A Valid Add-in Message Loading Add-in

Aug 28, 2007

I am using the GetSaveAsFilename function to save a file. I have the filefilter as "Excel Add-In (*.xla),xla", however when I save a file this way as an add-in, then try to load that add-in, I get the following error message.

'C:Documents and SettingsUser1DesktopBook3.xla' is not a valid add-in.

Does this mean that the GetSaveAsFilename is not capable of saving a valid xla file?

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