Comparing 2 Columns With Numbers / Letters And Alphanumeric Values

May 13, 2014

I have 2 columns i want to find out which items match in each column and put the matching value in column c. I have tried Vlookup and continue to get an N/A .. I tried countif and I get either an N/A or a value error. I have tried turning the cells into text but that is not working either..

column A has about 1700 rows and column B has about 4000

MOST CELLS ARE 6-7 VARIABLES.. satrting with either 01, 02, 03 with 4-5 letters following or have a 6 digit number or 6 letter value.

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Extracting Letters And Numbers In A Random Alphanumeric String

Dec 29, 2009

I've got this problem: I need to separate around 40 alphanumerical entry in Column'A' to Columns'B','C','D','E'..

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Bubble Sort: Comparing Numbers & Letters

Jun 3, 2007

I have 3 departments, each with a value. I want to sort from lowest value to greatest (which I have done) but some departments won't have a value and therefore will have "n/a" in the place of the value. When sorting, "n/a" always comes out as the greatest value but I want "n/a" to be the lowest value - since it means there is no value.

Here is an example of the data:
Depts: Value:
580 15.75
558 19.01
538 n/a

Here is the code (sorting is being done on the value obviously, and the switching of the Depts to stay with the value is also done in the code)

Private Sub RankPerformance()

Dim bytValuesArrayCount As Byte
Dim A As Byte
Dim B As Byte
Dim vTemp As Variant 'must be type since value can be number or string ("n/a")

bytValuesArrayCount = UBound(ValuesArray)

The only way I know to do it is to sort using the above code, then do another type of sort if a value is not numeric then it is placed at the end...but I'm trying to make the code as efficient as possible

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Use Numbers For Columns In Place Of Letters

Feb 4, 2009

Is it possible to use numbers for columns in place of letters? If so, can you specify the starting number?

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Excel Columns Became Numbers Instead Of Letters?

Oct 3, 2011

My columns became numbers instead of letters. How do I switch it back to letters?

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Comparing Two Columns Of Numbers

Aug 11, 2006

I want Excel to compare two columns of numbers. Column R has 1000 entries,
beginning with the number 1 and ending with the number 1000. Column S will
have from approx. two hundred to as many as six or seven hundred entries,
looking something like this: 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18 . . . . . . 990, 992,
995, 996, 999, 1000. I want Excel to compare column S with column R and
display the difference in Column T. Column T will therefore look like: 1,2,4,
7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19 . . . . . 899, 991, 993, 994, 997, 998. I have to do
this multiple times, does Excel have a built-in function(s) that can do this or
do I need to write a macro? The numbers can be formatted as text if neces-

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Alphanumeric Letters: C-A = 2

May 16, 2008

I have a few columns of letters (ranging from A to Z) - onyl one letter per cell. I need to be able to deduct them such that they result in a numeric difference (ie D-B=2, D-A=3). Is there any way this can be done in VBA? (The actual columns are in a word table, so would be great if there was a VBA way to do this, not an excel function).

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Counting Unique Values, 2 Columns, Alphanumeric

Feb 16, 2005

I have two columns of data: 1 column can be possibly anything, either numeric, alphanumeric, or alpha only (VINS or vehicle numbers). The adjacent column are four different types of vehicles. I've tried concatentating the two to try and count the unique combinations (a truck maybe used more than once during the day), which I can get unique values, but not unique values for each type. Also, the range sizes are variable, but no more that 65 rows.

An example:

5CZ975 Van
25RW04 Straight
5CZ975 Van
ZJ6026 Van

So, the result I am after is 2 vans, 1 straight truck

I found an array in a another post, but it is not working properly (see cell F7 in the attached):


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Get The Highest Value When All Values Consist Of Letters AND Numbers?

Feb 18, 2014

I have thousands of drawings listed in colums and each in the row has revisions P01 to P10 for Proposal and C01 to C10 For Construction. Is there a way of getting the highest revision of all listed in a row without turning them into numbers when P is older than C , but 1 is older than 10? MAX function doesnt count when value consists of both - number and letter.

Manualy selecting the highes revision will cost me weeks... and brain damage.. as I have thousands of drawings and more are coming...

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Comparing Values In Two Columns?

Jul 13, 2013

There are two columns A and B and values there in

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
9 5
10 6
11 13
15 15

As you can see there are certain numbers that are missing between column B and A. I want to know which of the numbers that are present in column B are missing in column A ...any handy calculation ?

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Comparing Columns For Values Greater Than Each Other

Apr 27, 2009

I have two columns A and B. I need a count of how many times a value in B is greater than the same row in A. I don't want to insert a new column (e.g. for if statements to add up).

Can I insert a countif at the top to do that? I tried various countif variations but could not find the right one. Additionally any other option that does not involve adding new columns/rows.

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Comparing Two Columns Of Data And Returning Values That Do NOT Appear In Both

Apr 22, 2014

I have an attendance sheet that employees scan their badge number, and returns their name and time/date stamp using a simple VLOOKUP.

I want to create a report that compares the names in the attendance sheet against the all the names in the master sheet, and only returns the names that have not attended the training.

I have tried a few test formulas using COUNTIF function, but with no luck.

I have attached an example. Use the worksheet labeled April 2014 A (2nd shift)

New Six Point Safety with Attendance Sheet Barcode Scanning.xlsx‎

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Comparing Two Rows Replacing Values In Columns

May 29, 2014

I am facing a problem in evaluating a problem. I am referencing from the screenshot of excel file. I want to replace the values of Column-C for which column-A matches with column -G. And, the remaining will remain same.


I am also attaching the excel file.

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Print Unique Values By Comparing Two Columns

Feb 24, 2014

Am looking for a technique to print unique values by comparing 2 columns

Below is example

Col A
Col B
Col C (Output expected)



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Copy Rows Based On Comparing Values In Columns

Nov 26, 2012

I'm new to macros and VBA so I am wondering if it is possible for a macro to compare values in column B of sheet2 and column B of sheet3 and for the values that DON'T match i.e. unique values to column B of sheet2, copy row from sheet2 to sheet4? This will aid my processing time drastically if I can copy all the rows from sheet 2 to sheet 4 where the model number in column B of sheet 2 doesn't appear in column B of sheet 3!!

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Removing Two Letters From A String Of Letters And Numbers

Jul 29, 2014

i have a list of 2000 fields which have the same format IE "AB10014"

I need to remove the "AB" from every field and leave the #.

Besides putting a space and running text to columns I'm not sure how.

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Remove Letters From A Column Containing Both Numbers And Letters

Jul 24, 2012

I have a column of cells, some blank, some containing just numbers, some containing just letters, some containing numbers preceded by the the letter 'p'




In the cells containing the number preceded by the 'p' - i would like to remove the 'p' leaving just the number, with all other cells remaining unchanged.

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Comparing Two Columns And Returning Number Of Cells In One Column With Higher Values?

Apr 8, 2014

I have two Columns C and E that have dollar amounts in them. I want to compare each row in those columns and then total the number in column C that are higher that column E.

So basically C6>E6, C7<E7, C8=E8,C9>E9 should return the result of 2. There are two instances where the price in C is higher than the price in E.

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Comparing Two Column For Matching Number But The Items Compared Also Contains Letters

May 2, 2006

I am trying to compare two colums. They both contain numbers mixed with letters. I am wanting to match only the numbers in both not the letters. Example:

column a = m454 column b = fsh454-1
m543 fst998-2
m998 fsm434-1

my match is m454 and fsh454-1, m998 and fst998-2. The items can be in any order in the column. The end result I want to indicate the match by putting an X by column a item that matches column b.

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Separate Letters And Numbers In A String Into Separate Columns

Nov 20, 2012

I receive an extraction from AutoCAD that lists the electrical devices in a drawing. I don't have any problems extracting the letters. I have a problem extracting the device number and the device number extension.

The device label extraction is similar to this:

I want to create 3 columns from the device label: (I separated the column with commas)
A1, B1, C1, D1
DCM1005-1, DCM, 1005, 1
DCM1005-10, DCM, 1005, 10
DCM1005A, DCM, 1005, A
MTR1005-1, MTR, 1005, 1
MTR1005-10, MTR, 1005, 10
MTR1005A, MTR, 1005, A

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Extracting Numbers From Alphanumeric Strings (unite The X Amount Of Numbers)

Aug 16, 2008

Is there a way either by VBA or manually (preferably both, if possible) to actually unite the X amount of numbers that are in a cell given the contents is alphanumeric? I'll give you the following examples to see if you can understand what I' referring to?

DATA output should be
asd67,h876 --------> 67876
2,3,ujdj5&34 -------> 23534
909k86m34 --------> 9098634

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Extracting Numbers From Alphanumeric Strings (strip Numbers?)

Aug 15, 2008

I import data from another program in order to evaluate it. Unfortunately, one of the fields I need contains copyright data, however, it has been very inconsistently entered into the database. For example, sometimes the data appears "c1999." or "-1999" or "" or "[1999]" or even "19?" and also sometimes "1999, 1990" and many other variations on that. I discovered the link in the excel help file about extracting numbers from alphanumeric strings, but my situation is still too variable for it to apply; that file didn't take into account that alphanumeric strings don't always lump numbers and letters together. I was able to correct a few things, but my command of excel isn't knowledgeable enough to really come up with something effective.

Some ideas I had that I don't know how to implement: is there a way to strip non-numerical characters from an alphanumeric string? (I've been doing some find/replaces to get rid of some of it, but that is obviously not very efficient when I have to repeat this process daily.) Perhaps then I could just detect the first 4 numbers of the string somehow. However, that doesn't solve the problem of when a wild card is used as in "199?" or "20?" etc.

Bottom line, I just need to grab the first four numbers that appear in the string (but NOT additional numbers that occur after a wild card or a space if the year was not completed in 4 numbers; in that case I'd just be happy with a null value).

I've been doing this with a formula so far. My only experience with macros has been in simply recording them, not actually writing them, but I'll give anything a try.

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How To Sort Numbers With Letter Prefixes And Letters Mixed With Numbers

Jan 21, 2012

Using the following data


I want it to sort like this:


What is the formula to achieve this?

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Average Numbers In Table Containing Numbers And Letters?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet wtih a number of rows that contain answers to different criertia in each column.

The row may therefore have cells that either have numbers or letters.

Column A will be the title of the row.

I want to write a function to find the average value of the numbers in any row with title 'x'.

So it would look down column A, and look for those called 'x', and then average all the numbers across all those rows.

I have tried to use =averageif, but I think the fact there are letters in the cells being assessed (which I just want to be ignored) creates an error.

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Take Out Set Of Numbers From Alphanumeric Cells

Nov 20, 2012

I have about 200 cells with 2 different format in text and numbers but they all have a number in between right after /vgh/.

Is there a formula I can use that will return only thee set of numbers removing the text before and after it.

Below are the 2 different examples.

Example 1 : h4ffkwd1-5o/vgh/2447044/eml-anet_wlcm-h-visit/?hs=false&tok=3GMdjcBsfbfBk1
Example 2 : h38ahlur-19/vgh/163311/?hs=false&tok=1CIRLlqwLSB5g1

I have these sort of text and just need the middle set of numbers.

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Non-zero Numbers From An Alphanumeric String

Jan 9, 2007

I am looking for formulae to identify the first 20 non-zero numbers from a string of alphanumerical and non alphanumeric characters

EG If column A any data such as:

Then the corresponding row for column B would return 123

Using help from my maths Prof and some IT bods, i have so-far come up with the array-formula:


assuming that the total string is not more than 100 characters.

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Remove Numbers From Alphanumeric Cells

Sep 17, 2008

I have about 10000 cells of varying length in text and numbers but they all end with numbers on the ends of them. Using text to columns doesn't work because they're all different lengths and it cuts them off in the wrong place.

Is there a formula I can use that will return only the text from these cells and remove the numbers. It would definitely save me time from individually deleting the numbers at the end.

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Remove Numbers From Alphanumeric String?

Jan 11, 2013

I have a list (SIC Codes) and I want to remove the numbers. The numbers range from 2 to 8 deep. The list exists in column B and I want the new list in column C.

01 Agricultural Production Crops
011 Cash Grains
0111 Wheat
0112 Rice
0115 Corn
0116 Soybeans
0119 Cash grains, nec
011901 Pea and bean farms (legumes)
01190101 Bean (dry field and seed) farm
01190102 Cowpea farm
01190103 Lentil farm
01190104 Mustard seed farm

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Remove Numbers From Alphanumeric Cell

Oct 23, 2007

In cell A1 i have the value ABC123.

I want to remove the 123.

Can you tell me how to do this?

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Sorting Alphanumeric Part Numbers

Jan 7, 2007

I have a fairly large list (1200 rows) of part numbers that I would like to sort. The part number has text and numbers, with a number in the middle. I need excel to ignore this middle number when sorting (but not any of the other numbers). Excel currently sorts like this:

MKDSN 1,5/ 3
MKDSN 1,5/ 3-5,08
MKDSN 1,5/ 4
MKDSN 1,5/14-5,08

when I want it to sort like this:

MKDSN 1,5/ 3
MKDSN 1,5/ 4
MKDSN 1,5/ 3-5,08
MKDSN 1,5/14-5,08

The first few letters in the part number or the numbers at the end aren't consistant. But it's always the numbers after the "/" and before the "-" (where there is one) that I want to ignore.

At the very least I would I need the list in alphabetical order. I don't need the list to be sorted by the "ignored number" at all. Meaning, I would be happy with this result:

MKDSN 1,5/ 3
MKDSN 1,5/ 4
MKDSN 1,5/ 2
MKDSN 1,5/14-5,08
MKDSN 1,5/ 3-5,08
MKKDS 2/24
MKKDS 2/20-3,5
MKKDS 2/ 2-3,5

I don't mind getting rid of "/" or spaces or "," in the part number, but I would prefer to not split the part number between two columns.

I tried creating a custom list, but there are just too many varieties to list them all.

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