My color palette is having a problem for each colored font in red i have is turning to grey after restarting excel , despite the fact that i am changing from tools>options>color>clicking on the grey and modifying to red and the clicking apply , eventhough when i restart excel it turns to grey again !Also the dark blue is turning to grey and vice versa.
I have one workbook that I open where the color palette differs from the default. (I did not create the file, I only use it, so I am not sure how this happened).
When I open this file while I have another file opened, it causes the color palette in the file with the default color palette to change. So then when I save the file that was not custom and then re-open it, all of the colors have been changed to match the palette in the custom one.
Clicking Tools>Options>Color then hitting reset does not work to set the palette back to the default colors.
I do not have to change every color back to default by hand.
when I am in some of my spreadsheets, the background colors for the cells have changed. In fact the entire color selections are slightly different from what is normal. Then if I close out all sheets I have opened and reopen them in excel they are back to normal.
I'm trying to change the default colour palette for "fill colour" and "font colour". The way I've been doing it before, is to have a spreadsheet with the colour palette I want in my XLSTART folder, and then when I open a new document, going to tools->options->color->copy colors from, and selecting that spreadsheet.
However, this is a pain, and I was wondering if I can just set the colour palette to have my colour scheme already there, whenever I create a new spreadsheet.
Need a method for launching the color palette from a Button Click event so that the palette opens, the palette may be used to set a color, then have the color palette return the Long INT color value to the calling click event routine?
I find the lack of contrasting colors in the "theme" portion of the color palette useless. For instance--- I TYPICALLY do not need 5 shades of similar blue that I cannot visually differentiate within the color pallette of my working area.
I also need colors that more visually contrast one another and pop out (closer to the row of standard colors that is given or those of prior versions of excel).
Is there a way to add a custom row of colors with a custom title in the color pallette like the "theme" colors have or the "Standard" or the "Recent Colors" ?
If that can't be anyone privy to the syntax for changing the Recent Colors area?
I'd like to add for instance the below three colors to the default recent colors of each new workbook...
I have a macro that loops from column A to column IV(the last column in Excel). Once the last column is read how can I cause my macro to restart at the column A again? Can I set my macro to return to column A after it reads column IV. What would be the macro syntax for that?
I am trying to use VBA in Excel 2007 to change bar chart series colors. I have found a few posts that link it to a cell background, but I'm struggling to find one that does the font color.
It would be great if I could change the bar chart series to match the color of the text in the A column, so that if I highlighted the value in A1 and changed the text color to orange for whatever reason, the chart updates the value of 1.2 to an orange bar (see below).
I have a range of cells that change colors with conditional formats based on the cell value from high to low. I would like to link the cell color to an object such as a circle or rectangle. When the cell value changes along with the conditional format, the color of the object will also change.
Is it possible to change the borders/pattern of a single cell so that it looks like the image in the attached document? This may seem a strange thing to want to do, but there is a good reason! Merged cells will not suit my purpose. The pattern palette allows a cell to be filled with horizontal lines, but I need there to be just two lines (i.e. dividing a single cell into three boxes).
The company I work for has its own set of standard colours to be used in all documents. I've set the colours up in the colour palette using the below sub (x's are actually numbers):
I want to distribute this round to my workmates. Problem is that, if they set the colours in the workbook using the above sub, the workbook colours will be all wrong when clients open them on their computer. How do I get around this. I have thought about programmatically copying the sub into the open event of the activeworkbook. I've looked through this website,, but it doesn't explain how to copy code to the workbook events part of a vba project, only to a new module
Is it possible to import the palette whenever a new book is opened by clicking the "New" command on the toolbar? I'm aware of Workbook_Open Event, however this only works on a saved workbook. And I suppose I could use a template and open that every time I need a new book, though I was hoping to avoid this solution.
The best solution for me, that I can think of, would be to replace the "New" command with code that will 1)open a new book and 2)import the colour palette from an external workbook at a specified path. Some of you may have done something similar in the past in a more logical manner, if so I’m open to alternative ideas. My main priority is the result, not necessarily how it is reached.
I am using two separate workbooks. I am tranferring dates into a new spreadsheet to track projects dates for milestones.
The formula I am using is this: =IF('[BBBBB Dates as of 9-9-13.xlsx]Sheet1'!$CQ$4="", VLOOKUP(W54, '[BBBBB Dates as of 9-9-13.xlsx]Sheet1'!$1:$1048576, 94, FALSE), VLOOKUP(W54, '[BBBBB Dates as of 9-9-13.xlsx]Sheet1'!$1:$1048576, 95, FALSE)).
I would like the cell to turn green if the last part of the formula is true and stay clear if the first part of the formula is true.
I also need to add color beyond just that. I was attempting to apply conditional formatting but am a bit stumped. I want the green to be maintained regardless of other formatting. I would also like to apply to cells that are not color coded green:
Red - if the date is overdue Yellow - if the date is within 7 days Otherwise, leave the cell color as clear
Is this possible with conditional formatting? I am not at all proficient in VBA...
First row are months (number representing specific month). I would like use conditional formating and color cell below month if that cell is empty and if it is more that 15th of that month.
To be more specific. If we look at last column (since we are already in december). Since today is 04 december the cell below "12" should remain uncolored. But when the date will be 16th of december I want that cell to color orange. Since it is blank. But if there would be a number in it, cell should remain blank even after 16th of december.
User of Excel in Office 2007. However, I for statistics about how my Bitcoin Device's works and decrypts Bitcoins per day for trends and statistics, and so on
Now while I was away so had the power gone, and for almost 24 hours so stood all still, I would now like to outline in red the date / dates where I have zero or very low running time for specific date, but I can only change Fragen for all dates, not individual dates.
The stack's not exist in the data value is equal to zero (null) where by I want to be able to get the date in red color, and possibly also in bold. see print screen below.
I want to be able to change a color of one cell according to color of another cell. suppose, cell A1 has text "apples" having red color. Now, if I enter text same as A1("apples") in another cell, say B1, then color of text entered in cell B1 should be red. I am using Excel 2007
I have a work sheet with numerous cells coded one of two ways. Either a color of red or a color of green. Is there anyway to count how many times green cells show up? etc..?
I know I'd need to know the exact color but it would save a lot of time as I need to find out how many cells are of each color.
I tried Conditional format and no luck. (Office 2010)
What I'm trying to do VB is:
If Cell B:B has value of "402" or "up" and Cell C:C is less >100 Then Change color on Cell C:C to "yello, red, etc" (if C value is <100 no color change)
I am trying to assign a border and fill to cells, of identical colors, using VBA. Simple enough, yes? I am using the same RGB value for both the fill and the border, but in Excel 2003, they are assigned two different colors: the fill is the correct shade, but the border is not, which makes absolutely no sense to me. I could understand if both colors were slightly off from the shade I'm getting in 2007, but to have one be correct and the other not? I can manually assign the border to be the proper color, but this doesn't help.
I am wondering how can I count different color condition color cells?
I am currently using this UDF,
Function ColorFunction(rColor As Range, rRange As Range, Optional SUM As Boolean) Dim rCell As Range Dim lCol As Long Dim vResult
However, this code count the entire conditioned color cells that I have. What I want is for the code to count two different colors within the same column range (like B1:B10). For example, I have 3 red color cells in range B1:B10 and 7 green color cells in range B1:B10. So, I want it to count 3 and 7 seperately rather than giving me the total of 10.
Important Note: As it is a conditioned coloring, there is no fixed coloring as to which cell will have the red or green since it is based on conditions.
I have a workbook in Excel2010 with 2 sheets. I have put in a conditional formatting in 27177 cells. After a lot of waiting it finally worked out and the cells that should turn RED, do show correctly. The strange thing is that my "filter by color" stays disabled. This applies both to the columns I've applied the conditional formatting to, as well as any other column that has a colored cell.
The second sheet in the file also have colored cells and there the option works perfectly fine. So it seems to have something to do with the particular sheet.
why the function got disables in the particular worksheet.
I Have a macro which combines five excel sheets from five workbook into single worbook with five tabs containing five excel sheets.Everything is fine except that color of all five excel sheets is totally changed in the combined excel workbook.I tried this manually i.e copying excel sheet from each workbook and pasting the same in the new work book.
Here also color comes correct in only one excel sheet and rest all sheets color is lost.Please any one knowing solution to this problem explain. macro is used is shown below
Sub CopySheets() Dim fileFolder As String Dim fso, fsoFiles, f1 Dim w1 As Workbook Dim w2 As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim i As Integer Dim flag As Integer Set w1 = Application.Workbooks.Add Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False