Compare Words Between Two Cells And Get Matching Percentage

Apr 19, 2010

I have a column with 10,000+ lines, and lots of them are duplicated.

I have a formula that tells me how many times they are duplicated, but it only looks for 100% matching cells.

Now, lots of cells are partially duplicated, for example:

A1 - Team Abcde
A2 - Team Abcde Fghi
B1 - Team Abc

I would like to have a formula giving me a percentage of how two cells are similar to each others by checking the words. In this case, B1 is 50% similar to A1 because only the word 'Team' is duplicated. B1 is only 33,34% similar to A2.

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Compare Excel Files And Display Matching And Unmatching Cells In Log File

Nov 23, 2013

I have to compare data in first sheet of two excel files and have to create a log file to display the logs of comparisons.

First workbook is placed in folder C:/Input/ with name as Input.xlsx and second workbook is placed in folder C:/Output/ with name as Output.xlsx.

I have to compare below cells between input.xlsx and output.xlsx.

Cell "B1" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C4" in output.xlsxCell "B2" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C5" in output.xlsx.
Cell "B3" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C6" in output.xlsxCell "B4" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C7" in output.xlsx.
Cell "B5" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C10" in output.xlsxCell "B6" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C9" in output.xlsx.

[Code] .......

After Comparing, I would like to log all the comparision in a log.csv, if cell "B1" in input file is matching "C4" in output file , say matching and color it green. If not matching, provide mismatch values from both cells and color it in red.

How we can compare 100's of excel files placed in Input and output folder and create one log file as stated above.

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Matching First 4 / 5 / 6 Or 7 Words Via VLookup

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to match the first few words in a spreadsheet with another column via vlookup. I tried [URL] ..... but it didn't work.

see attached spreadsheet. If column A and column N match up, I need a YES in column, otherwise a NO. I need formulas for the 4 first words matching, 5 words matching etc.

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Calculating Percentage In Cell And Omitting Values When Specific Words Present

Apr 5, 2014

I have a daily report that gives a percentage based on what is typed into the "Supplier" and "Total Sales" columns but I'm having trouble writing the following formulas since my excel knowledge is relatively low.

1. Where a cell in the "Supplier" column says anything but "Den", "Burrowed" or "Studio Nyx" I need the "60%" and "40%" columns filled with the relevant formula (=B11*60% for example) and the "100%" column blank.

2. Additionally, if the cell contains "Den", "Burrowed" or "Studio Nyx" I need the "100%" column filled and the "60%" and "40%" blank.

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Find Matching Words In Two Columns

Jun 16, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 65000 potential client surnames in column c, with contract details in neighbouring columns. I have also a spreadsheet of 6000 actual client surnames. I would like to search the large spreadsheet to make sure that none of the clients are contained in it, or if some are to highlight them.

Do I use advanced filter or vlookup? I use excel 2000 and due to the size of the first spreadsheet it takes 6 minutes to open/save e.t.c.

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Matching Words In A Folder In Word / Excel / PDF

Sep 18, 2013

I have pulled a task of Content Managent. we are going to look at a bunch of files for a key list of words. Is there a way look at the text in a file and find a word within it?

Reporting the link to the doc.. display ... will all come later.

I know it will be slow and may run for a day or two but I would run it over the week end.

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Replace Words In Cell Matching Those In A List

May 21, 2009

Im hoping there is an Excel Formula (not VBA Code) solution to this problem.

I understand how to use the Substitute command in Excel, but I would like to be able to provide a list of words and have the Substitute command use that list to replace every occurrence within a given cell with a blank ("").

The twist to this is, that the List of Words will be Dynamic, and thus the formula will need to account for that.

NOTE: the formula should NOT replace parts of words, e.g., if the List Word is "can" and the cell to be evaluated contains "candle" the formula should NOT replace the "can" in "candle" with "". Only whole word matches should be replaced.

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Find First Two Words In A String And Compare To Another With VBA?

Mar 28, 2014

What I am trying to do isn't very complicated. I started on some code, but it's just not good enough to do all of what needs to happen.


Cupcake Monster
Aisle 5
Shelf H

The Cupcake Ghoul
Aisle 2
Shelf P

Fred Baxter's Diary
Aisle 1
Shelf X

Angry Cupcake Beast
Aisle 3
Shelf A

Everyone Loves Cake
Aisle 4
Shelf R

So I have a list of titles that I want to search for a particular string. The title in this list is the "proper" title,whereas the rest of my workbook typically uses a shortened version of the title. Sometimes the two will match 100%, but usually, they will be close.

If the string in the table above has more than 2 words, I want to use the first 2 words to check for a match. If the string has 2 words (will never have fewer), I want to match the first word. I want to do this IF there is no 100% match (if possible or reasonable). I will settle for just matching 1 or 2 words. I want to copy the values to another sheet and then delete the row that I originally got the data from.

What I want to do is search the list for "Angry Cupcake" and return the Aisle and Shelf location of Angry Cupcake Beast. There will never be any other "Angry Cupcake", so I am not worried about mismatches there.

Dim SearchRow As Integer
Dim StoryTitle As String[code]....

how to do and can get to work without issues is an exact match. This still leaves out all of the shortened titles though.

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Filter Data By Matching 1st Characters In Column With Multiple Words

Mar 27, 2008

excel filters.

I have excel document over 50 pages and i need to filter lines that begins with certain letters like ADS, SGH, FAQ. I know how to filter one by one but i need all 3 to filter in same time-

How can i make multiple lines to filter in one search?

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Compare String Of Words To Cell Content

Jan 31, 2008

I need to compare a list of keywords (stored in a string variable) with the content of a cell in order to see if any of the keywords do appear in the cell. I have to work with many such lists which can grow over time. What I'm doing is using InStr(cell with content, keyword) for each keyword. My goal is to have a macro which can automatically create the long formula from any list. My actual problem is that the formula I've build and stored acts more like a string. I'd like it to say either true or false. Anyway, here's a sample of what I came up with so far.

Sub build_formula()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, m(20) As Integer, n As Integer, z As Integer
Dim List As String, f(2) As String, s(20) As String, sp As String, Source As String
Dim Formula As Variant
List = "black, blue, green, red, yellow, white, z"
Source = Cells(3, 1).Value
z = InStr(1, List, "z")
i = 1
n = 1
i = InStr(i + 1, List, ",")
m(n) = i ..........................

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Compare DDE Linked Cell For Percentage Tolerance Of Last Value

Aug 6, 2008

I have a DDE linked cell that is constantly updating (cell A1), I want then to have a cell (cell B1) that changes only when cell A1 differs from value currently in B1 by a certain percentage, then check B1 for the same tolerance level against A1, and repeat. I can do this in a number of ways in VB, however when VB code is running causes the DDE link not to update and since the update is constant I cannot use selectionChange and Change VB Worksheet function result in the same error.

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Excel VBA - Compare Words / Inputs Without Case Sensitive?

Aug 25, 2013

I have an issue with case sensitive while creating forms in Excel VBA. When i compared the text "EXCEL" and "excel" it showing as both the words are not equal/same.

Is there any code to compare the words/inputs without case sensitive.

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How To Compare Percentage Difference Between Date Range Through Pivot Table

May 9, 2014

I would like to compare % difference between date range through pivot table

Date RangeProductAmt
1st weekABC1000
2nd WeekABC2000
3rd WeekABC1259
1st weekXYZ3000
2nd WeekXYZ4000
3rd WeekXYZ2500

How to plot a Pivot table to compare the % difference between 3rd Week Vs 2nd Week Vs 1 Week for each product through pivot table?

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Compare Matching Values

Nov 21, 2008

A formula that would compare any value in column 1 to any value in column 2 to see if they are a match for each other. If a match is detected it would be indicated in column 3:


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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Matching Row

Jul 23, 2013

I have two open workbooks, the first is called "Original Data.xls", the second "SIP.xls".The "Original Data" workbook contains a sheet called "Data" which has a list of information in the column range 'B:H', starting at row '4'.The "SIP" workbook contains a sheet called "Staff" which has a list of unique ID's in column B, starting at row 4.What I'd like to be able to do is compare the unique ID's in column 'B' of the "Data" sheet to that of the unique ID's in column B of the "Staff" sheet. NB.

There could be multiple records for the same unique ID in the "Data" sheet, but they will only occur once in the "Staff" sheet.If a match is found, I'd like to copy the row from the "Data" sheet and paste this to a sheet called "Matched", starting in B4, also contained in the "Original Data.xls" file.As each match is found I'd like to paste this into the next available line on the "Matched" sheet, and I would like, if at all possible, for the macro to continue checking for multiple entries until column 'B' in the "Data" sheet is blank.

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Compare Columns In Worksheet And Return Row Value For Matching ID

Jul 17, 2013

I have used the merge facility to incoporate all the worksheets into one excel files. As they all have same heading, I have sorted the data, first by their account expiry time (oldest to newest) and then by manager (A-Z)

For example, system report generated on 15/03/2013, 28/03/2013, 03/04/2013, 15/05/2013, 28/05/2013 and so on and these are sheet names too. What I want is one worksheet called report with the same heading as my merged worksheets and return values where Column C in 28/03/2013 is compared to 15/03/2013 and if the employee ID matches than return the whole row of data for the report.

the next query would then be for finding employee ID in 03/04/2013 and comparing it with 28/03/2013 worksheet and returning the matched ID in report worksheet.

This is the layout of the report worksheet.

Display NameEmployee IDAccount StatusE-mailDepartmentManagerComment
15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013
28/03/2013 to 03/04/2013
03/04/2013 to 15/05/2013
15/05/2013 to 28/05/2013

so for the above report worksheet, if employee id matches the two compared worksheet (15/03/2013 to 28/03/2013) return all value (Display name, employee id, account status, email, department, manager, comment) from the 28/03/2013 and so on.

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VBA Compare Two Columns And Copy Matching Data

Feb 18, 2014

I'm using the code below to compare columns on two sheets (1 column for each) and where there is a match, copy data from the 'Source' to 'Destination' sheet.

[Code] ...........

The code works fine, but I'd like to amend this, but I'm a little unsure about how to proceed.

The script currently compares column C on the 'Source' sheet with column D on the 'Destination' sheet and where a match is found copy column G from the 'Source' sheet and pastes this to column O on the 'Destination' sheet.

I'd still like to copy and paste the same columns, but I'd like to compare two columns from each sheet, so from the 'Source' sheet compare columns C and E to columns D and J on the 'Destination' sheet.

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Compare Two Email Lists And Output Non-matching

Nov 20, 2008

I am a newbie and need your expert help please.

I have two email lists. For example they are:

List 1:

List 2:

In list 1 the non-matching address is namely it is not common to both lists. I want to automatically go through the lists and output firstly a new list of the non-matches from column 1 and also a new list of the non-common items from list two.

So in this case the result would be that somewhere there is a new list from list 1 that has "" and secondly there is a new list from list 2 that has ""

Obvioulsy the real list is more complicated and longer but the principle will be the same.

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Compare Two Columns And Show Only Non Matching Values?

Jun 1, 2014

I would like to compare two different columns and show only non matching values that exist in Column B but not in Column A in the next cell.

If we assume that my data is:

Column A: Column B:


So, I would like to show these values in the next cell as follows:

Column A: Column B: Column C:A Z Z

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Macro To Compare Workbooks And Look For Matching Values

Dec 4, 2006

I want a macro to compare each value on workbook 1, Sheet "Destroyed", column "C" against each value on workbook 2, Sheet "ERT Master", column "B". For each instance where the value on workbook 1, matches a value on workbook 2, the row where the match is found on workbook 2 needs to be highlighted in yellow from columns A to H. This needs to be repeated for each value in column "C" of workbook 1.

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Compare Two Columns And Show Only Non Matching Values

Dec 25, 2008

Basically I have Two Columns.

Column A: Column B:

GN0001 DB0002
DB0002 DP0012
GE0025 GN0001
GR0026 GE0025
DR1235 GR0026
DP0012 DR1235

Column A is the master codes list for a unique product.

Now every time a product is sold, its unique code number is entered into column B.

What I want excel to do is compare Column A and Column B and show me only the codes that DO NOT match.

This way I know which items should be present in store when I do a physical stock check.

So the end result should be:

Column A: Column B: Column C:

GN0001 DB0002 GS0025
DB0002 DP0012 PC128
GE0025 GN0001
GR0026 GE0025
DR1235 GR0026
DP0012 DR1235

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Compare 2 Sheets & Copy Non Matching Data

Jan 8, 2008

Does anybody have a code snippet to search and compare 2 sheets.

I want to read the value in a cell on the first sheet, then search the entire second sheet for a match, if it does match then copy the value from certain cells on the second sheet to the row on the first.

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Compare 2 Columns Delete Rows With Matching Values

Feb 5, 2009

I've got two workbooks, Workbook1 with a list in column a and Workbook2 with a list in column F. I want to compare the cells in these columns and delete the entire row in Workbook2 if there is a match.

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Compare Two Columns & Copy Matching Rows To New Sheet

Feb 4, 2008

I need to track only certain tasks id's out of entire task id database. I have 1 column of data on sheet "A" that represents task id's I want to track. On sheet "B" I have multiple columns of data, the first column being the task id's. I need to compare the column on sheet A with the first column on sheet B. If there is a matching task id, I need to copy the entire row of data from sheet "B" on to a new sheet "C". If there is no matching task id on sheet "B", I would like to copy just the task id. Each week I would get a new set of data for sheet "B" (which can vary in length) and I need the ability add or subtract task id's on sheet "A" that need tracking. See the attached xls file for a piece of sample data.

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Percentage Of Cells That Start With X If Corresponding Cells Have Data

Mar 1, 2009

I need to calculate the percentage of cells in one column that have data in them compared to those that do not. This is easy enough to do by itself but here's where it gets tricky for me. I need this percentage calculated only when cells in a different column contain data.

Here's the specifics. All of the row and column references are exactly what I'm looking to have in my worksheet. If A5:A200 contain any value then I want to know the % of the cells in F5:F200 that have a value in them compared to the same number in F5:F200 that contain no value. I would like the answer to show up in B2.

Part of the issue is that cells A5:A200 already have a formula in them so I think that would count as a value. The one thing that might help is the fact that A5:A200 values that I'm looking for ALWAYS start with TN so that could be used as the search function. The reason why I need to base it on a value in A5:A200 is that the sheet is blank until I enter data in the rows. I can't have the blank rows below the last data that I've entered on the sheet count towards the percentage that I'm looking for.

Basically it's a sheet that I enter installations and service calls on. The information always has a TN# associated with it. Which through a formula is automatically populated in the same row in the A column. I track the installation or service call and when it's completed I enter a completion date in the F column in the same row.

I am trying to be able to keep track of the percentage of jobs completed (completion date entered in column F) compared to incomplete (cells in column F that have no completion date) but it has to only look at rows that actually have information entered in them which I think should be done by column A. column D5:D200 is where I enter the main information and there is no formula entered in the cells in column D so if it's easier to base it on that column then that's fine.

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Sum Up Cells Containing Certain Words

Jul 27, 2009

im currently wonderin if the SUMIF function can have a WHERE syntax?
because i want to add up cells which contain these:

1 VC-ON US 2
2 MC-ON US 5

in another separate cell, i want to retrieve the sum of numbers with the words ON US in column A. so the final result will be 7.

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Replace All The Times That These Words Appear In The Rest Of The Sheet With The Words In Column B

Sep 20, 2006

I have a column of words in Column A and I want to replace all the times that these words appear in the rest of the excel sheet with the words in Column B. If someone has already answered a similar problem link me to the thread because I can't find anything.

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Show Cells That Contain 2 Words

May 5, 2009

I have a list of names, some have first name and surname (in the same cell), and some just have first name.

Is there anything I can do to only show the cells that contain a first name and surname?

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Combining Words In Cells

Feb 13, 2009

I'm looking to take words which are originally in their own separate cells and "combining" the words all into one single cell.

Is there a function that will be able to do this for me?

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Seperating Words To Different Cells

Jun 23, 2009

I have hundreds of file names, and to cut a long explanation short, they are exported as a CSV file to excel. In order indentify the owner of the file I need to rename the file with a commar where you see the dash or the underscore in order to have the name appear in the next cell, as can be seen with Syma and Kevin below, so I can then sort the columns etc etc.

I know there is a formula that I can use to achieve this, ie have syma.pdf and kevinc.pdf in the next cell.

I think it works on identifying how many characters along the name and then send i to the next cell.

as you can see below, there is no set amount of characters to put into a formula.

Could I say, for example, if after dash /underscore put next word in next cell?

t5 mon a2 w6-syma-0003.pdft5 mon cst w2_dellwynneh.pdft5 mon a23 w3_MASUMS.pdft5 mon cmn201a w1- syma.pdft5 thurs wiabe w2_kevinc.pdft5 thurs wiabe2 w2_kevinc.pdf

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