Combine Pivot Lookup And Concatenate?

Dec 15, 2013

I have a question to joint 3 functions : pivot>lookup>concatenate, to make it easier please have a look below table'

work hour





From above basic table I need to make it compact to below format:

Work Hour

Seed (04,05)

Seed (01,02,03)


what formula would suit the format above.

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Concatenate- Combine All The P.O# With A Formula Automatically

Mar 13, 2009

Is there a faster way to combine all the P.O# with a formula automatically, no matter how many P.O# there are? Its unpredictable on how many invoices will get pay per wire.

Log # Amount P.O. Numbers 1-a 45,678 1234 1-b 89,173 5678 1-c 66,526 9123 2 22,113 2345 3-a 66,654 6789 3-b 88,650 2468

1 201,377 1234/5678/9123 2 22,113 2345 3 155,304 6789/2468

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Concatenate Formula To Combine Two Cells Of Data

Sep 8, 2012

I am attempting to use concatenate to combine two cells of data, but to only display the information if both cells contain information.

Currently using the following simple formula:

However, I only want it to work if both a1 and a2 cells contain data. If only a1 contains information, but a2 is blank, I want it to calculate a blank cell.

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Concatenate Unique Values After Lookup

Mar 2, 2007

I am trying to come up with a user defined function to accomplish several things at once.

First, I need to lookup a reference value in one column and determine the value from another column (on the same worksheet) in the same row. Then, concatenate each "return" value (that isn't blank).

I have the following code so far, but my formula results in a zero. If I remove the On Error Resume Next, the formula results in a #VALUE error.

Public Function ConcatUnique(Separator As String, Ref As Variant, LkupCol As Range, _
RetCol As Range)
Dim lkup As Range
Dim ret As Range
Dim colDif As Long
Dim mCollect As New Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim b As Variant
' Determine the number of columns difference between
' the lookup column and the return value column.
colDif = RetCol.Column - LkupCol.Column
On Error Resume Next
' Determine which lookup values in the lookup range match the reference value.
' When the lookup value matches the reference value, set the return range object
' to the cell in the return range (column) in the same row as the lookup value.
' Note we use the difference between the lookup column and the return column to
' determine the location of the return range object.
For Each lkup In LkupCol
If lkup.Value = Ref.Value Then Set ret = Range(Cells(lkup.Row, lkup.Column _
+ colDif))
' Store the return value in the collection object. Ignore any blank return
' values. Note we use the range value converted to a string as the key
' value.
If ret.Value <> "" Then mCollect.Add ret.Value, CStr(ret.Value)
' Loop through each cell in the lookup column range.
Next lkup
' Write each item from the collection and the separator to the final result,
' writing each value and the separator after the previous value and separator.
For i = 1 To mCollect.Count
b = b & mCollect(i) & Separator
Next i
ConcatUnique = Left$(b, Len(b) - Len(Separator))
End Function

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Concatenate Column Names From Pivot Table

Apr 11, 2013

Pivot Table. I have a large data set and have used a pivot table to summarise the COUNT of each row (Objects) for each Column Name (that is, I did what Pivot Tables do).

What I'd like to do in a new column is show a string of all the column names per row name.

I have a data set that looks like this:





So I can pivot table to work with other analysis, but what I'd really like to get is a list of unique "Objects" (easy) with all the related "Class"es listed in column (or straight to concatenated). I can concatenate using Chip Pearson's StringConcat.

Here is an example:





You can see Chip's Function in col K. What I'd like to happen is in Cols H to J be automatically populated. (For this example, I have typed in what I'd like the result to look like)

I considered using Vlookups (with helper column for 2nd & successive instances), INDEX/MATCH with SMALL to get 2nd+ instances and even lengthy IF statements. The main problem with IF is that in the real data set, I can have over 30 Classes.

I looked at Pivot table to see what I could do but haven't much experience in manipulating past regular feature.

I also took a cut&paste of the pivot table (as shown in part below) to see what I could do.

Here is a clip straight from the Pivot Table:




And one from the cut&paste of the pivot table, which also shows the desired outcome in the right hand column:




I would also be fine using VBA, but its been a while since I did any basic coding so I wouldn't really stand a chance of starting from scratch.

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If Formula To Combine Two Lookup Conditions?

May 23, 2014

Combine two lookup/IF formulas:


So if formula 1 conditions aren't met then it by default would result in formula 2 conditions being met.

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Combine Lookup And If With Point From Range

Jan 19, 2013

I have two sets of example borehole data.

First, a range of depths with varying confidence levels.

From depth
to depth


[Code] ..........

Second, point data where I would like to return values from within the range in the first data set. I would like the confidence column of the second data set to feed from the first data set, if the point depth data is within the depth range for a borehole with the same ID. Battled with all sorts of IF, AND and LOOKUP forumlas with no luck.



[Code] .......

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Excel 2007 :: Concatenate Cells From Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2011

I have a pivot table that summarizes jobs that need to be completed on a specified date. I need to put that information on a calendar, but I would like to concatenate all information from that date so I can do a vlookup from the calendar. My other problem is that the number of cells change for each date, so I cannot specify exact cells, (some only have 1 entry, but others may have 4 or more). Can I specify a range of cells based on the result of the pivot table?

I have attached the pivot table, calendar and the data sheet with the vlookup info. Am I using the proper calendar or method to find this info?I have struggled with this for over a week now.

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How To Combine Two Filters Into One In Pivot Table

Dec 2, 2013

I have A3 and A4 as report filters in the pivot table. Is there any way can combine A3 and A4 into one cell. The new cell is something like drop-down list contains contents from A3 and A4. When picking up the from this drop-down, the corresponding data list will be shown (like the data in B3 and B4).


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Combine And Sort Pivot Table

Jun 4, 2013

I have a table that looks like this:

TechNum | FirstName | LastName | System | WorkDate | Values

I need the pivot table to look like this:

--> TechNum - FirstName LastName
--> WorkDate

I need the sorting to look like this:

--> TechNum
--> WorkDate

How do I show the first three fields in the same level of the pivot table and still maintain the sort cascade?

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Lookup & Combine Names Seperated With Commas

Oct 30, 2008


Column A | Column B
Joe | Client A
Joe | Client B
Paul | Client X
Sue | Client A
Sue | Client X

Column C | Column D
Joe | Client A, Client B
Paul | Client X
Sue | Client A, Client X

I believe it would be very similar to the code that I was provided inCombine Multiple Related Rows Into One. I tried to adapt it to my current need, but was unsuccessful due to my very limited knowledge of vba.

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Combine Or Nest Multiple Lookup Functions

Dec 16, 2006

I've got an indexmatch that works great
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX(accountstaff,MATCH(B$20,INDEX(accountstaff,,1),0),MATCH($ A55,INDEX(accountstaff,1,),0))),0,INDEX(accountstaff,MATCH(B$20,INDEX(accou ntstaff,,1),0),MATCH($A55,INDEX(accountstaff,1,),0)))

But I need to incorporate IF statement based on varying levels of revenue and think VBA will be less cumbersome, but don't know how to combine else if and index match.

I am trying to accomplish this:
IF B$20 (which is a dollar amount is = X, then index, match....
IF B$20 is > Y but < Z, then index, match...

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Pivot Table Filter - Combine Months

Jul 14, 2014

I use a spreadsheet to extract data from an access database. When the data is extracted it has about 10k line items and one of the columns displays the date. I formatted the cell to simply display the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc). When I create a PivotTable with the 10K line items each line displays the month. When I use the date as a filter it displays every single lines month in the filter box. Is there any way I can combine the months in the filter box so that each month would only display once collectively instead of for each line item?


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Combine The Values Of Items On Pivot Table?

Aug 22, 2014

I have to check if two items are in column A, and if yes, there values from column B shoulded be summed. I tried different combinations with IF, LOOKUP but didn't go far.

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Combine Multiple Pivot Tables On One Report?

Apr 21, 2014

I have to track how well location managers are keeping track of skill competencies.

We rate skills as...
0 – know nothing ,
1 – read training manual,
2 – check off by manager.

I need the managers to provide these ratings then I have to report what locations need more training. When an new employee is entered into the system, the manager should give them a target of 2 for each skill the employee needs to gain. If the target skill is 2 rating higher than the current skill level, I have a column named Delta that records a 2.

I have learned how to use the pivot table feature. I can make separate pivot tables using filters that show…
a) how many 2s each employee has for a target,
b) how many 2s each employee has for deltas,
a) how many 2s each employee has for a current level and I can show the date the 2s where achieved

What I need is to learn how to combine all of this information on one pivot table (or report), but the filters really seem to make a mess of it all when it is all together. adding multiple sheets to one Pivot table.

Count of Targets
Count of Deltas=2
Count of Current Skills
!What I need to produce!


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Combine Workbooks And Create Pivot Table

May 4, 2014

I have 16 different workbooks for different regions of my company. Each workbook has one worksheet (sheet named each region name), and all workbooks are formatted same regarding column names. Ultimately, I would like to combine all workbooks into one summary workbook where I can build a pivot table and pull out various data. Do you think this method is the best way to do what I am trying to do? I am very novice when it comes to VBA. I have written the code below, however, it is not working.

Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:UsersDanielleDesktopWorksheets"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub

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Using Lookup Function To Combine Text From Multiple Rows

Oct 4, 2012

At a high level, I have several thousand rows of data. For the sake of simplicity, assume there are two columns: 1) Name; and 2)A comment (optional, could be blank). See below for example..

Sheet 1
Row 1: Mike │ "Great to work with"
Row 2: Mike │ "Bad manager"
Row 3: Tom │ "Great guy"
Row 4: Mike │ (blank)
Row 5: John │ "Cool"
Row 6: Mike │ "Best boss"

On a separate sheet, I want to be able to somehow use a lookup function to combine all the comments for each name in a nicely formatted package (notice how I skipped the blank space so it wouldn't take up a line.

Sheet 2

="Comments for "&[ref to cell containing "Mike" in another sheet]
- Great to work with
- Bad manager
- Best boss

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Combine Data From Multiple Worksheets - Pivot Tables

Sep 20, 2009

I am trying to combine sorted data from 2 worksheets to a new work sheet to process further. I have one worksheet with order number, part number, order qty but with different delivery dates. On another worksheet, I have the order number too, part number, the qty delivered. The qty delivered is not always the same each delivery.

My aim is to find out how many are already delivered under a certain purchase order and the balance of undelivered parts.

I used pivot tables to sort out the data but I am stuck here not knowing how to extra the sorted data from the pivot tables to the 3rd worksheet. I will need to match the order number and the part number.

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Lookup From Pivot Table

Oct 21, 2013

I am trying to build a formula to do a look up from pivot table. Error in the formula.

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Concatenate Duplicates: Concatenate Results Of All Equal P/N's From Any Given List

Oct 6, 2007

I have a list of P/N's that are used in more then one location. and it's sorted by P/N's.


I Want to be able to put in Col A the concatenate results of all equal P/N's from any given list. Or at least select the few cells that i know are duplicates and from that copy the Location to a single Column.

ColA ColB__ColC

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Formula To Lookup Two Criteria With Pivot Table

Jan 19, 2012

I have a report to fill that looks like this:

Table 1:

I want to fill it up with data from this pivot table:

HEIntervalManitobaManitoba SK11-10522-8423-8224-6125-5826-6427-6828-5929-53210-47211-53212-63221-7522-8023-7924-7825-7726-7627-7728-8229-86210-86211-86212-722

So basically what I want to do is for example from Table 1: If I want to find the what goes in cell in B2 (1, Manitoba) then I want to go to the pivot table find 1 which is in the first column(HE), there are 12 intervals to each HE(as seen in column 12), I want to take the average of all the HE with 1 corresponding to Manitoba (the values in Column 3) and to be put into B2 in Table 1.

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Concatenate Non Blank Cells But Use Concatenate And Substitute Instead Of IF

Aug 11, 2013

Sampling table :


Desired results obtained via IF =IF(B2>0,A2&" , ",A2)&IF(C2>0,B2&" , ",B2)&IF(D2>0,C2&" , ",C2)&IF(D2>0,D2,"")

one , two , three , four
one , two , three
one , two

Is there any smarter, shorter formula via Concatenate and Substitute or other formulas ?

My closest match, but not good enaugh is =SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(A2&", "&B2&", "&C2&", "&D2), ", , ", " ")
[ returna 2 commad ]
one, two, three, four
one, two, three,
one, two
one ,

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True/false With Lookup List/pivot Table Data

May 15, 2009

I want to compare a hand entered data sheet to my system data. System data is exported in. Then that data is used to populate a pivot table. I use a lookup list that fills in matching data from my hand typed sheet. From there I want to use true/false to see if the data matches. However, the formula will not copy down. I am sure it has to do with the formula holding a value, but I can’t seem to correct it.

1.System data populates sheet
2.Pivot table pulls info I need.
3.Lookup list cross references hand entered data sheet and puts value next to pivot table.
4.I need to do a true false to see if data matches but can’t get it to work

Example worksheet: On the worksheet you can see that the true false statements are incorrect. The system data and the hand entered data match two times not once.

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Multiple Lookup Values Rows And Columns To Lookup Single Target Column On Right End?

Apr 7, 2014

I have a table of data (say Column1 to Column 5) with multiple rows.

Column 1 to 4 will have the lookup values in multiple rows and Column 5 data should be picked up using vlookup or other lookup function.

I managed to somehow bring all these lookup values in (Column 1 to 4) in a single column in another sheet. I am now trying to use some lookup or other functions to match this single column and pick column 5 data in original sheet. Result i am expecting is lookup value in first column and next to it column 5 value.

It is basically a lookup wherein lookup value is spread over multiple rows and columns and result column is fixed. I tried using vlookup, but lookup value column and column number had to change every time when i moved from column1 to 4.

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Fastest Lookup Method: Use A Key To Lookup A Value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, And The Rest)

Mar 26, 2008

Excel offers many ways to use a key to lookup a value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, and the rest). What's the fastest way to perform a lookup of a small table of, say, 30 rows of key-value pairs? Theoretically, it would be most efficient to use a branch table (also known as a jump table). See the wikipedia article for branch tables: Does Excel/VBA have a way to create a branch table for such lookups?

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Tabled Lookup: Able To Lookup If Anywhere In A Cell Contains A Word From A List Of Words, And Then Provides An Output

Apr 27, 2009

I want to be able to lookup if anywhere in a cell contains a word from a list of words, and then provides an output.

Column G:
VAT payment
HMRC payment

I have a table on the side that shows:
Column Y Column Z

ie. If anything in column G matches one of the words in Column Y, then output the Column Z. I have use a Vlookup that works for the first two, as VAT is the first thing, but dont know how to make it work if the key word is in the middle of the cell.

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LOOKUP / MATCH Function To Lookup The Owner Name Typed In Cell

Jan 2, 2009

I have a workbook with 2 different types of sheet - 1 containing source data and the others 'collecting' data from the source sheet, depending on what the sheet is for.

For example, the data source contains different pets, their names, ages and their owners.

The other sheets are on a one-per-owner basis.

What I would like to do is use a LOOKUP / MATCH function to lookup the owner name typed in cell A1 of the output sheet and match it with the corresponding owner name(s) on the source sheet. I would then like it to return with each pet and append the results on the sheet accordingly - like below:

John Smith (in cell A1)

Pet - Name - Age
Dog - Rover - 3
Goldfish - Tom - 1
Gerbil - Chewit - 4

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Lookup Table (adjust Which Column The Lookup Function Refers To)

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to perform a lookup (vlookup) function in a cell in excel and wish to have the range as a variable, so that I can adjust which column the lookup function refers to.

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LOOKUP With AND Requirements (lookup A Particular Student's Grade In A Particular Assignment)

Jan 26, 2010

I'm making my own gradebook (attached) and one of my sheets will list scores for each student in different assignments. I have one sheet which keeps track of all students and all assignments with other info. I would like to program cells in one sheet (the third in the attached file) to lookup a particular student's grade in a particular assignment. I figured trying a LOOKUP with an AND requirement might work but it keeps returning the message "could not find value".

My formula references the student's name and the assignment from the identifying cells so that it is easy to copy and paste. I wondered if it was this which resulted in the error, but doubt it.

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Pivot Chart Error: Unable To Set The _Default Property Of The Pivot Item Class

Aug 15, 2006

I have created quite a nice little macro that;
drills through a lot of key figures, updates a pivot chart and copies the chart to powerpoint.

However it crashes on one particular data set every time with this error:
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to set the _Default property of the pivot item class

The code where the debugger stops is the last line below here.

lngKpi = Sheets("Helpfile"). Cells(lngRow, 2)
ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.PivotFields("KPI # (overall").CurrentPage = lngKpi

I can manually change the pivot chart to the keyfigure it crashes on and thereby workaround the problem in the macro. Also it works for more than 50 other keyfigures without problems.

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