Macro To Compare Workbooks And Look For Matching Values

Dec 4, 2006

I want a macro to compare each value on workbook 1, Sheet "Destroyed", column "C" against each value on workbook 2, Sheet "ERT Master", column "B". For each instance where the value on workbook 1, matches a value on workbook 2, the row where the match is found on workbook 2 needs to be highlighted in yellow from columns A to H. This needs to be repeated for each value in column "C" of workbook 1.

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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Matching Row

Jul 23, 2013

I have two open workbooks, the first is called "Original Data.xls", the second "SIP.xls".The "Original Data" workbook contains a sheet called "Data" which has a list of information in the column range 'B:H', starting at row '4'.The "SIP" workbook contains a sheet called "Staff" which has a list of unique ID's in column B, starting at row 4.What I'd like to be able to do is compare the unique ID's in column 'B' of the "Data" sheet to that of the unique ID's in column B of the "Staff" sheet. NB.

There could be multiple records for the same unique ID in the "Data" sheet, but they will only occur once in the "Staff" sheet.If a match is found, I'd like to copy the row from the "Data" sheet and paste this to a sheet called "Matched", starting in B4, also contained in the "Original Data.xls" file.As each match is found I'd like to paste this into the next available line on the "Matched" sheet, and I would like, if at all possible, for the macro to continue checking for multiple entries until column 'B' in the "Data" sheet is blank.

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Compare Matching Values

Nov 21, 2008

A formula that would compare any value in column 1 to any value in column 2 to see if they are a match for each other. If a match is detected it would be indicated in column 3:


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Compare Two Columns And Show Only Non Matching Values?

Jun 1, 2014

I would like to compare two different columns and show only non matching values that exist in Column B but not in Column A in the next cell.

If we assume that my data is:

Column A: Column B:


So, I would like to show these values in the next cell as follows:

Column A: Column B: Column C:A Z Z

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Compare Two Columns And Show Only Non Matching Values

Dec 25, 2008

Basically I have Two Columns.

Column A: Column B:

GN0001 DB0002
DB0002 DP0012
GE0025 GN0001
GR0026 GE0025
DR1235 GR0026
DP0012 DR1235

Column A is the master codes list for a unique product.

Now every time a product is sold, its unique code number is entered into column B.

What I want excel to do is compare Column A and Column B and show me only the codes that DO NOT match.

This way I know which items should be present in store when I do a physical stock check.

So the end result should be:

Column A: Column B: Column C:

GN0001 DB0002 GS0025
DB0002 DP0012 PC128
GE0025 GN0001
GR0026 GE0025
DR1235 GR0026
DP0012 DR1235

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Compare 2 Columns Delete Rows With Matching Values

Feb 5, 2009

I've got two workbooks, Workbook1 with a list in column a and Workbook2 with a list in column F. I want to compare the cells in these columns and delete the entire row in Workbook2 if there is a match.

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Compare Two Different Workbooks To Populate Values?

Dec 26, 2013

I have workbook 1 and workbook 2.

I need to lookup the value in workbook 2 in order to populate workbook 1.

If workbook 2 value = NA, then "" in Workbook 1

If Workbook 2 value > workbook 1 value, then Workbook 1 value

If workbook 2 < workbook 1, then Workbook 2 value.

Should be simple. Keep getting errors in formulas @if or @lookup.

It would be nice to know by worksheet within same workbook as well.

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Compare & Copy Values Between 2 Workbooks

Feb 13, 2008

I have two workbooks, each with columns titled State Code & County Code. I would like to pull data from one workbook into the other workbook using conditionals. (Copy/Paste will not work as the file I am pulling into has MSA Codes in the same columns)

The data set is numeric, i.e State 1, County 13

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Macro To Delete Matching Values

Jun 24, 2006

Column A Column B
1 b
1 1
1 2
3 4

I need a macro that if value in column b matches with value in column a, delete it both the value in column b and a and put the deleted value into column c. now my value in my columns is a combination of numbers and letters and it can have this characteristic too: `2076 or `FI7890

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Align Matching Row Values Column And Remove Non-matching Row Values?

Jan 27, 2014

see attachment below for easier comprehension of what I need to be done. Note that I have around 20 subjects (2 in example) and about 15000 values per subject (5 per subject shown) Basically, I want matching rows to be aligned (see grey) and non-matching rows to be deleted, throughout the 20 or so subjects.


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Macro For Procuring Values From Dataset Using Different Matching Criteria

Dec 3, 2013

I am recording and editing steps in order to procure unique ID's from a dataset and eliminate the manual intervention for this process. Macro works seamlessly in most of the scenarios except for the one mentioned below where it performs a step which is not really required.

Let me explain the scenario in detail:

-Sheet 1 contains the list of trades as per client's system and Sheet 2 contains the trades as per internal system
-Need to do several permutation and combination in Sheet1 in order to extract the unique ID's from Sheet 2
-Scenario 1 - lets assume I have 100 records I concatenate few common fields in both sheets and use the simple code mentioned below to fill the all rows with the lookup formula

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

First scenario itself might populate the unique id's for all the 100 trades or might give partial result which will prompt for the next scenario. If the first scenario generates the Unique ID's for 99 records I can filter on "#N/A" and update a different formula to fetch the unique id using different combination. However in the initial stage I wouldn't know the # of unmatched records because of which I have the standard selection till end and fill down codes in the macro, which would end up filling all the blank cells till the end, which takes unnecessary time.

simple validation code which ensures that if the # of unmatched record is more than 1 only then the selection till end and fill down codes comes into picture otherwise simply update the formula and populate the result.

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Macro To Sum Values From Various Workbooks If They Exist

Feb 3, 2004

Im trying to come up with a Macro that will perform a =SUM() function across multiple workbooks. Some of these workbooks may exist, some may not.

For example, Summary.xls has a =sum() formula that picks up data from wbk1.xls
etc, all the way to 100

Today i only have wbk 1, 2 and 3 but i know everyday more wbk's are added so i want to create a sum type function to accomodate the sbk's that may be created at a future time.

Right now when i try it, I not only get REF/# but on opening Summary.xls I get a popup that asks me to define the missing wbk's

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Run Formulas With Macro But Compare Values In Cell

Aug 20, 2014

I have below code which pin out numbers from IBAN in Column P. Its formulas run by macro. It works fine. But what i really need is that instead of putting the formula in the cell, is that it compare the value from the formula, with the excisting value , in each cell . And it mark the cells where there are a difference with yellow colour I have been thinking how to do this but cant really work it out. If some have a better solution its ok but i need a macro for it.

have a look at below code, which change the cell and correct the error, but which i want just to compare the values.

I have attached a sheet to test with.

[Code] .....

Attached File : Testforcompare.xls‎

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VBA Macro - Compare Two Sheets To Find Duplicate Values?

Jan 14, 2014

I am currently working for data validation team. I have to validate tons of data every week so it would be great if i could remove dupicates.

I want to compare two worsheets, sheet 1 has the order number with description (which i have to find) for the current month and sheet two has got standard report from the past week giving all the order numbers with no description. I need a VBA based macro to find all matching order numbers which are in sheet 1 column A, in sheet2 column A and return the corresponding value in column B in sheet 2 and also return the description in Column C.

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Macro To Create New Workbooks Based On Values In A Column

Jun 27, 2014

I have data in Column C that looks like this:


Is there a macro that can create workbooks based on this data. So, i'd have one workbook that would contain all the Johns and all the other data in Columns A -Z, then another workbook for Ted, and so on...

The number of workbooks I need is not fixed. It all depends on how many names are in column C.

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Macro To Compare Values In User Specified Columns And Return To Different Workbook

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to create a macro that will compare several un-formatted workbooks and copy just what I want to a workbook of my one.

I start by having 2 different workbooks opened ("Main" and "Change") side by side like this: 1.jpg

Then i run the macro in my "Main" workbook and it should appear an Userform like it showed in the image below: 2.jpg

This is so that i can manually fill the user form with the correct columns by looking at the excel file, for example:
Ref=E3;City=G3; Data=I3.

Pressing Ok, it fill the "Main" workbook with the matching information so it and closes the "Change" workbook.

At the moment my code is in this stage:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
myfile = "C:Userssst1brgDesktopRelatorios" & TextBox1.Value
Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:=myfile
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=xlVertical

[Code] .....

But I am stuck because there isn't any error and nothing happens.

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Matching Records In Two Workbooks

Feb 3, 2010

In Excel 2003, I need a macro to do the following:

For each record in column F (starting at row 2) (workbook: CATS LITTERS LISTS AS AT 01 FEB 10.xls) (worksheet: RAKE)

Find a matching record in another open workbook (workbook: DOG TRAINING v 3.xls) that has multiple worksheets as

follows: ...

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How To Compare Multiple Values Including TIME And Compare Rate

Feb 21, 2014

Basically I have two sets of data. One will be new each week. I'd like to use the non-changing data as a base to compare new data to. The formula would need to match multiple values, including a 'time between', and then return whether a minimum rate has been met.


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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Copy And Paste Special Values From Different Workbooks Into One Workbook

Nov 24, 2012

Copy over data from different workbooks and using paste special values to paste it into a new workbook using a macro. Here is what I have and what I am looking for:

My file path is

C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsProjectCostsDecember12

In this folder I have workbooks called:


In each workbook I have 4 worksheets


I also have a workbook called DecMonthlyTotal in the same folder with the same named worksheets.

I am looking for a macro to be placed in the DecMonthlyTotal that will pull the data from the Cashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name Cashable12-13, it will also pull the data from the NonCashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name NonCashable12-13

Both the Cashable12-13 and the NonCashable12-13 have Columns A - G The row that the macro should start the copying from is Row 3 for each of the workbooks; however I don't have an end row for the workbooks as this will vary.

I am using Excel version 2003.

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Copy Matching Rows From 2 Workbooks

Aug 8, 2006

I have 2 work books A and B. I want to be able to copy the entire rows out of WB A, which contain the same data as one of colums in WB B



Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |

Tom Brown | 3 Brown Lane | 020241445 | |


| |

Would give me WB C

Bob Smith | 3 Smith Lane | 0204587512 | |

Any way of doing this?? I know that i could use ' find' then copy the data, except i have around 300 records...

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Lookup Matching Data In Other Workbooks

Oct 24, 2006

I am looking for a way to add cells to a master workbook from matching cells in various other workbooks. The master will have the complete list of store numbers. The other files will just show the store number that had returns. I need to add a new column to the master workbook for each of the other files. If that makes sense?? So the master report header row will have: storeno,storename,3-1-06,3-15-06,4-1-06,4-15-06, etc..... Then column a will be a listing of the store number 1 -200.

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Compare Words Between Two Cells And Get Matching Percentage

Apr 19, 2010

I have a column with 10,000+ lines, and lots of them are duplicated.

I have a formula that tells me how many times they are duplicated, but it only looks for 100% matching cells.

Now, lots of cells are partially duplicated, for example:

A1 - Team Abcde
A2 - Team Abcde Fghi
B1 - Team Abc

I would like to have a formula giving me a percentage of how two cells are similar to each others by checking the words. In this case, B1 is 50% similar to A1 because only the word 'Team' is duplicated. B1 is only 33,34% similar to A2.

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Compare Columns In Worksheet And Return Row Value For Matching ID

Jul 17, 2013

I have used the merge facility to incoporate all the worksheets into one excel files. As they all have same heading, I have sorted the data, first by their account expiry time (oldest to newest) and then by manager (A-Z)

For example, system report generated on 15/03/2013, 28/03/2013, 03/04/2013, 15/05/2013, 28/05/2013 and so on and these are sheet names too. What I want is one worksheet called report with the same heading as my merged worksheets and return values where Column C in 28/03/2013 is compared to 15/03/2013 and if the employee ID matches than return the whole row of data for the report.

the next query would then be for finding employee ID in 03/04/2013 and comparing it with 28/03/2013 worksheet and returning the matched ID in report worksheet.

This is the layout of the report worksheet.

Display NameEmployee IDAccount StatusE-mailDepartmentManagerComment
15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013
28/03/2013 to 03/04/2013
03/04/2013 to 15/05/2013
15/05/2013 to 28/05/2013

so for the above report worksheet, if employee id matches the two compared worksheet (15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013) return all value (Display name, employee id, account status, email, department, manager, comment) from the 28/03/2013 and so on.

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VBA Compare Two Columns And Copy Matching Data

Feb 18, 2014

I'm using the code below to compare columns on two sheets (1 column for each) and where there is a match, copy data from the 'Source' to 'Destination' sheet.

[Code] ...........

The code works fine, but I'd like to amend this, but I'm a little unsure about how to proceed.

The script currently compares column C on the 'Source' sheet with column D on the 'Destination' sheet and where a match is found copy column G from the 'Source' sheet and pastes this to column O on the 'Destination' sheet.

I'd still like to copy and paste the same columns, but I'd like to compare two columns from each sheet, so from the 'Source' sheet compare columns C and E to columns D and J on the 'Destination' sheet.

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Compare Two Email Lists And Output Non-matching

Nov 20, 2008

I am a newbie and need your expert help please.

I have two email lists. For example they are:

List 1:

List 2:

In list 1 the non-matching address is namely it is not common to both lists. I want to automatically go through the lists and output firstly a new list of the non-matches from column 1 and also a new list of the non-common items from list two.

So in this case the result would be that somewhere there is a new list from list 1 that has "" and secondly there is a new list from list 2 that has ""

Obvioulsy the real list is more complicated and longer but the principle will be the same.

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Compare 2 Sheets & Copy Non Matching Data

Jan 8, 2008

Does anybody have a code snippet to search and compare 2 sheets.

I want to read the value in a cell on the first sheet, then search the entire second sheet for a match, if it does match then copy the value from certain cells on the second sheet to the row on the first.

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Compiling Partially Matching Data Into Matching Rows With Macro

Jan 20, 2013

My task is to combine two large databases into one spreadsheet by extending the number of columns. The data from each database is 90% matching based on an identification number, however occasionally there are additional rows or unmatched identification numbers that need to be kept for analysis.

When this happens, there needs to be a blank row inserted to represent the missing data in the rest of the corresponding row.

I am having trouble finding a quick way to do this because I have approximately 12,000 rows (and columns up to DV when combined).

for example:


[Code] .....

needs to become:


[Code] .....

I am guessing I will need a macro of sorts, So far I have made one column that tell me if the ID's are matching or not (1 or 0) and if they are not matching (0) I manually insert the rest of the row that is missing or make space for the duplicate data (which needs to remain).

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Lookups For Separate Workbooks Matching Date

Feb 18, 2014

I have workbooks based on the date. Here is an example "Daily Numbers Report - Summary_2014_02-18-06-02-30"

All of the files are formatted this way. Then, in a master file I have dates going horizontally for the entire year in the following format Tue Jan 15, etc. How could I do a lookup that would grab from all of the open files and match the date BUT subtract 1 day from that date for all the lookups, so Feb 18 would look at 2-17?

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Populate Workbook With Matching Data From Other Workbooks

Dec 10, 2006

I have a one excel workbook with columns customer id , customer name, customer address
and another excel work book with columns customer id , account name, account type.

I am in need to produce a new excel workbook with datas from above said 2 workbooks with customer id column as reference by macro programming in excel.

So the new workbook should have data from the columns customer id, customer name and account name

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Compare Columns In Two Different Workbooks

Aug 22, 2013

I want to compare two Excel workbooks which have multiple columns and identify the rows only if all the valves match in both the workbooks, i am attaching a file to understand better.

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