Comparing Certain Numbers In Two Different Cells
Nov 7, 2008
I was wondering if someone can at least point me in the right direction with respect to comparing two numbers within a value in two different cells. For example:
If one cell has the value "AB123456"
And the cell below it has a value of "AB124658"
I want to be able to determine the difference (with VBA code) between both cells by just looking at the fourth and fifth characters ("23" and "24", respectively) in each cell value.
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Aug 11, 2006
I want Excel to compare two columns of numbers. Column R has 1000 entries,
beginning with the number 1 and ending with the number 1000. Column S will
have from approx. two hundred to as many as six or seven hundred entries,
looking something like this: 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18 . . . . . . 990, 992,
995, 996, 999, 1000. I want Excel to compare column S with column R and
display the difference in Column T. Column T will therefore look like: 1,2,4,
7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19 . . . . . 899, 991, 993, 994, 997, 998. I have to do
this multiple times, does Excel have a built-in function(s) that can do this or
do I need to write a macro? The numbers can be formatted as text if neces-
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Jul 7, 2014
I have a list of numbers which I need to compare to a range of numbers. Each number in the list needs to be compared to the range, and depending where it falls within the range, a particular cell needs to be referenced in the result. I've attached the xls with the explanation.
I was going to do this with a nested IF, but with a max of 7 this will not work.
Attached File : Help with comparing to a range.xlsx
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Jan 1, 2010
I am trying to solve is as follows, I have groups of 20 numbers in columns, one per column and would like to compare the groups to determine if any group is duplicated on another line.
I had been looking at using VBA to copy the numbers to an array, sort from lowest to highest, concatenate and use that to compare each group. If possible however if there is a suitable formula it would be preferable.
I have attached a small sample to illustrate.
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Jun 3, 2007
I have 3 departments, each with a value. I want to sort from lowest value to greatest (which I have done) but some departments won't have a value and therefore will have "n/a" in the place of the value. When sorting, "n/a" always comes out as the greatest value but I want "n/a" to be the lowest value - since it means there is no value.
Here is an example of the data:
Depts: Value:
580 15.75
558 19.01
538 n/a
Here is the code (sorting is being done on the value obviously, and the switching of the Depts to stay with the value is also done in the code)
Private Sub RankPerformance()
Dim bytValuesArrayCount As Byte
Dim A As Byte
Dim B As Byte
Dim vTemp As Variant 'must be type since value can be number or string ("n/a")
bytValuesArrayCount = UBound(ValuesArray)
The only way I know to do it is to sort using the above code, then do another type of sort if a value is not numeric then it is placed at the end...but I'm trying to make the code as efficient as possible
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Sep 23, 2007
I have some problem with my data here. I have created a formula to compare the numeric value between the column. I want to have the results in the column but the results I have is wrong. Did i did something wrong with the formula?
I wanna compare the value from A2 and C2, B2 and D2. If the results is correct, then is will display true value in e2 else will display false value in e2.
when i compare 2.3oz and 2.25oz, the value displayed is true which is wrong, it should display "false"
I have attached the file here...
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Apr 30, 2008
I have a collum (A )with numbers and in other sheet have a collum (B)with numbers too.. and some numbers match. what i want is in the cells that the numbers match have other colum and i want to copy that number to another cell.
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May 13, 2014
I have 2 columns i want to find out which items match in each column and put the matching value in column c. I have tried Vlookup and continue to get an N/A .. I tried countif and I get either an N/A or a value error. I have tried turning the cells into text but that is not working either..
column A has about 1700 rows and column B has about 4000
MOST CELLS ARE 6-7 VARIABLES.. satrting with either 01, 02, 03 with 4-5 letters following or have a 6 digit number or 6 letter value.
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Apr 6, 2009
I have two spreadsheets I would like to compare against each other, last weeks inventory (Sheet 1) and this weeks (Sheet 2). All items are listed by unit number, is there a way to have all unit numbers on Sheet 1 colored red that are not on Sheet 2 and vice versa?
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Nov 16, 2009
Is there a way to compare two cells and return true if they are the same, false if different? There is text and numerical data. As a side note, can anybody recommend a lightweight reference so I can sit for an evening or two and at least get an idea of what excel can do?
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Jun 8, 2006
I need to compare a value to several cells and print the value into a new cell if and only if the value is not in any of the cells I am comparing to.
Say cells A1, A4, A8 and A12 contains different numbers. I want to compare a value, say 120, to the values of the above cells and if it is not contained in one of those cells I want to enter 120 into cell A16. If A1, A4, A8 or A12 contains the value 120 I want to leave A16 blank or write 0 to it.
Is there an easy way of doing this? Right now I am using a if-test for each of the cells I am comparing to, but this gets very messy as the number of cells increases.
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Mar 16, 2007
how to compare two cells (say, today's date with the date an order was supposed to be sent out), with a third cell that either has a tick in it, or nothing. If there's an easier way to do this other than VB code, I haven't found it. I tried conditonal formatting but it wouldn't let me have a condition in which it just checked the third cell, it needed to compare it with the selected one.
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Jan 8, 2014
I have a column that looks like the following and I need to add the numbers:
27 skids
31 skids
56 skids
13 skids
The unit "skids" is constant. The answer I am looking for is "127" or "127 skids"
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Feb 11, 2009
I have two excel files. The data is arranged by column. I want to take 3 or more cells (from three different columns) from a particular row and match them up with three cells (in 3 different columns but in the same row). The three cells should be in the same row. However the matching row may appear in a different order in each of the two lists. When Excel finds a match, I want it to return true. How can I go about doing something like this?
I have attached a file explaining what I mean. I am trying to match the three cells in list one with three cells in one of the rows in list 2. However the number of cells in each list is different and there are some cells in list 2 which are not in list 1 and vice versa. There may also be extra columns, which I have not included for the sake of simplicity.
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Apr 6, 2009
If u dont mind can i have example xls file please.
i hope u guys will help me to improve my knowledge by uploading attachments ...
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Nov 17, 2009
I have column a,b,c. b and c both contain numbers. if cell c1 equal b1 then i want "new" to be displayed in a1. If it does not equal then i want "old". but if c1 is blank then i want a1 to remain blank.
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Aug 22, 2008
I would like to make a macro which compares the content of the same cells in two worksheets which are in the same workbook.
More clearer I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2). What I would like the macro to do is to check cell A1 in Sheet1 and compare it to cell A1 in Sheet2 and so on till the last cell (IV65536). If there is a differnce between the two cells, then it should highlight the background of the cell in Sheet1.
I know that there has been similar requests on this forum (I searched and read them) but thew were different.
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Jan 26, 2005
I have a spreadsheet that has long text sentences in each cell. I have a 2nd spreadsheet which is a slightly updated version of the first spreadsheet. The slight updates consisted of editing the odd word here or there out of the first spreadsheet.
Unfortunately, I didn't keep track of the changes I made, and I need to know what they are.
It's easy to tell if a change has been made, simply by comparing the cells. But I can't find an easy way to find out exactly what change was made. Comparing the cells a line at a time is very time consuming.
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Dec 21, 2006
I have a Workbook with two Sheets MAIN and STATS
Col A in both sheets contain text values (names)
I need a macro which will:-
Look at each name in Col A MAIN sheet.
See if there is a match in Col A of STATS sheet.
If there is a match then enter "YES" in Col E
e.g Smith Eddie is is in the Cell A20 MAIN sheet, Smith Eddie is in Cell A55 STATS sheet, so Enter "YES" in Cell E55 STATS sheet.
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Dec 12, 2009
I have trouble trying to get the right sintax of comparing two dates locates in two different sheets.
Sheet 1, cell A1 = 12/11/2009
Sheet 2, cell B1 = 12/11/2009
If I need to do something based on condition that Sheet1 date = sheet 2 date, how will the code be written? I have
If Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1") = Sheets("Sheet2").range("B1") Then
**** my code here
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Apr 23, 2013
Thing is, I have an excel sheet for a private competition in sports games. How can I do a function, that automatically calcutes points for every "bet" against the game result?
For example:
If game finishes 4-3 I'd like to compare it for every players guessed score and give points according to this:
1. If the bet is completely correct (4-3) -> Return 10 (points). In case of tie (like 3-3, -> Return 20 (points)
2. If the bet has a correct winner, with correct goals for eather team (4-x / x-3) -> Return 4 (points)
3. If the bet has a correct winner (home/visitor) -> Return 3 (points)
4. If the bet has incorrect winner but amount of goals for eather team correct -> Return 1 (point)
5. If the bet is completely wrong -> Return 0 (points)
At least for me, this sounds more like rocket science but just wanted to check if this is anyway doable.
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Aug 13, 2009
I need to compare some cells, but sometimes one or two cells can be empty (but sometimes none of them)
e.g. A1 = January
B1 =
C1 = January
D1 = January
E1 =
and I need to compare this cells A1:E1 and if text in not empty cells is the same then write TRUE to F1 and if not write FALSE.
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a list of authors for about 20 papers. These Papers are listed in sequential order from 1999 to 2005.
I want to track the number of similar authors from paper to paper. Thus I am attempting to create a macros that has the Papers listed sequentially when they were published and the authors for each paper, with the authors name in each cell. I want to create a macros that will compare the Author Cells associated to lets say the Fifth Paper with the Author Cells for the Fourth Paper (the Previous Paper). So that if certain authors come up in the Fifth Paper that were in the Fourth Paper, the # will be noted.
I also want this macros to compare all the Author Cells that have appeared in the past with that of the author cells of the (N) paper excluding the (N-1) Paper, and just note the # of occurences. So using the previous example. If we are talking about the Fifth Paper, it will look through Papers #1-#3 for any matching keywords and note the number.
I have attached my spreadsheet to make it more clearer. For some papers there are more than 20 authors as well just to note.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to find compare the value in one cell with an array of cells. My problem is when I try to carry the formula down to the next line - my array changes as well. For example:
So, if Before is Column A and After is Column G, the formula I have right now is =INDEX(A2:A3349,MATCH(G2,A2:A3349,0)). When I try carry the formula down to G3, G4 and so on, the array changes as well.
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Mar 13, 2007
the system works by whoever has the most points wins.. i already have my formulas and everything done..
i want the excel program to move the entire row, if possible, by whoever has the most points to the top..
(i.e If ryan d. has the most points he will be is vince v.'s spot)
can this be done automatically in excel or do i have to do it by hand?
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Mar 27, 2007
Columns E and F can have a 1 or a Zero
If e2, d3, e4 = all 0's or all 1's, count = 3 in col F
If either e2, d3 or e4 is not equal the count is 2 in F
0 3
0 1 2
1 1 2
1 1 3
Also, why would this formula work with numbers but not letters?
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May 25, 2006
let's say there's a range of cells A3:C10. Some of the cells will have a number in them. I want to compare the numbers in that range to a fixed list of numbers, let's say 1-10. After comparing the numbers in the range with the numbers in the fixed list I want excel to list the numbers that don't match. In other words if the range contains 3,7,8,9, I would want to return 1,2,4,5,6,10 as the answer either in one cell or a group of cells. I know this can be done, just can't do it in an elegant way. I would have to use a lot of steps when I'm sure there's a few simple lines of code.
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Sep 10, 2009
is it possible to compare two sets of data (can be numerica or alpha) and produce a different outcome comments.
Attached workbook might explain better.
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Sep 18, 2009
I would like to compare each cell in a spreadsheet to the cell on its right.
If the numeric value of a cell is less than the numeric value of cell on its right, I would like to highlight the cell on the right light red.
Maybe a better way of putting that is if the value of a cell is greater than the cell on its left, highlight it light red (The problem I foresee with this formulation is in the first row where there are no cells to the left).
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Oct 19, 2009
Could ye have a look at this sheet. I need to extract the cells that are in ColumnB but not in ColumnA.
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