Compare And Search Columns For Text?

Apr 14, 2009

I recently posted a similar thread which was very well supported but I couldn’t get a solution because my requirements were not clear enough. I would like to try again with a slightly easier and clearer requirement.

I would like a spreadsheet that compares and searches columns for text and returns true if a duplicate is found.

It is similar to a lottery checker except the lines being checked could be a string instead of a single character.

I have attached a spreadsheet which helps explain what I’m trying to achieve.

Basically, a user can sequentially enter a single character to cells F1:F5. These values are then compared to columns A:C. If one of the columns contain the values in column F then return true to G1.

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Search Compare Text In Two Cells

May 25, 2007

I have one sheet and i want to compare the first word in the column "D". If the first word of D2, is the same than the first word of D3, i want to copy to another sheet and after the copy, insert 2 blank rows... if it's different, i want to copy and insert 3 blank rows

Maybe it's better to attach the file. In the first sheet, you'll see a little part of the real sheet, and the second sheet is the example of what results i want to obtain with code...

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Compare Text Strings In Two Columns And Return Text From Adjacent Cell

Feb 28, 2013

how to Chk the text string in particular cell, compare it with a super set column and get the full from of the text string from another corresponsing column and the output will be corresponsing full form of the chked text string?

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Compare Text In 2 Different Columns

May 5, 2006

I am trying to find out what formula I would need to use in order to have two columns compared. If the two columns have the same information I want the information from column 3 to be place in another particular cell.

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Compare Two Columns, Text To Date

Jun 18, 2009

I have two columns, salesman and date. This workbook tracks quotes by salesman. I need to know how many quotes for each salesman by the month. So what I need to know is how quotes salesman 'a' had in January and February and so on. I have several worksheets in this workbook that are all formatted the same.

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Macro To Compare The Columns Text

Apr 1, 2009

macro to compare 4 columns of text (first and last names) then add a checkmark in separate columns if they match and don't match?
For example I have this kind of data to compare and the results required:

Sheet 1
Last Name First Name
Smith Mike
Johnson Bruce
Hendrick Fred
Shaffer Kerry

Sheet 2
Last Name First Name Match No Match
Klee Pierre X
Verge Kerry X
Smith Mike X
Wright David X
Hendrick Fred X

I need the macro to mark an X in the Match column if the first and last names match only and if they do not match exactly a X in the No Match column.

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Hide Rows Based On Text Search In Three Columns?

Mar 22, 2013

I am working on a time management sheet for my company. I need to be able to click a button and have the file search 3 columns for a persons initials and then hide all the rows where the initials are not in at least one of the three columns. I seem to have no problem getting it to work for one column at a time, but as soon as I try to search more than one it all falls apart.

I will also need to create an unhide all button to reset the sheet after the macro has been run.

I have attached a sample of the sheet below. Each project needs to have 3 rows to show the schedule and budget broken down by each team member.

Project Number


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Compare 2 Columns For Numbers In Mixed Text & Numbers

May 3, 2006

I need to compare two colums by number decription for example m344 in one column and fsh344-1 in another. All I want to match is 344. In column a I want to indcate the match by placing an X by each match. View my attachment for reference. I don't know if it makes a difference but the columns are centered in my original spreadsheet.

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Counting Formula (compare Values In 2 Separate Columns To See How Many Times The Same Value Appears In Both Columns)

Oct 13, 2008

I'm trying to compare values in 2 separate columns to see how many times the same value appears in both columns. Ideally I would be able to insert a range function to compare the values in the column "ID 1" against the values in column "ID 2" and return the count of times that a value appears in both columns. For example 2122, 1112 and 1718 appear in both columns and I would like the formula to return a count of 3.

ID 1ID 2

In my actual project I'm comparing 2 columns in the same worksheet. The column are column B with data in cells B2:B10266 against column C with data in cells C2:C18560.

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Compare And Search Data Between 2 Sheets?

Apr 25, 2014

designing a macro, which can compare the sheet1 and sheet2 data (exclude E and G columns) and find duplicates rows of data in sheet1 and sheet2. The output after the macro, would be show duplicates found in sheet1 and sheet2, through highlighting the rows.

attached file for the sample data:


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Macro To Compare Columns A & B And Dispaly Any Duplicates In Columns C & D

Feb 21, 2009

what I'm after is a macro to check the contents of Column 'A' against column 'B' and display any duplicates in Columns 'C' & 'D'.

N.B. The headings of Columns C & D are :-

C = Value Found in Column A

D = Value Found in Column B

Any duplicate entries logged in columns C & D should be listed in C2,C3,C4....C20 and D2,D3,D4......D20 etc (in effect creating two new lists)

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Search And Compare Cell Values In Different Spreadsheets

Feb 22, 2007

I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare.

Each product has a code and a product name in the following format:
Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for



Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000
products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go
down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from
Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a
search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that
the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in
Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is
something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that
dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate
worksheet so that someone can check it later.

I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site

Dim rng1 as Range, i as Long
Dim cell as Range
With worksheet("Sheet1")
set rng1 = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(1,1).End(xldown))
End With

i = 0
for each cell in rng1

if cell.Value worksheets("Sheet2") .Range("A1").Offset(i,0).Value
' do what - they don't match
' do what - they match
End if
i = i + 1

I´ve been trying to make some changes but I dont quite know how to get this working to do what I want and I only get errors.

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Search And Compare Cell Values In 2 Different Spreadsheets

Feb 22, 2007

I have two worksheets with products that I need to compare. Each product has a code and a product name in the following format: Column A has the product code and column D the product name,for

ColumnA :


Both sheets *should* have the same data in them but there are 4000 products that need to have their description verified.So I need to go down each row on Sheet1 , extract the product code from Sheet1.ColumnA and the product name from Sheet1.ColumnD. Then do a search on Sheet2 for the product code (Sheet2.ColumnA) and verify that the product description on sheet2 (Sheet2.ColumnD) is the same as in Sheet1.ColumnD. If it matches,everything is OK. If not there is something wrong. So I´m thinking that maybe the product codes that dont have matching descriptions could be entered in to a separate worksheet so that someone can check it later.

I´ve been reading around and found these code samples from this site ...

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Search Compare And Retrieve Date For A Specific Item

Mar 15, 2008

I am trying to make a summary from a table showing the newest value available for a set of items(1,2,3,4), this is according to an investigation date the summary table shoul display only the values for the investigation date, but if there are no values for the investigation date, them should take the previous recent date from the investigation date, and if there is not value at all, then shown N/A

I am attaching the excel sheet for a better ilustration of the problem
I tryed a combination of formulas that I tooked from other threads but is not working properly.

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Search And Compare" Function For A Row That Contains Two Specific Values

Dec 15, 2006

I'm looking for a function (or combination of functions) that will essentially search for a row that contains two specific values (in two different cells), then grabs a value from another cell in the same row to use in a calculation.

I don't know... that probably doesn't make any sense, and maybe there's no way to get it done. If so, it would save me hours. Couldn't see a way to attch an example file to my post, otherwise I could probably describe it a bit clearer.

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Search Columns Of Worksheets / If The Columns Contain Data Then Form A List On Another Worksheet

Apr 17, 2013

I have a workbook that has worksheeets for every day of the month. The data in the worksheet consists of columns (employee #, name, clock in/out times, and break penalty).

What I am trying to do is create another worksheet that searches all the other worksheets for a "yes" in the "break penalty" column and then create a list of all the employees that received a break penalty for the entire month. I would like this to be able to auto populate throughout the month as data is entered and not have to use a filter every time I want to compile this list.

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Excel Text Search Through Different Types Of Text And Action Based On Text

Oct 14, 2008

1. Search an excel sheet "column" for a particular type of text and insert values based on that text (if found) in another column.

e.g I have column A1 to A10 with different types of text. I would like to search for the keyword "Risk is high" OR "Risk=High" for each cell in the column and insert a "1" if found beside it's corresponding "B" column. If not found, I would like to insert a "0".

So, if the text "Risk is high" OR "Risk=High" was only found in A6, I would like B6 to be "1". Rest of the values in the B column would be "0's", since the text was not found in any of the other cells.

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Compare Cell Text To Set List And Show Text Differences

Dec 5, 2009

I am trying to write a function that will compare the text of cell "A2" to the text of cell "B2" and display cell "A2"'s text characters that didnt match from cell "B2" in column C. Can anyone help me out with writing this formula?

EX: ....

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Compare Multiple Text Cells To One String Of Text And Return Specified Value

May 12, 2012

I have a dataset of shifts and want to compare each shift that needs to be filled to a list of requests for time off (vacation, etc).

For one cell the code is: =IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(B1, A1), 0,1)

Where A1 is the column of requests in comma delimited forme (ie: "AB,CD,EF").

Where B1 is the column containing the person assigned to shift 1 (ie: "AB")

In this case, would return a "1" as no error was returned, as AB was found in the list. Here "1" would represent a schedule conflict.

Without creating many cells for each shift- there are 20 shifts- can I create an array or string together this type of "SEARCH" function?

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Compare Different Columns Based On One Columns

Jul 30, 2014


Fist I want to compare ColB=ColH, if TRUE, compare colA=colG, if TRUE, again compare colC=colI, IF all this conditions true, then give (colD-colJ) on colL.

all the unmatched rows in 2 tables to populate with different for each table

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Search Only In Specific Columns (or Ignore Other Columns)?

Mar 25, 2014

Find button in Spreadsheet. My problem is I wish to only search 2 of the columns on my sheet.

I have been trying to locate info on my own, see here: [URL]

But I cannot seem to find anything showing how to specify where to search.

Here is the code I am using

[Code] ......

Want to search columns G and J -OR- Search entire sheet but ignore Columns A and B ...

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Compare Two Set Of Columns?

Jul 26, 2013

I need to compare add Column A&B in sheet1 and column A&B in sheet two and compare the two result for the difference(like vlookup).

formula to merge two cells in two sheet and compare.

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How To Compare 2 Columns

Apr 18, 2007

i've check the other threads on how to compare two columns but for some reason it is still not working for me.

I have 2 columns. Column A is the master column and column B is the comparing list. If the company that is listed in Column B (Anywhere in column B) matches exactly with the company name in column A, I would like it to say "check" in column C.

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Compare Columns

Jan 23, 2009

I have two diffrent sets of columns of data on a spreadsheet one column set is A,B the other is D,E I want a formula or makro that will check columns A,B and compare it to D,E and if it finds a match will paste it in G,H is that possible and how would I do this?

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Compare Value In Columns

Dec 12, 2006

I have two worksheets but have a same column named "Admin No.". I will need to compare the 2 "admin no." column.


Worksheet 1
Admin No.Name
5555Ting Ting

Worksheet 2

Admin No.Name
5555Ting Ting

I will ike to compare both "admin no." column and when worksheet 1 5555 can be find in worksheet 2, it will return True. 6666 cannot find in worksheet 2 then it will return false.

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Search Cell For Text String And Paste Text In Based On Finding?

Jun 29, 2014

I need to create a macro to do the following:

Search the activecell for a text string (a), and then either paste in text string (b) at the end of the cell if (a) is found, or text string (c) if (a) is not found.

For example, if the activecell has "AA/" in it, I want the cell to become "AA/01" (pasting in "01" at the end), and if the cell has just "AA" in it, I want it to still become "AA/01" (pasting "/01" at the end). The macro will be linked to a commandbutton.

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Search Word For Text And Send Values Next To Text To Excel File

Apr 30, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Office 2003.

I am looking to automate a process where information is sent to someone in a text format and they in turn transfer that data to an excel file. It basically looks like this (but includes a lot more info):

Service Request #: 123456
Instrument Type: New Instrument
Lot/Serial #: 123456
SR Type: Product Complaint
Service Coverage: Maintenance Agreement

The info on the left (text preceding the colon) is always the same but the values following the colon can change. The excel file has all of the text before the colon and they just enter the information into the cells. I am looking to make it so that an Excel macro (or maybe a word/outlook macro) automatically scans the text document and sends this info to the exact same cells in excel every time.

The text file is actually a message from an Oracle database and I am not going to be able to make any changes to the way the data comes in.

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How To Compare Columns To Get Minimum Value

Apr 14, 2014

I have numeric value in columns B, D, F, H.

I want to compare the values of these four cells in each row and update columns M (with the minimum value) and N (with the column of minimum value).

How can I manage this comparison?

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Compare Two Columns And Result In The Third?

Apr 30, 2014

I need to compare two columns A and B with a result in column E. BUT I don't want the result to be added together. ( since it's receipt numbers ) SO my formula is incorrect I need a formula that will show the receipt numbers next to each other divided by a comma or forward slash...

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Compare Columns Of Data

Jan 26, 2009

I have column A with 228 rows and column D with 314 rows. Both columns have the same data except that D has different data. I would like to line up everything that is the same in A and D and everything else in column D that is not the same move to G. Is there a quick way to do this?

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