Verify Valid Time Is Entered Into Textbox?
Jul 23, 2013
I have a textbox on a userform in which I want the users to enter a valid time, such as "1:20" or "0:15". How can I test this input to verify it is a valid time? Also, after this time is entered, how do I subtract it from the current time which I am displaying in another box>
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Feb 6, 2013
I worked out the code below. I supposed to check the date entered in the text box, if that date is greater than the date in cell A2, is supposed to pop up a message box, but is only half working.
For example if I enter 3/1/2013, the code works, but if I enter 1/1/2014 it will not work, it thinks the date is OK and goes on to to the Else statement. In other words, is only looking at the first part (month and day) of my date and ignoring the fact that the year is in the future.
Dim frmDate As String
Dim toDate As String
Set ws = Sheets("Dashboard")
frmDate = frmEnterDate.txtReportEffectiveDate.Value
toDate = frmEnterDate.txtReportEffectiveLastDay.Value
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Aug 19, 2012
Any way to check if data entered is a valid date using a VBA function/routine?
For example, cdate() and isdate() functions accept dates like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11 when they are not valid.
If the cell is formatted as date format, then Excel replaces hyphens with forward slashes for dates, except invalid ones like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11, so in these cases I can test for existence of forward slashes in the following way
Len(Mid(pCell, InStr(pCell, "/") + 1, Len(pCell) - InStr(pCell, "/"))) 7
However this approach fails for Input boxes. Obviously I can't convert the Input box response using cdate function as it will incorrectly accept 31-Feb-12 as a valid date.
Any routines that will work for both cell entered and Input box entered dates?
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May 26, 2009
I tried to search the forum with the above title but keep getting a fatal error.
My worksheet contains a data entry column that is verified against a named range entitled "Categories". If you click on the down arrow, it displays all the valid entries. What I'd like to do is enter in the field the first letter of the entry and display only those valid entries that start with the letter I entered. For example, if I entered "c", the validation screen would display:
Car Insurance
Car Payment
Car Repair/Tires
Chase Mortgage
Cleaning Supplies
Contact Lens
Then, if I entered "ch", the validation screen would display:
Chase Mortgage
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Oct 4, 2012
I have attached my file.
When the Go button in text box in the 'VSVA-1 Data' tab is pressed, a new tab is created. I would like the tab to be renamed after the text that is entered into the text box. Is this possible? Here is what I have so far.
Sub RenameTab()
'Renames the worksheet tab
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("VSVA-1 Data").Select
tabName = TextBox1
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("VSVA Data").Select
Selection.Name = tabName
End Sub
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Jun 13, 2009
I have a textbox (on a userform) that populates into a spreadsheet. the way I have it set up the user enters a time, but omits the semicolon, and a macro adjusts the time to show the semi colon in the spreadsheet, that is working great. But what I would like to do is to use a textbox change event to force the user to enter a valid time using a 24 hour clock. I have the textbox set to accept numbers from 0 to 2400, using the textbox change event but this allows the user to enter an invalid time such as "1575" basically anthing above 59 for the last 2 digits would be invalid.
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Aug 26, 2007
I am using VBA to determine the data type of the active cell value. I have the following:
'To check Number
'To check Date
'To check Formula
'To check Text (*not perfect solution)
However, I cannot find the way to check for Time. In addition, the method IsText will return True even if the active cell value is a date.
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Oct 13, 2008
I used the vba recorder to get the code and didn't change one thing, and now I am getting an error when i click on the command button to execute the code.
Run time error 1004
The sort reference is not valid. Make sure that it's within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By Box isn't the same or blank.
Row 1 = column headings
row 2 is the first set of data, *****, however, most of the data in the column is blank. There are only 2 options, (Yes) or blank, and I am trying to sort the sheet so all the (Yes) appear at the top
when i did the macro recorder, it seemed to work.
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Jul 30, 2008
Is it possible to place a prompt message regarding the time limit or return time when entered time is place on the worksheet? Like "Please be back at 8:30 AM" when the user click the Start time button at 8:00 AM.
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Mar 21, 2007
I have textbox within a userform and want it to function as the place where the user could enter a password. I just want that during the entering the entered signs would automatically be turned into stars (disguised as stars), but of course the entered password would remain its real value.
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Sep 8, 2007
I have a userform for entering a sales invoice onto a spreadsheet, it obviously has a textbox each for the net value(textboxnet), gst tax(textboxgst) and total value(textboxtotal). How do I get the total amount textbox (textboxtotal) to automatically sum up as I enter the net (textboxnet) and gst (textboxgst) amounts?
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May 21, 2008
I have a form that will allow the user to type in a date. I need to take that value and validate that it is between 01/01/2007 and 10 years ahead of the current day.
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Jul 24, 2009
I am trying to capture alpha characters entered into a textbox. If a character is (something) then a variable is (something).
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Jun 3, 2008
I've done lots of looking on the forum, and the helpfiles, but just cant seem to format my text box properly! Its a form where the user inputs to the text box. I want to control thatway where they enter numbers e.g 05052008 and it gets converted to 05/05/2008 or 05-05-2008. I've tried a range of things, but am really stumped!
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Jul 1, 2014
I'm using the following code to try to ensure a value is entered into a text box, but when I click over to the next text box skipping the first one entirely, I don't receive any message indicating the previous box is empty. I'm trying to make it so certain fields are required and others are optional. Here's the code I'm currently using:
[Code] .....
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Apr 17, 2014
I am a green as green can be beginner to VBA coding. My question is, I created a text box on my user form so the user can input a 'billing code' and when they hit submit on the user form, the vba will search the spreadsheet and land on the data entered in the text box.
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Feb 27, 2008
I need to create a leave tracker wherein i will get the names of the person who want to take leave in that particular month. I have prepared a calendar to make an entry. I need to take care of the following things
1) The person must have sufficient leave balance available to take the leave. so i have to first check if he/she has sufficient leave balance.
2) There are four team leaders and each team has around 13-14 members. so if lots of people from the same team apply for the leave then they will not be eligible for leave. this i want to know in percentage as to how much percentage of people are taking leave from that particular team.
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Jul 4, 2013
I have a formula in one of my sheets that updates each time a new value is entered...
=INDEX('HR Reports Marco New'!BI:BI,COUNTA('HR Reports Marco New'!BI:BI),1)
The issue I'm having is that Column "BI" has an =SUM formula already in it and the formula above is going to the last value which is 0 but all the way to the end of the year when we are only in July...
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Jul 21, 2007
Is there a simple function to check if a time has been or is entered in a cell, just like the IsDate function.
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Jun 12, 2007
I would like to have the current time/date automatically entered into B1 when A1>0 and I want it to be non volitile, is this possible?
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Jun 22, 2006
I have a workbook that is accessed through a network by many users. The one problem that occurs with certain users is that they leave the autofilter on when then are in the spreadsheet. It has an autofilter on each title, and the user initials are an option to filter...certain users leave the filter on when they save the sheet so the next time someone else goes in, it only displays the previous users results.
Is there a way to reset the autofilter for the user initials each time the sheet is opened?
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Feb 24, 2012
I'm having trouble while trying to use a variable in a cell reference. I have a sheet that is being used to record the time and date of data entered into the workbook. This sheet is divided into columns, each designated to a specific type of data. I have written a macro to enter the current time in the correct column, but that macro is embarrassingly long and complicated because I used a series of if statements to handle all the different data being entered. I'm trying to simplify by using vlookup, and assigning the column value to a variable, and inserting that variable into the cell reference.
Here is the line I need to insert a variable into:
Sheets("Current").Cells(Rows.Count, columnstart).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = Now()
Where columnstart is my variable. It is an integer, but it's value will change depending on the type of data being entered.
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Nov 30, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that requires a formula in column "e". How can I automaticlly extend the formula each time data is entered in column "d" of the next row.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have a spreadsheet for payroll. The last column is for net pay. I enter this by hand when I get it back from the payroll tech. There are no formulas in this column. When done entering these figures, I click on "save". Then I close the file. From past experience with this sprdsht, I have found that it doesn't always save this column. It saves all the other info. I have entered in the sprdsht, but not this column. So, I have to re-enter everything in this column and "save" again. Close the sheet, then re-open it to be sure it got saved. Why won't it save this column of info. the first time?
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Oct 25, 2012
VBA macro to change the color of a cell automatically for a specific period of time -say 5 minutes, based on the value the subject cell holds at that time. The cell value is not manually entered but comes from a sub.
There will be hundreds of such cells so that the macro must be able to be repeated for other cells utilizing their individual cell values as well.
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Jun 17, 2006
I am attempting to pick up a date with time entry on a worksheet and place it into a TextBox on a UserForm. Format on the sheet is mm/dd/yyyy h:mm AM/PM. The UserForm is placing the value as mm/dd/yyyy 12:00 AM. here is the
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If Not Range("dDate").Value = "" Then
TextBox2.Value = Range("dDate").Value
TextBox2.Text = Format(DateValue(TextBox2.Text), "mm/dd/yy h:mm AM/PM")
TextBox2.Value = ""
End If
End Sub
"dDate" is the named range where the date is sitting. The format is also set on the TextBox2 exit event. Can anyone see why only the date portion is being transfered with the default 12:00 AM for no time component of the value?
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Mar 22, 2013
I have a bit of code that fills textfields etc in a Userform. The data is being pulled from the spreadsheet but in this case the TIME is displayed weirdly.
It shows as 0,46875 and should show 11:15:00 as in the spreadsheet.
the line that reads this value is
.STime.Value = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "V").Value
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Jul 29, 2008
is it possible to place time in a textbox on a userform?
I am trying to make 5 textboxes to display different time zones.
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Oct 26, 2006
I'm attempting to calculate the total number of hours between a start time and end time using textboxes on a Userform.
Here is my latest attempt:
Private Sub D24_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim myvalue As String
Dim myhour As String
Dim myminutes As String
myvalue = D24.Value
Select Case Len(D24)
Case 1
myhour = "0" & Mid(myvalue, 1, 1)
myminutes = "00"
Case 2
myhour = Mid(myvalue, 1, 2)
myminutes = "00"
Case 3
The above codes are an attempt to force an entry as time (7, 07, 700, 0700=7:00 / 13, 1300=13:00 etc.). However, the result is not correct.
For example:
Start Time in Textbox(D24)=07:00
End Time in Textbox(D25)=17:30
Result in Textbox(D27)=0.4375
Desired Result in Textbox(D27)=10.5
I've never calculated times in textboxes,
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a timesheet, with a custom format of [h].mm. In my userform, I have a textbox which I would like to use to enter a time in, but when I run the macro, the time shows up correctly (such as 0.12 for 12 minutes), but it is still calculating as text. I've tried all the various codes I have found throughout the board but nothing has worked so far. I can get as far as making 0.12 minutes show as 12.12.00 AM, but then it shows the whole time instead of the 0.12 which the cell is formatted to do and does not calculate it at the bottom where I grab all the times from that column.
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