I'm working on a quality control project (for products with Model #'s "1098", "1190", & "1220") for the company I work for and I'm having an issue with a macro.
I have data coming from worksheet "Sheet1" AB6:AB21, that's getting "sent" to worksheets "1098", "1190", & "1220" E86:E101, and "Sheet1" AC6:AC21 -> worksheets in E151:E166
In "Sheet1" cell F4, you enter the Model # ("1098" "1190" "1220"). I'd like this data above to ONLY go to the corresponding worksheet as cell F4 and not ALL model # worksheets. Is there a way that I can do this?
I'm working on a quality control project (for products with Model #'s "1098", "1190", & "1220") for the company I work for and I'm having an issue with a macro.
I have data coming from worksheet "Sheet1" AB6:AB21, that's getting "sent" to worksheets "1098", "1190", & "1220" E86:E101, and "Sheet1" AC6:AC21 -> worksheets in E151:E166
In "Sheet1" cell F4, you enter the Model # ("1098" "1190" "1220"). I'd like this data above to ONLY go to the corresponding worksheet as cell F4 and not ALL model # worksheets. Is there a way that I can do this?
I have a workbook that has a worksheet for each day in a year and a worksheet at the end called "RollingData". Every so often I would like to select the same range of cells on each worksheet and copy it to the RollingData worksheet, placing it at the end of the last data. Right now, the macro will do that for a selected sheet. I would like to select several sheets and run the macro on them. When I try to step through it, it fails. I get an error saying that the Paste size and Copy size are not the same and to select a single cell. The macro leaves the first blank cell in the first blank row on worksheet "RollingData" selected so I can't see where this won't work. Here is the
I have attached the xls. I have an input sheet with 3 columns to enter data. Each column is linked to a separate worksheet with a formula (Carrys 1000 rows long). I need to be able to pull the populated data from those 3 worksheets and paste into 1 column continuously on another worksheet so all data is on top of another without any spaces.
I made an if statement so that if there isn't data pulling from the input sheet the a blank cell is left to indicate the last row to copy data from and paste on the final sheet.
I am having some trouble with the "mid()" function. I have it saved as a variable which pulls 6 digits from another variable. I was trying to paste from the mid variable into my excel worksheet but it keeps on telling me that there is an object required error.
The goal is to input the "mid()" output in my code into a cell in the spreadsheet.
I have one excel file having two sheets viz "DailyRecd" and "MasterList". I need to copy some cell value from "Daily Recd" sheet to "MasterList" sheet using macro-function. A sample Excel file attached for easy reference.
I am working with some data that consists of two types of messages: one containing vessel speed and another containing vessel type. Both messages share a common ship identifier number. What I'd like to do is run through column A (ship ID), check column B (ship type), and if column b has a value, to paste that value in all instances of that ship ID.
I regularly copy into notepad then copy that into excel because I don't want to carry over the text formatting. Is there a better way to do this? To set up the cells so that they don't try to carry the formatting over?
I am trying to copy information specifically addresses into an excel spreadsheet to turn into labels in a mail merge. My first column is a name and then the next column is the address. I need the address to be in one box, in three or however many lines, instead of three different rows because when I go to merge it into word, it comes out has several different labels and not all the information on one.
I have a sheet with data in columns A to F, sorted by column B
Column B contains a list of names which may occur once or up to one hundred times.
What i would like to do is look at column B and for each name select columns A to F and copy those cells to another workbook which is then saved and closed.
However I would only like a maximum of 20 rows at a time to be copied.
As an example
Bob occurs 16 times so those 16 rows are copied
Fred occurs 26 times so only the first 20 Fred's are copied and then the next 6 are done.
Wally occurs 54 times so the first 20 are done then the next 20 and then the remaining 14
If you want to copy and paste a row from a workbook to another workbook based on a critertia such as that column A must have the number '1213' in it which also has over a 100 other numbers, do you use absolute or relative? And what do you write in the macro so that it search in column A all the rows with '1213' in them and paste them into the other workbook?
I would like a macro that would analyze a range (H15:GI15) to see if they contain FH, FS, FB, FR, or FC and if they do, copy the related picture associated with the 5 variables and paste it in the cell.
I did this code and it worked, but the code is very long. Another problem I have is there needs to be a way to delete the existing pictures before the code runs too. Because the cells may change and the button that runs the macro would be labeled "update" or something to that effect. I don't really need it to run everytime the cell is updated, just when the "update" button is pushed.
I need a macro which goes thru the columns A to K, picks up the value in the filled cells and paste them all in 1 column on another sheet, like sheet2 A1 onwards. Attached is an example of the file.
I am a novice when it comes to excel, but I have a project due at work where I need to search out correct addresses and copy and paste them into the cells where the incorrect info already exists. Here is my problem, I have been working on this no problem for about a week now and today all of a sudden when I copy the text from my search result on google and try to paste it into the cell, it pastes the google link, instead of the text I copied. It does this for the entire row but will not do it for row after row, I might be able to get the next 5 or 6 rows to accepet the correct text, and if I try to just type the info in, it appears as a clickable link. I cannot figure out what I did, if anything or how to fix it so that I can get this work done.
I have been using it to take a picture of a graph, pasting to an alternative sheet within the same workbook, and renaming the picture by a defined name. S by selecting the names from a drop down list the picture will select various different sized graphs defined within my drop down.
What I am experiencing is when I initially do this the pic works great and resizes automatically with each selection, however the next day some of the pictures resize and some do not.
Is this a glitch within excel or am I missing a setting which will resolve this?
I am using the following code to paste an excel generated chart into ppt. How do I adapt it such that it only pastes the charts from sheet2 and not the entire workbook?
I am creating a code that loops through several list and Copys and paste the value in a given cell to another cell. However I would like it to do so without switching to the other tab. Additionally I also don't want to freeze the worksheet because I have a display that shows progress through a conditional formatting thing. I need it to stay on the "Rotation" tab.
Sub Roladex() Dim RegionPaste As Range Dim row As Integer, row1 As Integer, row2 As Integer
I was wondering if there was anyway to automate this process. Say take all the files in this folder copy visible cells on a specific tab and paste them into a new worksheet/model we already have built. They shouldn't be consolidated rather pasted below the next.
I have a protected worksheet that from time to time I need to insert a new row and copy a specific range of cells that are with formulae (protected) to the newly inserted row. For a better idea of what I want to achieve, a snapshot of the worksheet is attached.
******** language="JavaScript" ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - ACR-INFRA.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutI23K23M23F24H24I24J24K24L24M24N24F25H25I25J25K25L25M25N25H26I26J26K26L26M26N26D28E28F28G28H28I28J28K28L28M28N28D29I29= ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO22CR NoCodeStatusEstimateContr's PriceDeltaAgreed ValueCommitment Impact Impact ImpactFunded from23 2,730,382.00 320,000.00 180,000.00 241380AIA180,000.00 180,000.00 2,910,382.00 (180,000.00)140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 252482AII 0.00 2,910,382.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 26 0.00 2,910,382.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 27 28 180,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180,000.00 2,910,382.00 (180,000.00)140,000.00 0.00 180,000.00 0.00 29 A0.00 2,910,382.00 1036 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I would like to insert the new row at row27 downwards each time the macro runs.
I am trying write code withVBA to save separate file in a different folder with Loop.
Write a code with "loop" till it finds empty cell in the column and for every change in number a separate file needs to be saved in specified folder with file name as "10010, 10011,10012... and so on with data copied in the file saved.
I am trying to create a macro that copies cells B2 and C6 from the active worksheet in a workbook called "transfer". Then searches for the first empty cell in a worksheet called "summary" in a workbook called "report" and pastes the value from B2 in the first empty cell in column D and the value from C6 in the first empty call in column E.
I'm trying to copy a range of column headers from one worksheet and paste them in another using a macro The source range starts at Q1 and runs along row 1 for a variable number of columns each time.The destination cells start at B1 and will run along row 1 for the same number of columns.
I've got as far as counting the number of source columns
I have columns on Sheet 1 with a filters and I want a way to make a list on Sheet 2 of each item (with out repeating) that is in the corresponding column on sheet 1.
This will be programmed in a userform to create the list when the form is loaded.
The end result being this: CopyFilterList.png
This is an example and there could be up to 50 or more options.
I've been trying to code a macro that will select a worksheet (that has formulas) to copy just the values into a new workbook. I want the page setup data to also be included. It seems that if a select the workbook and do a copy, it includes the formulas. If I select the cells, then do a paste/special values into the new workbook, the page setup is the default one. Each worksheet that I want to copy/paste has different page setup values and I'd like to be able to carry over the page setup. Otherwise, I have to have code to do all the page setup in the macro. There are over 20 worksheets and it's slow.
This code does the copy/paste special but no worksheet page setup is included
Dim ws As Worksheet ThisWorkbook.Activate For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ws.Activate If Left(ws.Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then Range("B2:G" & ws.UsedRange.Rows.count).Copy Sheets("Rev New").Range("B1").Insert xlDown End If Next ws End Sub
So far I have this as a code but it seems to only paste the last sheet at the top ....
There is a file that contains multiple worksheets. Each worksheet contains a template. I'm trying to create a macro that will go to each worksheet and gather the information on one line in a master sheet. Then go to the next work sheet and do the same but return the data for that on the next row. And continue to do so until all the worksheets have returned data. So far I have recorded the macro for the first sheet. How do I get it to now go to the next sheet, do the same thing, but return the data on the next line so it doesn't over write the data from the first sheet?
we are working one a Huge database with two other partners. its players name for football clubs and we want to translate them to our langugae. b so one of my partners translated La liga player , and other Premierleague , and me Calcio . but players were sorted randomly . Later when we finished it we faced a huge problem . we couldnt paste all three translation in on file because when you past the cells in an excel file to another it pastes all cells together also empty once. when it paste empty once it removed the filled one too from previous excel file .
More declaration :
for example I filled cell number 1,3,5 and my partner filled 2,4,6 when we try to put 1,3,5 cells into my partner , we have to copy each sells alone and we cant copy all because it will delete , 2,4,6 cells
I'm trying to copy and paste this formula to multiple cells and am having difficulty doing so without everything in the formula changing.. SUMIF(Bankroll!Q14:Q6000,U143,Bankroll!Y14:Y6000)
I only want the U143 to change to U144, U145, etc. Yet when I copy and paste down the sheet it changes the Q14:Q6000 and the Y14:Y6000 values as well. I've been having to go through and paste the formula one line at a time and then manually change the U143 to the current U cell that I want it to represent in order to keep the rest of the values the same. Is there a faster way than this?
I got 2 columns A and B, I need to find if the cells in colume B are in cloumn A and do some copy pasting. But sometimes when it cant be find in column A, then VBA shows an error message. What I want is if it cant be find in column A, then skip it and go to the next cell of B and find it in A again. I think it can be done with On error resume next, On error goto 0, but i cant make it work.
I've linked excel to a PLC pulse and download columns of data and these columns are updated live. I would like to copy the data in these columns every hour and paste values only into another spreadsheet for analysis. This will have to continue ongoing.