Check If Speadsheet Already Open In Network Drive By Another User?

Jul 28, 2012

I want a simple VBA code that when run will check if a particular spreadsheet that exists on a Network Drive is already open or not by another user. Imagine there are 3 users A, B & C

The network path for example is : S:Department1TeamAConsolidated Report"

The spreadheet name is : Consolidated Database.xls

If the spreadheet that is on S:Department1TeamAConsolidated ReportConsolidated Database.xls is already open by User A then User B should get a message that "File is already open"

I have the below code which I got from a website which I kind of tweaked but it doesnt work.

Dim WbookCheck As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set WbookCheck = Workbooks("Consolidated Database.xls ")[code]......

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How To Open Xls File In A Network Drive

Dec 1, 2009

If you don't know what the drive letter will be, because on other people's computer it could be different than what you have.

I only have the folder address


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Saving To A Network Drive

Jan 6, 2009

We have a form that is completed by our employees and emailed to a central group email address that up to 8 employees within our team can access. When one of our 8 team members open the file sent they need to add comments to it and then save it in a central directory on one of our network drives.

Now the problem I have is that we all have the network drive mapped to a different letter.

Is there a way that I can have a macro (see below for current macro that does not work) save to a network path and not a drive letter.

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Saving To A Network Drive Macro...

Jan 26, 2010

I currently have the following ...

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On Time Method Fails On Network Drive

Sep 19, 2007

I am using the OnTime method to automatically send out a spreadsheet by email at a certain time. I am using Windows task scheduler to start up excel and OnTime to execute the email. I have got this to work on my local drive however I need to save the spreadsheet on a network drive. Task scheduler opens this up still, however OnTime doesn't seem to be working as I have tested it and the email doesn't get sent.

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Browse For Folder & Set Initial Path To Network Drive

Nov 28, 2007

information about users selecting a folder at this link. However, how do I change the starting point to a network drive, as opposed to "My Computer"?

For example, we reference our network drives like this:

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Macro Will Not Work To Process Files Stored On Network Drive?

Aug 1, 2014

I have a macro that works just find on my local machine. but it need to run from a network drive as several different people may need to access it.

A brief description of the macro.

The macro looks in an directory called unprocessed for any file named "*.csv" if the files are found it opens the file in excel and then copies data from that workbook to my workbook. after this the .csv file is closed (unchanged) and then it is moved to the processed directory.

Sub files()
Dim directory As String, filename As String, sheet As Worksheet, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim filetype As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False


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Internal Hyperlinks In Excel File Stored On Network Drive

Oct 16, 2013

I am having trouble creating a hyperlink to a place in the current document for a file stored on a network drive. My workbook has a lot of sheets (50 or so), so I created a 'Navigation' sheet that contains hyperlinks to all the worksheets located therein, and pasted a link back to the Navigation sheet in cell A1 on every tab.

Setting up these Navigation sheets has never a problem until I started posting the file on a network drive. As soon as I did that, I noticed that the internal hyperlinks on all sheets in the workbook would stop working after I closed the file in Excel. Note that this network drive is not set as a drive letter on my computer, and is only accessible by entering the server ip address in Windows Explorer.

An example address the hyper is trying (and failing) to open is: "file:///\ IP ADDRESS sub-folders activefile.xlsm"

I've tried a few options, using the HYPERLINK formula, using the HYPERLINK feature in the Insert ribbon, etc, but all to no avail.

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Excel 2010 :: Opening Shared Workbook On Network Drive - Set Permissions?

Aug 20, 2013

I currently have a password secured excel file on my departs Q drive, which everyone can access unfortunately only 1 person can edit at a time. I tried to turn it into a workbook so we could all edit it at the same time but now some of the other users can't access the file at our other buildings throughout the county. This is for excel 2010. And I did select the share workbook, and allow multiple users to edit box. everything else is unchanged.

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Excel 2010 :: Saving File To Network Drive - Amend Date

Jan 29, 2014

I am currently creating a simple macro to save out files to a specific folder on one of our network drives. Since we will be doing this often I would like to amend the date the the file name saved for sorting/organizational purposes.

Unfortunately I have been running into a few issues, this is what I have tried so far but keep getting a SaveAs error:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="vosinsharedClient Implementation TeamDC Tools" &
"Copy DC Conversion WB_2014 " & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=xlNormal

I have also tried:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="vosinsharedClient Implementation Team
DC ToolsCopy DC Conversion WB.2014_" & _
Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDDhhmmss") & ".xlsx", FileFormat:=56

But still no avail. I believe it may have something to do with the file format but I am not sure. I am running Excel 2010.

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Check Which User Has File/Workbook Open

Jul 28, 2004

I have a program that opens an excel-workbook, I first check whether the file is opened by another user(open for read-write). This works fine, but I'd like to know which user has the file open with VBa code. ex. ....
if open
then msgbox " Book opened by user"
end if

So it's the same as you open an excel(with your windows explorer) on a network and you get the message that the file is already opened by the user....

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How Can I Identify A User Over A Network

Apr 28, 2008

I have written a function (with the help of the good folk on this wonderful message board) that is able to check whether a given spreadsheet is currently being used by someone at my work. There are potentially multiple users for the workbooks that my system needs to access. FYI, I work in a bank so we have a pretty good network.

The code for my function, as well as the TestOpen(-) function that it uses, is below.

Ideally, if a workbook my system needs is currently being used on someone else's computer (Case=1 in Select statement, then Err0) I would like to be able to have a userID returned to me so that I know who I need to call to shut the model.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Function Open_Selected_Drone__EXEC(fs, fileLocation, fileToOpen, testOnly)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
myName = ActiveWorkbook.Name

Application.StatusBar = "Checking availability of " & fileToOpen
iOpen = TestOpen(fileLocation & "" & fileToOpen)

Select Case iOpen

Case 0: ' the file has been found and is not in use
rv = "not in use"
If Not testOnly Then Workbooks.Open Filename:=fileLocation & fileToOpen, WriteResPassword:="j"

The old version of this message board used to have an "insert code" button. I cant see it anymore. Am I simply meant to paste code into this message box now?

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Check If Connected To Network

Jan 11, 2008

I have created an application for users that requires the user be connected to the network. I wanted to do a check to see if they are connected, and if the user is not connected they would get a message box telling them that they need to be connected to the network, then the workbook would close. Below is the code I have, but when a user is not connected they do not get my messagebox, instead they get the excel error message "excel run-time error '52': bad file name or number", and the debugger line that gets highlighted is in the function DirExists that checks the length of the directory of the file path: Len(Dir(strpath))

Option Explicit
Function DirExists(strpath As String) As Boolean
If Len(Dir(strpath)) = 0 Then 'this is where the debugger highlights
DirExists = False
DirExists = True
End If
End Function

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim strpath As String
Dim strfile, strfile2 As String
strpath = "\n530fs1PCLFileSharespcl_repositPricing_ToolsPAT"
If Not DirExists(strpath) Then............................

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Is File Open On Network

Jun 28, 2007

when I open a file, called "A", I want it to automatically open another file, which is shared on the network, called "B". I've tried using the "IsFileOpen" routine and a few other sets of code that I've found on the internet but none of them solve my problem.

If "B" isn't open on any computer and I open "A", there is no problem, and if "B" is already open on my computer when I open "A" again, there is no problem, but if "B" isn't open on my computer and is open on somebody else computer, "B" won't open on mine when I open "A", the code assumes that because "B" is open on someone elses computer, "B" is already open on mine.

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Is File Open Over Network

Sep 6, 2007

I want to be able to check when workbook opens if a particular Excel file is open or not by having a true or false in a cell. This works fine if I have it open on same computer, but if I log on to another computer over a network and run same workbook it won't pick up if file open or not. I have tried various ways from this forum for file paths over network including eg. C:file or '\path on networkfile or N:pathlocfile etc. Nothing apears to work. If I check to see if file open from a different computer than the one the file is open on I receive standard message file already in use etc.

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Open Network Path On A Button

May 30, 2006

I have created a button on an excel form in the 2003 version and i want to create a macro that opens up a network path in windows explorer such as 'open W:
ew folder
ew share'

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Open Network Location Macro

Aug 10, 2007

In my macro I need to open to paths. the 1st path I I have working. Here is the

Dim OpenA As Workbook, OpenB As Workbook
Dim TheFile As String
Dim TheFile2 As String

ChDrive "H:"
ChDir "H:Treasury Project"

TheFile = Application. GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", , "Select the file and choose open.")
If TheFile = "False" Then
Exit Sub
End If ...............

The "????" are where I don't know what to do. I used a test path to make sure all code works and it does, but the real path is a network location. When I go to it manually with excel this is where it shows me to have gone: My Net Work Places, Entire Network, Microsoft Windows Network, Company2, datawhse, root, LAW81, Lawson, Print, Name. If I open a file and do =cell("filename") it gives me \datawhse
ootLAW81LAWSONprintNameanrvwfins111thSSFRPMOEDTL.csv. Is it possible to get excel to open me up to ...\datawhse ootLAW81LAWSONprintName.

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Creates Duplicate File When Logged In As A User With Restricted Permissions On Our Network

Apr 24, 2009

I am having an issue with Excel creating a duplicate file when logged in as a user with restricted permissions on our network. If I modify a file while logged in as another user, excel will save the file but will also create a duplicate file with an eight character random name and no file extension. For example if user "Dave" opens a file called test.xls and saves it, in that same folder on the server a file named 296E9E20 will be created. Users are using Windows XP SP3 boxes and the server is running Win 2003. I am not sure why this only happens with Excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Using Macro To Open Network File

Jan 5, 2014

I am an extreme novice to using macros.

I used the 'record macro' feature to create the following: I created a rectangle box on sheet1 of NEW TEST.xlsm to link to the macros incidated below. Niether macro moves on after reaching the Workbooks.Open statement.

I am at a loss. Is there something in Excel that needs to be set? Is there something else that I need to do version of Excel is 14.0.6129.5000 (32 bit) MS Office Professional Plus 2010

What I am trying to accomplish is this: From 'NEW TEST.xlsm', open an excel file on the network, add a new sheet to this network file, calling it 'Pivot'. Then create a pivot table in this new sheet from the data in sheet data1 of this same network file. Then move control of macro / processing back to the NEW TEST file. Eventually I will do more, but for starters, I cannot even get the macro to add / name a new sheet in the network file.

[SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]PS I have attached the NEW TEST.xlsm fikle as we as the data file. NOTE: the data file has been reduced to one day's worth of data, to to the upload file size.Also, my Excel Trustred locations has "Allow trusted locations on my network" checked, and the network location to the data file in trusted user locations.


Sub Open_Add_Sheet()
Dim filename, filelocation As String
Dim wb As Workbook
filename = "11 Nov, 2013 GDO AHS Agent Productivity Report.xls"
filelocation = "R:acharukAHS ReportsGDOGDO CSR ACTIVITY Report2013" & filename
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(filelocation) '
' Open_Add_Sheet Macro


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Excel 2013 :: VBA Function To Get Username Of Open File On Network?

Aug 21, 2013

getting the username of an unshared file on network. When I click on file I'll get this message "...already open by " its blank.

I have found 1 code but it is not working on office 2013. VBA function to get username of open file on network?

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Check A User Input To See If The User Has Entered The Date Correctly

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to check a user input to see if the user has entered the date correctly. I am using the code below but it keeps giving me a "Type Mismatch" error.

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Calculate A Nested IF Function In Speadsheet

Oct 27, 2009

I'm writing a spreadsheet where I need to calculate a nested IF function (I think), and I am unsure of how to do it.

The problem is this:
The total $ value of the quote is entered, then depending on two variables, a rebate may be deducted from this total value. The first variable is eligibility (a Y/N response), the second is the type of project - there are two types of project and each attract a different rebate amount.

So I have:

A: total quote $
B: Eligibility - 'Y' or 'N' (if 'Y', then value of 'C' is deducted from 'A'), (if 'N', then no value is deducted from 'A')
C: Type - '1' or '2' (if '1', then 'C' = $1000), (if '2', then 'C' = $1600)
D: final result

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Check To See If File Is Open, And If It Is Open, Activate It

May 14, 2009

I have two workbooks. One is a no-nonsense form interface that my bosses will use to enter safety information. I'll call this workbook "Form". This file is stored locally on each of their computers. The other workbook is stored on a common drive. I'll call it "Master".

When my bosses fill out the Form and click "Submit", the Master file is opened, and certain cells are populated based on information entered in the Form. This is the code I am using to make this happen:

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MacRO: Check If WorkBook Open. If Not, Open It.

Sep 27, 2006

I did a macro on my mac to transfer a sheet from one workbook to another worbook. It works very well when the destination workbook is open. Therefore I wanted to add some piece of code to check if the destination workbook is open. If not then I wanted the macro to open it before tranfering the sheet. Here is the code I´m using for tranfering the sheet

Sub Transfer_Sluttet()
If ActiveSheet.Index <> Sheets.Count Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Sheets(ws.Index + 1).Delete
ws.Move Before:=Workbooks("Sluttet.xls").Sheets("sheet2")
'Moves active sheet to beginning of named workbook.
'Replace Test.xls with the full name of the target workbook you want.
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub

This is the type of macro I useually use on my pc to check if a workbook is open and if not then open it

If IsWorkbookOpened("Filename.xls", "C:Documents and ..................

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Check If Workbook Is Open & Open If Not Open

Jul 1, 2007

I would like to write a Sub that will see if a workbook is open and if it is not then open it. I know how to have a macro automatically open a workbook, but I run into problems when the macro runs and tries to open an already opened workbook.

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Check If Workbook Open If Not Open It

Aug 15, 2007

Need some VB Code to check if a workbook is open or not. Either way, it needs to be opened and made active.

I have tried using some of the answers already on here but not getting anywhere.

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Check User Name

May 31, 2006

I am using the following code which works fine:

'Checks user name before opening
UN = Environ("USERNAME")
If UN = "lemons" Then

End If

But when I change the code to check for more than on user as shown, I am getting a complile error.

'Checks user name before opening
UN = Environ("USERNAME")
If UN = "lemons" Then

If UN = "LEMONS" Then
End If

I need to add or a better way to check the user name

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[User Forms] Check Box Is Highlighted?

Feb 28, 2009

My problem is trivial but annoying. When I initiate my user form, one of the check boxes has a dashed border around the outside as if it was selected. No matter what I try, I cannot get the form to initialize without effecting this box. If I delete the box and recreate it, another box simply inherits this problem.

I have attached the spreadsheet, please Click the button over "A1" to see what I mean if you have the time.

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Check Before Pasting User Input Information

Mar 19, 2009

i am writing a program that asks the user for an input and sets it equal to a variable.

i want to look thru a column for this variable, if it is not in it, then paste it at the end of the column. if it is in already, throw up a dialog box saying its already used and exit the sub.

i dont know how to set up this kind of thing up???

vlookup in combination with an if statement?

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How To Check For User Interaction Whenever Change Detected

Mar 9, 2013

I was told that the following code would enable my macro to execute every time the user interacts with anything Excel:

' Repeatedly check for user interaction whenever a change is detected
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Call TestMacro
End Sub

It doesn't work...

To put it into context, he is my entire program:

Sub TestMacro()'
' TestMacro Macro
' Create string variable
Dim undoText As String
' Assign the text to string variable

[Code] ......

My being new to VBA doesn't work in the situation as my programming instincts tell me to set up an infinite loop to continually check for interaction something like the following:

while( x == 1 )
x == 0;
} // end while

However, Excel is apparently 'Event Driven' so I'd love to know how to use this to my advantage in keeping my macro running.

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