Copy And Pasting One Sheet Under Another For X Number Of Sheets

Sep 27, 2013

Sub Copy_and_Layout()

Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Left(ws.Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then
Range("B2:G" & ws.UsedRange.Rows.count).Copy
Sheets("Rev New").Range("B1").Insert xlDown
End If
Next ws
End Sub

So far I have this as a code but it seems to only paste the last sheet at the top ....

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Copy And Pasting From Multiple Sheets To A Master

Jun 17, 2007

There is a file that contains multiple worksheets. Each worksheet contains a template.
I'm trying to create a macro that will go to each worksheet and gather the information on one line in a master sheet. Then go to the next work sheet and do the same but return the data for that on the next row. And continue to do so until all the worksheets have returned data.
So far I have recorded the macro for the first sheet. How do I get it to now go to the next sheet, do the same thing, but return the data on the next line so it doesn't over write the data from the first sheet?

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Macro: Copy And Pasting Variable Ranges On Seperate Sheets

Nov 4, 2009

I have attached the xls. I have an input sheet with 3 columns to enter data. Each column is linked to a separate worksheet with a formula (Carrys 1000 rows long). I need to be able to pull the populated data from those 3 worksheets and paste into 1 column continuously on another worksheet so all data is on top of another without any spaces.

I made an if statement so that if there isn't data pulling from the input sheet the a blank cell is left to indicate the last row to copy data from and paste on the final sheet.

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Copy And Pasting Onto Another Sheet

Jul 27, 2006

I need a macro which goes thru the columns A to K, picks up the value in the filled cells and paste them all in 1 column on another sheet, like sheet2 A1 onwards. Attached is an example of the file.

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Copy And Pasting From Only One Sheet From Excel To PPT

May 12, 2014

I am using the following code to paste an excel generated chart into ppt. How do I adapt it such that it only pastes the charts from sheet2 and not the entire workbook?

[Code] .....

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Copy And Pasting A Dynamic Range From One Sheet To Another?

Aug 5, 2014

I'm trying to copy a range of column headers from one worksheet and paste them in another using a macro
The source range starts at Q1 and runs along row 1 for a variable number of columns each time.The destination cells start at B1 and will run along row 1 for the same number of columns.

I've got as far as counting the number of source columns

PHP Code: 

Dim LastDate As Long

LastDate = Sheets("Edited data").cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 

how to paste to a changing number of columns

PHP Code: 

 Sheets("Edited data").Range("Q1", cells(1, LastDate)).copy Destination:=Sheets("Variety Total").Range("B1", ????) 

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Copy From Multiple Sheets (26), PASTE To 1 Sheet From 26 Sheets

Dec 26, 2009

I have a workbook with 26 sheets, labelled A to Z. Column A in all the sheets have names from rows A6:A35.

I need a macro or a code to extract all the names from each of the 26 sheets and paste it to a new sheet 'Names' under column A, such that names starting with 'B' paste under all the names 'A' and so forth till 'Z'.

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Autofilter To Copy Line To A Number Of Sheets

Feb 12, 2010

1) This spreadsheet has 7 main sheets, UK, IBE, FIN, BENE, FRA.

2) Each main sheet has 8 sub sheets i.e UK CAT A to H, IBE CAT A to H etc.

3) col BO on the main sheets will have CAT A,B to H and can contain some other text but i'm only concerned about the CAT. Also Cat may be wrote CAT, cat or Cat etc

At the moment i'm using a loop, I had some code from another thread yesterday but this code creates new sheets if it can not find a sheet named the same

I will need to run this as 1 i.e all 7 together or 1 at a time.

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Copy / Replace Pivot Into Sheet Without Adding Number Of Sheet

Jul 6, 2012

In a sheet (4) I have a pivot refreshed by a VBA macro code. Since I have defined a Chart on this pivot, I need to copy this pivot in a new sheet to avoid to reduce rows using a filter of the Chart. I copy this pivot using this VBA code

Sheet4.Copy After:=Sheet2

I have e new sheet with a number Sheet(n) not equal to maximum sheet number +1

For a new run of the VBA macro I need to delete this sheet

Sheets(n).Select where (n) is not = maximum sheet number +1

Then I need to avoid the message box where I need to confirm to delete the sheet because the sheet is not empty.

Is there a solution to copy a pivot in a new sheet replacing the previous pivot and vithout changing the number of the sheet?

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VBA - Copying And Pasting Unknown Number Of Values Each Different Number Of Times

May 28, 2014

I am trying to come up with a macro that selects values from one sheet and inserts them into another sheet. The number of values will change each time based on the user's entry, as well as the number of times that each entry should be pasted.

For example:

Entry: X | Y | Z
Number of Times to be Inserted to New Sheet 3 | 2 | 1


I have spent a while trying to figure it out, however the best I can come up with is using an array, but I can only get one value from the array to paste multiple times:

(*Note: In my testing, I didn't insert into new sheet or set up the array to handle different values, I was just trying to get the basic idea to work)

Dim A(1, 3) As Variant
A(1, 1) = Range("C3").Value
A(1, 2) = Range("D3").Value
A(1, 3) = Range("E3").Value


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Copy Data By Number Values In Column To New Sheets

Apr 14, 2008

I've come across the post by Dangelor but can't reply to it directly so have started a new thread quoting the code. I'm trying to select entire rows of data based on specific values in a column and then paste those rows to a new worksheet.
This code loops 10 times and creates 10 new sheets. Any chance someone could explain some of the code to me and adapt it to suit my situation?: Data will be in sheet 1 ("Data List"). I want search down the rows and if the value in column 2 is "1" copy that row to the sheet named "Heat 1", if the value is "2" then copy that row intt the sheet "Heat 2", etc.

Sub FindandCopyRows()
Dim Data As Variant
Dim DataFound() As Variant
Dim iValue As Integer
Dim j As Long
Dim i As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For iValue = 1 To 10
With Worksheets("Main") 'change name as needed
Data = .UsedRange.Value
End With
Redim DataFound(1 To UBound(Data))
For j = 1 To UBound(Data, 1)
On Error Resume Next......................

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Macro To Copy Two Sheets To New Sheet?

Aug 10, 2014

Sheet1: 10 columns (can have any number of rows, let's say 5,000 rows)
Sheet2: 10 columns (can also have random number of rows, let's say 10,000)

Both sheets have the same data but the column headers may be slightly different due to the source being different systems

Here's what I need: I need a macro to copy the data (without the headers) from Sheet1 underneath the the last row of Sheet2. For example beginning on the 10,001 row of Sheet 2. OR, if it's easier to copy the data in both sheets to a new sheet. The new sheet will already have the headers so begin pasting on the second row

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Copy From Different Sheets To Summary Sheet

Sep 22, 2009

I have a problem with a macro script I need to write (unsure where to start probably). I’m using Excel 2003. In my spreadsheet I have many worksheets (90+) and I need to copy information from specific cells (the same for each sheet, but the cell range varies each month) from any identified worksheet in the spreadsheet (the specific sheets I want to copy from will differ from month to month but are given in a list.). Then paste this data in sequential order of identified worksheet but transposed into sheet Summary. In effect this is:

1.Identify the sheet name from the ListingOrder in worksheet LISTING
2.Identify the monthly range of cells
3.Copy the data (Indicator, Month, Name and Activity)
4.Go to sheet SUMMARY
5.Go to next available cell in column A
6.Paste special, transpose
7.Loop to next sheet name in the ListingOrder
8.Undertake actions 1-7 until all relevant sheets have been copied from and pasted to Summary sheet.

The end result is as shown in the Worksheet SummaryExample – no need to worry about formatting. Samole data and SummaryExample in attached spreadsheet. Sorry I can’t offer any script at present – I’ve been trying to work it out using Vlookups etc but get the feeling it would be easier via a macro.

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Copy Row From One Sheet To Many Sheets Within Same Workbook

Apr 13, 2012

I'm trying to find the simplest way (macro I guess) to copy a row into a corresponding workbook. This is for a registration workbook.

This workbook has a demograhics sheet (the main sheet), which will have the persons name, dob, and a few other identifiers. It will also have a column for a registration person to enter the of the 4-5 workshops/classes that a student can be enrolled in. For the sake of argument these will be numeric, comma seperated values 1,2, 3 etc.

I'll then have many sheets (one for each class) that are named 1-Employee Morale, 2-Interoffice Relationships, etc.

Is there an easy way that upon entering a new row in the demographics sheet, the persons name can be copied to the class list? Esentially I'm trying to have one master list of all students and the classes they are signe dup for, and then a printable list for each class that can be given to the instructor.

I know you could probably do a macro, run it once, and do it after everyone is registered, but we would prefer that the data populate based on a trigger or something as each row is entered. The sheets for each class could be named numeric so if you entered 1,2,3 as the classes then the sheets 1,2,3 (names) would be populated.

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Copy Sheets To 1 MASTER Sheet?

Oct 11, 2012

I am looking for some code that will take a workbook (that has multiple sheets in it), and for each sheet copy it's content over to a newly created sheet called MASTER. I also want to take the sheet name that is being copied from and place that in column A in the MASTER sheet.

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Copy Different Sheets In Common Sheet

Jul 17, 2007

Recently a change my good old buddy Excel 2003 with 2007. I was happy when I understanad that the sheet has over 1 000 000 rows which is very suitable for me. However, I use a VBA code (which OZGRID done for me), but I can not use it with 2007. The reasons that the macro can't copy data over 65536 rows. I know that the problem is that macro but I don't know how to change it.
Here is the

Option Explicit
'GetFolderName vba code from

'CopyData macro written by
'Mudraker for tribestan at

Private Type BROWSEINFO ' used by the function GetFolderName
hOwner As Long
pidlRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As String
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long
lpfn As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long..........................

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Search Sheets For Value & Return Sheet Number When Found

Feb 16, 2008

i have a workbook with several sheets in it. i would like to make a userform were i could put a number in a text box eg E045698.then use a command button to search all the worksheets for that number and display the sheet number where that number is in another textbox.

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Add Data From Unknown Number Of Sheets To Summary Sheet

Aug 1, 2008

How to I add data to an existing summary sheet, in a specific cells, from an unknown number of sheets?

Tickets will be generated with unknown names.

I want the summary sheet to be able pull the ticket numbers into the top row of the summary sheet, to an undefined number of sheets.

As well I would like the summary sheet to pull the job# on each ticket and the hours for each person on each ticket.

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Pasting Formulas On Different Sheets

Dec 17, 2011

If I have a formula on Sheet2 which creates conclusions depending on data already existing on Sheet1 and then I need to paste the same formula on Sheet4 in order to get conclusions from Sheet3, then what can I do? Every time I am trying to paste the formula, it connects it with Sheet1 instead of Sheet3

In other words
Sheet1: Data
Sheet2: Extracted conclusions from Sheet1 data based on a formula
Sheet3: Data similarly organized as in Sheet1
Sheet4: How do I extract the same conclusions, but this time from Sheet3?

The formula on Sheet2 is:

I would like to copy this formula from Sheet2, then paste it to Sheet4 and then to have it appearing as

Is this possible?

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Automatic Copy Of Values From One Sheet To Other Sheets

Aug 9, 2013

I am trying to make some sheets with football teams from one championship and their results. For example i will have a match between TeamA vs. TeamB that will end 0-0. I will enter this value in the sheet for the TeamA results but normally this value will also be found in the results sheet of TeamB.

My question is, how can i make excel copy this value once i enter it for TeamA in the results sheet for TeamB.

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Search In Two Sheets, Then Copy Matches To 3rd Sheet

Sep 22, 2009

I have a Excel file with alot of data in it. I need a macro that will create a report for me and relive me from alot of manual work. The 1st sheet is named "Projects". This contains the search arguments. The 2nd sheet is named "Database". This is the sheet where I want to search in. The 3rd sheet is named "Report". This will contain the results of the search. So the going will be something like this:

Copy row 7 from "Projects" into row 7 in "Report". Then use the value in that row, column E (named Search code). Search for rows that has this value in column E in the "Database" sheet. Copy all those rows to "Report" sheet. Copy row 8 from "Projects", leave two rows of space and paste into "Report". Repeat the procedure mentioned above. Repeat this until reaching a row in "Projects" that has no value in Column A.

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Macro - Copy Value Only From Multiple Sheets Into One Sheet

Feb 11, 2010

This Macro works fine to copy data from multiple sheets into one master sheet, but it is also copying the formula. How can I change this Macro so that it is copying and pasting VALUE only?

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next
' work through sheets
For J = 4 To Sheets.Count ' from sheet 3 to last sheet
Sheets(J).Activate ' make the sheet active
Selection.CurrentRegion.Select ' select all cells in this sheets
' select all lines except title
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count - 1).Select
' copy cells selected in the new sheet on last line
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub

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Copy Row From Series Of Sheets To Sheet 1 In Workbook

Apr 20, 2012

Haven't done any VBA in a long time so I'm very rusty. I need to copy cells A2 - G2 from sheets 2 - 30 in a workbook to create rows Sheet 1, which will start out blank. This is the final part of longer process. Sheet 1 is used as a summary page.

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Excel Copy Rows In Many Sheets To A New Sheet

Nov 2, 2012

I have this code.

Sub MM1()
Dim lr As Long, lr2 As Long, r As Long, ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.Name = "NewSheet"
For Each ws In Worksheets
lr2 = Sheets("NewSheet").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

edit to copy rows? 100rows each sheet or 200rows etc.

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Copy Same Range From 4 Sheets To A Total Sheet

Oct 23, 2007

I need to combine data from 4 tabs with employee names, onto a tab called total. The tab named total is hidden. Is there a way to do this using code?

In my sample I need the name then dates and data below in the yellow areas. As long as Column a has data above cell A22.

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Exclamation Collate Data From Varying Number Of Sheets To One Sheet

Nov 28, 2009

Have some code I have found from this site shown below. It works great however I need some help in editing it to change what it does. Basically the code currently takes all the data from set cells from all sheets after a set point and adds a new sheet and copies data from each of the sheets between this point and the new sheet and then pastes it to this final sheet.

What I wish to change is I already have a sheet which I will be using to analyse data from so how would the code look to be able to point to such a sheet within the same workbook? The sheet will be within the first 2 sheets of the workbook so from the code below you can see I have already set it to not include this sheet. I wont be needing a new sheet to be created at the end, I just want the data to paste to my analysis sheet which we can call "analysis".

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Macro To Copy A Number From One Sheet To Other Sheet

Jan 26, 2009

I have a report generated from an application and am looking to format it into a specific format in order to import it into access to be used in a query. Does anyone know how to write a macro which will:-

1. look for a particular word and delete 1 row above it and 16 rows below it, for every time that word appears on the sheet.

2. Look for a specific number (which can be identified by the total number of digits in it and/or the starting series of numbers) from it’s location to another newly inserted column

4.Finally, count the number of rows between the number moved in step 2 and the next similar number and copy the first number in to number of rows = the number of rows between it and the next similar number.

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Copying And Pasting More Than One Column Between Sheets

Feb 5, 2014

Why my code is not working. When I choose a single column it works. Once I select more than one column it doesn't work. It something to do with my "column1:column2" reference.

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Pasting Data Into Filtered Sheets

Jun 18, 2013

How to paste data into a sheet that is filtered, so that only the filtered rows get populated?

I am using paste special values but it is populating every row in between despite them not being filtered.

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Copy The Information On One Cell On A Sheet To Multiple Sheets?

Oct 2, 2013

I have excel from windows 8 and I am trying to copy the information on one cell on a sheet to multiple sheets. I tried the click on one tab hold shift and click on the last tab and type the information or press F2 or paste the information. Well, nothing works.

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