Copy Paste Range Without Wiping Conditional Formatting
Mar 12, 2009
I need to apply conditional formats a certain range e.g. I8:I1000. Every time my spreadsheet is loaded with new data, the previous cf are erased, and I have to start all over again.
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Dec 26, 2006
I am trying to figure out how to copy and paste conditional formatting.
1371908# on hand 16458
ACNF18051 208
ACNF18061 104
ACNF30081 208
1371908 Total416104
1371911# on hand 7053
ACNF18051 208
ACNF18061 104
ACNF30081 208
1371911 Total416104
for instance in the above.. I want to black out any number in the "total" (bold) row that is less than the On Hand Qty (bold and underlined number) and I want to use a running total. For instance for part 1371911 with an On Hand Qty of 7053, the on hand is larger than the the first total of 416 so 416 should be blacked out, it is also larger than 416+104 so 104 should be blacked out as well.
This will continue until the on hand qty is less than the running total. I can conditionally format this one at a time and it could take forever as there are 3000+ lines of spreadsheet. If there is any way that you can tell me how to set the condtional format for one row and then cpy and paste it thoughout the sheet where needed.
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Dec 2, 2007
i have an equation in A1, and i use conditional formatting for this cell, if the value of C1 is less than 1000, the result in A1 is red
i want to copy the result and the color of A1 to D1, i use paste value, the value and the color are then copied to D1 at first. but when i modify C1, the color of D1 also changed.
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Sep 23, 2011
I'm trying to figure out how to copy & paste the following conditional formatting down the column.
The conditional formatting I'm using is in cell A1, D1, G1, J1, M1 (so I have to Ctrl click each cell manually & I then choose to "format the values that rank in the:" "bottom 1" & format it green.
I want to copy and paste that all the way down column A, D, G, J, & M and have the conditial formatting pick for each row, not the whole column. eg. A2, D2, G2, J2, M2... A3, D3, G3, J3, M3...
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Oct 29, 2012
I want to copy cells (include conditional formatting) and paste in mspaint How can i write this code ?
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Jul 27, 2009
I have a column "g" with this conditional formatting:- =A2<>A3 Format Bottom Border.
However I will pass this workbook onto someone else who will fill in the text in column "g". They will use copy/paste text from other cells or columns even other workbooks that will not have the conditional formatting.
I have used Cells > Projection > Locked unchecked then used Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet and checked all. There does not seem to be a way to unlock the cell but protect Conditional formatting. Each time I copy and paste from other non formatted cells it wipes out my formatting.
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Oct 31, 2006
I am trying to make each Cell in a range of cells to change its color from Black to one of a few colors. This should happen when the value of the Cell matches one of a few possibilities. The problem begins when I want the value of Sheet1 Cell A1 to come from Sheet2 Cell B1. When I change the value in Sheet2 Cell B1 the format of Sheet1 A1 changes only when I click on that Cell. How can I make it change immediately when I paste my values in Sheet2? Here is the code I am using on Sheet1:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case "one"
icolor = 1
Case "two"
icolor = 2
Case "three"
icolor = 3
Case "four"
icolor = 4
Case "five".......................
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Nov 1, 2010
I made a planner for shared use.
Is there any way users can cut and paste while keeping the Conditional Formatting of the source cells intact? It is the same as copy-paste and then delete the source cell contents after copying.
Excel 2003
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Jul 6, 2009
Is there an easy way to copy conditional formatting? I need to copy the same scenario so that it adjusts for each row that it's on (the way formulas do).
For instance, I need to copy cells I4:L4 all the way to rows I84:L84. And I want the rows to adjust depending on what row they're on, like formulas seem to (as apposed to referencing the original cells).
Does that make sense?
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Jul 26, 2006
I am having some trouble with a piece of code that is part of a larger macro. I have a list of data and I need to copy and paste the rows of data in which the values in column B are the same and then delete these rows from the original sheet. The code that i have come up with so far is as follows:
Sub Retreive_Particular_Rep_Invoices()
Dim RepInvoices As Long
Sheets("All Invoices").Activate
Worksheets("Current AM Invoices"). Range("A2:T65536").ClearContents
With ActiveSheet
For RepInvoices = 1 To .Range("B1").End(xlDown).Row
If .Cells(RepInvoices, 2).Value = .Cells(RepInvoices + 1, 2).Value Then
.Cells(RepInvoices, 2).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Current AM Invoices").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End If
Next RepInvoices
End With
End Sub
I know that this is not correct, but it's the best i have been able to come up with so far and thought that i would try and speed it up. I have also attached a spreadsheet with some basic data that i have been playing with as well.
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Dec 11, 2006
List Sheet Names From Opened Workbooks
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a spreadsheet of donations and the dates on which they were made. I input the dates like so: 1/2/2009, and then I format the cells so they appear like this: January 2, 2009. When I use this date in for MS Word "mail merge" functions, the date shows up in its unformatted formula bar form: 1/2/2009. I would prefer that it show up like January 2, 2009.
My question is this: is there any way I can change the cell formula bar to read like the formatted version rather than the non-formatted version? I want the formula bar to read "January 2, 2009" instead of "1/2/2009". Obviously I could type each date manually into the formula bar, but I'm looking for a quick copy/paste solution since there are hundreds of cells. I've messed around with "paste special" options to no avail.
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Jan 15, 2010
I'm running a spreadsheet at the moment in 2007, and one of the funcitons I've made it for certain cells to either change format if the number is to big or to small depending on the cell it is.
I have formatted all for one line against duplicate scores on the same line.
The problem is this is time consuming and there are 22 different lines.
Because with Conditional Formating you can't simply drag like you can with formulas, I was wondering if there was a more simple approach. I have demonstrated the formating required on Row 6, and require the same formating on rows 8:10, 14:26, 32:36.
Also, just to make things complicated, the values change for each line.
I have attatched the file. Row 6 with the label DEMO LINE contains all the correct formating I require.
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Mar 6, 2008
In Excel 2007, is there a way to copy a conditional format from one cell to a range of cells. My conditional format is comparing the value of one cell say A1 to B1, and formatting the cell if the value is different. How do I copy this format to also compare A2 to B2, and C2 to D2 etc.
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Jan 28, 2008
I have attached two Workbooks (OLD.xls and NEW.xls). I update this report weekly, but must always copy the previous week's status data (OLD.xls) into the new report (NEW.xls). Under each row, I enter a status update that pertains to the job (row) above it. When I run a new report, some data is removed and some is added to NEW.xls. (Details in the attached Workbooks)
I need to make sure that the proper status is copied and inserted below the new date for the matching job between Workbooks. The variable in column C must be the same in both Workbooks.
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Apr 30, 2009
I have a list of names that belong to a particular group. What I want is to conditional format a sheet so that if a name is entered that does not belong to the group it is highlighted red. Don't really know how to do this though?
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Apr 13, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has a table listing employee names in the far left hand column (A1, B1, C1, etc.). The table has a simple border - black line throughout.
I need the entire row for the employee to change to no border if the employee's name is deleted.
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Jan 8, 2010
Using the following conditional formatting formulas:
=(isblank(p99)) then the formatting of (applies to) C99:O99 will be in red and bold
=(d99="Prod.") then the formatting of C99:P99 will be blue and bold
but the results are not as expected. Is something wrong with these formulas?
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Sep 11, 2007
Lets say I have a block of cells (lets say A1:E5) that all reference the value in the upper left hand cell (A1). Could be a formula by itself or one embedded within a conditional format. I reproduced the formula and formats in the A1:E5 block by using the absolute cell reference $A$1.
I now want to reproduce that entire block (including the referenced cell A1) multiple times on the sheet, but the catch is that each new block must reference the cell in IT'S OWN upper left hand corner. (e.g. a block located at F10:J15 must use as it's reference F10, not A1).
How can I quickly reproduce those blocks? I have done a search and replace to eliminate the $ symbols within the formulas to make them relative, but that doesn't seem to work within conditional formats.
The issue right now is I am trying to apply conditional formats to a sheet I already constructed. I don't want to overight the formulas in the UL corner, so I am trying to copy and paste the conditional formatting only. Can't seem to figure out how.
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Feb 14, 2008
It brought up my own thread, I didn't realise it untill today, but the answer I been using uses conditional formating to highlight the lowest cells in each row. And as Sicarii pointed out earlier today you can't select a cell my color with conditional formating turned on. can I highlight some other way or can I select cells to copy some diffrent way. This is the VBA I use to select the lowest price.
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End Sub
And this is the code that Sicarii supplied and correctly warned me will not work with conditional formating.
Dim RngCol As Range
Dim lLoop As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set RngCol = .Range("A1", .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
End With
For lLoop = RngCol.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
If Range("B" & lLoop).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B" & lLoop) = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & lLoop)........................
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Mar 4, 2014
Sheet1 Cells A1:J18 contain my data and fill down according requirement Where column I find always with end data filled.
ABCDEFGHIJ1DATENumPartyQtyStockQty PendingWhole Sealer-RetailerRemark215-02-141ab1250101000A-M12316-02-142ac1001270B-N125417-02-143ad32017100C-O312518-02-144ae70024D-P720619-02-145af2005E-Q9720-02-146ag1061F-R15821-02-147ah17710G-S23922-02-148ai277H-T271023-02-149aj10I-U321124-02-1410ak120J-V371225-02-1411al140K-W1221326-02-1412am142L-X1121427-02-1413an150a15rr16bb17cc18ddSheet1
Considering reference last data cell of column I I want to copy 15 last row and paste them in the same sheet with cells M1:T16 as shown
MNOPQRST1PartyQtyStockQty PendingWhole Sealer-RetailerRemark2ad32017100C-O3123ae70024D-P7204af2005E-Q95ag1061F-R156ah17710G-S237ai277H-T278aj10I-U329ak120J-V3710al140K-W12211am142L-X11212an150a13rr14bb15cc16ddSheet1
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Oct 11, 2006
I was looking to use the VBA conditional formatting script posted on OzGrid and was curious if it would be easy to make some slight modifications.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1 To 5
icolor = 6
Case 6 To 10
icolor = 12
Case 11 To 15
icolor = 7
Case 16 To 20 ..........................
I can see that Case is the number range referenced to change the background...However, would it be possible to have it read a cells value as the criteria for the color change? Currently, I would like it to reference values in range I2:M2 and anything matching those cells in range A4:E28 change background to icolor = 30. I'm just not sure what to replace Case with to make it refence cells I2:M2
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Dec 24, 2008
I have the following code from a form. It works just fine copying named ranges from one sheet to another. The probloem now is that I don't want to copy the characteristic of the formating or whether they are protected or not. The originating spreadsheets have cells that are protected. I am trying to copy those values over to the new sheet and paste their values or formulas but not their formatting (background color) or the fact that some of the cells are 'locked'. I want the new sheet to have the values and formulas but not the be lock for the user. Is this possible with the current way I do the code or do I have to rewrite it? How would you approach this?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Run "NPA"
Set b = Selection
ad = b.Address
' Local Variables
Dim wkbDataFile As Workbook
' Let user select source datafile
Call UserSelectFile_WOpen(wkbDataFile)
If wkbDataFile Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "User did not select a workbook to open"
Exit Sub
End If
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
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Jun 29, 2007
I am having a problem with a excel spreadsheet. There are no formulas or anything, just text that I used excel to get everything lined up. I haven't had any issues before, I was copying and pasting within a document. It was all text with different row heights set. I ran into a problem now where the text copies and pastes fine but the row heights aren't coping into the cells I am pasting into, just the text. What do I have to do so they will copy? I don't want to have to go an individually adjust each cell.
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Aug 15, 2014
I have a sheet called Quote Summary and a sheet called AssemblyBoms.
In the Bom sheet, I have a named range for QtyPer and a named range for unit price because these ranges are dynamic.
On the quote summary sheet, I want to format the cell (A9 and eventually A9 to A28 and so on), which contains a formula right now that only references a tag and does some equivalence checking
to have a yellow background if QtyPer>0 but unit price = "" or 0. I know the formulas for this, but it is not formatting anything. Attached workbook below.
Conditional Formula for true:
="AND(qtyper1 > 0, unita1 = "")"
I typed it in without the = or "", but the formatting added those in for me.
I typed a number in the qtyper1 range and left the unita1 range blank to test it and no formatting has occurred.
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a column of dates in column M, and in A1 I have the formula =TODAY() for today's date. I would like to conditionally format all of column M (up to row 198) so that it turns orange if the date in M is before today and after or equal to 3 working days before the date in M.
I have this
But it doesn't appear to be working because it's highlighting dates after todays date.
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Mar 31, 2009
Have a spreadsheet using the following conditional format to color highlight every other row: =MOD(ROW(),2)=1. Is there a way to apply this conditional format to all columns A through AR and all rows 1 through 24000 only?
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Nov 26, 2009
I'd like my conditional formatting to format the range of cells red if the range K2:S2>H2. That is when the range K2:S2 are added together, and if their sum is greater than H2, format cells K2:S2 red.
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Jan 17, 2010
I have a Conditional Formatting query where in essence I am needing to ‘make invisible’ a range of data by changing the font and background fill to white (and at the same time nullifying the effects of a number of other Conditional Formats). On the surface, this seems an easy thing to achieve, but the problem is, the range I need to apply this CF is a moving range and is dependant on a user changeable date.
Description of worksheet:
The sheet is managing shifts worked over 1 year by 21 people. The top 33 rows are a frozen (and collapsing) display area below which is a matrix of 365 days down and 21 people across. The TODAY button uses a macro to scan the dates and display todays entry directly beneath the freeze line of row 33. The date in M28 can be entered manually and after hitting enter, that dates data is now displayed under the freeze line. Also, using the spin button will increment or decrement the date in M28 moving the entire matrix up or down.
My query..........
What I’m hoping to achieve, is to display ONLY the data selected by the date in M28 (ie that shown under the freeze line, and for all remaining rows to be ‘whited out’, but as the user increments/decrements M28, then the “whiteout” range also needs to increment/decrement. I have whited out a second worksheet “example” as if I had selected 18 Jan (this sheet will not move as there are no buttons, but the data is still there under the whiteout).
I hope this is not TOO unclear, but I would be grateful if anyone could suggest a solution or even tell me if this is not possible – or indeed any other way of achieving the same result ( I had thought of hiding the rows below the freeze line, but the freeze/unfreeze operation would probably be too jerky.
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Jan 23, 2013
What I am trying to do, is apply conditional formatting to a range of cells (for example, A2:J2) based on whether the data in one of the cells (D2) contains "Yes" or "No". I would like the entire range of cells to be one color if D2 contains "Yes", and another color if D2 contains "No". If needed, this can be split into 2 different conditional formatting rules.
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