VBA ListBox - AddItem Refers To A Range Within Sheet1

Mar 22, 2012

How I change the code below so that the ."AddItem" refers to a range within Sheet1?

For example .AddItem Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("O2:O20")


With ListBox1
.AddItem "January"
.AddItem "February"
.AddItem "March"

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ListBox 2 Column Additem

Nov 26, 2004

I have a Listbox that has 2 columns

Using Additem how do I place data in the 1st then the 2nd column to create a list.

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Add 3 Columns To Listbox By AddItem

Jun 12, 2014

I am trying to use AddItem to add 3 columns in a listbox. (I know I can use Me.ListBox1.List=Array() ... but here I want to use AddItem)

From AddItem:

For multiple-column lists, use semicolons to delimit the strings for each column (for example, "1010;red;large" for a three-column list).

Here is my code but complete string is shown in 1 column where semicolon are visible. What am I doing wrong? I have also attached my example in a file.


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UserForm ListBox AddItem

May 6, 2007

I have this part of code that populates my ListBox

With UserForm1.ListBox2
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(1, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(2, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(3, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(4, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(5, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(6, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(7, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(8, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(9, 7).Value
.AddItem ActiveCell.Offset(10, 7).Value
End With
It draws the Values (names) off of Sheet1 and ActiveCell is B26

Question one: Is there a better way of writing this and for it to stop adding to the ListBox once there is no Value in the Offset cell....

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Each ListBox Is Populated Via .AddItem

Dec 15, 2009

I have a userform (seen below) in which the user selects any number of ZIP Codes (right - ListBox2) after selecting a county/location (left - ListBox1.)

My dilema is that I need to somehow record the selections for EACH county/location, while making sure that when saving the selected ZIP's to the "Area Associations" sheet, I don't create duplicates. Of course any ZIP deselected needs to not be recorded to the sheet.

The "Area Associations" sheet is set up as follows:
[Any given row after row 1]
Column A = Area (Area is selected prior to the userform being displayed)
Column B - ??? = the selected ZIP's

The selected ZIP's do NOT have to be in any specific order, because I have a routine to search through the row looking for any instance of any particular ZIP Code.

FYI - Each ListBox is populated via .AddItem

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Fill Listbox: AddItem

Dec 12, 2006

I am trying to get a range from a worksheet and add it to my listbox1 on a form but i keep getting this error message.. Run=time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_worksheet' failed

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("iSheet")
Dim ilastrow As Integer
ilastrow = ws.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Dim irow As Integer
irow = 0

For irow = 0 To ilastrow
If Trim(ws.Range("a" & irow).Value) <> "" Then
With ListBox1
.AddItem Trim(ws.Range("a" & irow).Value) & " - " & Trim(ws.Range("b" & irow))
End With
End If

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Listbox AddItem Stops Filling At Column 11

Dec 12, 2007

Works fine up to and including .List(i, 9) however when it bangs out with an error when it gets to .List(i, 10). Error Message reads: Run-Time Error '380': Could Not set the List property value.Invalid Property Value. If I Switch to using .column(10,i) I get the same error but for column instead

Dim cnt As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, HASH As String
Dim D1 As String, D2 As String
Dim i As Long
HASH = Chr(35)

D1 = "12/3/2007" '*
D2 = "12/9/2007" '*
Agent = "Team_Stats" '*
i = 0 '*

glob_DBpath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "databaseTS-Stats.mdb"
glob_sConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & glob_DBpath & _
"; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=********;".......................

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AddItem ListBox: Run-time Error 2147352571(8002005)

Aug 4, 2006

I'm trying to fill a listbox use code. The code I have is the following:

listrow = Worksheets("DATA"). Range("A1"). CurrentRegion.rows.Count
For i = 1 To listrow
Cells(i, 1).Value = CStr(Cells(i, 1))
Worksheets("BOM").Lbxitems.AddItem Sheets("DATA").Cells(i, 1)
Next i

It all worked fine, and now suddently it doesnt anymore.

I get the following error message:
Run-time error 2147352571(8002005).

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Get The Range Address Of A Dynamically Named Range That Refers To A Formula In VBA

Aug 10, 2008

I have a named range that expands and contracts based upon the amount of data that is in some column. Call it AllData_UsedRange.

I have another named range that actually refers to a range. Call it AllData.

Column A
Row2 56
Row3 44
Row4 65

AllData is a named range that refers to the range A2:A65536
AllData_UsedRange refers to A2:A4 by way of this formula.

How to I obtain an address of AllData_UsedRange in VBA code?

These do not work...

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Refers To A Dynamic Named Range

Jan 13, 2010

My file has a code that refers to a dynamic named range. When I run the macro that range gets corrupted and I cannot figure it out why. before the macro the named range refers to:


and right after I run the macro it turns to:


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Named Range That Refers To Active Sheet

Jun 15, 2007

is there a way to have the same named range cover a range of cells regardless of which sheet you are on? They seem to want to default to the page you are on. I want to make some VBA subroutines that will go over each sheet, and perform the same functions on each sheet. All sheets have the same format, but different data. I guess worst case scenario I can just break down and use multiple workbooks, but this seems a little less desirable. Should I be dividing this into seperate posts?

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Concatenate Formula: Refers To A Cell Containing 0.065formula Refers To A Cell Containing 0.065

May 3, 2006

is it possible to concatenate in such a way that formatting is retained? For example, my =CONCATENATE formula refers to a cell containing 0.065, but which is formatted as a % so that the cell shows 6.5%. Concatenating that with text, however, produces "0.065 [text]"

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Design If Statement That Refers To A Range Of Cells On Calculation Sheet

Mar 21, 2014

I'm trying to design an if statement that refers to a range of cells on a calculation sheet to perform one calculation on TRUE; another on FALSE

=IF(A22='Calculation Sheet'!A27:A36,B22*100/16,B22*100/8)

When I view the formula in Function Arguments window, Value_if_true = 1043.75 & Value_if_false = 2087.5 <- these are correct

IF Func Arg.jpg

When I view the cell in the spreadsheet, system displays #VALUE!

When I view Evaluate Formula window, it seems Excel doesn't like the text.

IF Form Eval.jpg

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Sheet1 Row Range Copy To Sheet2 Firs Blank Row In Same Range Paste As Text?

Mar 16, 2013

Trying to assign code to comm. button on User form to copy lets say:

(sheet1, rangeB2:B21) to (sheet2, first blank row rangeB2:B21) and paste it as text value one more question: what to be aware in case of sheets format (merged cells, hidden rows...)

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Creating Range Of Listbox Based On Selection Made In Another ListBox

May 1, 2014

I have two lists mainly TV Brand & There Models.

List 1 (TV Brand)
Depended List 2 (Models)
Sony LG Samsung
EX420 55EB9600 PL43E450A1FXZP
EX430 77EC9800 PL43E490B4FXZP
EX550 55EA8800 PL43E400U1FXZP
EX520 KN55S9C UN32EH5300FXZP
EX645 55EA9800 PL64E8000GFXZP

I'm using two Listboxes (Form Control) with multiple selection options namely Listbox 1 (Brand) & Listbox 2 (Models). I want listbox 2 input range to be depended on selection made on Listbox 1 (Brand). For example, if user selects Sony then box2 should show only Sony's models and if user selects Sony & LG, box2 should show models for both Sony & LG.

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Compare Sheet1 With Sheet2 And Copy Unique Values In Sheet1

Aug 13, 2014

I am using the below code and it is not performing the operations of comparing and deleting the duplicate values from sheet1 and pasting unique values in sheet 1, p.s. Do not need values from sheet 2, just want to compare the sheet 1 with 2 and delete dups in sheet1.

[Code] .....

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Select A Range On Sheet1 Using Mouse?

Mar 28, 2014

when i select a range on sheet1 using mouse e.g i select the range ( d5:d16 )

this range (d5:d16) should be appear In texbox1 and press any key to lock this range in textbox1

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Populate Range Of Values From Sheet1 To Sheet2

Apr 12, 2014

I have source data sheet like this one: source_sht1.PNG

I want to populate the range of the same data from Column A to the separate sheet2. For example: From Cloumn A within the same "AAA' values (range: A4:A7) i want to populate all data from Column B to E (highlighted in orange). The second sheet should look like this:

The macros should end when Column A value = empty with this so i could finish my macro .

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Excel 2010 :: How To Populate Sheet2 From Sheet1 After Finding Matching Word On Sheet2 From List In Sheet1

Oct 4, 2013

I have 2 Worksheets in an Excel 2010 Workbook -

Column1: contains the word "dog"
Column2: contains the word "bark"

Column1: contains the sentence "I like dogs a lot."
Column2: is blank

What I need to do is search Sheet2/Column1 for the presence of "dog" and if it's present, populate the word "bark" in Sheet2/Column2 from Sheet1/Column2.

How can I do this?

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Using Additem On A ComboBox From A Module

Aug 17, 2006

I am calling the following subroutine from a module (Mod_Global_Ini) for a combobox (ComBx_Supervisor) on a userform (Frm_JobCreate). why the .AddItem gives me an "Expected Function or Variable" error message?

Public Sub JobCreate_Initialize()
Frm_JobCreate.ComBx_Supervisor.AddItem = " "
Frm_JobCreate.ComBx_Supervisor.AddItem = "bp"
Frm_JobCreate.ComBx_Supervisor.AddItem = "cn"
Frm_JobCreate.ComBx_Supervisor.AddItem = "sm"
Frm_JobCreate.ComBx_Supervisor.AddItem = "jm"
End Sub

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Speed Up Control AddItem Method

Jul 25, 2006

im using the following code to add to a combo box when a form loads

LstMullBkBx.AddItem "SCW059 - 50mm Box"
LstMullBkBx.AddItem "SCW060 - 75mm Box"
LstMullBkBx.AddItem "SCW061 - 100mm Box"
LstMullBkBx.AddItem "SCW062 - 125mm Box"

This seems to be a long way to do it. Is the a quicker way... as in

LstMullBkBx.AddItem "SCW059 - 50mm Box" & "SCW060 - 75mm Box" etc

I tried this but it adds them on the same line which is no good.

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Combo Box Additem - Run-time Error - Invalid Argument

Nov 28, 2008

I've written an Excel (using 2007, compatibility mode to 2003) app for our stock control. Basically it's a protected stock sheet which the user adds/removes stock via a form.

When the user runs the form the following code loops through the stock list header adding item names to a combo box. Problem is I get a run-time error if there's more than 60+ items but while the error always occurs, it happens at different places in additems.

Run-time error '-2147024809 (80070057)
Invalid argument.

In the code I've allowed a loop to 1000 items but in reality they'll be no more than 150.

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Userform Refers To Textbox?

Jun 20, 2014

I'm having a problem referring to the value in my text boxes. I'm trying to refer the value in those to certain columns and rows that will be deleted after.


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Look At The Item ID Column On Sheet1 Compare It To SS# On Sheet Two And Copy Any Rows From Sheet1 To The End Of The Sheet In Sheet 2

Feb 26, 2009

I have I workbook that contains 2 sheets. The first sheet "Business Objects" is the master list. The second sheet "Gene" contains similar data but is incomplete. There is a unique identifer for both sheets and that is item ID. what I would like to do is look at the Item ID column on sheet1 compare it to SS# on sheet two and copy any rows from sheet1 to the end of the sheet in sheet 2. I have found in my searches on this forum a bit of code that identifies the ones in sheet1 that are not in Sheet2 and highlights them red(which is not neccessary for me, but I am struggling to figure out how to take that and paste it to sheet2.

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Lookup With 2 Refers And 2 Data Ranges

Dec 2, 2009

I need to put a formula which will show me required quantities under a relevant date which is already calculated in an aside table.

In the cell E8 I want it to look up for A8 in the table A35:AR45. Then in that row to find a date which is exactly the same or smaller than E7 and bring up all summed quantities from the table A50:A55 (quantities summed must be in the same column where the relevant date was found and in the row where the requirend part number is).

In the other hand I need to doin the cell H8 to llok up for A8 in the ableA35:AR45. Then in that row to find a date which is exactly the same as in H7 and bring up all summed quantities from the table A50:A55 (quantities summed must be in the same column as the relevant date was found and in the row where the required part number is).

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Refers To A Group Of Cells In Another Workbook

Mar 11, 2007

I have some code which refers to a group of cells in another workbook as follows:

Workbooks("SUMMARY06.XLS").Worksheets("JS").Range("H23:H30").Value = ActiveCell.Range("B1:B8").Value

I wish to change the reference to the sheet reference rather than the tab name, but the following doesn't work.

Workbooks("SUMMARY06.XLS").sheet103.Range("H23:H30").Value = ActiveCell.Range("B1:B8").Value

And if I make two or more references to the same Workbook, can I use a with statement, like:

With Workbooks("SUMMARY06.XLS")
.Worksheets("JS").Range("H23:H30").Value = ActiveCell.Range("B1:B8").Value
End With

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Copy From 'Refers To' In Defined Names

Sep 22, 2006

This thread is related to this thread. Offset, Match, Max Formula In the Insert - Name - Define window:

If one wants to copy a formula from the "Refers to" box and the formula extends past the right side of the box, how does one use "select all" or mark the whole formula from beginning to end so it can be copied without messing up the formula. At the moment, when I try this, it changes the formula to include the active cell of the worksheet that's open when I use the Ctrl + c etc. I have tried Ctrl + Ins and Ctrl + a and Ctrl + c. None of these are working for me.

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Userform ListBox Within Range To Add Addition Row Within Range Restriction

Apr 28, 2014

I can’t seem to add the “Insert New row” or where to add or maybe I’m not even doing it right. I have a worksheet with 4 column and need to only function in these columns as I have information doing something else.

In Column A, B, C and D are my main column for the following functions:

Column A will act as titles
Column B will act as sub titles (There can be multiple sub titles withing the same title, needs to be added on an as when requirement)
Column C will act as possition (There can be multiple position withing the same sub Title, needs to be added on an as when requirement)
Column D will act as sub position (There can be multiple sub position withing the same Position, needs to be added on an as when requirement)

All columns will react to what is in Column A. I have the following code for column A:

[Code] .....

This will look in my next available row to see if it is a blank row then add my information from my userform listbox.

I have tried to add the same procedure to my column B but don’t even come close to what I need in this function.

I need that when I double click my sheets cell in accordance to the following code:

[Code] ....

...to show my userform then to add the information but only to look in Column A to D and not pass this column.

I have added a Workbook to add the other information has it could get long to actually explain but to quickly explain:

I will need to add a title (already set up with a userform, listbox and on click of this listbox it will transfer the information to my sheet) This will look in my Column A to see where is my next available blank row and add the listbox value to it. If I double click column B, next to the columns A title, I need to add this information on the next available blank row but to create a Insert new row as there could be addition information going in column A or B and so on... I presume it will be the same code for C and D as this has to function the same way.

See Attachment for details and information : Book1.xlsm

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Writing Formula Which Refers To Different Pages In Workbook?

Dec 29, 2013

I'm working with a multi-page workbook I use for work scheduling purposes.

This is how Sheet1 is set-up:



In the cells in Column D I have used the following formula =IF('Sheet1'!B2="Yes","Holiday",""). What I have realized is that this formula is quite limited. For example not all 12 colleagues work everyday and they work different shifts on different days- each day's data is sorted so that the colleagues are organized primarily by Shift start time and then alphabetically by name- consequently if I used this formula across the entire workbook the Sheet1B2 data may not be consistently referencing the same colleague.

I was wondering if there was a way to amend the formula so that if a colleague is marked as 'Yes' in Sheet1, 'Holiday' could be inserted in Column D in the rows corresponding to where the colleague's name appears?

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Cannot Drag 2007 Formula That Refers To Table

Feb 14, 2008

i noticed that when i have a formula that refers to a table, such as:

= sumifs(table1[heading4],table1[heading1],"A",table1[heading2],true)

i can copy-paste it, i also can fill (right or left) a selected range with it,
but, i cannot copy it (right or left) by dragging.

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