Return Matching Numbers By Comparing 2 Ranges

Apr 30, 2008

I have a collum (A )with numbers and in other sheet have a collum (B)with numbers too.. and some numbers match. what i want is in the cells that the numbers match have other colum and i want to copy that number to another cell.

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Comparing Numbers To A Variety Or Ranges?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a list of numbers which I need to compare to a range of numbers. Each number in the list needs to be compared to the range, and depending where it falls within the range, a particular cell needs to be referenced in the result. I've attached the xls with the explanation.

I was going to do this with a nested IF, but with a max of 7 this will not work.

Attached File : Help with comparing to a range.xlsx‎

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From Matching Numbers In One Column Return Value Of Second Cells In Another Cell?

May 19, 2014

I have a table with 4 columns where in column 3 I have part numbers and in column 4 I have the number sold. In column 3, the part sold can be listed several times with a different number sold in the column 3. What I need is code to go through the part numbers and return a total number sold for that part in a new column. I have sorted the table by part number, then by Column 1 which is for the date. The new total should go in the last column with the oldest date for that part.

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Comparing And Matching Data ...

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to compare a list of product codes on sheet 1 column A, with a larger list of product codes on sheet 2 column B.

My aim: when i click to button on sheet one the part numbers that are in both lists (sheet 1 and 2) Should be moved into sheet 3 columns B and be rearranged so that they match horzontally with the full sheet two pricelist which will have now moved to column A sheet 3. This should leave gaps in column B where there was no matching part number.

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Comparing The Ranges

Sep 25, 2008

I have 3 sheets. Sheets 1 & 2 contain lists of data occupying columns A to M. Although the data on these sheets generally will be different, there are occasions where sheet 2 may contain identical rows to sheet 1.

What I want to do is two separate things -

copy the duplicated rows to sheet 3, and then in columns N & O indicate the row numbers from sheets 1 & 2 where the duplicates can be found (this only where the entire row matches)

do the same as above, but only where the contents of columns I & J match (rather than the entire row).

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Comparing 2 Date Ranges?

Dec 4, 2012


take a look at the attached example and let me know how to make the formula work?

For each "title" in column A, I want to compare the two sets of start and end dates (columns B & C versus D & E) and if the date range in column B &C overlaps with the date range in column D & E, input "yes" or "no" in column F.

In my attached example, rows 8,9,11, and 12 would be populated with a "yes", the rest would be "no".

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Summing And Comparing 2 Ranges

Feb 11, 2009

I'm on Vista with Excel 2007, HOWEVER, the solution must be Excel 97-2003 compatible.

I have two columns. One will a Y or N in it, the other will have a number. I need to sum the column with numbers, but I ONLY want the numbers added that have a 'Y' in the same row of the other column ...

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Comparing Two Ranges And Returning A Match

Jan 22, 2010

I need a function to compare two ranges and return a match. For example

Range A: {A56, B43, C98, D44}
Range B: {A33, G89, D44, K123, OB55}

the function would return D44. Is it possible at all with functions or do I need a macro?

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Comparing Two Column For Matching Number But The Items Compared Also Contains Letters

May 2, 2006

I am trying to compare two colums. They both contain numbers mixed with letters. I am wanting to match only the numbers in both not the letters. Example:

column a = m454 column b = fsh454-1
m543 fst998-2
m998 fsm434-1

my match is m454 and fsh454-1, m998 and fst998-2. The items can be in any order in the column. The end result I want to indicate the match by putting an X by column a item that matches column b.

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Comparing Multiple Ranges With Conditional Logic?

Apr 23, 2012

[1] compare (row) ranges across two columns with an unequal number of rows (column A [number] to column C [number])
[2] save each result of [1] where there was a match in column B
[3] for each row where there was a match (now stored in B), compare the value from the same row in column D (date) with the same row of column F (date), and store the result in column E
[4] count and message box the final number of matches from column E

Data Example:

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
12345 match 12345 11/1/2011 match 11/1/2011
77777 34345 ... ...

A and C numbers match, so check same row date in D that does match date in E, place "match" in E, then count and display.

Sub other()
Dim range1, range2, range3, range4, range5, range6 As range
Dim x As Variant, y As Variant, z As Variant, a As Variant


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Matching Pairs - Column To Automatically Populate With Any Of 3 Digit Numbers That Share Two Numbers

Mar 12, 2013

This is what I need:

Columns B, C, D & E are all populated with 3 digit numbers.

I would like column F to automatically populate with any of the 3 digit numbers that share two numbers, i.e.

F2 might look like this (using 00 as the pair):

001, 040

F3 might look like this (using 01 as the pair):
701, 051, 110, 001, 120

F4 might look like this (using 12 as the pair):
123, 721, 281, 912, 112, 120


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Deleting Rows Matching Numbers From Numbers In Column

Sep 11, 2008

I want to delete rows in whole list and numbers of rows to be deleted I have in for example C column. How to do it?

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Matching Data With Named Ranges

Apr 6, 2007

I have a workbook that I'm trying to figure out. It was made by a previous employee.
This is what the formula looks like =MATCH(B49, OFFSET(Array_Data,,2,,1),0)

Array_Data consists of cells $H$4:$DN$506 on a different worksheet. I've tried to trace the formula but I can't get it to work. I thought I understood the offset function but I've never used it with a named range. Does anyone have a clue on how I can break this down and figure out what cell this data is refering to?

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Comparing 2 Cells To Return A Value

Nov 17, 2009

I have column a,b,c. b and c both contain numbers. if cell c1 equal b1 then i want "new" to be displayed in a1. If it does not equal then i want "old". but if c1 is blank then i want a1 to remain blank.

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Matching Ranges In Different Sheets And Then Copying Certain Cell Value

Apr 25, 2009

There are two sheets: Sheet1 and Sheet2

Columns in Sheet 1 are the following:
company PERMNO number, dates, market capitalization (no data in this one)

Columns in Sheet 2 are the following:

company PERMNO number, ticker, dates, market capitalization

In Sheet2, there is a whole range of dates (between 1990 and 2004) for every single company, whereas in Sheet2 there is one or 3-4 dates for a every single company.

I would like to match the exact date/dates in Sheet1 in the range of dates in Sheet2 and then if they match, copy the corresponding cell value from the market capitalization column in Sheet2 to the empty market capitalization column in Sheet1. I also want that the company PERNO numbers match.

In short: if PERMNO numbers match, match the date/dates in Sheet1 within the range of dates for the same company in Sheet 2 and copy the market capitalization value to Sheet1.


2. 13123 199803
3. 13123 199904
4. 65456 200005
5. 44550 200104
6. 44550 200211......

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Comparing Cells And Return Number?

Apr 23, 2013

Thing is, I have an excel sheet for a private competition in sports games. How can I do a function, that automatically calcutes points for every "bet" against the game result?

For example:

If game finishes 4-3 I'd like to compare it for every players guessed score and give points according to this:

1. If the bet is completely correct (4-3) -> Return 10 (points). In case of tie (like 3-3, -> Return 20 (points)
2. If the bet has a correct winner, with correct goals for eather team (4-x / x-3) -> Return 4 (points)
3. If the bet has a correct winner (home/visitor) -> Return 3 (points)
4. If the bet has incorrect winner but amount of goals for eather team correct -> Return 1 (point)
5. If the bet is completely wrong -> Return 0 (points)

At least for me, this sounds more like rocket science but just wanted to check if this is anyway doable.

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Look For 1st Matching Entry For Multiple Data Ranges In Worksheet

Dec 30, 2008

hello. i'm new to excel and i'm really hoping for some serious help here. i have the basics down however i'm really stumped at this point. Let me try to explain my worksheet. the worksheet has a sheet for data which is used for drop list values in the new patient template sheet. the new patient template which is just that a blank entry sheet that the user duplicates and adds a new patient to the worksheet to track the visits made by medical staff. there could be over a hundred new patient sheets (each named by the patient) at any given time.

here is what i need help with: my sheet is setup on a monthly basis so each patient has a total of 4 - 5 weeks listed with entries for everytime a nurse visits that patient. what i need to know is how to search the cell entries for the first time a visit occurred and the date it occurred and this needs to be broken down by the 1st of the month - the 15th and then again for the 16th - the end of month for every patient sheet in the workbook. the ranges are not together that i need to search for example f14:f20, i14:i20, f35:f41 and so on for the first 15 days of the month. this all needs to happen like in a macro or somehow automatically.

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Return True When Comparing Target To A Range In VB

Nov 12, 2003

Why doesn't the IS operator return True when comparing Target to a range in VB when they are indeed the same? Why do we have to keep backing in via rng.Address = Target.Address or Not Intersect() Is Nothing?

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
****If Target.Address = "$B$2" Then
********Application.StatusBar = "To Be"
********Application.StatusBar = "Not to be"
****End If
****'_____This fails_____
****If Target Is Range("A1") Then
********Application.StatusBar = "A1 sauce anyone?"
****'____But this works_____
****ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
********Application.StatusBar = "¿Alguien quiere salsa A1?"
****End If

End Sub

Again - this is just me wondering why... Am I missing something terribly obvious here?

(Edit) I am guessing it has to do with the Target argument for SelectionChange() coming in ByVal instead of ByRef, but not sure... (End Edit)

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Comparing Certain Numbers In Two Different Cells

Nov 7, 2008

I was wondering if someone can at least point me in the right direction with respect to comparing two numbers within a value in two different cells. For example:

If one cell has the value "AB123456"
And the cell below it has a value of "AB124658"

I want to be able to determine the difference (with VBA code) between both cells by just looking at the fourth and fifth characters ("23" and "24", respectively) in each cell value.

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Comparing Two Columns Of Numbers

Aug 11, 2006

I want Excel to compare two columns of numbers. Column R has 1000 entries,
beginning with the number 1 and ending with the number 1000. Column S will
have from approx. two hundred to as many as six or seven hundred entries,
looking something like this: 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18 . . . . . . 990, 992,
995, 996, 999, 1000. I want Excel to compare column S with column R and
display the difference in Column T. Column T will therefore look like: 1,2,4,
7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19 . . . . . 899, 991, 993, 994, 997, 998. I have to do
this multiple times, does Excel have a built-in function(s) that can do this or
do I need to write a macro? The numbers can be formatted as text if neces-

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AVERAGE IF Statement Based On Matching Condition And Date Ranges

Feb 22, 2009

I have created a spreadsheet which creates an average of feedback for trainers in a training company. The form adds up the feedback score into column L of the summary sheet and I have created a summary sheet which I want you use to calculate the average for each trainer.

I have cobbled together an array formula which creates the overallaverage for each trainer based on the named ranges entered via the form.

It looks something like this:

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Comparing 2 Columns Have Similar Data - Extract Matching Data

Apr 18, 2013

So I have this problem in excel with comparing 2 columns.

Basically, I have 2 columns(a &B) that I need to compare with one another and find out the matching data. I am trying to use that matching data to enter in our reports.

Both columns might have duplicate items because I am dealing with premium numbers.

Formula to compare these 2 columns and find the matching data and extract it to a separate column. Keep in mind, i am dealing with almost 20,000 lines of data.

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Comparing Groups Of Numbers For Duplicates

Jan 1, 2010

I am trying to solve is as follows, I have groups of 20 numbers in columns, one per column and would like to compare the groups to determine if any group is duplicated on another line.

I had been looking at using VBA to copy the numbers to an array, sort from lowest to highest, concatenate and use that to compare each group. If possible however if there is a suitable formula it would be preferable.

I have attached a small sample to illustrate.

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Bubble Sort: Comparing Numbers & Letters

Jun 3, 2007

I have 3 departments, each with a value. I want to sort from lowest value to greatest (which I have done) but some departments won't have a value and therefore will have "n/a" in the place of the value. When sorting, "n/a" always comes out as the greatest value but I want "n/a" to be the lowest value - since it means there is no value.

Here is an example of the data:
Depts: Value:
580 15.75
558 19.01
538 n/a

Here is the code (sorting is being done on the value obviously, and the switching of the Depts to stay with the value is also done in the code)

Private Sub RankPerformance()

Dim bytValuesArrayCount As Byte
Dim A As Byte
Dim B As Byte
Dim vTemp As Variant 'must be type since value can be number or string ("n/a")

bytValuesArrayCount = UBound(ValuesArray)

The only way I know to do it is to sort using the above code, then do another type of sort if a value is not numeric then it is placed at the end...but I'm trying to make the code as efficient as possible

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Comparing 2 Identical Numbers Returns False

Sep 23, 2007

I have some problem with my data here. I have created a formula to compare the numeric value between the column. I want to have the results in the column but the results I have is wrong. Did i did something wrong with the formula?

I wanna compare the value from A2 and C2, B2 and D2. If the results is correct, then is will display true value in e2 else will display false value in e2.

when i compare 2.3oz and 2.25oz, the value displayed is true which is wrong, it should display "false"

I have attached the file here...

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Comparing 2 Columns With Numbers / Letters And Alphanumeric Values

May 13, 2014

I have 2 columns i want to find out which items match in each column and put the matching value in column c. I have tried Vlookup and continue to get an N/A .. I tried countif and I get either an N/A or a value error. I have tried turning the cells into text but that is not working either..

column A has about 1700 rows and column B has about 4000

MOST CELLS ARE 6-7 VARIABLES.. satrting with either 01, 02, 03 with 4-5 letters following or have a 6 digit number or 6 letter value.

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Matching Two Columns To Return One Value

Mar 7, 2014

Alright, so I need data in column A(Last names) and data in column B(First name) to match their respective names on another sheet. When a match is made, it will return column C(Hours worked).

I originally used Vlookup to match last names, something akin to =VLOOKUP(A:A,Week1!A:P,4,FALSE)

But this does not account for employees that may have the same last names. Is there a way to combine two vlookup's? Or is Index a possible solution?

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Lookup And Return Matching Value

Jul 24, 2009

In column "AT" I have a list of matchups between 2 soccer teams that looks like this

Row 1:Manchester UnitedArsenal
Row 2:Chelsea FCLiverpool
Row 3:TottenhamAston Villa
Row 4:Hull CityLiverpool
Row 5:Everton FCSunderland
Row 6:Bolton WanderersManchester United
Row 7:PortsmouthTottenham
Row 8:Birmingham CityStoke City
Row 9:WiganBlackburn Rovers
Row 10:LiverpoolFulham

In columns "AM" and "AN" I have a rating for the home and away team. So for example, AM row 3 would show the rating of Tottenham and AN row 3 would show the rating of Aston Villa.

Now what I want to do is set things up so that I don't have to enter every teams' rating in manually. I need a formula that would look from bottom to top (row 10 to 1), find the first row that contains Tottenham (for example), and then look to the right to either column AM or AN (depanding on if Tottenham is the first team in the matchup or second) and return the value in that cell.

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Return Value After Matching Two Variables

Dec 10, 2006

I am attaching a sheet wherein I have tried to match two variables and to return the appropriate value. But I find the formula returns the value which one cell below the correct answer.

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Return Matching Name To ID In TextBox

Apr 7, 2008

I have a userform with several textboxes. I am trying to get one of the textboxes to auto populate based on the entry in another textbox. example: I want to enter a customer ID in one box and then the customer name to automatically appear in another box. The customer ID and names are stored in another workbook.

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