Compare Data Between 2 Columns And Highlight Duplicates Using 2007
Aug 6, 2008
searching between 2 columns (A:B) and finding duplicate emails using some type of formatting that will highlight duplicate emails?
For example?
I am using MS Excel 2007 and not very experienced, but this is for a marketing golf tournament my company is hosting.
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May 9, 2014
Looking for some code to do a simple compare column A to Column B (row 1 contains headings) and highlight any differences.
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Jul 3, 2007
I receive a daily spreadsheet which contains (amongst other information) a column of postcodes. I'd like to run a macro which compares these postcodes with a list of other postcodes, and then to colour highlight each instance of that post code in the daily spreadhseet.
I have been able to find and modify a macro but that searches for one post code at a time and then adds a comments box to the cell.
Instead of copying that piece of code and editing it for the several hundred post codes I need to "look up" against, I'd like to know how to create a list of post codes in the macro, so that the macro searches the first post code in the lookup list, finds and highlights each cell instance, then moves onto the next post code in the lookup list, until the end of the lookup list. I would like this as the editing of the lookup list would be much easier than editing paragraphs of code.
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Jun 5, 2013
I have two lists that I need to compare and remove duplicates but the two list are not identical, ie. one list has four columns and the other one only has two columns.(Using Excel 2007)
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Feb 21, 2009
what I'm after is a macro to check the contents of Column 'A' against column 'B' and display any duplicates in Columns 'C' & 'D'.
N.B. The headings of Columns C & D are :-
C = Value Found in Column A
D = Value Found in Column B
Any duplicate entries logged in columns C & D should be listed in C2,C3,C4....C20 and D2,D3,D4......D20 etc (in effect creating two new lists)
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Jun 9, 2014
I'm running a football competition for my business where customers are required to guess World Cup football scores via Facebook. I'm storing all their entries in a spreadsheet.
In the spreadsheet column a is their name, b is the match (e.g. England v Italy), c is the home tame (England), d is the score (1-1), e is the away team (Italy)
Across from, that I have the actual fixtures taking place at the World Cup. So column I is the date, K is the home team (England), L is the actual score (2-0) and M is the away team (Italy)
What I need is a formula that when I enter the result on a game into the right set of columns (Columns I:M) it will highlight those Columns (Columns C:E) that have entered that correct score.
It needs to compare 3 columns and not just one because for example if it highlights the score (1:1 for example) it could be highlighting someone who picked Spain v Holland 1:1 where the correct result would be someone who picked England v Italy 1:1.
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Oct 28, 2006
I have a column of information, and I want to find out of there are duplicates in it without alphabetizing it. Where there is a duplicate (say E2=E5), I want to check the adjoining column to see if the value of those fields are duplicates as well (does F2=F5). So, what formula would I put in D2 to see if the value of E2 has an equal anywhere in column E, and if any duplicates are found (say E10,E33, and E43), to check if F10,F33 and F43 equal F2 (the value adjoining the cell that was searched for).
to find duplicate entries in a database by using people's last names (in column E) and birthdays (in column F). Odds are if they have the same DOB and the same last name, we've found a duplicate.
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Aug 28, 2007
I need to find a way to highlight duplicate records within a list. The records would first need to be compared by (1) the month (found in column A), (2) the account number (found in column B) and then (3) the commission type (found in column D).
I do not need the duplicates deleted just highlighted or better yet maybe have them identified as "Duplicates" in an empty column (such as column H).
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Mar 22, 2006
I have two columns of data. Each row cell is 27 characters long. I want to
find any duplicate matches between the two columns on just the 1st 9
characters of each cell. Is there a function that can do this?
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Oct 8, 2011
I am trying to tell the spreadsheet that if column G *and* column V are both identical to another row's column G and V, then the entire row is a duplicate and to highlight and delete it. I also want to record a macro of this process to apply to all spreadsheets.
Here are the tutorials I am looking at, but whatever I am doing is not working the way it is working for them.
Conditional Formatting, find duplicates with multiple columns [URL]...
I am highlighting cell A2, and under Conditional Formatting, I select "Formula Is" =SUM(COUNTIF($G:$G,G2),COUNTIF($V:$V,G2))>1
Then I select the format as light orange text, but it is only highlighting A2....
That is as far as I have gotten, and I still do not know how to go about deleting the duplicate entries. I have also read there are issues with recording a macro when trying to find duplicates using more than one column in the formula, but I have not gotten that far so I can't test it.
As is likely evident in my formula and process, I am not very experienced with Excel.
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Oct 7, 2009
I have column A that is 1,500 records.
I have column B with 40,000 records.
Among the 40,000 records in column B, duplicates of ALL 1,500 records from column A exist.
My question is: How do I find WHERE the 1,500 dupes are and how can I delete JUST those records?
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Jul 10, 2013
So here I have two columns Column 1 with repetitive values of some 10000 records Column 2 with unique values of 100 records I want to compare Column 1 and Column 2, identify the values in Column 1 that match with Column 2 and highlight them. Conditional formatting for duplicate values doesnt work because Column 1 has repetitive values.
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Nov 14, 2013
Columns A, B, and C have data (first name, last name, state) - 125k rows. Columns F, G, and H have data (first name, last name, state) - 5k rows. Some of these individuals are bound to appear on both lists, and I need to know which ones are indeed on both lists. So in other words, let's say I've got "John" "Doe" "TX" in cells F1, G1, and H1, respectively. I want to search through columns A, B, and C to find out if there are any instances in those columns of "John" "Doe" "TX" in the same row.
I'm thinking there will be multiple VLOOKUP formulas involved, but I could be way off.
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Dec 23, 2007
I have a workbook with two sheets imported from different sources. Sheet 1 is an AdHoc query from an Oracle 10g based program. Sheet 2 (PBIC 8 in my file) is a report generated from a property accountability program. The information from Sheet 2 is manually inputted into the Oracle program that generated Sheet 1.
I would like to have a macro that would compare the cell contents in columns "RegistrationNbr" (column S) and "SerialNbr" (column T) with the cell contents in Sheet 2 (PBIC 8). The match in Sheet 2 could be an identical match or part of a longer string. The matching cells in both sheets should be highlighted.
One thing to be considered is the column names in Sheet 1 will always be the same but the column letter designation may change base on the fields selected in the AdHoc query.
I didn't realize my file was too large and didn't upload.
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Mar 17, 2014
Trying to compare a list of names in 2 columns. Column A has a short list of names I'm looking for in the long list of Column B.
How can you create the macro that does...
If any value in Column A matches any value in Column B
Then format (bold, highlight, etc...)
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Oct 2, 2009
I have just looked through most of the postings I could find on the board regarding VBA to identify duplicates. Virtually all of these use the entire column when checking for duplicates.
I am after code which will identify duplicates in column A within a contiguous range of data.
For example there is a heading in column B and below this photo details will be entered and in the next column the photo number is entered.
Finally a number (for sorting) is entered in column A. The photos will be numbered 1 to whatever. So I need code which will highlight duplicates in that contiguous range of data.
Then there is one or two blank rows before another batch of photo details are entered. This means the same sorting numbers are used and are separated by a blank row or rows.
******** ******************** src="<CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=center>Microsoft Excel - DUPLICATES - Many Macros.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA29=ABCD29 PN3215 301SOUTHERN APPROACH9107 313NORTHERN APPROACH9105 322GENERAL UNDERSIDE OF WESTERN STONE ARCH9111 331WESTERN ELEVATION9104 343GENERAL UNDERSIDE9110 35 36 PN7583 371SOUTHERN APPROACH9111 382NORTHERN APPROACH9112 391GENERAL UNDERSIDE9113 Sheet 9 [HtmlMaker 2.41] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
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Jun 13, 2014
Please refer to attached sheet. i have 2 sets of data. I need to compare the data and highlight.
First compare each cell in column W with each cell column L.
If match is found then compare the corresponding cell in column U with the value in column N.
W1 matches with L1 and U1 matches with N1 so do not highlight.
W2 matches with L7 and U2 does not match with N7 and hence highlight.
If value is different then highlight the cell in column U.
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Jan 28, 2008
Here is the scenario. I am running a business and each day I download my orders for the day. The information includes customer names and addresses. The customer name is for example in column E. We will call this "Book1".
I have a second workbook that I use to store bad customer information. i.e. customers that I do not wish to sell to. The information stored here is customer name and address e.g. column A - customer name, column B - 1st line of address etc. This will be "Book2".
I wish to programmatically be able to compare customer names in column E Book1 to the customer names stored in column A Book2. Any matches found should highlight the rows (i.e. orders) in Book1.
I have tried to make this clear as possible. I want to be able to do this as a macro hence programmatically so when I click a button this comparison/highlighting takes place.
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Jan 28, 2008
I am running a business and each day I download my orders for the day. The information includes customer names and addresses. The customer name is for example in column E. We will call this "Book1". I have a second workbook that I use to store bad customer information. i.e. customers that I do not wish to sell to. The information stored here is customer name and address e.g. column A - customer name, column B - 1st line of address etc. This will be "Book2".
I wish to programatically be able to compare customer names in column E Book1 to the customer names stored in column A Book2. Any matches found should highlight the rows (i.e. orders) in Book1. I have tried to make this clear as possible. I want to be able to do this as a macro hence programtically so when I click a button this comparision/highlighting takes place.
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Dec 11, 2013
I have a spreadsheet with two worksheets (sheet 1 and 2). Sheet 1 has all the current employee data on it e.g. employee number, Forename, Surname, Address, Pay rate, etc. Sheet 2 was last month's employee data in the same format. I want to compare the two worksheets on worksheet 3 and highlight any changes or just put the changes on worksheet 3 (this would be better).
The problem is employees might be on different rows on each worksheet and some employees might not be on one spreadsheet due to staff leaving and starting.
Each staff member has a unique employee number to identify them. So I need a formula that matches the employee number and then looks in the cells in sheet 1 and 2 and if different puts the value in sheet 1 into the cell in sheet 3.
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Nov 7, 2008
Is it possible to compare two columns side by side to highlight/change color of difference between the two cells
I need to compare and show the changes to the record from previous version and generate a report which will highlight the changes (Rather than just saying that record has changed It should tell what has changed)
For example if the
Column 1 (Previous Version) :The structure contains Wire, Bolt, Stmaps etc
Column 2 (Current Version) : The structure contains Wire, Bolt, Stamps etc
Data Changed: YES
In report is should show two columns side by side and in Column 2 it should highlight "Stamps"
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Jul 10, 2009
I have a worksheet with 20+ columns. For this macro, I only need to focus on 4 of them. However, none of these columns are ever in a fixed position so the macro would need to find them by name and NOT by column position. Here they are...
1. Vacation Type (will only have a text value of either "Cold" or "Warm")
2. Vacation Started (will always have a date *x/xx/xxxx)
3. Vacation Ended (sometimes it will have a date '*x/xx/xxxx' and sometimes it will NOT have a date and will be truly blank)
4. Number of Days (currently has ALL truly blank cells)
Here's what I would like the macro to do...
Scenario 1 - for "Cold" values Find "Cold" text values in the "Vacation Type" column
"Cold" values WITH a date in the "Vacation Ended" columnIF there IS a date in the "Vacation Ended" column in the same row, put the number of days difference between the "Vacation Started" column and "Vacation Ended" column in the "Number of Days" column.
The amount of days in the "Number of Days" column will determine whether these cells should be highlighted GREY or RED.
Scenario 1-AIF the number of days difference is 7 days or less, highlight the cells in the "Vacation Ended" column and "Number of Days" column RED.
Scenario 1-BIF the number of days difference is MORE than 7 days, highlight the cells in the "Vacation Ended" column and "Number of Days" column GREY..................................
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Jan 24, 2014
What I'm tying to achive is to compare data on two worksheets called "Old" and "New" and to populate the difference on another worksheet called "Diff" see attached file where I have manually added the differences onto the "Diff" tab.
Is it possible via VBA or Vlookups to achive this
N.B. Excel version 2007
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Dec 26, 2012
I would like to use the sumproduct or countif formula for a set of data. I have looked around the forum and have not found what I need so
Column A______Column B
South__________ 1
I want to count column B for all "West" (column A) and I don't want duplicates. So it would count two unique characters for West and two unique characters for South. I want "west" and "south" separated.
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Jun 18, 2014
I have four columns of data (in column B) across 4 worksheets within the same workbook. The rows in this columns contain text. In some cases the text in various rows of each columns are identical, and in other cases they are unique. There is a percentage in column C for each text in column B.
What I'm trying to do is as follows:
Create a consolidated list of all four columns into a single column (say column A in a separate sheet). Therefore, each row in this consolidated column will have a unique text based value.
Have the percentage value for each unique text based entry in column B of the separate sheet. if the text based contents in the column A row is one of those that had the same entry in the original four columns, then the average of the percentages will appear in column B.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have column A with 228 rows and column D with 314 rows. Both columns have the same data except that D has different data. I would like to line up everything that is the same in A and D and everything else in column D that is not the same move to G. Is there a quick way to do this?
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Jul 10, 2008
i want to compare data between 4 columns, 2 columns of data is in Sheet 1 and 2 columns of data is in sheet2. Data starts at A5 in both worksheets. Data consists of stock codes and there holdings. Sheet 1 data is real data the primary source, sheet 2 data is a bit of real data and incorrect data.
My data in sheet 1 is layed out as below, this is just a sample, real data has around 1500 stock codes and holdings.
Starting at A5
Col A (Stock) Col B (Holdings)
5 aap 10500
6 aax 10987
7 aas 76544
Sheet 2 data is layed out as above but holdings may differ, so
Col A(Stock) Col B (Holdings)
5 aap 10500
6 aax 10300
7 aas 76534
I need a formula which will tell me which stocks holdings have changed in sheet 2 compared to sheet1.
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm working with Excel 2007, I have two tabs on my spreadsheet, each tab contains a column of numbers formatted like 5552220. Is there a way to run a macro or write a formula that would compare the data between the two columns and either automatically delete the numbers that don't have a match or highlight them? For example:
Tab A Tab B
5551112 5551112
6660001 6660001
1234567 1234567
2222222 2222222
6666445 needs to be deleted in tab B because it's not present in tab A. There could be up to 100 numbers that require deletion from tab B.
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Oct 10, 2006
I have 2 columns say A and B (infinite number of rows)
A is an Indexed number starting at 1
B is numerical data.
I now have a second set of the same columns with the same data, however some rows are missing. I need a way of comparing the data and then display the rows I am missing in the second set of columns.
For example the first set will be the master list and look like:
Index Data
1 34
2 46
3 54
4 276
5 311
6 89
Second list has row 2 and row 5 missing.
Index Data
1 34
3 54
4 276
6 89
The desired result is to have the missing rows displayed;
Index Data
2 46
5 311
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Apr 4, 2013
This is a very SMALL sample of the data I need to sort through. We have been using filters but the data is growning and becoming far too time consuming using the filter method.
The output I am looking to achieve is something like this, (any format is fine; whether in rows or columns)
(2) CAT I (display how many CAT I for SVR1)
CAT I: 2011-B-44
CAT I: ST-5546
(2) CAT II (display how many CAT II for SVR1)
CAT II: 2011-B-52
CAT II: 2011-A-21
(1) CAT I
CAT I: 2012-E-55
(1) CAT II
CAT II: 2011-A-21
COLUMN A, varies from SVR1-SVR1400 (cointains duplicates)
COLUMN B, IP matches SVR name (contains duplicates)
COLUMN C, will be either CAT I, CAT II, CATIII
COLUMN D, will contain duplicates
I have some history of using formulas and nested formulas but this one is really throwing me for a loop. It feels like Inception to me and I'm not really sure where to start!
[Code] .....
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