Use AutoFilter To Filter And Copy Results To Existing Worksheet

Apr 5, 2013

I got the following code from Use AutoFilter to filter and copy the results to a existing worksheet and would like to incorporate this into my VBA project. The problem however is that this code were written to perform on one workbook and this is where my problem is. My project is between two different workbooks and cannot seem to get this code modified to do what it is supposed to do between these two workbooks. Everything I have tried so far failed. In short what this code would do is to check the existing data on the one sheet (the source) and extract only the data which is meeting my set criteria, and copy this data to the destination sheet. This is what I would like to do between two workbooks. With this the sample code as provided by Ron de Bruin. The sample workbook could be accessed trough the following link [URL]..... With this the code for matching and copying on one workbook.

Option Explicit
'This example will copy the filter results below the existing data on the destination sheet.
'Note the sheet "RecordsOfTheNetherlands" must exist in your workbook.
'This example will not copy the header row each time so when you manual add the worksheet
'"RecordsOfTheNetherlands" to your workbook you must add the headers yourself on the first row.

[Code] ............

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Filter Table And Then Copy The Results Onto Another Worksheet

Jan 17, 2007

now i have filtered data in a table, i want to use the results by printing off a table showing just these and the appropriate rows from other tables on worksheets. these all have a specific ID which is how they are traceable to each other. like a related field in an access database. two tables/worksheets are like so:

Reg No | Rank | Name | Initials | Troop | etc

table 2:
Reg No | JCLM1 | JCLM2 | SCLM1 | SCLM2 | etc

If i were to filter the second table by JCLM1 = YES then i want to create a printable list of all those but also to include the related records from table 1. is this possible?

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Search Box That Uses Autofilter To Filter Results Down?

May 14, 2012

I want to create a searchbox in Excel which will locate text in a massive amount of data, for example, if a user types into the box....


I want the search box to filter the spreadsheet using the autofilter from cell B3, thus filtering out all results that are NOT "123".

Currently I have a button to press which brings up the CTRL + F screen, but that isn't exactly what is required in this instance.

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Copying Results From An Autofilter To A New Worksheet

Aug 27, 2009

I'm working on a quote template that has 600+ products with descriptions and prices that gets autofiltered down to one product. After it has been filtered down to that one product how do I link that to a new worksheet?

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AutoFilter Table & Copy Results

Jan 29, 2008

The error above comes up every time I copy filtered data to a new worksheet. It does its work but the said error comes up.

Sub AUTOFILTER_withouthead()

' AUTOFILTER_for_drop Macro
' Macro recorded 1/27/2008 by DD
Dim ws As Worksheet, wd As Variant
Set ws = Worksheets((Worksheets("Destination"). Cells(1, 6).Value))
Set wd = Worksheets("Destination").Range("A1:F65000") ...

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Copy And Paste Autofilter Results To Different Sheet?

Jul 1, 2013

I have a sheet that I need to routinely filter for a specific code then paste it into a different sheet in the same workbook. I would love to set up a simple macro that would do this for me, but I can't seem to figure it out.

In the results I would like the header row if at all possible, but I can always just make it part of the macro.

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AutoFilter Copy Code Producing No Results

Aug 9, 2007

I have created a macro some time ago that is an integrated part of an XLA. The Xla has worked fine but now, for some reason, the macro fails to import the specified text, it doesn't fail but nothing gets imported. I have tried solving this myself, but alas I am not bright enough

The code is:

Sub GetWorksheet()
Dim filetoopen As String
Dim wb As Workbook

filetoopen = Application _
. GetOpenFilename("XL Files (*.xls), *.xls")
On Error Resume Next

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Copy Advance Filter Results To Another Sheet

Aug 29, 2007

I recorded a macro to perform an Advanced Filter. I then adapted the range to & LastRow. My question is, can this now be adapted to remove the Select so the sheets are not selected when this is run.

Sheets("CIT Results").Select
Sheets("Open Calls").Range("A1:I" & LastRow).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=Sheets("Open Calls").Range("N5:V8"), CopyToRange:=Range("Q50"), Unique:=False

Moderators, can you please edit the Thread title. It should be "Advance Filter From and To Non Active Sheet"

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Copy Worksheet To An Existing Workbook

Dec 20, 2009

this is the macro code I am using to copy the currently selected worksheet to an existing workbook:

Sub test2()

Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsManagerDesktop PS444Log.xls"
Sheets("sales").Copy Before:=Workbooks("PS444Log.xls").Sheets(1)

End Sub
The source workbook is named PS444
The receiving workbook is named PS444Log
The sheet to be copied and moved is named sales

The source workbook is already open and the code is executed by clicking a button on the worksheet.

If I perform the steps manually the worksheet in the source workbook gets copied correctly into the receiving workbook.

The problem lies when I try to execute the code, the source worksheet doesn't get copied to the receiving workbook.
The receiving workbook gets opened but the worksheet does not get transfered.
Neither of the workbooks are protected nor are either of the worksheets protected in the workbooks.
Can someone tell me why the code is not copying the sheet to the receiving workbook.
I developed the code using the macro recorder so I don't understand why it doesn't work.

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Loop Through Auto Filter Criteria And Copy Cell Results Into Another Sheet

May 20, 2014

I have a worksheet that contains 3 columns, A, B, C, that I need to run through auto-filter and copy the results from a cell, F2, into another sheet each time the filter criteria changes.

Although the worksheet will contain over 11,000 rows (the attached sample file is trimmed down to around 1000 rows),

Col A will only have 8 different possible criteria for autofilter: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Col B has around 70 criteria, and Col C has around 700 criteria.

The number of rows in the sheet and consequently the auto-filter criteria will likely change each time (but will usually hover around these quantities).

As an example, here is how I would envision this working for Col C:

1. Starting on the 1st Sheet (named "FW15"), I auto-filter Col C on criteria/value 1
2. I copy the resulting value from Cell F2 of sheet FW15 and paste it into the first empty cell of Col C in Sheet 2 (named "CopiedResults")
3. I return to my first sheet, FW15, turn off the enabled filter for criteria/value, and turn on the next autofilter Criteria/Value of 2
4. Repeat Step 2
Keep looping through Col C to make sure that all auto-filter values have been applied, and all resulting values contained in Cell F2 are copied over to the second sheet.

Likewise, I would need to run through the auto-filter criteria in Col A and Col B, and copy their resulting values (from cell F2) into Sheet2 Col A and Col B.

Attached workbook : autofiltercriteria3.xlsx

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Copy Worksheet To An Existing Workbook Not Working

May 30, 2007

I have a user who is trying to use <EDIT><MOVE OR COPY SHEET> to copy a sheet to an existing workbook. She has them in the same directory and has them both open, but when she tries to copy a sheet from either of them to the other, the only workbook listed in the "TO BOOK" drop down menu is the one she is in. NO other workbooks show up as an option for her to copy to.

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Copy Paste Worksheet Range To Existing Workbook?

Jan 24, 2014

how do i go about creating a macro to copy a range in sheet 1 in workbook A and paste that to a new tab(the last one) in the existing workbook B. i would like the tab to be renamed based on a cell value. preferably workbook B doesnt have to be open, and the save and close it

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VBA To Autofilter A List And Copy And Paste Data Into Next Available Row In Another Worksheet.

May 28, 2009

I have two worksheets 1) PL dbase and 2) Waiting list. Both setup as Lists. Where Excel automatically inserts a new row as you click in the current rows...
I want to autofilter Waiting list column I for the value of "Yes"
Copy all the data autofiltered in Waiting list to the next available row(s) on worksheet PL dbase.

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AutoFilter And Add Row To Existing Sheet

Feb 3, 2014

I have 6 working tabs in my workbook (1-10, 2-8, 1-67, 3-16, 2STB, 204th). Each of these sheet has the same number of columns. The first row is a header and the last row in each sheet is used to calculate subtotals and contains no other data. Each row of data is essentially an order that contains an ID number, information on the equipment being ordered, and information on the customer, remarks, and some other tracking information. Each worksheet contains a Column called "Gaining BDE" (Column E). These "Gaining BDEs" are essentially a way of labeling a group of customers. What I need a macro to do is create and maintain a sheet for each of these "Gaining BDEs".

I need excel to look at each of my 6 working tabs and when it sees 1ABCT, for example, copy that entire row of data into a tab called 1ABCT. As I add rows to my 6 working sheets as orders accrue, I would like excel to automatically place a copy of that row in the appropriate sheet. I have a few other sheets in my workbook that I do not want excel to search for data within as they simply serve as references for my VLOOKUP functions. I would also like the cells to be linked so that when I change the Remarks column to reflect "Complete" for example, that change is reflected in these newly created sheets. I have tried working with other peoples copy/paste row VBA code but have not had any luck and I am brand new to VBA so I have a tough time understanding it still.

I'm having some trouble getting my workbook uploaded but a view of what one of my sheets looks like can be seen here: [URL] ........

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Autofilter To Filter Cells With A Number Filter Of >= 4 And <= 5

Jul 25, 2009

I m trying to use an Autofilter to filter my cells with a Number Filter of is greater of equal to 4 and is less than or equal to 5.

But as you can see I would like to customise is using a range of 2 values which i have specified in Cell P1 and Q1.

I manage to figure out how to reference to this cell, but Im not sure how can i put my ">=" and "<=" operators into my code so i can get it to work exactly how i want as shown in Code 1.

Code 1

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=">=4", _
Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=5"

Code 2
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$K$118").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=Range("P1").Value, _Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:=Range("Q1").Value

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Search In A Datafile And Copy The Results Into Another Worksheet

Sep 24, 2009

I use the Macro below to search in a datafile and copy the results into another worksheet. Only problem, when the macro finds a result he should copy and start over again, starting from the row below, but somehow he start 2 rows lower, so I'm missing results. (when he should copy row 2,3,4,5,6 - the result is only 2,4,6) I tried changing

WerkRij = WerkRij + 1 into Werkrij = WerkRij
StartRij = Rij + 1 into StartRij = StartRij
but then he keep searching and copying the same cells

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Apply AdvancedFilter To Several Sheets & Copy Results To New Worksheet

Nov 30, 2009

The data to be filtered is in several sheets, and once filtered is to be copied to a destination sheet (in this case "Temp"). The criteria for advanced filter is on an altogether different sheet (in this case "Reports"). The macro is actually simplified for the purpose of the question, and I want to re-use the code several times, hence the use of variable "filterRng". When I run it, I get the subject error at the bolded line in the code below. I'm thinking that the Advanced Filter doesn't like a variable as a range reference, as it runs perfectly well if the commented out line below the problem line is used instead.

Sub Test()

Dim i As Integer
Dim rngData As Range
Dim filterRng As Range

Set filterRng = Sheets("Reports").Range("A121:K124")

Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

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Automated Worksheet Copy, Rename Based On Cell Results

Jul 29, 2009

I am building a workbook. The data we are tracking is all in one xml file, which i have mapped to 3 different worksheets(customers, invoices, inventory). On the customers and inventory sheet I have an interface for creating a new customer/product/invoice. I used the macro recorder to make the macro's to do these three things, but could use help on a couple of other functions as I don't actually know VBA. I need to be able to automate editing of existing records by having a button to press on the each sheet that will open an input box that asks the user which invoice number, customer number or product number he would like to edit, then copy that record to the interface for editing, then another macro to replace the existing data with the newly edited data. It would also be wonderful if when creating or editing an invoice it could create a copy of the interface worksheet and rename it as the invoice number. The first row of each datasheet is blank, and each of the interfaces have formula's for importing the information copied to row 1 from the data tables. the second row of each datasheet contains formulas for importing data from the interface. Any help would be terrific...I know you guys are excel gods and I will forever be in your debt if you can help me out....thanks in advance, I'll be studying my butt off until I figure this out

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Filter Results Of Primary Filter Sort

Feb 11, 2008

I am in the process of making a database more efficient and am running into a problem with sorting data. I currently am trying to use AutoFilter to sort the data. When I want to then narrow the results further using the same column as the critical and there is nothing that matches the critical, I get everything from the entire database that matches that critical rather than what I want to see, which, in this case, would be nothing.

I have attached a sample file. In it, when All AF 1000 is run and then Selected MAC 2000 Wash is run, I want to see no results instead of seeing all MAC 2000 Washes from the original data set. I can do it using IF/THEN but I am looking for a faster way to do it.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Auto Filtered Data To Existing Worksheet Below Previous Data

Oct 18, 2013

I have been working on a macro that compares a existing list of data to an updated list of data and then either moves any data not on the new list over to a completed tab (followed by deleting the record on the existing sheet), and then adds any items not on the existing sheet, but which appear on the new list, to the existing list.

I have come across a stumbling block, i have managed to identify on the existing list the rows of data that have been removed from the new list and therefore need to be moved over to the completed tab, but when i select the data it selects the header row aswell (which will always remain the same row). Obviously this then pastes the header row aswell, and also i can't seem to get it to paste in the new sheet to the next available row (i.e this will be used daily and i don't won't to overwrite the infor already in the completed tab). the next issue i have is then when i go back to existing sheet to delete the data i just copied across, as the header was initially select this also gets deleted.

The code below, is the complete code, including filtering, copying some forumals etc. The area i am getting stuck on is highlighted in red:

Sub Update()
Dim bottomrow As Long
Dim My_Range As Range
bottomrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set My_Range = Range("A1:Y" & bottomrow)

[Code] .....

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How To Filter And Copy Data From One Sheet And Paste To New Worksheet

Jun 2, 2008

can excel do this (see the attachment pls). if possible can someone show me how to do that. i am new in excel vba.

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VBA Autofilter Not Returning Results?

Jul 6, 2013

I have a large table which I am filtering 3 times. There should be results but the final VBA filter does not return them until I manually apply the filter. The custom filter is correctly populated with the criteria. The code that I am using is as follows:

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:="<>", Operator:=xlAnd
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:="=INV", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=CRD"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=21, Criteria1:=">=" & DTPicker1.Value, Operator:=xlAnd

The first two filters work fine. The last does not. Oddly it works on some date picker values and not others, even if there are actual results and as mentioned earlier if I stop the program running and apply the filter (without typing anything else) it works fine.

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Use Combo Box Results For AutoFilter

Dec 21, 2005

I want to use the selection from a combobox on a sheet to set the autofilter. I know it is probably very simple but have not been able to find the answer by searching this forum. Below is the code I am using. It sets the filter to blanks for some reason.

Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()

Range("D9").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=ComboBox2.Value, visibledropdown:=False

End Sub

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Total AutoFilter Results

Dec 30, 2006

I have a worksheet of data that I have created by combining several other workbooks into one using a macro. On this worksheet I run AutoFilter to select certain rows and then copy these rows to another worksheet, again using a macro. How can I get the macro to generate a total for one of the columns? I would like the Sum to be two rows after the end of the column with some kind of descriptor preceeding it.

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Calculate Autofilter Results

Feb 19, 2008

I have a list of data in Excel with Autofilters. At the bottom of the data set is a row that totals up many of the columns. Whenever I use the Autofilters, the totals at the bottom still reflect the entire set of data, rather than only the filtered data.

Is there a way (using macros, formulas, or something else) to make the totals automatically update to only reflect the data that is visible when using Autofilters?

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Use ComboBox For Changing Autofilter Results

Apr 9, 2013

I have a problem very similar to this thread: [URL] .... Therefore I have tried to adapt but so far failed.

My requirement is that a userform pops up with multiple comboboxes (in this scenario 3) and once the results have been selected and the user clicks the button "OK" then the autofilter changes to the same as what the selected ComboBoxes were.

So, there are 3 comboboxes so I have tried the following:

[PrivateSub CommandButton1_Click()

If Sheets("Data").AutoFilterMode = True Then Range("B3", Range("B600").End(xlUp)).AutoFilter
Range("B3", Range("B600").End(xlUp)).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=ComboBox1.Value, visibledropdown:=False

[Code] .....

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Vba Autofilter Msgbox If No Results Returned

Nov 2, 2008

I want a msgbox to popup if the autofilter returns no records saying "No records found".

Heres a sample of the
Sub cmbFindAll_Click()
Dim strFind As String 'what to find
Dim rfilter As Range 'range to search
Set rfilter = Sheet1.Range("a2", Range("f65536").End(xlUp))
Set rng = Sheet1.Range("a2", Range("a65536").End(xlUp))
strFind = Me.TextBox1.Value
With Sheet1
If Not .AutoFilterMode Then .Range("A2").AutoFilter
rfilter.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=strFind & "*"..........

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How Do I Automatically Have Information Filter Into Existing Worksheets

Jul 23, 2008

I'm trying to build is a master Excel sheet for a company-wide budget tracker, where our supply person enters in information on individual orders. Those orders would be broken down in separate worksheets based upon department.

So, let's say you have three departments. Each department has an identifier code (Human Resources would have HR, Operations would have OP, and Research & Development would have RD.) Each order number is prefixed with the department's code, then the other columns deal with dates ordered and received, cost of the order, and any notes on the order.

What I'd like to be able to do is to have each order be automatically filtered out to secondary worksheets, based upon which department the order belonged to.

I have seen a macro that allowed one to push a button and break data out like that, but the problem is that it created new worksheets each time, and I want the department worksheets to stay the same (since each of those can expect to have starting budget figures updated by the supply officer.)

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Assign Autofilter Results To A Range Object

Dec 3, 2008

I have a simple three column range. I Autofilter the range based on one of the values in Column 1. I then want to grab the results into a range object.

I've been trying to use the Specialcells(xlcelltypevisible) route to no avail. It only gets one row when I should have many.

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Deleting Hidden Rows Based On Results Of Autofilter

May 23, 2007

I am performing an autofilter within a spreadsheet to display only those lines where a name exists in column A. Then I delete all hidden rows. I am having a problem when the autofilter results in no rows being visible. Here is the code I am using for the delete hidden rows:

On Error Resume Next ' In case there's no hidden cells

With Cells
Set rngHidden = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
.EntireRow.Hidden = False 'Unhide all cells
rngHidden.EntireRow.Hidden = True 'Hide previously visible cells
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete 'Delete previously hidden cells
rngHidden.EntireRow.Hidden = False ' Unhide previously visible cells
End With
End Sub

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