Compare 2 Lists In Different Sheets Then Copy And Paste Related Cell Onto First Sheet

May 4, 2006

What I am trying to do here is to compare 2 lists in 2 different files, and when there is a match, then copy and paste the related cells of the matching name. Sorry if this sounds messy, perhaps the sample file I have attached can explain better.

Every month I get a new file in the format of “Data Source” sheet where the list of banks in column A and the figures in column M, AA and AB might change from month to month. For the sake of convenience, I put the source data as a different sheet instead of different file here.

I have an existing report template in the format of “Final report” sheet where basically I copy and paste the relevant cells according to the name of the banks.

I don’t think I can use Vlookup because the cells that I want to extract are not right beside the search criteria. If I’m wrong please correct me.

Anyway, assuming a macro is needed for this, I am wondering if I can create a macro, where it can search the list of banks in column A in “Data Source” sheet based on the list in column A in “Final Report” sheet, then copy the correct cells from column M, AA and AB and then paste them into the correct cells in columns B, E and H in “Final Report” worksheet?

Note that not all the banks in the “Final Report” sheet are in the “Data Source”, so for this example, row 4 for ABN Bank should remain blank after the search because it is not listed in the “Data Source”. The Data Source List might also change over time.

There is also this problem of the bank names from the “Data Source” sheet not being exactly the same as the existing list in “Final Report”. For example in this file, ANZ Bank in the other sheet have all the extra stuff behind, but we know it is the same bank.

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Compare 2 Lists On 2 Sheets And Output Non Duplicates To A Third Sheet

Feb 19, 2009

I need a macro to compare the values in column b across 2 sheets and output the rows that do not have duplicate values in column b to a third sheet?

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VBA Code To Compare 2 Sheets And Paste Values In 3rd Sheet

May 28, 2014

I have a workbook with 2 sheets. Both the sheet contains Column "Name,Avg,Max". Compare both the sheets and paste the Avg values in Sheet3(Avg) and Sheet4(Max). I have attached the sample file below.


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Compare Multiple Sheets And Paste Unique Records In Seperate Sheet

Aug 4, 2008

I have 1 workbook, with 3 sheets. Sheet1 (EVER) has 3000+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet is for all customers who have ever placed an order. Sheet2 (06-07) has 1500+ rows and 12 columns of customer information. This sheet has all customers who have placed an order in the last 2 years. Sheet3 has 1 row, which consists of the column titles (12 columns) that are on Sheet1 and Sheet2.
I need to put all customers that are on Sheet1, but not on Sheet2 in Sheet3. I have tried VLookup; advanced Filter and a number of codes in the last 3 days and have not been able to figure this out.

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Copy From Multiple Sheets (26), PASTE To 1 Sheet From 26 Sheets

Dec 26, 2009

I have a workbook with 26 sheets, labelled A to Z. Column A in all the sheets have names from rows A6:A35.

I need a macro or a code to extract all the names from each of the 26 sheets and paste it to a new sheet 'Names' under column A, such that names starting with 'B' paste under all the names 'A' and so forth till 'Z'.

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Excel 2003 :: Identify All Sheets Related To One Sheet

Oct 13, 2011

I have been given an excel model to review;the workbook has 53 sheets. I would like to know if there is a way to create a flowchart/matrix with the relation of all the sheets. I would like at least to get a list of all the sheets related to each sheet. All what I was able to do is to get all the sheet names in one sheet. (I am using Excel 2003).

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Compare Number Lists On Different Sheets And Delete Duplicates

Mar 26, 2011

Need to find a column of numbers from one worksheet and delete them from another.

To be deleted is below:
to be deleted from is below:

Another issues is that the worksheet that needs to have the numbers deleted from has 3 columns total so the whole row would need deleting, or if its easier I could replace the numbers with 0 and then sort and delete.

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Compare Data In Two Sheets And Paste Cell Value Into Another Cell

Aug 29, 2012

I have two worksheets.

Column A on both sheets have an ID number which is unique to clients. Sheet one will only have a client ID once but sheet two may have the same ID multiple times

I need to compare both sheets Column A and if it finds a match, then paste the cell value on column E sheet two, into column K on sheet 1.

sheet 1:

A ..........................................K
Client ID............................. name

Sheet 2:

A ...........................................E
Client ID............................. name

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Copy Data In Multiple Sheets And Paste Into One Sheet.

Nov 3, 2008

I have multiple .xls sheets in a folder. C:Documents and Settingsu369875DesktopProject stuffTestin Save_ASCompleted History. And need to copy the data in all of them and paste them into a new sheet (one main sheet) in this folder...........

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All Excel Sheets Data Copy And Paste Into One Sheet

Jun 20, 2013

Copy and paste the data from different excel sheets to one main sheet.

I will get a file which may contain 10 sheets or 15 sheets depends on data and rows also not sure it varies from sheet to sheet. Now, I would like to consolidate all the sheet data except first row (heading) for first instance I need heading and second sheet onwards not required the headings hence, macro should copy from second row onwards.

The data should get paste one by one if first sheet contains rows till A100 then in main sheet for second sheet data paste should happen from A101.

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Compare 2 Columns On Different Worksheets Then Copy And Paste Cell Value

Jun 2, 2009

I'm alittle new to excel and MrExcel website. I have a spreadsheet that im trying to get a formula to work as below. If anyone knows how to get this to work please help! Thank you.

My spreasheet has the following:

Column B Column G
1 test 1
2 center 2
3 school 4

Column B Column G
1 work blank
2 school blank
3 home blank

I'm trying to find the value from sheet2 cell B2 (school) in sheet1 column B and then when it finds that, I need it to copy the data from the Corresponding sheet1 Column G cell to sheet2 Column G cell.

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Macro To Copy Specific Data From One Sheet And Paste Into Two Sheets

Mar 24, 2009

There's one sheet that has a list of customers (this is updated very frequently). These customers are either ‘New’ or ‘Existing (as listed in a corresponding column) - would it be possible to have a macro that, when run, will place a copy of existing customers into a second worksheet (“view list – new”), and a copy of new customers into a third worksheet (“view list – existing”), with the main worksheet still listing both existing and new customers.

As the main sheet that lists all customers is updated very frequently (with customers being added and removed throughout the day), would it be possible to clear all contents of the other two sheets that each list of 'existing' and 'new' customers will be copied into, before the two lists are copied into each of the two sheets (just to ensure there isn’t any data in there from the previous time each list was copied in).

I’ve given this a go via the ‘record macro’ function - some users of this WB use excel 2000, and others use excel 2007, but it only seems to work on excel 2007 (which is what it was recorded on)…

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Copy Cells From Sheets Based On Date, Paste To Another Sheet

Oct 21, 2009

On sheet "CoA" i have at table of periodic payments that is created via an input form and what I want to do is have accounting entries automatically generated in my cask book based on dates.

The code for the input form is as follows;

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Compare Two Lists & Save Duplicates To New Sheet

Jan 11, 2008

The Master list:
Sheet1, Column C has unique numbers, i.e, 0608-211-1093-2.

(can have thousands of entries)

The Comparison list:
Sheet2, Column C will have duplicates of some of Sheet1, Column C numbers.

(Sheet2, Column C will have the numbers but other columns will have different
data than Sheet1 and may have a few hundred entries or less)

I need a macro that will that will compare the two sheets for duplicates based on
Column C and then write the entire row of Sheet1 with the duplicate number to a new Sheet3.

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Dynamic Related Lists

Aug 26, 2008

I have a vehicle intake-form in which users have to enter vehicle data.

I also have a huge list containing make/model information.

I would like to be able to use this database in the following way : I want the user to select the make in cell A1 , and then the model in cell B1. It must be possible to choose for example the make "BMW" in cell A1 and then cell B1 should only display the BMW models, and not all others that are present in the list...

I tried to use Data Validation with a list of choices, this works fine for the make (A1) ; but how do I make the list used for Data Validation on B1 dynamically related to the value in cell A1 !

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Find Related Data From Another Sheet & Copy Values From Left

Mar 30, 2008

Im going to try to make this as clear as possible. I cant use my actual data because it wouldnt make any sense to anyone so Ive made up an example problem. Here goes...

Lets say in Sheet 1 I have two descending columns of data. Column A is MODEL of Vehicle (Civic for example). Column B is vehicle identification number (xxx for example). Sheet two has 4 columns of data, but only one is really required for this example. Cell A1 is the MAKE of vehicle (Honda for example). Directly below that in Cell A2 is the MODEL of the vehicle (Civic). There are then a few rows of empty space until it gets to the next vehicle MAKE and MODEL.

So in Sheet1 there is a long list of MAKE's in ColumnA and VIN's in ColumnB. Sheet2 Has a long list of MAKE's and MODEL's in ColumnA and random data in other columns.

What I want to do is assemble a Macro to start in Sheet1-A2, read the MODEL then copy the corresponding Vehicle Identification Number in B2. I then want it to go to Sheet2-A2 and start searching downward until it comes across a matching MODEL. Once it finds the match I want it to step downward 2 cells and paste the Vehicle Identification Number. Then return to Sheet1-A3, and repeat the process until EOF.

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Copy & Paste Cell Value To Date Matches Across Sheets

Apr 26, 2008

I need macro to copy values from a Master worksheet on a daily basis, and paste them to multiple individual worksheets in cells adjacent to today's date (already crafted). For instance, a value of 8 is entered into a particular cell in the Master, it is copied and pasted into column E of another worksheet, on the row with today's date already written in column B. I need to do this repeatedly for over 50 worksheets.

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Duplicate - Dependent / Related / Interconnected Data Validation (Dropdown Lists)

Jun 6, 2014

I have an Excel file with two different visible sheets (dashboards), each with different types of charts, which are pulling from the same data tables on a hidden sheet. I have a data validation drop down list on one of the dashboard sheets, which lists 7 items. Once one of the 7 item is selected, both dashboards update, which is what I want. However, I'd like to be able to have duplicated, related validation drop down lists. So if someone is looking at the first dashboard sheet and they select a new item, when they go to the second dashboard and see that same item, they could on that second dashboard select a new item without having to go back to the first dashboard.

I'd provide an example if I could, but cannot. I've tried searching on the forum for something similar, but most often the topic of dependent data validation is on two different types of drop downs with the second being dependent on the first, whereas I'm looking for two drop downs that are interconnected and can update in sync.

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Copy Cell From Specific Sheet & Paste To Active Sheet

Mar 31, 2008

I would like a macro that will go to a fixed sheet, copy the format, go back to the previous sheet and paste the format. My problems arise going back to the previously activated sheet rather than just a fixed sheet.

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Copy / Paste Frequently Changing Data From 4 Sheets Into One Master Data Sheet

Jul 4, 2012

I have a workbook that includes 4 seperate sheets that are used to record time and expenses for 4 members of staff. I want to write a macro to select the data I need from each sheet and colaberate together in a 'data' sheet so I can combine all the info to run time and expense reports per client showing combination of all time and expense incurred from all 4 staff.

I have named cell ranges in each of the 4 time-sheets. I proceed to record a macro, select the first named range, copy and paste into my data sheet, do a control home then control down arrow, then one more down arrow to get to the first blank cell and repeat the process for all four time-sheets.

This works until I add a new line and then the data will only appear for the last time-sheet (last row of data).

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If Cell=x Then Copy And Paste Row Into New Sheet?

Mar 18, 2014

I am very new to VBA and am trying to make a spreadsheet that has a data page and page 1. I would like the row from the data page to copy and paste into page 1 if column A=07-01 Carbonated Soft Drinks . Here is an example of the sheet. I usually use formulas for my spreadsheets and just could not find one for this.

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Copy Paste From One Sheet To Other In Particular Cell

Nov 21, 2012

I have data in Excel like below in excel sheet Need To copy and Paste each ROW

Need to Paste Each ROW in new sheet1,sheet2,sheet3. one by one.

1 Sri 89 H6 YES No
2 Pri 90 K1 No Yes
3 Lio 87 G5 No Yes

Need to copy above data In new file new Sheet need to paste in Particular Cell like below.

A1 Data in C2
B1 Data in D2
C1 Data in E2
D1 Data in F2
E1 Data in C4

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Copy / Paste Certain Cells Then Paste 3 Sheets Into New Workbook - VBA 1044 Error?

Feb 3, 2012

This macro works fine on my machine but not with other users:

This should copy/paste certain cells then paste 3 sheets into a new work book.

ON other computers it seems to paste in a picture? works OK for me?

Sub ValidationTests()
' ValidationTests Macro
' Macro recorded 21/12/2011 by '
Sheets("Score Sheet").Select

[Code] ..........

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Copy And Paste Cell Contents From One Sheet To Another?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a line of code that returns a run-time error 1004 whenever it is passed through. All I am trying to do is copy and paste. I am missing some glaring error? (It is only a selection of the code to highlight the part I am having issues with. "maxdate" and "d" have been set)

Dim ws, ws1 As WorkSheets
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Target")


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How To Copy From One Cell And Paste On Different Sheet With Offset

Nov 27, 2012

using VBA and most of what i know has come from reading through blogs. I'm trying to copy 5 separate pieces of data from one row on our Payroll sheet and paste this in to another sheet call master dump.

The issue that i am having is that the code i have written keeps coming up with a run time error 1004 at the line "a.Select"

What i need the code to do is this: Copy the data from cell A4 and paste this on to another worksheet in to row cell b2, date worked in to d2, pay code in ot f2, hours in to h2 and the cost centre in to ad. all on the same row. i then need it to move on to the next team member (in this case A5) and repeat until there is no emp#. once the monday is done it will need to move onto Tuesday.

Code below.

Sub payroll_data()
' Payroll_data_MON Macro
Dim a As Range, b As Range, c As Range, d As Range, e As Range, i As Range, j As Range, k As Range, l As Range, m As Range
Set a = Range("A4")
Set b = Range("I4")
Set c = Range("G4")
Set d = Range("H4")


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Copy / Paste From Cell In One Sheet To A Cell In Another Dependent On Selection Of Dropdown Menu

May 31, 2012

I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.

Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.

Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".

I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.

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Copy Data From Cell In One Worksheet, Add Text, And Paste To Cell In Another Sheet

May 14, 2009

I have the following code in another workbook that is used to populate a cell on the same sheet based on input to cells in column 'A'.

Is it possible to modify this for the attached workbook to select a cell with data (numbers) on the Input Data sheet in column 'E', add text to the beginning, ('CG' in this case), and paste the result to the Import Template in the corresponding cell of column 'A'? I currently have a formula copied to dozens of cells in 'A' but since the number of rows for the Input Template is variable, there are usually cells in 'A' that contain CG but no corresponding data in the rest of the row.

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Copy And Paste Cell Data To Another Sheet In Workbook

Apr 10, 2014

I use an excel time sheet for my employees and I am wanting to use a command button to copy data in a cell from worksheet1 to worksheet2. The cell that will be copied from worksheet1 will always be "S14". I want to copy that data to another worksheet and have it paste the data in the correct cell. The code needs to find the employees name in worksheet2 and paste the data in the next blank cell. Currently the command button I have works perfectly but I have to use the specific range, I would rather have the code seek out the employees name on worksheet2 so that I don't have to worry about specific row/column ranges. Is it possible? I'm sure it is. I have attached what worksheet2 looks like.

Rather than having to use .Range("A4:AA4") I would prefer to have the code find the employees name.

Attached file: Book1.xlsx‎

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Conditional Copy / Paste Cell Content From One Sheet To Another

May 12, 2014

I need to copy a couple cells from sheet2,3 and 4 to sheet1 depending on value of cell a2 of respective sheets.

I have the basic code here, and what I think I'm missing is the adding row in sheet1.

The below codes can be all wrong by the way, YES, I do not have much knowledge in Macro.

[Code] .....

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Copy Row Of Cell With Date In The Past And Paste To New Sheet

Jan 16, 2014

creating a VBA that will scan my entire sheet and any cell with a date before todays date, the entire row will be copied and pasted to another sheet. and it should search every cell in sheet 1 and paste all rows with dates in the past. if there is more then one cell in a row with the date in the past, that row will copied only once.

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