Compare Data In Two Workbooks And Highlight Matches

Jan 28, 2008

Here is the scenario. I am running a business and each day I download my orders for the day. The information includes customer names and addresses. The customer name is for example in column E. We will call this "Book1".

I have a second workbook that I use to store bad customer information. i.e. customers that I do not wish to sell to. The information stored here is customer name and address e.g. column A - customer name, column B - 1st line of address etc. This will be "Book2".

I wish to programmatically be able to compare customer names in column E Book1 to the customer names stored in column A Book2. Any matches found should highlight the rows (i.e. orders) in Book1.

I have tried to make this clear as possible. I want to be able to do this as a macro hence programmatically so when I click a button this comparison/highlighting takes place.

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Compare Data In Two Workbooks And Highlight Matches

Jan 28, 2008

I am running a business and each day I download my orders for the day. The information includes customer names and addresses. The customer name is for example in column E. We will call this "Book1". I have a second workbook that I use to store bad customer information. i.e. customers that I do not wish to sell to. The information stored here is customer name and address e.g. column A - customer name, column B - 1st line of address etc. This will be "Book2".

I wish to programatically be able to compare customer names in column E Book1 to the customer names stored in column A Book2. Any matches found should highlight the rows (i.e. orders) in Book1. I have tried to make this clear as possible. I want to be able to do this as a macro hence programtically so when I click a button this comparision/highlighting takes place.

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Formula To Compare Data On 2 Workbooks And Highlight Changes On Third Worksheet

Dec 11, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with two worksheets (sheet 1 and 2). Sheet 1 has all the current employee data on it e.g. employee number, Forename, Surname, Address, Pay rate, etc. Sheet 2 was last month's employee data in the same format. I want to compare the two worksheets on worksheet 3 and highlight any changes or just put the changes on worksheet 3 (this would be better).

The problem is employees might be on different rows on each worksheet and some employees might not be on one spreadsheet due to staff leaving and starting.

Each staff member has a unique employee number to identify them. So I need a formula that matches the employee number and then looks in the cells in sheet 1 and 2 and if different puts the value in sheet 1 into the cell in sheet 3.

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Compare 2 Columns To Another Sheet & Highlight Matches

Dec 23, 2007

I have a workbook with two sheets imported from different sources. Sheet 1 is an AdHoc query from an Oracle 10g based program. Sheet 2 (PBIC 8 in my file) is a report generated from a property accountability program. The information from Sheet 2 is manually inputted into the Oracle program that generated Sheet 1.

I would like to have a macro that would compare the cell contents in columns "RegistrationNbr" (column S) and "SerialNbr" (column T) with the cell contents in Sheet 2 (PBIC 8). The match in Sheet 2 could be an identical match or part of a longer string. The matching cells in both sheets should be highlighted.

One thing to be considered is the column names in Sheet 1 will always be the same but the column letter designation may change base on the fields selected in the AdHoc query.

I didn't realize my file was too large and didn't upload.

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Compare Column In Different Workbooks & Return Corresponding Value Of Matches

Aug 7, 2008

I have two separate workbooks, each with a great deal of information, such as name, ssn, dates, statuses, etc. I would like to compare the SSN column for both workbooks, and when it finds a match (which there would be many) to copy the MOS cell from the same row to the other workbook. Here is my breakdown with names:

Workbook 1: Macros.xls
Workbook 2: MASS 162.xls
The SSN column is column C in both workbooks
When there is a match found between the SSN column in Macros.xls and the SSN column in MASS 162.xls, I need to copy the MOS cell (column E) from the MACROS.xls workbook to the MASS 162.xls workbook into the same row, but in column M, which is currently empty.

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Compare Cells In Different Workbooks & Highlight Differences

Dec 6, 2007

I am trying to find a way to compare the cells (example: D4:D12 to the same cell range in another workbook. If the value in D4 is less than D4 in workbook 2 highlight it red and if it is greater highlight it green. I also want a loop to go through the specified range. Of course, the scale of the worksheets is much greater.
Another issue I foresee, is that the workbook name that I am comparing to changes every week, so is there a way to handle this change easily?

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Search To Data Ranges And Highlight Matches

Nov 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a leave calendar for staff. I would like to paste in the staff members sick and annual leave dates.

I would then like a conditional format that would highlight the leave dates onto the calendar, so i can visually track attendance and check for any sick leave patterns. My calendar looks like below for each month, and although it shows just the date in excel, i have formatted it so its actually the full date (ie instead of 1 it is 1/7/2013, but just displaying 1)


Whilst i can easily track and input the public holidays (on an individual basis) i'm looking to highlight the whole calendar area, say cells (c5:i10) as the search area and then have the leave data as a whole search area (at2:at150)

Above is part A of my question. To further complicate it, if it can even be done. The leave data i get from my system only has the start date of the leave, in another column it has the end date, and in another column it has days absent, if we can do it so it adds the days after (total leave days) to highlight in the calendar that would be amazing, if not, i'll just amend the data to have every date of the leave listed

Leave Type Start Date End Date Days Taken

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Compare Data-set With List & Summarize Matches

Jul 16, 2009

1) Background Info

We are trying to summarise some data that has been exported from an ancient database into a poorly delimited csv file. My colleague has imported the csv file into Excel ( attached), and we are trying to work out what to do next.

The dataset contains approx 300 records - each record being called a "sample" and having a unique sample number. NB: I have had to attach a cut-down version with only 3 samples, due to file-size - but it will hopefully give an idea.

Each sample contains 2 types of information that we are interested in (and a lot of irrelevant data besides). The relevant bits are:
- predicted occurrence of various species (given as a percentage for each species)
- observed occurrence of various species (given as positive/negative for each species, where positive is indicated by an asterisk)

2) What We're Trying To Do

We are trying to compare this dataset with a master-list of 80 species names. For each species on the master-list, we want to:
a) check whether it has a "predicted occurrence" value in each of the 300 samples (and if so, record the value in a summary sheet)
b) check whether it was observed in each of the 300 samples (and if so, record this in the summary sheet)

3) The Problem

Unfortunately, the dataset has imported into Excel as a gigantic list: 48000 rows (including loads of blanks) and only 3 columns across. To find the relevant data, it's necessary to:

a) open the attached workbook, and go to the worksheet named "Data"

b) Scroll through the rows, looking for the string "RIVPA" in column A. This tells you where each new sample begins. (The sampleID is stored in the same row as this, in column C. It is mixed up with a load of text, which we will need to separate out at some point, but that's a secondary consideration at the moment.)

c) Scroll down further until you find the text string "Predi" in column A. This indicates the beginning of the data we're interested in, for each sample (i.e. for sample 1, I'm talking about row 58). Count down a further 2 blank rows, and then you find the data itself:
- Column A contains the observed occurrence (a positive result is indicated by an asterisk)
- Column B contains the predicted occurrence
- Column C contains the species name

My colleague was trying to build a summary table, in the worksheet named "Summary". He was using the LOOKUP function to extract the data, but because there are so many samples, it's beyond unwieldy. He asked me if I could write a macro do do the job, and this is where I'm stuck.

How could I set up a macro that can identify where one sample starts and finishes, and where the data is within each sample? What is the most sensible shape for such a macro? If I could get the overarching logic worked out, I could make a start on writing the individual bits of code, but at present I just can't figure out how to begin.

To make things more difficult, the samples are not all the same length, and do not all contain the same list of species as each other. (However, at least there should be no species in the samples that are not in the master-list). The first sample begins on row 5, the second sample begins on row 173, the third on row 340, and so on.

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Compare 2 Columns With Adjacent Data And Align Matches?

Jun 27, 2014

I have two sets of data from columns A:N (O is blank) & P:AC. Column A & P are account numbers. I want to compare columns A & P for exact matches, there will never be any duplicates in either of these columns by themselves. If there is a match I would like that entire row to align, if there is no match I would like a row to be inserted. I have attached a copy of a worksheet of what I am looking to have done.

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How To Compare The Data And Highlight

Jun 13, 2014

Please refer to attached sheet. i have 2 sets of data. I need to compare the data and highlight.

First compare each cell in column W with each cell column L.

If match is found then compare the corresponding cell in column U with the value in column N.


W1 matches with L1 and U1 matches with N1 so do not highlight.

W2 matches with L7 and U2 does not match with N7 and hence highlight.

If value is different then highlight the cell in column U.

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VBA - Compare 2 Columns Highlight Data Not Common To Both

May 9, 2014

Looking for some code to do a simple compare column A to Column B (row 1 contains headings) and highlight any differences.

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Compare Data With Different Workbooks

Oct 11, 2008

i had received a new project. i want to compare the data among 2 different workbooks. there are book1 and book2 which i attach at here. if there are 1 cells is different with both workbooks, then the whole row will copy and paste to a new workbook "output.xls".

i also attach the "output.xls" at here.

the background color i highlighted which data is different, just for easy to view. so can ignore the color.

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Filter Or Highlight Changed Data Between Two Workbooks

Dec 11, 2007

I have two workbooks containing data, the second workbook being an update of the first. I am looking for a way to filter or highlight the data that has changed from the old book to the new. The rows of data have unique IDs that can be matched up between the workbooks but what I need to know is if any other data has changed on that row. Ideally I would like the spreadsheet to then set a filter to only show the changed row(s) but a simple highlight with colour of the changed cell(s) would suffice.

A complicating factor is that multiple rows of data can be contained under one unique identifier. I don't know if this makes the whole idea implausible but any suggestions or pointers in the right direction. I have attached a workbook with example data if my description above is unclear.

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Compare Data Between 2 Columns And Highlight Duplicates Using 2007

Aug 6, 2008

searching between 2 columns (A:B) and finding duplicate emails using some type of formatting that will highlight duplicate emails?

For example?

I am using MS Excel 2007 and not very experienced, but this is for a marketing golf tournament my company is hosting.

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Compare Cell Data Between Two Workbooks

Jul 7, 2009

I am modifiying a macro I once used to compare cell data from a worksheet to a worksheet in the same workbook. But I am having trouble getting it to work bewtween two workbooks.

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Compare Workbooks And Extract Data

Jul 3, 2007

I have 2 workbooks containg about 600 names and the serial number of the computer they are using. One I keep so I know who has what machine. The other is created automatically by a service we subscribe to.
This workbook is loaded with errors. Machine costs being charged to the wrong people.

They both contain last name, first name and serial number. Although not in the same columns. With formulas, I have been able to take the serial number from the service.xls and find that serial number in the inventory.xls.

The ultimate goal is this:
Take serial number from service.xls and compare it to inventoryxls.
If it exist, put the first and last name of the user from inventory.xls onto the service.xls sheet.
If it does not exist, then put "does not exist"

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Compare Data From 3 Workbooks Against 2 Files

Feb 15, 2010

For the past several days I have been attempting to write a macro, which in theory would check the values within a one- sheet workbook (we’ll call it run_list.xls) against the values in two different workbooks (we’ll call these production.xls, development.xls). However after several days I am nowhere closer to solving this problem then I was when I started. I’ve tried different scripts and variations of vlookup, but I have been unsuccessful in tailoring what I have found to meet my needs. So I feel it is time to lie down and scream for a medic.

Here’s some background on the workbooks. The sheets in all three workbooks are set up in the same manner. Cell “A1” contains time/ date, cell “A2” contains a lot#, cells “A3:A99” contain positioning data, and cells “B3:B99” contain serial numbers associated with tubes in the specific positions. The only differences between the workbooks are the sheets in production.xls and development.xls are labeled according to their specific lot number.

What I have been trying to do is to take a value from cell "B3"in run_list.xls and find where that value occurs in column B either of workbooks. When that value was found I wanted to copy cell "A2" from its sheet and paste that value in cell "D3" of run_list.xls. I had also wanted to repeat that those steps for every cell in column B containing a serial #. If a serial number was not found I wanted it to report “Not Found”. There are also times when instead of a serial number a phrase “No Trakmate” is listed. In these cases I had intended to skip these lines.

Also, since production.xls, development.xls are updated frequently their names are also updated with new version numbers ie. Production_v10.xls I had intended to allow the user to choose what files to search in but was unable to figure out how to add a second location.

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Compare And Merge Data From Two Different Workbooks

Apr 4, 2007

I'm sure that there is an excel function that can do this but darned if I can figure out which one it is. This is what I would like to do: I have two different workbooks. Each workbook has one worksheet that has two columns of data. The first column is a part number and the second column is a price. The first workbook holds my master data. Starting at the first column of the first row on the second workbook I wish to compare the part number held in that cell with the part numbers held in the first column of the first workbook. If there is a match then I want to take the associated price from the second workbook and place it in a cell to the right of the corresponding part number in the first book - actually in the first open cell in the third column. I wish to do this automatically via macro, or otherwise, for all part numbers in the second workbook. The macro will also need to recognize that some part numbers in the second workbook may not appear in the first workbook in which case that part number is skipped.

The end product is my first workbook that has been transformed from two columns of data to three columns of data - one part number and two price points although not all part numbers will have the two price points. If it helps I can copy the data in the second workbook and paste it in to a second worksheet in the first workbook and do all the work in the one workbook.

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Compare Two Workbooks And Copy Unmatched Data

May 15, 2007

I have two workbooks: one is a daily workbook that will be used to keep track of work accomplished, the other is a weekly report that is generated by head office.

What I need to do each week when the head office report is generated is to match up the Project ID's (they are the constant in each workbook) from the daily workbook with the weekly one. If there are Project ID's that are new, the corresponding information would then be copied over to the daily workbook.

I am working on the copy command but I'm just not sure how to go about setting up the search to match Project ID's.

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Compare Workbooks To Include Missing Data

Jul 1, 2008

I have 2 worksheets that need to be merged. More specifically, I have one 'master' XLS file with some columns included in it that are missing from a second XLS file. I need to merge the new columns (with column titles in row 5) into the second 'auxilary' sheet without touching data above row 5.

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Compare Data In 2 Workbooks And List Missing Data

Mar 13, 2007

I have data in 2 workbooks. Book1 - Sheet1 - Col A and Book2 - Sheet2 - Col A. I want to compare Book2 with Book1 and list all values in Book2 that do not find a match in Book1. I want to run a macro for this

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Compare Two Ranges In Different Workbooks And Copy Data To A 3rd Workbook

Jul 30, 2004

I have two spreadsheets in different workbooks ( workbook 1: sheet 1 and workbook2: sheet1), here i need to compare column 5 in Book1 and Column 5 for all cells, say X is the value we are looking for..

X occurs once in book1 and might occur more than once in if a match occurs ( that is once the code checks that there is X occuring in both books in columns 5) it should copy all rows in book 2 where X occurs to a new workbook 3 in sheet 1 and also it shoud copy entire row data where X occurs in book 1 sheet 1 . But this data from book 1 has to be copied at the end of row after the data from book 2 has been copied.

if X occurs 4 times in book 2 , then 4 rows have to be copied in book 3 and then data from Book 1 where X occurs only once is copied 4 times at the end of the data from book 2.

this process has to repeated for all cells in columns 5 in book1 and column 5 in book2 .

Sub Find_Matches()

Dim M, N As Range, x As Variant, y As Variant
Dim NewRange As Range

‘ To get the book1 location

MsgBox " Selec the Location of N File"

Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show arg1:=""


Sheets("sheetA").Select .......................

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If Data From 1 Cell Matches Specific Data Of Another Cell Then OK If Not Highlight In Red

Oct 22, 2012

I have been wracking my brain around how to put this formula together.

Is it possible or it can't do more then 1 cell at a time?

Here is an example:

If F1= button request and E1= Scoring then OK (take no action) also i want to add that Folder in F and Corrupt in E would = OK

If it doesn't match to highlight the cell in red

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Color/Highlight Cells Value That Matches Another

Sep 3, 2006


On sheet "Inventory List" is the value there is a value in cell A2. If that value is found in sheet "FHS Locker List" I would like the box highlighted. (I can do the highlighting) I would like to copy the formula down for cells A2-A900. It would be looking in cells K3-K900 in the "FHS Locker List" sheet.

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Highlight / Remove If Cell In A B C Matches Cells In D E F

Mar 19, 2014

I'm attempting to highlight or remove cells if the 3 cells contained in column A, B, C match three cells in D, E, F.

Image 1


So for the cells contained in A, B, C row 2 to get highlighted/removed, they have to be a perfect match to the corresponding cells in D, E, F row 1.

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Compare & Bold Matches

Feb 16, 2008

2 worksheets,
Sheet 1 columns A&B are the same as sheet 2 A&B.

Sheet 1 is my master list (customer name = column A and carrier name = column B)

Sheet 2 (customer name = column A and carrier name = column B)

Sheet 2 is where data gets dumped so I need to change font to bold when I click a check box on sheet 1 (master list) on Column C

Check box is on column C and column C will have more then one check box.

When I click check box on C I need date to populate on column D
(But when I re-open my workbook I don't want dates to change on me using the system date)

My objective is to select customer carriers on my master list sheet 1 and update date and change font to bold on sheet 2 so I can avoid or skip that customer carrier.

Hope this is not too much for my first post.

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Compare & Extract Corresponding Matches

Aug 7, 2008

I want to compare cell a to range c and extract comparing cell b to cell D. I might have explained it back words but see attached.

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Compare Columns; Remove Matches

Aug 13, 2009

I've been searching for a method to compare two large columns of numbers and remove replicates from the "main" column. Column A has all the numbers that are in column B and many more. I want to remove all the numbers from column A that are in column B. The result being two columns with no matching numbers. (or a third column that has only the numbers from 'A' that are not in 'B').

My search results on this forum have found results that compare rows for matches & can make deletions; and also one method that could mark all the entries that were duplicates in both columns, but nothing to remove them. The datasets I am using have over 400k entries in some columns, so manual removal of marked ones is not feasible. I need an automatic deletion method.

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Compare FOUR Worksheets And Extract Matches?

Nov 4, 2013

I have a Workbook containing four different Worksheets, each of which contains a different number of columns:

"Set A" = 18 Columns
"Set B" = 47 Columns
"Set C" = 47 Columns
"Set D" = 11 Columns

Each Worksheet contains a different number of rows, approx 4,000.

Column A for each of the above Worksheets is, however, the same and contains an alphanumeric string called "Accession ID".

I have been tasked with extracting the entire row of data for each "Accession ID" which appears on at least 2 Worksheets, and then compile them in a new "Summary" Worksheet.

So, for example, if one of the Accession IDs was "ABC123" and it appeared on all four of the Worksheets; the Summary Worksheet would contain the 18 Columns from the row on which "ABC123" appeared in "Set A", the 47 Columns from the row on which "ABC123" appeared in "Set B", the 47 Columns from "Set C" and the 11 from "Set D" all on different rows.

I tried toying with VLOOKUPs etc, but given there are four Worksheets, and in order to qualify the Accession ID must only appear on a minimum of two Worksheets - it quickly become a mess.

Is there any way of being able to do this as a macro perhaps?

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Compare 2 Columns For Close Matches

Jul 3, 2007

I want to compare two columns (from two different files, but copied into a new sheet) for duplicates or identical entries. But here's the trick, each entry contains atleast a number of digits. I'm not quite sure how to find items that may be 80% identical (in the right order, but might be messing a digit, or there is a dash or a 'o' instead of a '0'). I know how to do it in C++ or Java, but not quite sure how to do it in VBA/macro. Here's an example of what I meant. Let's say column one has the following:


and second column has

If I was comparing second column to first column, it can pick up the 9393-O0 one because it's close enough to 939300.

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