Compare DDE Linked Cell For Percentage Tolerance Of Last Value
Aug 6, 2008
I have a DDE linked cell that is constantly updating (cell A1), I want then to have a cell (cell B1) that changes only when cell A1 differs from value currently in B1 by a certain percentage, then check B1 for the same tolerance level against A1, and repeat. I can do this in a number of ways in VB, however when VB code is running causes the DDE link not to update and since the update is constant I cannot use selectionChange and Change VB Worksheet function result in the same error.
I am trying to apply conditional formatting to multiple columns based on a percentage varience of the value in the first cell of each column. I'm sure this is not a new concept however I have been unable to find any advice when searching. I have attached an example of my problem as a picture speaks a thousand lines of code.
I have two numerical columns of different length. One presents the signal and another one the background. Most of the background numbers are found in the signal column but they are not exactly the same and not located in the same rows. The numerical values are the same within some tolerance that I can specify. What I am trying to do it to remove all the background values from the signal column.
I am trying to replicate a method , it reads: 'any data point that changes by more than or less than 10% from the previous value, and does not remain at the new level for more than 6 days, should be removed.'
Thats a bit vague. The process is going to involve if statements, etc. I've attached an excel spreadsheet with some solutions I've tried. Neither of which work. The aim is to get the same answers as the highlighted column. Columns B and C replicate the method answer, but do not state the process. The letters L represent values less than 25. Its the letters D I'm trying to eradicate.
I have an unknown number of rows that represent parts and 6 columns that represent part dimensions. I need to find and output matching pairs of parts that are within certain dimensional tolerance ranges.
For example: Dimension 1 Dimension 2 to Dimension 6 Part 1 Part 2 to Part X
-I would need the code to check if Dimension 1 of Parts 1 & 2 were within a certain range and if Dimension 2 of Parts 1 & 2 were within a range etc. then (if all of them were true) output them as a pair. Otherwise, it would continue to search for paired parts. Once a pair is found, those parts can't be used again. How can I do this?
I have a column with 10,000+ lines, and lots of them are duplicated.
I have a formula that tells me how many times they are duplicated, but it only looks for 100% matching cells.
Now, lots of cells are partially duplicated, for example:
A1 - Team Abcde A2 - Team Abcde Fghi B1 - Team Abc
I would like to have a formula giving me a percentage of how two cells are similar to each others by checking the words. In this case, B1 is 50% similar to A1 because only the word 'Team' is duplicated. B1 is only 33,34% similar to A2.
I have a workbook that I've built for a project. I've attached a sample workbook. What I'm trying to do, for the entire sheet or workbook if possible, is turn any Cell with a percentage of 30% to 49% yellow and any cell with a percentage of 50% or more Red. I would also like to move the ID's of the variable cells, for example Id number 9922, to the cells beside the description of the rows, Affected would be an example, if the information contained in the same row as the ID meets with a set of variables.
For example I only want the ID's moved if they correspond with IDsub 1-25. One more thing, the people who will be using this spreadsheet will be copying data from a website when it is imported it does not insert the values as numbers. I would like to format the cells, in example workbook they would be any of the cells labeled ID IDsub Variable or Number, so that anything put in that cell will automatically be converted to a number.
I should also probably add that the formatting will be done on approximately 80 rows a sheet with 47 sheets.
I use this formula to calculate if a move is out of tolerance =IF(ABS(B1)>=1,"Y","N") This will work on most of the stuff we load. I would like to modify it to if b1 = "Crude" then use =IF(ABS(B1)>=.5,"Y","N"), or if B1 = "Resid" then use IF(ABS(B1)>=2.0,"Y","N"). Is it possible to include the 3 tolerance bands in one formula?
I am successfully using VBA to check a cell on one sheet against a cell on another sheet.
How easy would it be to check if this is the same OR less than 2 or more than 3? I have done part of this using nested formulas but cant find anything to help me with the syntax in VBA
The code I am using is
If W1.Cells(a, 3).Value = W2.Cells(b, 3).Value Then
I have a large amount of data pertaining to many different runs in which I am given the mass to charge ratio of a compound. My goal is to identify these compounds, and to ease this process I am trying to find a formula that would “line up” near identical masses while providing a blank if no mass was found in that run. For example, if I have:
It would be important to have some sort of tolerance setting, as the readings are not always exactly the same. Also, I’d normally have about six runs of data to line up.
What I need to do is write a macro that will find duplicates in Column A, within a changeable tolerance, say 0.1 (10%).
After finding all duplicates within a tolerance in A, I need to make another "Master" worksheet with the Duplicates from A, and their counterpart in B. So if A1 and A4 where within 10% of each other, the "Master" worksheet would contain:
A1 B1 A4 B4
using the values, giving:
1020.00242-89.84 1021.494-80.41
I tried using SUMPRODUCT and some other functions but just can't seem to put my finger on this one. I'm sure it's not hard and am overlooking something.
I'm trying to identify where a set of values 'agree' within a specified tolerance.
I have a list of scores from different sources, and wish to both average them (easy to do) but also to identify how well they 'agree' by flagging those which have a difference above a specified tolerance. The numbers are all integers, and the tolerance will be an integer.
To give an example, I might have cells with values (2,3,2,2) and these agree within a tolerance of 1. If I had cells of (2,4,2,2) these wouldn't agree. I'd like to flag (by the creation of an 'X' within a separate column) where these cells do not agree.
I've done this previously by using chained If and Or statements (e.g. if A1 = D1 or A1 = D1+1 etc etc) but this is laborious and means I have to change logic every time I add a new sample.
Is there a way of specifying a range of cells (e.g. A1,D1,H1, J1) and seeing if the values of these cells agree to within a stated tolerance? I'm happy to define named cells to specify and argument/attribute.
I need to be able to get a true/false from a tolerance percent.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do
cell a2 is Nitrogen cell b2 is (Known gas%) 2.4800% cell c2 is (unknown gas%) 2.4963% cell d2 is =b2-c2 and I get the answer no trouble there. what I need is to take the answer in cell d2 and set a plus/minus 2% tolerance in cell f2 and get a true/false comparison.
It's a worksheet for testing milk tanks. The issue is as follows:
Column F = Chart Error/This can be either a positive or negative whole number Column G = Tolerance/This is always a whole positive number
Problem is I want Column H = Status to say "Pass" or "Fail" based on meeting the Column G number. But it's only the number itself (not whether it's Positive or Negative) that matters in determining the P/F status.
Column F= -20 Column G= 15 Column H= Fails
F= 20 G= 15 H= Fails
The formulas I've been coming up with will show one or the other as Failing but not both + or - numbers if they fail to meet the G Column tolerance number.
I have this worksheet with 2 buttons and 2 textboxes.the first button is named search literally to search the items inputted in the textboxes and the second button is clear which clear all the inputted items in the textboxes and the search field. I manage to code those things however I have a main problem. How am I suppose to linked a checkbox with those items?
For example I searched this particular item so the checkbox corresponding to that item must show up in the left most column of it. and if I searched multiple items those checkboxes must show up too. I am having a hard time coding and trying since I am new in vba. I also attached a sample worksheet. I am using excel 2007.
I am trying to create conditional formating of a cell based on the value of another cell whish is linked to another sheet. I an using the "The formula is =$AA$30=1" where the cell AA30 is the cell linked to the other sheet. the problem is I have to do thiss for approx 200 cells ie =$AA$30=1, =$AB$30=1, =$AA$31=1, =$AB$31=1 --- =$AZ$42=1. Do I have to enter the formulea for each cell or is there a way to automate this?
The problem I am trying to solve is to have a cell return a cell value based on another linked cell. The cells I want to link are in separate tabs or could be another workbook.
For example if cell A5 in sheet2 is linked to A20 in sheet1...A5 has formula(=Sheet1!A20). I want the next cell B5 to look at A5 and return the value of cell Sheet1!D18.
So in essence I want the second cell to look at the first cell and return a value that is 3 columns over and 2 rows up.
I have several excel documents all linked to one unique excel document which I will call document A.
Document A is a performance spreadsheet where I have percentages, sales figures and times, for my sales team.
Each sales person has their own unique dashboard (another excel document) that I am currently trying to finalize.
Their personal dashboards have pie charts with text boxes. The text boxes within the charts link up to their relevant cells in document A.
When Document A is open and I open 1 of the sales person's dashboards. Everything looks good and works, however.
When I close document A the dashboard information changes. For example, the dashboard information could be showing 25% but when I close document A it reverts to 0.25
If I close down the dashboard and open document A back up, change it to 30% then close it. The dashboard recognizes the change BUT reads as 0.30. This is the same with them all.
The only fix I have figured out is creating another tab in Document A then duplicate of all the information required for the dashboards then save the cells as TEXT (as opposed to currency, percentage etc).
This kind of defeats the object because I have formulas set up in Document A and don't want to be doing twice the work.
I have to fill out two cells (lets say A10 and A11), with the same data taken from a list of given data. The given data is placed in one column.
I have created Combo Box where the ListFillRange is the given data area and in the LinkedCell I tried to write two cells but Excel doesn’t accept list of two cells. For example, I tried to write in the LinkedCell A10,A11 and A10:A11 and A10;A11 but none of this syntax worked.
I can’t write A10 only in the LinkedCell and then to write a function A11=A10 in cell A11, because in some cases the content of cell A11 will be changed by another Combo Box linked to cell A11 and that Combo Box will override any function that will be written in A11.
I have several cells in my spreadsheet A which are linked to cells in another spreadsheet B in the same workbook. My problem is that the cells in spreadsheet A only display the link formula in the cell and not the value of the cell in spreadsheet B which it is linked. I have several other cells in spreadsheet A that are linked to cells in spreadsheet B and they display the values correctly.
I am writing some VBA code in Excel 2007 and am stuck on a property with the standard form check box (not OLEObjects).
I would like to check and find out what the value is of the linked cell for a checkbox...
Like, if a user clicks the checkbox, it changes the linked cell value to true or false... But I cannot figure out how to "lookup" or "go and get" this true or false value through code...
I'm using the following code to get the linked cell and return the value to a range. Is there anyway I can achieve this WITHOUT selecting the shape to get the linkedcell. I find using 'select' is cause me formatting problems.
Sub finalizeclrx() Dim s As Shape, finRNG As Range, pk1 As String, SphFill As Long SphFill = Worksheets("input").Range("K65536").End(xlUp).Row Set finRNG = ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell For Each s In ActiveSheet.Shapes If Not Intersect(finRNG.Offset(-5, -11).Range("A1:A1"), s.TopLeftCell) Is Nothing Then
I have a master summary sheet that contains all the required information for 21 other worksheets. Each row contains the information for a single sheet. I have linked all the relative cells to the first sheet but would like create a formula that changes the row reference in each of the links rather than the tedious task of updating each individual link in every sheet.
I have tried using the indirect function but constantly get errors returned, the basic formula i have been using is: =INDIRECT("Summary"!C&,X1)
'C' is the column in the summary sheet that the information should be taken and 'X1' is the cell in the worksheet that will define what row the data should be taken e.g in one sheet the reference for that specific cell will be C5 and the next C6 and so on.