Concatenate Formula: Refers To A Cell Containing 0.065formula Refers To A Cell Containing 0.065
May 3, 2006
is it possible to concatenate in such a way that formatting is retained? For example, my =CONCATENATE formula refers to a cell containing 0.065, but which is formatted as a % so that the cell shows 6.5%. Concatenating that with text, however, produces "0.065 [text]"
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Apr 13, 2013
I've been trying without success to hyperlink a shape in one workbook that refers to a website contained in a second workbook cell.
The hyperlinked shape is in the current workbook and the website address is in a workbook called "data source.xlsx", sheet 1, cell A1.
My last attempt was this - ('C:UsersLouiseDocumentsMA[data source.xlsx]Sheet1'!A1)
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Dec 29, 2013
I'm working with a multi-page workbook I use for work scheduling purposes.
This is how Sheet1 is set-up:
In the cells in Column D I have used the following formula =IF('Sheet1'!B2="Yes","Holiday",""). What I have realized is that this formula is quite limited. For example not all 12 colleagues work everyday and they work different shifts on different days- each day's data is sorted so that the colleagues are organized primarily by Shift start time and then alphabetically by name- consequently if I used this formula across the entire workbook the Sheet1B2 data may not be consistently referencing the same colleague.
I was wondering if there was a way to amend the formula so that if a colleague is marked as 'Yes' in Sheet1, 'Holiday' could be inserted in Column D in the rows corresponding to where the colleague's name appears?
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Feb 14, 2008
i noticed that when i have a formula that refers to a table, such as:
= sumifs(table1[heading4],table1[heading1],"A",table1[heading2],true)
i can copy-paste it, i also can fill (right or left) a selected range with it,
but, i cannot copy it (right or left) by dragging.
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Aug 10, 2008
I have a named range that expands and contracts based upon the amount of data that is in some column. Call it AllData_UsedRange.
I have another named range that actually refers to a range. Call it AllData.
Column A
Row2 56
Row3 44
Row4 65
AllData is a named range that refers to the range A2:A65536
AllData_UsedRange refers to A2:A4 by way of this formula.
How to I obtain an address of AllData_UsedRange in VBA code?
These do not work...
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Jun 20, 2014
I'm having a problem referring to the value in my text boxes. I'm trying to refer the value in those to certain columns and rows that will be deleted after.
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Jan 13, 2010
My file has a code that refers to a dynamic named range. When I run the macro that range gets corrupted and I cannot figure it out why. before the macro the named range refers to:
and right after I run the macro it turns to:
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Dec 2, 2009
I need to put a formula which will show me required quantities under a relevant date which is already calculated in an aside table.
In the cell E8 I want it to look up for A8 in the table A35:AR45. Then in that row to find a date which is exactly the same or smaller than E7 and bring up all summed quantities from the table A50:A55 (quantities summed must be in the same column where the relevant date was found and in the row where the requirend part number is).
In the other hand I need to doin the cell H8 to llok up for A8 in the ableA35:AR45. Then in that row to find a date which is exactly the same as in H7 and bring up all summed quantities from the table A50:A55 (quantities summed must be in the same column as the relevant date was found and in the row where the required part number is).
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Mar 11, 2007
I have some code which refers to a group of cells in another workbook as follows:
Workbooks("SUMMARY06.XLS").Worksheets("JS").Range("H23:H30").Value = ActiveCell.Range("B1:B8").Value
I wish to change the reference to the sheet reference rather than the tab name, but the following doesn't work.
Workbooks("SUMMARY06.XLS").sheet103.Range("H23:H30").Value = ActiveCell.Range("B1:B8").Value
And if I make two or more references to the same Workbook, can I use a with statement, like:
With Workbooks("SUMMARY06.XLS")
.Worksheets("JS").Range("H23:H30").Value = ActiveCell.Range("B1:B8").Value
End With
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Sep 22, 2006
This thread is related to this thread. Offset, Match, Max Formula In the Insert - Name - Define window:
If one wants to copy a formula from the "Refers to" box and the formula extends past the right side of the box, how does one use "select all" or mark the whole formula from beginning to end so it can be copied without messing up the formula. At the moment, when I try this, it changes the formula to include the active cell of the worksheet that's open when I use the Ctrl + c etc. I have tried Ctrl + Ins and Ctrl + a and Ctrl + c. None of these are working for me.
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Mar 22, 2012
How I change the code below so that the ."AddItem" refers to a range within Sheet1?
For example .AddItem Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("O2:O20")
With ListBox1
.AddItem "January"
.AddItem "February"
.AddItem "March"
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Jun 15, 2007
is there a way to have the same named range cover a range of cells regardless of which sheet you are on? They seem to want to default to the page you are on. I want to make some VBA subroutines that will go over each sheet, and perform the same functions on each sheet. All sheets have the same format, but different data. I guess worst case scenario I can just break down and use multiple workbooks, but this seems a little less desirable. Should I be dividing this into seperate posts?
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Jul 26, 2009
I have a formula in the Name Define part of excel in workbook that refers to another workbook. =IF(COUNTIF([DaysWorking.xls]Sunday!$A:$A,'2009'!I1)>0,1,"")
The DaysWorking.xls workbook is a data workbook, users may change the data and after they are done, they may exit the program but not save it. The DaysWorking.xls workbook should always revert back to the original form. I've put a read only property on it, but the problem lies when the user saves the file under Save/As function. Excel then updates the link to whatever the user saves the file as. Is there a way to make sure that the formula never get's changed?
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Nov 14, 2006
I had the following VB string written for me recently, that cross refers Tab2 on a spreadsheet to tab1 with any duplicated fields in Tab1 being moved to Tab3.
Column B is the column I am comparing over the 2 sheets...
Dim Master As Worksheet 'Tab 1
Dim RefTab As Worksheet 'Tab 2
Dim NewTab As Worksheet 'Tab 3
Dim Cell As Range
Dim iRow As Long
Dim jRow As Long
Dim ff As String
The addition I would like to add is after this first action has taken place, I need all all of the data that is in Tab2 and not Tab1 moved to Tab 3.
To summarise, I need any info that appears in Tabs1 & 2 moved to Tab 3 and any remaining lines that are on Tab 2 and NOT Tab1 moved from Tab2 to Tab3.
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Mar 21, 2014
I'm trying to design an if statement that refers to a range of cells on a calculation sheet to perform one calculation on TRUE; another on FALSE
=IF(A22='Calculation Sheet'!A27:A36,B22*100/16,B22*100/8)
When I view the formula in Function Arguments window, Value_if_true = 1043.75 & Value_if_false = 2087.5 <- these are correct
IF Func Arg.jpg
When I view the cell in the spreadsheet, system displays #VALUE!
When I view Evaluate Formula window, it seems Excel doesn't like the text.
IF Form Eval.jpg
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Jun 12, 2009
I am trying to perform a lookup (vlookup) function in a cell in excel and wish to have the range as a variable, so that I can adjust which column the lookup function refers to.
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Feb 9, 2007
"Smith B" is text in C1.
My current formula in C3 is a simple reference to a cell in another workbook:
=+'Z:Time Records2007[Smith B.xls]Daily Time'!$C1352
I would the formula to refer to C1 to get the "Smith B" part.
This would allow me to copy the formula to the right and reference different text as it looks at D1, E1, F1, etc.
To say it another way. I want to know if there's a way to make a formula that would result in looking at the file Smith B.xls by inserting a refernce to C1 in it?
=+'Z:Time Records2007["C1".xls]Daily Time'!$C1352
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Jun 11, 2008
I have the below concatenate formula and it works for what I need..well, almost. I know I don't have the format cells option when using concatenate, but I need the answers to the formula to come out as a percentage or to two decimal places. I have searched and honestly don't understand how to do this in my formula....
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Feb 27, 2007
I would need to concatenate all the cell'content from a column if the value is different from null ("") in just one cell separated by ";" ... By ex :
In column A I have :
In cell B1 I should get "X;Y"
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Nov 14, 2008
I have 6 columns:
A1 = LastName
B1 = FirstName
C1 = LastName2
D1 = FirstName2
I need to concatenate into 1 cell so it looks like this: FirstName LastName;FirstName2 Last Name2. Now the challenge is that there are many instances where C1 and D1 are blank (don't have values).
So here was my attempt at a formula:
=IF(A1>""&B1>"",CONCATENATE(B1," ",A1))& IF(C1>""&D1>"",CONCATENATE(";"&D1,"",C1),"")
Now this works, but it ALWAYS leaves a semi colon at the end (even when there is no C1 and D1 to concatentate. Thus I put in my IF statement the "".
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Dec 4, 2013
I have been sent a very large file of product data from one of my suppliers, They sent all of the details in separate fields (for example, colour, height, width, depth, material etc)
I have processed all these columns to appear how I want them, but now need to join them together so they can all be added to my main description. I want each one to be on a new line when it's displayed on my website, so I'll be adding a <br /> tag (break tag) after each item. This I can do no problem.
This would all be fine, if all the columns contained data, but a lot of the time the columns do not contain data (eg. I have a column for "knife length" but not all of my products are knives, so not all of them require this information"
for example, I have something like:
SKU | Colour | height | width | depth | material
ABC | blue | 50mm | 10mm | 60mm |
BCD | | 80mm | 75mm | 30mm | wood
CDE | red | | | | plastic
I could use something like :
=CONCATENATE($A2, " <br /> ", CHAR(10),$B2, " <br /> ", CHAR(10),$C2, " <br /> ", CHAR(10),)
This however means writing a piece of code for each cell I want to join, My cells go from range "O2" to "DW2", I don't fancy writing that for every single column!! Also, it means that If I have some empty fields, it will still add a break tag, this will look very odd on my site.
I really need a way of writing into the function "include if cell contains data" for each cell. If it doesn't contain anything, skip it and move to the next. (the char(10) in this just gives me a line break in excel so I can see what it'll look like when it's exported)
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Apr 29, 2009
Using Excel 2007. Can I use IF along with CONCATENATE.
Can't seem to get the proper syntax.
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Dec 23, 2013
How to concatenate the infinite cell in one cell. See the attachment .
I need the data in column A ...
Attached File : abcd.xlsx
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Mar 31, 2014
I am making a table in excel where I list video games and I would like to place a hyperlink in line with them to open a search page on eBay, I've made a URL-friendly cell (replacing the spaces with + signs, like they do on the URL.
Example table:
game title
On the "Check" cell I would like a hyperlink that contains the value of the cell saying "game+title" (supposing that is cell B2), i.e:
How would I go about it?
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Jul 15, 2008
I am trying to merge three cells using the following formulae =CONCATENATE(A3,": ",B3,", ",C$1,", ",C3,"") where C$1 is a title (header) I will use if C3 is populated. However, I would like to leave C$1 out if C3 is not populated.
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Aug 6, 2014
Eliminating empty cell in the concatenate. I am concatenating many cell together. Example is Column A has a word " Starter" Column B is the type of tractor it fits " Case" Column C thru E have other names IE John Deere, Ford only if the part fits more than one type of tractor. In my final Concatenate i end up with many comma's and nothing follows. I have placed a ", " in between each reference of the cell. If the cell is 0 or null. I want the concatenate to ignore the cell and extra commas.
My current function reads + Concatenate(A1,", For ",B2,", ",C2,", ",D2,", ",E2)
What I have now.
Starter, For John Deere, , , , , , , .
Starter, For John Deere, Ford, , , , , , .
What I wish is.
Starter, For John Deere, Ford.
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Jul 4, 2009
Example is in the attch: Book11.xls. This formula works but if there is no number 4 then I don't want comma after 1, or 2, or 3, How avoid it:
(red , need to be removed)
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Oct 28, 2009
I'm trying to do a CONCATENATE function in Excel 2003. The first part of the function (this is working correctly) is a) concatenating 4 cells from a different worksheet (WB_NEW) into one cell and is b) putting a space in between each entry:
What I'm now trying to do is enhance this function to perform with 2 separate concatenation rules i.e. "if one of the cells specified above is blank, concatenate a different set of cells".
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Feb 3, 2009
Can you concatenate a range. I want to join 30+ cells together but dont want to click on every one?
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May 29, 2009
I have a list of email addresses. They are in column A.
The 1st email address is in cell A5 and goes down until a blank cell is reached.
QUESTION: Is there a limit on how many email addresses can be contantinated together ? I can limit the number if necessary.
The contantinated list should be placed into cell A1.
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