Compare & Copy Values Between 2 Workbooks

Feb 13, 2008

I have two workbooks, each with columns titled State Code & County Code. I would like to pull data from one workbook into the other workbook using conditionals. (Copy/Paste will not work as the file I am pulling into has MSA Codes in the same columns)

The data set is numeric, i.e State 1, County 13

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Compare Two Different Workbooks To Populate Values?

Dec 26, 2013

I have workbook 1 and workbook 2.

I need to lookup the value in workbook 2 in order to populate workbook 1.

If workbook 2 value = NA, then "" in Workbook 1

If Workbook 2 value > workbook 1 value, then Workbook 1 value

If workbook 2 < workbook 1, then Workbook 2 value.

Should be simple. Keep getting errors in formulas @if or @lookup.

It would be nice to know by worksheet within same workbook as well.

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Compare And Copy Details Between 2 Workbooks

Dec 17, 2009

1. To compare two workbooks with exactly the same columns- Target and Source
2. The target workbook basically has more row items than the source since this is considered the masterlist.
3. The source worksheet's names and contact details are filled out by different sources but will still maintain the same columns.
4. The records of the source workbook must be transferred to the Target workbook reference to its appropriate IDs.
5. The record of source book may be updated and will be fed to the Target book but must not copy the record that is already present in the masterlist.

Below is the code I was working at

Public Sub CopyRecord()
Dim sRng As Range
Dim tRng As Range
Dim sCell As Range
Dim tCell As Range
Dim tLR As Long
Dim sLR As Long
Dim sCount As Long

'Find last row of target sheet
tLR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

'Find last row of source sheet
sLR = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count..........

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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Matching Row

Jul 23, 2013

I have two open workbooks, the first is called "Original Data.xls", the second "SIP.xls".The "Original Data" workbook contains a sheet called "Data" which has a list of information in the column range 'B:H', starting at row '4'.The "SIP" workbook contains a sheet called "Staff" which has a list of unique ID's in column B, starting at row 4.What I'd like to be able to do is compare the unique ID's in column 'B' of the "Data" sheet to that of the unique ID's in column B of the "Staff" sheet. NB.

There could be multiple records for the same unique ID in the "Data" sheet, but they will only occur once in the "Staff" sheet.If a match is found, I'd like to copy the row from the "Data" sheet and paste this to a sheet called "Matched", starting in B4, also contained in the "Original Data.xls" file.As each match is found I'd like to paste this into the next available line on the "Matched" sheet, and I would like, if at all possible, for the macro to continue checking for multiple entries until column 'B' in the "Data" sheet is blank.

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Macro To Compare Workbooks And Look For Matching Values

Dec 4, 2006

I want a macro to compare each value on workbook 1, Sheet "Destroyed", column "C" against each value on workbook 2, Sheet "ERT Master", column "B". For each instance where the value on workbook 1, matches a value on workbook 2, the row where the match is found on workbook 2 needs to be highlighted in yellow from columns A to H. This needs to be repeated for each value in column "C" of workbook 1.

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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Unmatched Data

May 15, 2007

I have two workbooks: one is a daily workbook that will be used to keep track of work accomplished, the other is a weekly report that is generated by head office.

What I need to do each week when the head office report is generated is to match up the Project ID's (they are the constant in each workbook) from the daily workbook with the weekly one. If there are Project ID's that are new, the corresponding information would then be copied over to the daily workbook.

I am working on the copy command but I'm just not sure how to go about setting up the search to match Project ID's.

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Compare Two Ranges In Different Workbooks And Copy Data To A 3rd Workbook

Jul 30, 2004

I have two spreadsheets in different workbooks ( workbook 1: sheet 1 and workbook2: sheet1), here i need to compare column 5 in Book1 and Column 5 for all cells, say X is the value we are looking for..

X occurs once in book1 and might occur more than once in if a match occurs ( that is once the code checks that there is X occuring in both books in columns 5) it should copy all rows in book 2 where X occurs to a new workbook 3 in sheet 1 and also it shoud copy entire row data where X occurs in book 1 sheet 1 . But this data from book 1 has to be copied at the end of row after the data from book 2 has been copied.

if X occurs 4 times in book 2 , then 4 rows have to be copied in book 3 and then data from Book 1 where X occurs only once is copied 4 times at the end of the data from book 2.

this process has to repeated for all cells in columns 5 in book1 and column 5 in book2 .

Sub Find_Matches()

Dim M, N As Range, x As Variant, y As Variant
Dim NewRange As Range

‘ To get the book1 location

MsgBox " Selec the Location of N File"

Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show arg1:=""


Sheets("sheetA").Select .......................

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Compare Values And Copy?

Mar 19, 2014

I have 2 tables on different sheets:

Table 1:

A1 B1
Product id | Contract

12 | aaa
13 | bbb
14 | ccc
15 | ddd
21 | eee
22 | fff
... |

Table 2:

A1 | B1
Product id | Contract
21 |
15 |
22 |
13 |
... |

I want to put the contract value on the product id correspondent on the table 2. How can i do this?

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VBA Lookup Value Copy, Paste Values Between Two Workbooks

Aug 21, 2009

I have a standard template worksheet called "Input" (the workbooks name is "Input Capture") which spans C12:U1100.

In addition I have a seperate worksheet which is based in an all entirely seperate workbook called "People Data" (the workbooks name is "Succession Planning") which again spans C12:U1100.

What I would ideally like is a macro which matches the value in column C and populates the entire row (much in the same way as a HLOOKUP, only pasting values) with the exception of columns M and Q.

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Code To Run When Workbook Is Opened And Copy Values From Other Workbooks In It?

Feb 19, 2014

I want the code to run when we open excel workbook "TEST" and it should open up all the workbooks one by one in the folder J:ABC and copy cells C2 and C4 values in the A and B columns of TEST workbook.

e.g There are 5 workbooks in the folder J:ABC so when the TEST workbook is opened then the code should run and open 1st workbook and copy values in cells C2 and C4 to it and close the workbook.

The code should run as below:

1st workbook:

C2 value will go in Test workbook B1
C4 value will go in Test workbook A1

Close 1st workbook

2nd workbook:

C2 value will go in Test workbook B2
C4 value will go in Test workbook A2

close 2nd workbook.

3rd workbook:

C2 value will go in Test workbook B3
C4 value will go in Test workbook A3

close 3rd workbook.

and so on It will be going to next rows in A and B columns.

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Open Multiple Workbooks Based On Cell Values And Copy And Paste Information?

Apr 22, 2014

I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Copy And Paste Special Values From Different Workbooks Into One Workbook

Nov 24, 2012

Copy over data from different workbooks and using paste special values to paste it into a new workbook using a macro. Here is what I have and what I am looking for:

My file path is

C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsProjectCostsDecember12

In this folder I have workbooks called:


In each workbook I have 4 worksheets


I also have a workbook called DecMonthlyTotal in the same folder with the same named worksheets.

I am looking for a macro to be placed in the DecMonthlyTotal that will pull the data from the Cashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name Cashable12-13, it will also pull the data from the NonCashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name NonCashable12-13

Both the Cashable12-13 and the NonCashable12-13 have Columns A - G The row that the macro should start the copying from is Row 3 for each of the workbooks; however I don't have an end row for the workbooks as this will vary.

I am using Excel version 2003.

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How To Compare Multiple Values Including TIME And Compare Rate

Feb 21, 2014

Basically I have two sets of data. One will be new each week. I'd like to use the non-changing data as a base to compare new data to. The formula would need to match multiple values, including a 'time between', and then return whether a minimum rate has been met.


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Compare Columns In Two Different Workbooks

Aug 22, 2013

I want to compare two Excel workbooks which have multiple columns and identify the rows only if all the valves match in both the workbooks, i am attaching a file to understand better.

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How To Compare Two String In Two Different Workbooks

Aug 4, 2014

I want to compare a string in a different workbook. and find the relevant cell value of that.

e.x. in one worksheet the value displayed like "DEBIT/ATM CARD TRANSACTION FEE" But in another worksheet the value displayed as "018 - Debit/Atm Card Transaction Fee".

Now I want to compare this string and the value displayed in the column E for this row of workbook 2 should be displayed in workbook 1 in the column D.

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Compare Strings In Two Workbooks

Jan 11, 2007

I have a workbook called Keyword that has two columns c,and d, of words.

The length of the columns can vary,because I add words to them.

I also have a workbook called testfile, and cell B1 has a word in it.

Testfile also has an .xla module that adds in when testfile is open.

I want to type a function called asset in cell C1 of Testfile,and have
it compare each word in Keyword workbook to the word that's in cell B1
of testfile. If a match is found in column C of Keyword, the function
returns the letter C. If match is found in col D of Keyword, it returns
the letter D. If no match, function returns "no match".

I have both workbooks open and the vba code I stuck at the bottom of
the .xla module as another function.

Here's my code so far.

Function asset(Description As Variant) As String 'arg. is the word in cell B1 in testfile

Dim LastRowOfC As Integer, LastRowOfD As Integer
Dim i As Integer

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Compare Data With Different Workbooks

Oct 11, 2008

i had received a new project. i want to compare the data among 2 different workbooks. there are book1 and book2 which i attach at here. if there are 1 cells is different with both workbooks, then the whole row will copy and paste to a new workbook "output.xls".

i also attach the "output.xls" at here.

the background color i highlighted which data is different, just for easy to view. so can ignore the color.

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Compare Information In Two Workbooks

Sep 28, 2009

I need to compare the info from two worksheets that are in different workbooks.
Comparing Column 3, I need to find wich entries from WB1( the old file) are not presented in WB2( the updated file) and whitch entries from WB2 are new ones, not presented in WB1.

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Compare Two Columns In Different Workbooks

Feb 15, 2012

I would like to have a macro or a function, which could compare two "A" columns in different workbooks. macro should run from the first one wb, which gonna have less data in a column than wb2. so, if, let's say, A3 in wb1 differs from A3 in wb2, an empty row should be added in wb1, and now we would jump and compare A4 in wb1 with A4 in wb2 and so on..

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Compare And Show Changes Between Two Workbooks

Jun 16, 2012

Comparing two workbooks. At first the workbooks were quite stable and didn't have no new entries or deletion of old entries so I initially used vlookup to give me what I needed and later found some basic VBA on the internet which did what I required quicker.

The workbooks have now changed slightly where each month new deliverables are added and old ones are deleted. This results in the entries of the two workbooks not aligning in the same rows/cells therefore when I run the vba it highlights 90% of the workbook as its just comparing cells against each other.

Each entry within the workbook has a unique identification number so I can still use VLookup for these however this doesn't allow me to see the new deliverables which have been added of the old deliverables deleted.

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Compare Worksheets From Two Workbooks

Dec 21, 2009

I have a master tracking document that I use to record project information. My client sends me an updated schedule each week which may (or may not) have additional stores on it and some of the details of the stores may have changed.

I need a macro to capture these changes from the source spreadsheet (the one the client sends) and update the master tracker. The master tracker has a lot of additional columns of data that I add in myself about each project so I don't want to lose this information. The macro needs to see if the store on the source sheet is already on the master tracker and if it is then it needs to check to see if any of the columns below have changed.

If the store isn't on the master tracker then it needs to be added. There are around 750 stores on the master tracker at the moment so to do it manually takes forever!

Master Spreadsheet

Column A - Retail Region
Column B - Project Name
Column C - Postcode
Column D - Net Selling Area
Column E - Project Manager
Column F - Contractor
Column I - Start On Site
Column J - Launch Date

Source Spreadsheet

Column C - Retail Region
Column D - Project Name
Column I - Postcode
Column J - Net Selling Area
Column M - Project Manager
Column N - Contractor
Column P - Start On Site
Column Q - Launch Date

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Compare Sheet1 With Sheet2 And Copy Unique Values In Sheet1

Aug 13, 2014

I am using the below code and it is not performing the operations of comparing and deleting the duplicate values from sheet1 and pasting unique values in sheet 1, p.s. Do not need values from sheet 2, just want to compare the sheet 1 with 2 and delete dups in sheet1.

[Code] .....

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Compare Cell Data Between Two Workbooks

Jul 7, 2009

I am modifiying a macro I once used to compare cell data from a worksheet to a worksheet in the same workbook. But I am having trouble getting it to work bewtween two workbooks.

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Compare Workbooks And Extract Data

Jul 3, 2007

I have 2 workbooks containg about 600 names and the serial number of the computer they are using. One I keep so I know who has what machine. The other is created automatically by a service we subscribe to.
This workbook is loaded with errors. Machine costs being charged to the wrong people.

They both contain last name, first name and serial number. Although not in the same columns. With formulas, I have been able to take the serial number from the service.xls and find that serial number in the inventory.xls.

The ultimate goal is this:
Take serial number from service.xls and compare it to inventoryxls.
If it exist, put the first and last name of the user from inventory.xls onto the service.xls sheet.
If it does not exist, then put "does not exist"

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Compare Data From 3 Workbooks Against 2 Files

Feb 15, 2010

For the past several days I have been attempting to write a macro, which in theory would check the values within a one- sheet workbook (we’ll call it run_list.xls) against the values in two different workbooks (we’ll call these production.xls, development.xls). However after several days I am nowhere closer to solving this problem then I was when I started. I’ve tried different scripts and variations of vlookup, but I have been unsuccessful in tailoring what I have found to meet my needs. So I feel it is time to lie down and scream for a medic.

Here’s some background on the workbooks. The sheets in all three workbooks are set up in the same manner. Cell “A1” contains time/ date, cell “A2” contains a lot#, cells “A3:A99” contain positioning data, and cells “B3:B99” contain serial numbers associated with tubes in the specific positions. The only differences between the workbooks are the sheets in production.xls and development.xls are labeled according to their specific lot number.

What I have been trying to do is to take a value from cell "B3"in run_list.xls and find where that value occurs in column B either of workbooks. When that value was found I wanted to copy cell "A2" from its sheet and paste that value in cell "D3" of run_list.xls. I had also wanted to repeat that those steps for every cell in column B containing a serial #. If a serial number was not found I wanted it to report “Not Found”. There are also times when instead of a serial number a phrase “No Trakmate” is listed. In these cases I had intended to skip these lines.

Also, since production.xls, development.xls are updated frequently their names are also updated with new version numbers ie. Production_v10.xls I had intended to allow the user to choose what files to search in but was unable to figure out how to add a second location.

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Compare Sheets In 2 Different Workbooks And Note Changes

May 21, 2006

I've attached two separate workbooks that have indentical sheets in each. One workbook is a 2 day later update of the first. I'm trying to develop VBA code that will open both workbooks uses column B (work order #) as the unique identifier for each like sheet (which represent a month) and compares all other columns for that unique indentifier. Then I need to generate 3rd workbook that is identical in format (has a sheet for each month) and content to the two source ones but shows the unique identifier and any changes:

Column A (due date)
Column d (order quantity)

Also,if in the newer workbook(5_12_06) there exist a unique indentifier (work order #) that was not in the older workbook(5_10_06) and the same if there exits a unique indentifier in the older workbook that was removed in the newer workbook.

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Compare Each Cell In Matrix. Different Workbooks

Nov 10, 2006

I have a vb script used to compare a 3x3 matrix cell. My idea is to compare each cell by each cell. My 1st input is xx1.txt shown below


My 2nd input is xx2.txt shown below


I am expecting to get the below output with 89 and 10 highlighted in red because these are the difference between the 2 inputs and the rest of the numbers highlighted in green


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Compare And Merge Data From Two Different Workbooks

Apr 4, 2007

I'm sure that there is an excel function that can do this but darned if I can figure out which one it is. This is what I would like to do: I have two different workbooks. Each workbook has one worksheet that has two columns of data. The first column is a part number and the second column is a price. The first workbook holds my master data. Starting at the first column of the first row on the second workbook I wish to compare the part number held in that cell with the part numbers held in the first column of the first workbook. If there is a match then I want to take the associated price from the second workbook and place it in a cell to the right of the corresponding part number in the first book - actually in the first open cell in the third column. I wish to do this automatically via macro, or otherwise, for all part numbers in the second workbook. The macro will also need to recognize that some part numbers in the second workbook may not appear in the first workbook in which case that part number is skipped.

The end product is my first workbook that has been transformed from two columns of data to three columns of data - one part number and two price points although not all part numbers will have the two price points. If it helps I can copy the data in the second workbook and paste it in to a second worksheet in the first workbook and do all the work in the one workbook.

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Compare Columns In Two Workbooks & Update One

Dec 15, 2007

I have two workbooks, one is reference (W1), other is the one that needs update(W2). I need macro that compares reference column in W1 with targeting column in W2, then for match cells update two or more cells in same with new data from reference cells in W1, and for end to report what data in W1 in reference column wasnt find in W2. I tend to use macro in reference book W1, and to update book W2 without opening, so I need this macro to work just with file manager from excel . No need for user modul for targeting columns, they are static in both woorkbooks. In practise in W1 is invoice prices with part numbers, at other one is the same, but with prices for distribution (with formulas), I want ti automaticly refresh part numbers with new prices, an to have report what part numbers are not in price list (W2)

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Copy Multiple Values From Multiple Workbooks To Master Workbook

Oct 7, 2009

I want create a macro which will extract 6 values (see below) from a workbook tab called summary to an master workbook for reporting purposes. Each workbook has a unique file name e,g ACI1150.

Values on sheet SUMMARY:

I tried to adapt the below to get one item copied/extracted. However it would no work.

I am new to using macros

Sub GetG26s()
Dim MyDir As String, FN As String, SN As String, NR As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

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