Compare 2 Lists On 2 Sheets And Output Non Duplicates To A Third Sheet

Feb 19, 2009

I need a macro to compare the values in column b across 2 sheets and output the rows that do not have duplicate values in column b to a third sheet?

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Compare Number Lists On Different Sheets And Delete Duplicates

Mar 26, 2011

Need to find a column of numbers from one worksheet and delete them from another.

To be deleted is below:
to be deleted from is below:

Another issues is that the worksheet that needs to have the numbers deleted from has 3 columns total so the whole row would need deleting, or if its easier I could replace the numbers with 0 and then sort and delete.

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Compare Two Lists & Save Duplicates To New Sheet

Jan 11, 2008

The Master list:
Sheet1, Column C has unique numbers, i.e, 0608-211-1093-2.

(can have thousands of entries)

The Comparison list:
Sheet2, Column C will have duplicates of some of Sheet1, Column C numbers.

(Sheet2, Column C will have the numbers but other columns will have different
data than Sheet1 and may have a few hundred entries or less)

I need a macro that will that will compare the two sheets for duplicates based on
Column C and then write the entire row of Sheet1 with the duplicate number to a new Sheet3.

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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Columns In Different Sheets - Unique Values Output To 3rd Sheet

Feb 4, 2013

I'm trying to compile a VBA that would allow me to compare 2 columns "A" in different worksheets (same Workbook) and output any unique values to 3rd worksheet together with the rest of the values in the corresponding row.



Excel 2010

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Compare 2 Lists In Different Sheets Then Copy And Paste Related Cell Onto First Sheet

May 4, 2006

What I am trying to do here is to compare 2 lists in 2 different files, and when there is a match, then copy and paste the related cells of the matching name. Sorry if this sounds messy, perhaps the sample file I have attached can explain better.

Every month I get a new file in the format of “Data Source” sheet where the list of banks in column A and the figures in column M, AA and AB might change from month to month. For the sake of convenience, I put the source data as a different sheet instead of different file here.

I have an existing report template in the format of “Final report” sheet where basically I copy and paste the relevant cells according to the name of the banks.

I don’t think I can use Vlookup because the cells that I want to extract are not right beside the search criteria. If I’m wrong please correct me.

Anyway, assuming a macro is needed for this, I am wondering if I can create a macro, where it can search the list of banks in column A in “Data Source” sheet based on the list in column A in “Final Report” sheet, then copy the correct cells from column M, AA and AB and then paste them into the correct cells in columns B, E and H in “Final Report” worksheet?

Note that not all the banks in the “Final Report” sheet are in the “Data Source”, so for this example, row 4 for ABN Bank should remain blank after the search because it is not listed in the “Data Source”. The Data Source List might also change over time.

There is also this problem of the bank names from the “Data Source” sheet not being exactly the same as the existing list in “Final Report”. For example in this file, ANZ Bank in the other sheet have all the extra stuff behind, but we know it is the same bank.

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Compare Two Email Lists And Output Non-matching

Nov 20, 2008

I am a newbie and need your expert help please.

I have two email lists. For example they are:

List 1:

List 2:

In list 1 the non-matching address is namely it is not common to both lists. I want to automatically go through the lists and output firstly a new list of the non-matches from column 1 and also a new list of the non-common items from list two.

So in this case the result would be that somewhere there is a new list from list 1 that has "" and secondly there is a new list from list 2 that has ""

Obvioulsy the real list is more complicated and longer but the principle will be the same.

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Compare Two Lists And Output Unmatched Items

Apr 17, 2013

I have two lists that I have compare to compare.

Expected result: Mark items matched in next to them, output unmatched items in column "J"

I started the code below. It properly marks the correct items, but I have trouble outputting them in Column "J"

Counter = 0
For i = 3 To 9
For J = 3 To 6
If Cells(i, "B").Value = Cells(J, "F").Value And Cells(i, "C").Value = Cells(J, "G").Value Then

[Code] .....

List 1:
Date Check# Amount
03/02/2013 100 $1,000.00
03/03/2013 101 $1,045.25
03/05/2013 102 $280.56
03/06/2013 103 $456.31
03/08/2013 104 $250.55
03/15/2013 105 $2,456.12
03/25/2013 106 $844.76

List 2:
Date Check# Amount
03/02/2013 100 $1,000.00
03/05/2013 102 $280.56
03/08/2013 104 $250.55
03/25/2013 106 $844.76

Expected result:

Un-Matched List:
03/03/2013 101 $1,045.25
03/06/2013 103 $456.31
03/15/2013 105 $2,456.12

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Compare Lists & Highlight Duplicates

Jul 3, 2007

I receive a daily spreadsheet which contains (amongst other information) a column of postcodes. I'd like to run a macro which compares these postcodes with a list of other postcodes, and then to colour highlight each instance of that post code in the daily spreadhseet.

I have been able to find and modify a macro but that searches for one post code at a time and then adds a comments box to the cell.

Instead of copying that piece of code and editing it for the several hundred post codes I need to "look up" against, I'd like to know how to create a list of post codes in the macro, so that the macro searches the first post code in the lookup list, finds and highlights each cell instance, then moves onto the next post code in the lookup list, until the end of the lookup list. I would like this as the editing of the lookup list would be much easier than editing paragraphs of code.

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Compare Sheets & Output Differences

Jul 17, 2007

I need a macro that will compare two sheets, find the differences and produce a new third sheet called, results. Both sheets to compare will differ in length of values (one may have 10 numbers to compare, and the other could have 50, Ive attached sample data), and thus this calls for a primary and secondary sheet. I would only like the values which appear in the primary and not the secondary sheet to be reported in the new results sheet.

The problem is that the values never match up, but they are always within a +/- 0.5 window of each other. It would be great to compare the two sheets, to produce a list of the values which appear only in the primary sheet and not the secondary. Im trying to get this to link up to a userform, where the user select the primary sheet (A) and the secondary sheet (B), selects the tolerance, and produce the results sheet (see attached).

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How To Compare Data From 2 Sheets And Put Into A New Work Sheet

Feb 28, 2009

In sheet one I have data as follows ...

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Jun 30, 2007

at first i wrote company's name short so that i have to type less but now i want full name of company.....

like.....if in sheet#1 column B any company's name is started by Rel of sheet#2 column A , then the cell containing Rel is replaced by Reliance Industries ( sheet#2 column B but same row that of Rel) sheet#1


Rel...............................Reliance Industries

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Compare Data In Two Sheets And Write It In Another Sheet In Same Workbook?

Apr 16, 2013

The attached excel file arrivals page and departures page Serial number to compare current on the data up-to-date page, I want to copy.

up-to-date on the "F" column is copied to the page on which you need to print.

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VBA Code To Compare 2 Sheets And Paste Values In 3rd Sheet

May 28, 2014

I have a workbook with 2 sheets. Both the sheet contains Column "Name,Avg,Max". Compare both the sheets and paste the Avg values in Sheet3(Avg) and Sheet4(Max). I have attached the sample file below.


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Excel 2010 :: Compare 2 Sheets And Add Missing Row From Sheet 1

Nov 4, 2012

How i could this one in formula or macro, first my 1st sheet is just as show below (maybe use for a template)

1st sheet (full list)




then 2nd sheet, report i get which something like this :




then i want result like this on 3rd sheet :



so basically i want add missing row on sheet 2 from sheet 1

I am using office 2010.

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Compare Two Sheets And Remove Duplicate Rows To New Sheet

Jul 30, 2014

The following code compare two sheets and remove the duplicate rows to a new sheet. In this code I have to create the third sheet manually.

I need the "New Sheet" to be create automatically with the name of "Dup".


Option Explicit
Sub nomatchnoty32()
Dim X, i As Long, j As Long, Y(), Dic As Object, k&, Z, name1$, name2$

Const shSource1 As String = "sheet1"
Const shSource2 As String = "Sheet2"

[Code] .........

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Compare Data In Two Sheets (change To Be Show In Sheet 1)

Nov 5, 2006

compare data from different worksheets

For clarity, I have placed the sample datasets at the following URL

Given: the datasets for sheet1 and 2 might not contain the same number of rows.

I am looking for new rows (it might be inserted in any position of the rows) in sheet1. The new rows will be highlighted in red color. For example:

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Compare Columns On Different Sheets, Return Matches To Third Sheet

Mar 21, 2007

I've got two worksheets ("June" & "July"). On both worksheets, column A is comprised of ID numbers and column B contains dollar amounts. I need to compare the ID numbers in Column A on each worksheet, and if they match I want to copy the ID number and the amount to a third worksheet ("Results").

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Creating A Macro To Compare 2 Sheets In A Workbook And Print The Differences To A 3rd Sheet

Sep 30, 2009

Creating a macro to compare 2 sheets in a workbook and print the differences to a 3rd sheet.

Each sheet will have the same number of fields, 5 columns with the header in the first row.

All values in the cells are integer except for the last field which will be a character.

The key is the value in the 2nd column. If it's not in the other sheet, then it's a new record. If it's a new record then highlight it a color depending on what sheet contains the new record. Now if the key is the same in both sheets, then check the other columns to see what's different. If there is a difference, print the record for both sheets in the third sheet and highlight the differences. I attached a sample of what I want.

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Compare Multiple Sheets And Paste Unique Records In Seperate Sheet

Aug 4, 2008

I have 1 workbook, with 3 sheets. Sheet1 (EVER) has 3000+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet is for all customers who have ever placed an order. Sheet2 (06-07) has 1500+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet has all customers who have placed an order in the last 2 years. Sheet3 has 1 row, which consists of the column titles (12 columns) that are on Sheet1 and Sheet2.
I need to put all customers that are on Sheet1, but not on Sheet2 in Sheet3. I have tried VLookup; advanced Filter and a number of codes in the last 3 days and have not been able to figure this out.

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Output Data From Multiple Columns / Remove Duplicates

Apr 4, 2013

This is a very SMALL sample of the data I need to sort through. We have been using filters but the data is growning and becoming far too time consuming using the filter method.

The output I am looking to achieve is something like this, (any format is fine; whether in rows or columns)

(2) CAT I (display how many CAT I for SVR1)
CAT I: 2011-B-44
CAT I: ST-5546
(2) CAT II (display how many CAT II for SVR1)
CAT II: 2011-B-52
CAT II: 2011-A-21

(1) CAT I
CAT I: 2012-E-55
(1) CAT II
CAT II: 2011-A-21

COLUMN A, varies from SVR1-SVR1400 (cointains duplicates)
COLUMN B, IP matches SVR name (contains duplicates)
COLUMN C, will be either CAT I, CAT II, CATIII
COLUMN D, will contain duplicates

I have some history of using formulas and nested formulas but this one is really throwing me for a loop. It feels like Inception to me and I'm not really sure where to start!



[Code] .....

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Comparing Two Lists For Duplicates

Oct 15, 2008

I'm trying to compare two lists of songs to see which songs are not shared by both lists. I wrote a simple function to try to do this but ran into problems pretty fast. I want to create a function which will tell me if the song in a cell (lets say cell B2) is the same as any of the cells in Column A.

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Compare Within Time Ranges And Return Output?

Jul 18, 2013

for example i have two work books where i need to compare the times, such as i need to see where does 10:26 am lies and after comparing it on workbook2 we need to return the data in a,b,c blocks infornt of 10:26am, i have tried IF(AND()) but i was not able to rationalise it for huge and random data.

7/13/2013 10:26
7/13/2013 10:58
7/13/2013 12:06
7/13/2013 12:17
7/13/2013 12:29
7/13/2013 12:29
7/13/2013 12:37
7/13/2013 13:21
7/13/2013 14:24


Outout should be:
7/13/2013 10:26 a bc
7/13/2013 10:58 a bc
7/13/2013 12:06g hi
7/13/2013 12:17g hi
7/13/2013 12:29g hi
7/13/2013 12:29g h i
7/13/2013 12:37ghi
7/13/2013 13:21ghi
7/13/2013 14:24ghi

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VBA To Compare Two Worksheets And Output Differences To Third Worksheet?

Apr 9, 2014

creating a macro that would compare two worksheets and their differences would be copied into a third worksheet in the same workbook? Several key criteria is needed:

1) The third worksheet would need to note only the data from the 1st and 2nd worksheets (including headers) that had differences. An additional column would do the difference calculations for the data whereby numeric values are subtracted (worksheet 2 from worksheet 1 values) and non-numeric values would note "Pass" or "Fail".

2) All data values that had differences would be formatted in yellow shading on the third worksheet.

3) The unique ids from column A in worksheet 1 would have to have be noted in column A of the third worksheet; even if they didn't have a difference from worksheet 2.

4) The third worksheet would need to note all of the columns noted in worksheet 1 and include the difference column for each unique column.

5) Flexibility in code to allow for addition of new columns to analysis.

see attached sample spreadsheet whereby Worksheet 1 = "dv file", Worksheet 2 = "price file" and Worksheet 3 = "Error" for purposes of this discussion.

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Formula To Compare Cells And Give Output As Txt

Jan 21, 2010

I know that I an probably asking for too much but I must get the formula some way. OK, I need a formula for this:

lets say I have 3 columns (A,B,C (search criteria). In each Column there is a DIFFERENT number. There is 3 more columns (D,E,F (used to compare).Each column has 3 Different numbers. If 3 numbers match between the two sets of 3 numbers I want Column G to display "CCC". IF 2 numbers match I want G to display "CCH". If 1 number is a match I want G to display "HHC". If none of the numbers match I want G to display "HHH".

I can manually do these but it will take waaaay toooooooooo much time to do. If you can do this for me it would be a great help indeed because I'm trying to do other states. With this formula I can use Automate to do a large quantity of numbers.

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Compare Cells Against Threshhold & Output Remainder

Jan 7, 2008

I am looking for VBA code to solve a current problem. I have a list of numerical (row) values (Column A) that I am sorting the column (by VBA code) in descending order. Column B is the Bin location. These rows are then output to another worksheet (Column 1 shows the amount and Column 2 displays the Bin location and the amount to be shipped from each Bin). After each output, the original (A & B) columns are re-sorted.

Column A = 27
Column B = Bin1

The Output should be
Column 1 = 27
Column 2 = Bin1 27;
written as
[TABLE]27Bin1 27;[/TABLE]....................

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Finding Character Duplicates In Two Lists

Jul 19, 2012

I have two lists of numbers.

The first list contains site numbers of people who havent responded to me.

The second list is the master list of site numbers along with a column showing the date they responded.

Now, a site number is built like this:


So it is possible for the same 6 digits to appear more than once in the master list.

What I need to do is to compare the first 6 digits in the non responder list against the master list, because some sites, like the example above, may have more than one '0001' tag and so if they have responded to me from site '0002' I dont want to spam their other sites with emails.

I've tried using match and various formulas I've found from google etc, but nothing seems to work!

The goal of this is to get a list of non respondents that have not responded from any of their sites listed in the master list.

Non Responses

Master List
Date of Response




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Identify Duplicates On Sheet 2 And Populate Number Of Duplicates On Sheet 1?

Apr 8, 2014

I'm trying to Count duplicate text on sheet 2 and populate the number of times repeated on sheet 1.

On sheet 1 I have A3:A128 and would like the number of times these respective cost centers are repeated in Sheet 2 to populate Column B of Sheet 1.

File attached.

Not sure which formula to use. I tried CountIF but didn't work with 2 sheets.

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Compare Two Lists

Jun 9, 2009

I have two separate lists, one in Column A and the other in Column B. Both lists are roughly 2,000 rows long. For the most part, the two lists are identical, but not quite.

I'm trying to determine what data is present in Column A that is absent from Column B, and vice versa. That's easy enough to do with COUNTIF (at least that's what I've tried), but to complicate matters, duplicate entries appear in both column A and column B.

For example, in column A, the word "Electric" appears 13 times...but in column B, it only appears 8. I need to know these differences in a quick and easily readable way (remember, the spreadsheet is roughly 2,000 rows).

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Formula To Compare 2 Columns And Manipulate The Resulting Data And Output

Mar 31, 2007

I have column A and column B:

I will be inputting data into column B.

I need excel to check to see if the data I input into column B is an exact match to the data in column A.

If it is an exact match, then column B will remain blank.

If the data in column B is different, I need column B to show the following:

No match: <data>

Example I input in column B the following:

Column A Column B
1. Car Car
2. 4357 9999
3. fsd34d 4erd
4. 98dkf 98dkf

Spreadsheet should show:
Column A Column B
1. Car
2. 4357 No match: 9999
3. fsd34d No match: 4erd
4. 98dkf

(Cell 1 and 4 in column B are empty because they are exact matches to Column A cell 1 and 4)

My questions:
1) How does the excel formula need to be written for this to work?

2) Is there a way to set it so that when I do a mass copy to data into column B that the formula will not be overwritten and it will still check to see if the data I copy and pasted into that column matches the data next to it in column A?

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Ignoring Duplicates In Dynamic Drop Down Lists

May 6, 2008

I have a large list of items and have set up some dynamic drop down lists but need to know if/how to make these lists only show each item once and therefore ignore any duplicates.

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