I have a Userform where i have the user in put a dollar amount in a text box. Im having difficulty getting this assigned to a variable as an integer. I get a "type mismatch" error. I have tried declaring the variable as an integer, and tried the cint() function, but i get the same error.
i have this function that poulates data from a userform into a sheet.
For lLoop = 1 To MAWBNoVar With Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) .Offset(1, 0) = Controls("txtMAWB" & lLoop) .Offset(1, 1) = Left(Controls("cbDestination" & lLoop), 3) .Offset(1, 2) = Controls("txtGW" & lLoop) .Offset(1, 3) = Controls("txtCBM" & lLoop) .Offset(1, 4) = "= ROUND(E" & Y & "*167,0)" .Offset(1, 5) = "=IF(D" & Y & ">F" & Y & ",D" & Y & ",F" & Y & ")" .Offset(1, 6) = "=IF(F" & Y & ">D" & Y & ",G" & Y & "-D" & Y & ",G" & Y & "-F" & Y & ")" Y = Y + 1 End With Next lLoop
My problem is that the data being entered into the sheet for the lines highlighted in red is going in as text, and not true numerics, so that the subsequent formulae are not working correctly.
I have a textbox on a form that has a default value of 0.00. When the user enters a number I want it to format it to currency with two decimal places. I've tried form.textbox1.text = formatcurrency(textbox1.text,"0.00") but it won't format it to two decimal places.
I need to be able to format a textbox as curancy. Simple enough, right?
The problem is that this box is loaded from two sources. The first is automatic using the change event, this works well. The second is to enter directly into the textbox, which requires using the exit event, this also works.
The problem comes when I try to use both events. The change event interfers with the direct entry (the format keeps changing the entered value and will not allow the user to finish entering).
I have a userform with several texboxes formatted as currency. The problem I have is that I cannot enter figures less than £1.00 i.e. (.90) whicch should format as £0.90 Here is the code I am using so far! As I have said it works perfectly apart from this ...
how I might assign the $ Currency property to one of my textboxes in my user form. I was hoping I could set the property in the spreadsheet and the form would inherit what properties the cell in the spreadsheet had but that did not work. Here is the line of code I tried to use to assign the property to the cell (TextBox 16 is the one I am trying to change)
i have an order book which lists the value of each order against the currency it was ordered in. So in column A i have a list of currencies (THB, GBP, AUD, USD, the user clicks the appropriate one) and in column B i have the figure (23.50). I want a formula that can convert all these in GBP so that i can report the order totals in one currency in column C. =(IF A1="THB", B1/50, "") can i adapt this to include all variables? I will add a table with the currency conversion rates.
When I enter a number, say 2456 in this textbox why does it display "$2.45" instead of "$2,456". I've tried fiddling with the ###'s and .'s but it just gets worse.
The FOB PRICE in sheet JAN09SEA is in any of three currencies, HKD EUR or USD. The output on sheet CONSOLIDATE should only be USD. Also, you can see that some countries send their freight in two or even three different currencies. This would need to be accounted for. Additionally to the currency issue, I need to sort the output to RM or FG. For that, on sheet CONSOLIDATE, we have a button located in G1 to switch types. E.G. if presses for FG, the formula should only check for the values where the row is marked with FG in column X.
The freight charge is always in HKD and needs to be converted to USD as well. Also it should be FREIGHT = FREIGHT CHARGE + SURCHARGE converted to USD.
This is quite a lot of information. I hope someone can think of a solution for the problems. If you need more information.
I have a userform where the user enters prices for up to 12 items in textbox controls, and these prices are stored in an array. The textboxes are titled tbPrice1, tbPrice2, etc. I'm having an issue with the line of code I am using to store the values in an array. Every time I attempt to store them, I get runtime error 13 type mismatch, but I don't understand why.
dim PartPrices(1 to 12) as Currency
For x = 1 to 12PartPrices(x) = IIf(Trim(Me.Controls("tbPrice" & x).Value) & vbNullString = vbNullString, CCur(0), CCur(Trim(Me.Controls("tbPrice" & x).Value)))Next
A little more explanation here. Not all 12 parts will have prices, so I use the IIf statement to store the value 0 whenever the user has left a price field blank. I use trim in case they leave spaces in the price textbox or something. When the field is not blank, I take the value entered in the textbox, convert it to currency and attempt to store it in the relevant element of the array.
How to make EXCEL 2007 Automatically convert all my CURRENCY symbols in all cells formatted for CURRENCY in THE SAME SHEET to the one and ONLY currency selected in JUST ONE cell ? (i mean, after conversion, all of them are Not just display currency symbols, but Calculable monetary values like regular Excel's built-in currency format)
I am a dummy in VBA so I really am not familiar at all if the solution is really one of VBA. I don't even know how to start programming VBA at all in Excel.
I am using Excel 2003 and have a column within my spreadsheet that, through a formula, inserts a decimal that has formatting to show as a percent. I would like to know who to convert that number to words. I saw spellnumber (and love it!) but don't know how to edit it so that it converts properly.
I have a problem here with the currency style, when I put the number in the cell and clicked the currency style button, the currency is placed in the left side and the number is in right side. How can I make it both in the middle? http://i44.tinypic.com/bfnbqd.jpg
I need to have a spell number function such that if I have a collumns with a figure and abbreviated currency as below
USD 953,681.67 EUR 953,681.67 GBP 953,681.67
The function SpellNumber would display as
US Dollars Nine Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty One and Sixty Seven Cents Only
Euros Nine Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty One and Sixty Seven Cents Only
Great British Pounds Nine Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty One and Sixty Seven Cents Only
Any function that I can append as Macro in Excel and output depends on Currency.I should also be able to edit Macro to add additional currencies as I wish.
I have a file contains thousands of rows of purchasing order. the purchasing value is in different local currency,the data(number) format is "Accounting" .
Is there a way to separate the currency sign and the number into different column?
I need to the currency sign to be able to convert data to desired currency. But Excel read the data as number. so I was doing it row by row. Such a pain and not efficient.
In the accounting number formats, the available currency symbols are Dollar ($), Pound (₤), Euro (€), and Yuan (¥). But how can I add a custom currency symbol? For example instead of writing "$1,000", I want to write "BDT. 1,000" or "৳ 1,000". How can I do that?
I have textbox within a userform and want it to function as the place where the user could enter a password. I just want that during the entering the entered signs would automatically be turned into stars (disguised as stars), but of course the entered password would remain its real value.
I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.
I am attempting to format some TextBoxes from within a For/Next loop. I need a way to check which TextBox is the active TextBox in the loop. Using i as the variable, I came up with this code snippet: Me.Controls("TB" & i).Text = Format("TB" & i, "mm/dd/yy")
If i = 3, this gives me in TextBox3 (which is called TB3) the text 'TB3' and not the value of what is in TB3. It has got to bo something simple, I just can't see it!!!