(I need to do this using VBA so that it can work as an excel macro and/or a vba function in access.)
How can I extract the first occurance of any substring over a certain character length from within a string ?
eg. My string may take any of the forms given below (or something similar), how can I extract the first set of characters that is at least (say) 4 characters long ? i.e. always get the 'Phillips' out of the below...
Phillips Homes Ltd Mr T A Phillips TA Phillips Homes Ltd T A Phillips Homes Ltd T. A. Phillips Homes Ltd
The names used are only an example (Phillips could be any name whatsoever).I am familiar with Search, Len, Left, Right, Mid, Instr etc. but just can't figure this one out.
I'm having trouble using the worksheet copy command in a VBA subroutine. I have the following line in my code:
[Code] ........
When I step through my code and execute this line, the sheet is copied as expected and put in the correct place, but then instead of the next line of code being highlighted, the pointer jumps to the first line of a function (in a different module) in my code.
I tried Conditional format and no luck. (Office 2010)
What I'm trying to do VB is:
If Cell B:B has value of "402" or "up" and Cell C:C is less >100 Then Change color on Cell C:C to "yello, red, etc" (if C value is <100 no color change)
I have a workbook in Excel2010 with 2 sheets. I have put in a conditional formatting in 27177 cells. After a lot of waiting it finally worked out and the cells that should turn RED, do show correctly. The strange thing is that my "filter by color" stays disabled. This applies both to the columns I've applied the conditional formatting to, as well as any other column that has a colored cell.
The second sheet in the file also have colored cells and there the option works perfectly fine. So it seems to have something to do with the particular sheet.
why the function got disables in the particular worksheet.
I am trying to use the IF formula or a similar VBA/Macro to color certain cells. We deal with 16 different sand types that come in on rail cars. I want to put in the sand type in a cell; EX: C11 has text "30/50BH" if this statement is true to color cells A11-D11 yellow. If it is not a true statement to check for the next sand type, "20/40BH" and go on from there. If I can get an example of what to do I can build it for the 16 sands we have.
The formula I have in mind would be something like
I am using Excel 2010 and trying to change/edit the color of the tabs in my workbook to turn green or red based on a y or n placed in a cell (the same cell on each tab). I have tried variations on several themes others have asked about as well for Excel 2007 and attempted to adapt them to fit my situation but none seem to work. Here's what I was starting with:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Select Case Range("A1").Value Case Is < 2.5 Sheet1.Tab.Color = vbRed Case Is > 2. 5, Is < 4 Sheet1.Tab.Color = vbGreen End Select End Sub
The cell I'm using is F2 and my cell value is simply y or n. I realize the example above references numeric values and greater than/less than options, but I'm not sure how to correct this for my need.
All I want to do is color the numbers on both the primary and secondary axis. Primary i want the shade of blue below. Secondary I want the shade of green below. Only the primary axis part of the code does its job. The secondary axis remains black. The code does complete without errors. Excel 2010.
sub color_axis() ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.Font.Color = RGB(38, 40, 118) ActiveChart.Axes(xlSecondary).TickLabels.Font.Color = RGB(0, 153, 0) end sub
In Excel 2010, you can color a cell with a fill color and a font color.
It can be done manually via one of 3 methods that I know of (aside from a macro or a routine):
-From the ribbon button (underneath the font size and increase and decrease font size toolbar buttons)
-By formatting the cell (right clicking on a cell),
-Clicking on the ribbon's font section (giving you the same 6 category format cell box as right clicking on a cell)
What I need is a routine that resets the Fill Color and Font Color toolbar buttons to "No Fill" and "Automatic" if I run it inside a macro or create a command button on a worksheet.
I have an Excel 2010 workbook with many worksheets using hundreds of Form Control (not ActiveX) checkboxes. I need a bit of VBA to change Checkbox background color of each checkbox whenever the user checks the box. I assume this needs to be a click event? I don't even know the Checkbox property name I need to change I'm learning VBA as quick as I can
Is there a way to create a macro to color code a cell based on the value in a cell, and then look up a value in a table, then color code it based on where it fits into the table?
I have a table of values for about 30 projects. In column g - there is a CPI value (see bold column)
Example: Project ID Name Program PMT SI ID AC Milestone TCP Level [Code] ......
Here is the table:
I have to color code a cell, base on the CPI and how it fits into the table below. So if the current Milestone is M2 or M3 and the CPI calculated is .14 the cell would be colored RED, if the CPI number is 2.01 for M2-M3 I would want cell to be colored Turquiose. If we were at Milestone M6 and the CPI was 2.01, it would be colored blue. If the CPI was .75 at Milestone M5, it would be colored Green
The situation I have on my hands is over 200 users, were the majority can't use Excel's built in function to create PDF's. Yes, I've tried to teach them, but I'm probably not a good teacher.
So, I've resorted to create a button at the top of the worksheet, that says "Create PDF". I thought this was gonna be very easy to program, but alas.
Is there a way to start the built-in Excel dialog that happens when you click "Create PDF/XPS" in "Save & Send"?
Having problems with the code below on a 2010 Excel spreadsheet. The function flags me at first line and highlights Mid. I get a "compile error, cannot find project or library". I'm trying to set GetSheetName = m_sSheet but the GetSheetName function is not declared as returning any type.
Code: Function GetSheetName(ByVal m_sFormula As String) As String Dim m_sSheet As String
m_sSheet = Mid(m_sFormula, 2, InStr(m_sFormula, "!") - 2) If InStr(m_sSheet, "'") Then m_sSheet = Mid(m_sSheet, 2, Len(m_sSheet) - 2) End If GetSheetName = m_sSheet End Function
If input is entered into column C (range C2:C100), then row cells for columns D, E ,F, H or I must NOT be blank upon save. Could be that one or more of these row cells are left blank by mistake.
An error msg pops up upon attempting to save, stops the save and colors each cell yellow that needs info entered into.
I'm currently working on my masters dissertation and am using excel 2010.
Basically, I'm trying to generate a list of say, 1000 numbers within a range. I can already do this using the rand() function. However, I need excel to take each random number, apply it into a formula, and then list the answers in a seperate location. This would be easy to do if there was one simple function (which i could just insert into any adjacent cell). The problem is that each random number value is input into a table. The table, which has about 10 columns and 200+ rows, gives one final answer.
I'm sure there has to be a faster way than creating 1000 tables for each random number generated.
Let's say I have a list of 1000 random numbers in sheet 1. the function table is in sheet 2 and produces the answer in the same sheet, in a single cell. I'd like excel to use each random number generated, input it into the function table, attain the answer from the table, and list it in the cell next to the random number.
Where I have X number of Lists, each composed of two columns. The 1st column has the name of each item in each list, and the 2nd column has the value for that item.
What I'd like to do is create a function that would let me choose two lists, and tell me the amount of items in List X and what their values are in List Y, and then total them. Also, I would like it to work the opposite way, and tell me the amount of items in List Y and what their values are in List X, and then total them.
So for example, If I wanted to look at lists 1 and 2, the function would calculate that for List 1, Items D & E are found in List 2 and have a total value of 25%. For List 2, Items D&E are found in List 1 and have a total value of 17%. For all items not in both lists, it would return values of 0.
The code I came up with so far looks like this:
Function AK_Overlap_Go(x, y) Dim Temp(1 To 2, 2 To 1) Dim x As Integer
One of the problems I'm having is that the lists contain a different # of items, and so I think I need to loop the vlookup for each row. However, I'm not sure how to do that and get the cumulative values for each list.
The problem is that whenever I have any browser open, IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc... the Cut & Paste, Copy & Paste function does not work correctly in Excel 2010.
When I Cut or Copy the blinking marquee around my selection briefly appears and then disappears. When I try to paste, I only have two options under the paste special function: Unicode Text and Text, same with cut and paste, however, the text doesn't actually cut, it only copies.
As soon as I close down any of the mentioned browsers, the full functionality of the cut/copy & paste functions are restored, no need to restart excel.
I need to have open a browser most of the time for work as our system is web based, so closing and re-opening is more than just an annoyance.
I'm currently working on my masters dissertation and am using excel 2010.
Basically, I'm trying to generate a list of say, 1000 numbers within a range. I can already do this using the rand() function. However, I need excel to take each random number, apply it into a formula, and then list the answers in a seperate location. This would be easy to do if there was one simple function (which i could just insert into any adjacent cell). The problem is that each random number value is input into a table. The table, which has about 10 columns and 200+ rows, gives one final answer.
I'm sure there has to be a faster way than creating 1000 tables for each random number generated.
Let's say I have a list of 1000 random numbers in sheet 1. the function table is in sheet 2 and produces the answer in the same sheet, in a single cell. I'd like excel to use each random number generated, input it into the function table, attain the answer from the table, and list it in the cell next to the random number.
I am working with Excel 2010 and I have a problem that I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to find the first nonzero cell and begin an average function from that cell and down through 29 rows (a total of 30 rows).
Sub average()
FinalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row For I = 3 To FinalRow If Cells(I,3).Value 0 Then 'I use the above to identify the first nonzero cell ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "average(........)
This is where I am stuck, I don't know how to code the first nonzero (which can change with different data) cell and average rows below it.
I think I need some version of a lookup for match function. Here is essentially what I need: I have a column of data points. I need to output every position at which the data point changes to a different value (going from top to bottom). See below for an example.
Here is some sample data (with column headers)
Position Data Pt
1 -7.5
2 -8.0
[Code] .......
Here is the result I need (I want to put a consistent formula into the second column below that returns the results shown in the second column below):
split 1 position 2
split 2 position 4
[Code] ........
Is what I am describing possible? Because I am inserting this into a template, I ideally need to do this outside of any sort of VBA work.
I am looking for a function or a formula that performs the same process in Excel 2010 as:
Data Tab -> Sort & Filter -> Advanced -> *radio button* Copy to another location -> List range: A1:A100 -> Copy to: B:B -> *radio button* Unique Records only.
What I wanted was to a function, say, "=LastModifiedDateOf(CELL)", where CELL, is a parameter that indicates the cell I want to monitor. If the value of such cell ever gets changed, the cell containing the function has its value updated to the current date.
E.g. A1 = "AA" A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "10/03/2011 10:30:32"
Both AddIn-files are in the same directory (the default AddIn directory).
This call causes the error message "runtime error 91: object variable or with block variable not set".
This problems came up with providing an existing Excel2003-AddIn for Excel 2010.
The same code runs in following cases:
1. call a function in an Excel2003-AddIn (.xla) from another Excel2003-AddIn (.xla) 2. call a function in an Excel2003-AddIn (.xla) from a Excel2010-AddIn (.xlam)
I'm using Excel 2010. I have three columns. Column A contains the date, Column B contains the time, and Column C contains the date and time. Column C is the result of a formula, which adds Columns A and B (ie. =A2+B2). So I have the following...
Date Time Date and Time
1/15/13 9:00:00 AM 1/15/13 9:00:00 AM
1/15/13 9:00:05 AM 1/15/13 9:00:05 AM
[Code] ....
I'm using a defined name to store a date and time, which I'm going to use as a lookup value in a Match function. I've defined MyVal as follows...
1/15/13 9:00:20 AM
Excel automatically converts this to the following decimal number...
When I first run either of the following two macros, they correctly return 5...
Code: Sub test1() Dim x As Double x = [MyVal]
Debug.Print Application.Match(x, Range("C2:C10"), 0) End Sub
Sub test2() Dim x As Date
x = [MyVal] Debug.Print Application.Match(CDbl(x), Range("C2:C10"), 0) End Sub
However, when I save and close the workbook, and then re-open it, these macros both return an error. Is this some sort of bug in Excel?
I'm trying to get the Median (and min/max later) of certain values on a different sheet. For example, I'm operating in one sheet and pulling the values from the sheet "Form Responses". I want a median for numbers when the values in column B are "Aransas" and the values in column D are Yes. The values are in Column F. My formula is:
The background to this question is that I'm trying to replicate conditional formatting using a user VBA function, because I require a thick border around the cells (and the conditional formatting within Excel only has thin borders)
In the final function, there will be 9 combinations of formatting {Red, Amber, Green} interior with {Red, Amber, Green} thick borders.
The formatting is determined by a number in another cell (the "target" cell), which returns a value 0,...,8
I've only got as far as filling in the interior for the first combination, but the function returns an error "Application-defined or object-defined error".
VB: Function VBA000_003_SetRAG(strTargetRange As String) 'strTargetRange is the reference for the target cell that contains the value 0,...,8
On Error Goto handler [code]....
There is not a problem with the target range, if I remove the two lines relating to rngCaller then the function works OKExecuting the rngCaller.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) command through the Immediates window works OKI've tried calling a subroutine & passing the range across
Same errorChanging the range in the subroutine to an absolute range (eg. Sheet1.range("A1")) also causes the
same errorExecuting the subroutine on its own (with the absolute range) works OK
So my guess is that it's a bug/limitation with Excel VBA when trying to execute commands from inside a user function