Comparing Multiple Cells To The Same Array?
Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to find compare the value in one cell with an array of cells. My problem is when I try to carry the formula down to the next line - my array changes as well. For example:
So, if Before is Column A and After is Column G, the formula I have right now is =INDEX(A2:A3349,MATCH(G2,A2:A3349,0)). When I try carry the formula down to G3, G4 and so on, the array changes as well.
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Feb 11, 2009
I have two excel files. The data is arranged by column. I want to take 3 or more cells (from three different columns) from a particular row and match them up with three cells (in 3 different columns but in the same row). The three cells should be in the same row. However the matching row may appear in a different order in each of the two lists. When Excel finds a match, I want it to return true. How can I go about doing something like this?
I have attached a file explaining what I mean. I am trying to match the three cells in list one with three cells in one of the rows in list 2. However the number of cells in each list is different and there are some cells in list 2 which are not in list 1 and vice versa. There may also be extra columns, which I have not included for the sake of simplicity.
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Dec 3, 2008
I need of a formula that will look through a list of text strings, spread out through two columns) and compare each one to a user defined entry. When it finds a match against this entry I would then need it to compare another set of text strings on the same row as the entry that it previously matched against.
If it was to find a match on only the original text string it would need to return a true result and if it matched on the original text string and also one of the other text strings on the same rowit would need to return a false result.
I currently have a formula to compare all text strings against the user defined entry and if it is contained in the first 2 columns it returns a true result and if it is contained in both ranges of text strings it returns a false result but i need it to apply the rules per row.
Below is the formula that I am currently using if this helps as a starting point. If you need a subset of the data I can supply this.
Current formula:
=IF(SUM(IF('HBO Frequency Projections.xls'!NOT_HOMEBASED"",IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('HBO Frequency Projections.xls'!NOT_HOMEBASED,C5)),1)))>0,"NOT HBO",IF(SUM(IF('HBO Frequency Projections.xls'!HOMEBASED"",IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH('HBO Frequency Projections.xls'!HOMEBASED,C5)),1)))>0,"HBO","NOT HBO"))
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Mar 8, 2007
I have a simple formula to compare dates but it isn't working. I am missing something obvious. Any help is appreciated:
Current_Date = today()
BB64 = an array that is a feed from a streaming quote company: =ILX|Q!'f,Date' .
When I format this cell it looks exactly like Current_Date, but is displays "Previous". Somehow it is not doing an apples to apples comparison even though the values lookthe same.
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Mar 25, 2013
I need to hide the rows in an excel whose value is equal to the array list that has been already hardcoded...How to do this...
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Feb 11, 2014
I have 68 cells per sheet and approximately 70 sheets that i need to change to an array function.
Ive changed the formula used using Find and replace but now I need to convert ALL those cells to array.
Is there something I can use to change them all at once. Or am i going to have to go into each cell and F2 CTRL SHFT ENTER?
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Mar 10, 2014
How to do INDEX MATCH ARRAYS. (to populate my report I need to match multiple rows and columns from source sheet to import data).
Now I am trying to replicate same in VBA. (for this example row1&2 & column1&2 on both seed(source) and result(one I am trying to populate) sheets).
I wrote the code below that works just fine for 1 CELL.
Sub Button1_Click()
Range("C4").FormulaArray = "=INDEX('SEED'!$A$1:$f$6,MATCH(A4&B4,'SEED'!$A$1:$A$6&'SEED'!$B$1:$B$6,0),3)"
End Sub
I know in excel I can simply drag the formula across rows/columns to populate them automatically and the way I would do this in VBA would be by creating loops.
Here is what I have that needs improvement
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim iRow As Integer
For iRow = 3 To 4
Range("C" & iRow).FormulaArray = "=INDEX('SEED'!$A$1:$f$6,MATCH(AiRow & iRow,'SEED'!$A$1:$A$6&'SEED'!$B$1:$B$6,0),3)"
Next iRow
End Sub
Here iRow is to identify row number, and to keep simple I am only doing 2 rows. but how do i write MATCH statement to identify rows needed to be matched from SEED sheet?
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Jan 21, 2009
If I have the following data set in cells A1:C9:
IDCommentFirst Unique
109876Low OilTRUE
109876Checked On 12/12FALSE
109877Checked on 12/15TRUE
109878Correct LevelTRUE
109877Correct LevelFALSE
109878Correct LevelFALSE
In the First Unique column (column C) I have formulas. In C2 I have this formula (and then I copied it down):
In cell E2, I have this formula to count unique occurrences:
In cell G2 I have this formula to extract unique records (entered with Ctrl + Shift + Enter):
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Jul 15, 2009
This workbook is designed to prompt the user with inputboxes allowing them to enter a name, hyperlink a file to that name, and then a date. Next all the drawing names are read into an array and stored. Along with some minor sheet formatting, this is what happens when the button "Add Drawing" is clicked.
Next, when the button "Revise Drawing" is clicked, the user will be prompted with an inputbox for a drawing name. This name will be compared to the names in the array. If the name is found, the row containing that drawing will selected and the user will be prompted to update the hyperlink, then the "drawing date" will be moved to the right by one column, then the user will be prompted for another date replacing the date that was moved. The first sequence of commands or button works fine. The button "Revise Drawing" prompts the user with the inputbox requesting the revised drawing name, then develops the runtime error 1004.
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Nov 11, 2009
I'm working with a large amount of data (A21:BZ1503) and I'm trying to identify unique situations where any pre-defined combination of multiple columns in one row is flagged by producing a pre-defined value. For example:
I have my pre-defined criteria in worksheet 'X' hidden in my workbook -- note that there are many blank cells.
Worksheet 'X'ABCDE1Dept.CourseInst.Adj.2AGSM1.23MATH101Professor1.44ENGL1051.65ENGLProfessor1.86ETST1002
On worksheet 'A' the various users enter data -- each row is a unique group with data entered into the columns -- again note a cell can be blank:
Worksheet 'A'ABCDE1Dept.CourseInst.Adj.2AGSM110Professor3ETST2204ENGL108Professor5ENGL105Lecturer6MATH101Lecturer..............................
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Jan 24, 2014
I'd like to search for a specific value like (1) in an array of cells like (A:A). The result needs to be the average number of a different column (B:B) in the same row as the searched value (1). And the resulting number should be rounded up to the nearest 10.
Example below: (Find value = 1 in A:A) ... 1 is found 4 times.
A | B
1 | 295
3 | 123
1 | 400
5 | 425
1 | 354
1 | 400
In the example above there are 4 (1's) found. By adding all the values in column (B) of the same row, we get 295+400+354+400 = 1449, dividing that in 4, the average is 362.25, rounding that up to the nearest 10... THE RESULT I'M LOOKING FOR IS: 370
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Apr 13, 2009
I'm trying to do is develop a formula to:
- look at one column in sheet 1 and if a value in that column equals a value in another column in sheet2. then, display an X
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Sep 9, 2012
I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.
Sub populate()
Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer
Dim r, c, num As Integer
The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.
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Dec 22, 2006
I have data in column A which is the correct data. I also have data in other columns that I would like to compare to column A. If the data is the same, then it moves beside it, if not then it leaves a blank cell.
I have looked for macros and formulas to do this for ages but i cant seem to find one. Here is an example
1 1 2 1
2 4 3 2
3 5 4 4
4 7 5 6
5 - - 7
6 - - -
7 - - -
1 1 - 1
2 - 2 2
3 - 3 -
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 -
6 - - 6
7 7 - 7
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Jan 12, 2007
See the attached spreadsheet. the range D5:D20 is dependent upon the value entered in D2. the range K4:K64 contains all values I would like entered into D2. For each value entered in D2, the range E21:H21 calculates 4 statistical values. I would like these entered into the 4 columns in Table 2 (L,M,N,O). The first value has already been done. Can I automate this somehow to plug in all the threshold values I have listed in Table 2 (column K)???
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Apr 8, 2013
I am working on a survey analysis and I'm having trouble comparing two columns.
Ex. 100 surveys
Column A being age (scale of 1-5)
Column B being willingness to pay (scale 1-5)
I am trying to correlate age with willingness to pay by saying =countif(a1:100 = "1" and (B1:B100 = "1" and "2"))
Basically checking to see if the 1st age group has a strong willingness to pay; I would repeat with B1:B100 = "4" and "5".
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May 19, 2014
Is it possible to modify the sub "Continue" below so that the "If s.Name <> wsKeep" line compares multiple variables? The code is for the purpose of setting a workbook to a required state, i.e. hide all worksheets except ones stated in variables. I have further subs that would also benefit from me knowing how to do this.
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Apr 20, 2009
I have a spreadsheet containing donation data for a non-profit organization with over 25,000 rows. The spreadsheet contains a lot of data, and is sorted by donor name, donation date (when the donation was made) and the feedback date (feedback on how the donation was used).
I'm looking to analyze how many transactions were made by a donor within 10 days of receiving feedback for a previous donation. The condition to check for is
(donor name is the same) AND (donation date >= feedback data for a previous donation) AND (donation date <= feedback data for a previous donation + 10 days).
How do I best perform this comparison? For instance, a donor may have made 20 donations, so I need to compare these donations amongst themselves and flag the ones where the donation date within 10 days of the feedback date for any other donation. I need to perform this exercise for each individual donor.
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Jul 18, 2009
In one excel book I have 2 sheets.
1. One sheet (request type wise) contains request type and the phase which it belongs to. eg request type A belongs to phase 1 and request type B belongs to phase 2. (like wise there are 212 request types divided into 8 phases)
2. The second sheet contains raw data (request type) where the request types are randomly arranged.
What I am trying to do is:
Compare the raw data of sheet 2 with standard data in sheet 1 and paste the phase to which it belongs to with a help of macro/code, since the standard data (212 request types with 8 phases) is huge.
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Feb 28, 2014
I'm am trying to take multiple column-groups and sort them by product ID number.
I am trying to put together a sales record for the past 26 months for around 2000 different items and sorting them manually would obviously be a nightmare.
I would like to sort them so that all the drugs with the same NDC (prod ID) have the correct data for each month displayed on the correct row for that NDC. Right now I have each set of data for that month sorted by product ID number but some months we used certain products and others we did not. Is there any sort of Macro that I could use? What I am trying to do I attached two files. The "before" and my desired "after".
starting point.xlsx
end product.xlsx
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Apr 23, 2012
[1] compare (row) ranges across two columns with an unequal number of rows (column A [number] to column C [number])
[2] save each result of [1] where there was a match in column B
[3] for each row where there was a match (now stored in B), compare the value from the same row in column D (date) with the same row of column F (date), and store the result in column E
[4] count and message box the final number of matches from column E
Data Example:
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
12345 match 12345 11/1/2011 match 11/1/2011
77777 34345 ... ...
A and C numbers match, so check same row date in D that does match date in E, place "match" in E, then count and display.
Sub other()
Dim range1, range2, range3, range4, range5, range6 As range
Dim x As Variant, y As Variant, z As Variant, a As Variant
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Apr 6, 2009
I have two spreadsheets I would like to compare against each other, last weeks inventory (Sheet 1) and this weeks (Sheet 2). All items are listed by unit number, is there a way to have all unit numbers on Sheet 1 colored red that are not on Sheet 2 and vice versa?
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Nov 16, 2009
Is there a way to compare two cells and return true if they are the same, false if different? There is text and numerical data. As a side note, can anybody recommend a lightweight reference so I can sit for an evening or two and at least get an idea of what excel can do?
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Jun 8, 2006
I need to compare a value to several cells and print the value into a new cell if and only if the value is not in any of the cells I am comparing to.
Say cells A1, A4, A8 and A12 contains different numbers. I want to compare a value, say 120, to the values of the above cells and if it is not contained in one of those cells I want to enter 120 into cell A16. If A1, A4, A8 or A12 contains the value 120 I want to leave A16 blank or write 0 to it.
Is there an easy way of doing this? Right now I am using a if-test for each of the cells I am comparing to, but this gets very messy as the number of cells increases.
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Mar 16, 2007
how to compare two cells (say, today's date with the date an order was supposed to be sent out), with a third cell that either has a tick in it, or nothing. If there's an easier way to do this other than VB code, I haven't found it. I tried conditonal formatting but it wouldn't let me have a condition in which it just checked the third cell, it needed to compare it with the selected one.
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Aug 8, 2012
I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.
I have 2 worksheets. One has Employees and the devices they have. Last name, First Name, Device each in their own colulmn. Many have more than 1 device so they have multiple entries on seperate rows.
Another worksheet has Employees and thier location. Last name, First Name, Location. Again, all on seperate columns.
It would look something like this
So I'm tasked with combining them into 1 sheet with last name, first name, device and location. The issues I'm having are:
1) A team member could have multiple devices
2) A last and/or first name can appear many times, so a simple Vlookup against lastname won't work - it has to somehow also compare against both.
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Apr 6, 2009
If u dont mind can i have example xls file please.
i hope u guys will help me to improve my knowledge by uploading attachments ...
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Nov 17, 2009
I have column a,b,c. b and c both contain numbers. if cell c1 equal b1 then i want "new" to be displayed in a1. If it does not equal then i want "old". but if c1 is blank then i want a1 to remain blank.
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Aug 22, 2008
I would like to make a macro which compares the content of the same cells in two worksheets which are in the same workbook.
More clearer I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2). What I would like the macro to do is to check cell A1 in Sheet1 and compare it to cell A1 in Sheet2 and so on till the last cell (IV65536). If there is a differnce between the two cells, then it should highlight the background of the cell in Sheet1.
I know that there has been similar requests on this forum (I searched and read them) but thew were different.
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Nov 7, 2008
I was wondering if someone can at least point me in the right direction with respect to comparing two numbers within a value in two different cells. For example:
If one cell has the value "AB123456"
And the cell below it has a value of "AB124658"
I want to be able to determine the difference (with VBA code) between both cells by just looking at the fourth and fifth characters ("23" and "24", respectively) in each cell value.
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