Copy Range & Paste To Display Formulas

Jan 15, 2008

I'm working on a large set of data, so rather than read/writing lots of times to the sheet, I've followed the tip of reading a range to a variant array, processing the array, and then writing the whole thing back to the sheet (and it is indeed much much faster).

Dim vdata As Variant
vdata = Range("SummaryOutput")
'do a bunch of logic
Range("SummaryOutput") = vdata

To make things simpler (fewer ranges/variants to manage) I've defined a large range which includes non-data cells (blanks, labels, SUM formulas, etc..). The problem is when I read the range into variant array, it only copies the cells' values -- which means that once I write it back to the sheet, the formulas are lost.

So what I'm looking for is some way to read range into a variant whilst keeping the formulas (which I would see just being a string value in the variant array?). Does anyone know how this could be done?

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Copy / Paste Columns That Has Specific Range With Formulas

Jan 3, 2013

Is there any way to copy a column that has a specific range

=COUNTIF(B12:BE12,"*p") etc

to copy that to a column lets say 5 columns to the right without my range changing?


I need the same range in all columns, and I cant seem to accomplish this.

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Copy/paste Formulas Only

Mar 6, 2007

I have setup a forecast model and now find it necessary to update many formulas

I have set period 1 formulas correctly and would like to copy through periods 2-12. However each period has already been populated with data that need to remain intact in this process

For example,
I have formulas to copy at I5 and I9. I6,7,8 should be skipped

These formulas should be pasted to K5 and K9 respectively, while leaving K6,7,8 intact

This is of course a simple example, the column contains 15 formulas to be copy/paste

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VBA To Copy / Paste (including Formulas) To Next Available Row

Mar 20, 2014

I need some VBA to copy row 2 then paste it (including formulas) into the next available row in the same sheet but then also clear the data in row 2 but retain the formulas.

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VBA Copy / Paste Values Only (not Formulas)

Feb 19, 2013

I have the following macro that copies data from a calendar-style setup on one sheet and pastes it in a contiguous list on another sheet:

Option ExplicitSub move_daily_data_to_ordersvstips()
Dim OutSH As Worksheet
Dim findit As Range


I would like only the values from the "Data by Month" sheet to paste to the "Orders vs Tips" sheet. However, all my attempts are returning various errors/inconsistent results.

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Losing Formulas In Copy & Paste

May 22, 2007

This is probably a simple one but I can't figure it out. I am building a workbook from scratch. It has about twelve of thirteen tabs at the bottom. On one of the tabs I would like to copy and paste a stand alone worksheet. The worksheet functions properly when it is stand alone. However when I copy and paste the worksheet into this new workbook none of the formulas transfer with it. I do get the cells filled in, but I would like to get the formulas.

I have done this before and it worked fine. In fact I can open a new workbook and copy / paste the worksheet into it and everything works fine. Again when I copy / paste it to this new workbook the formulas do not transfer.

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Copy And Paste Formulas To New Excel Sheet?

Jan 13, 2014

I was wondering if it's possible to copy and paste formulas to a brand new excel sheet. I created an excel sheet with some forumlas but when I try to copy and paste it to a new page it only pastes the values and not the formulas.

Is there any way to transfer the formulas as well?

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Macro To Copy Paste Values And Formulas

Oct 13, 2009

I have an existing macro that copies a worksheet and pastes it into another workbook, renames it and then attaches it to an email. My problem is that it pastes just the values. I need it to paste part of the original worksheet as values and part copy the formulas. So on the new workbook Columns A through F will be values only and G through Z will copy the formulas.

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Excel 2007 :: Can't Copy / Paste Formulas

Jul 8, 2012

Suddenly realized that I can't paste formulas. When I copy/paste, it only pastes as values. When I copy and Paste Special, the only option is "Unicode Text". No option for formulas, formatting, or anything else. Excel 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy / Paste Won't Carry Over Formulas

Apr 19, 2012

Excel 2007 copy/paste is bringing over formula results and not the formula (e.g. Ctrl-c "=A1+B1", Ctrl-v "3").

I've validated my calculation options are set to automatic and that the sheet format is "general", which I saw on older posts.

Perhaps related, when I paste special, I get a different box which only allows me to paste as Unicode Text or Text.

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Copy The Information From The Row Directly Above The New Row And Paste (values, Formulas, Formats, Etc) Into The New Row

Dec 18, 2008

1. In whatever cell is selected when the macro is run, enter a new row.

2. Copy the information from the row directly above the new row and paste (values, formulas, formats, etc) into the new row.

3. Return to column P in the new row, i.e if the new row is row 11, then return to P11, for row 12 return to P12, etc.

I have tried recording the macro but because it is hard coded to specific rows, its not working. I have attached a sample copy of the sheet (had to zip due to the size of the file).

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Macro To Copy/paste Specific Rows (and Formulas) Based On Drop Down

Sep 8, 2009

I have about 10 rows of data that have columns of information describing computer hardware and pricing. There are 10 rows, because each row represents a different country and different tax rates and pricing changes per country. So each column of a row has a specific formula to calculate information for that row's country information. All these 10 rows of formulas are kept as a reference at the bottom of the sheet.

At the top of the sheet I need to have a drop down menu to choose a country and then it will automatically copy and paste the row of that country to the current row at the top.

Is there any easy copy/paste macro for such a thing?

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Copy Variable Range & Copy Formulas From Destination

Mar 2, 2008

I tried searching for code for each part of the task separately and trying to piece together multiple macros, that did something similar, but I’m not have a lot of luck, so I’ll break it down into two treads, I hope this will follow the rule of one question per post, but if I should have separated this request even farther as two treads, please let me know and I’ll be happy to comply.

I was given a spread sheet with a macro that loads data from a SQL Data base (not mine), it returns anywhere from one row to 100’s of rows data. Since it’s not my spread sheet and macro, I copied this sheet to my destination workbook. The Data loads in 7 columns starting in B4:H4, with the column headings titles: Acct#, Id#, Name, Qtr1 Totals, Qtr2 Totals, Qtr3 Totals, and Qtr4 Totals. Data cells in spreadsheet not formatted (general)

What I’m trying to do:
part 1:
I need a macro to copy the data only for columns Id# thru Qtr4 Totals (C5:H5 down thru the last row with data) to another sheet. The destination sheet range starts with rows B13:G13, with formulas below and to the right in columns H13, and J13:N13
(column I is blank).

The formulas below the range are a subtotal of the copied columns (D:G). They could be remove and totaled after they’re copied, so there's nothing below the copied range? Since I need the column totals as a subtotals, my thought was to have the row heading and formulas already on the destinations sheet and just insert a blank rows between as each row was copied?

part 2:
As each row of data is copied from the source sheet, I need the macro to copy the formulas to the right of the copied range (H13, and J13:N13) on the destination sheet down for each new row of data copied from the source sheet

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Copy Formulas Without Changing Range References

Feb 5, 2008

I have a large workbook with LOTS of large formulas. However they dont contain $ characters before the ranges as I haven't needed to manipulate them til now. Now I am changing the sheet and I cant seem to move or copy these cells without the ranges whithin the formulas changing! Is there a way to do this? If not is there a way in VBA that I can check through selected cellls and enter a $ before all the ranges?

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Sheet1 Row Range Copy To Sheet2 Firs Blank Row In Same Range Paste As Text?

Mar 16, 2013

Trying to assign code to comm. button on User form to copy lets say:

(sheet1, rangeB2:B21) to (sheet2, first blank row rangeB2:B21) and paste it as text value one more question: what to be aware in case of sheets format (merged cells, hidden rows...)

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Application.inputbox: Range To Copy And Paste The Range's Link And Format To A Different Sheet

Oct 7, 2009

Need a code using application.inputbox to get a range, then use that range to copy and paste the range's link and format to a different sheet? The specifics don't matter, I just can't figure out the syntax. Here is what I have currently:

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Fastest VB Method To Copy Formulas Down Large Range?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a range of purchase order rows, with the formulas stored in the first row (TemplateRow) which is hidden. The users may add any number of rows to this range, depending upon the number of different products being purchased.

'Copy the template row into the first newly inserted row
Rows(TemplateRow).Copy Destination:=Rows(insertionPoint)
'fill down from the inserted row down to the last new row
With Rows(InsertionPoint & ":" & NumberOfInsertedRows.Rows.Hidden = False
.FillDownEnd With

The problem is copying the formulas down to the new rows can take terribly long (minutes) in scenarios of thousands of products. Is there a faster method of copying down my formulas?

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Paste Formulas As Values (strip Out Unwanted Formulas)

May 13, 2008

I have a macro running this code to strip out unwanted formulas and formatting.

Sub Quote_Wrapup()
'To stop screen flicker
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Range("qdata5,qdata6").Font.ColorIndex = 2

'To delete delivery address lines if 1st line empty
If IsEmpty(Range("deliver_line1")) _
Then Sheets(1).Range("deliver_rows").EntireRow.Delete
'No End If required as only one action as a result of the If

Columns("A:E") = Columns("A:E").Value .........................

A spreadsheet based on my template has been sent to me because the macro won't run properly. When I try to run the macro I get a Runtime Error '1004' Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed on the following line. Columns("A:E") = Columns("A:E").Value.

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Copy/Paste Range(s) Without Activating/selecting Range(s)

Oct 2, 2008

To initialize some cells/ranges, I am copying a given range and pasting it to another given range using the. Copy and .PaseSpecial methods. However, it would seem that both methods actually select the range(s) for the operations, i.e. the given ranges(s) are activated/selected thus changing the focus on the spreadsheet. I would like to perform both operations without actually selecting the given ranges.

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Copy Immediate Range, Paste To Another Sheet & Name Pasted Range

Feb 19, 2008

I have been struggling for a while to copy data from one worksheet to another and reset the target range.

The copy bit is cool, the range resetting bit is not. I have tried various methods, but none seem to work.

For example, the below code generates an error: "Compile error: Argument not optional"

I have stuck the particular command button script below to let you see what I am trying to do:

Private Sub cmbFilter_Click()

Dim sCriteria As String

On Error Resume Next

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Copy/Paste Range To Different Size/Shape Range

Mar 3, 2008

I have the following code that let's the user choose and " import" data to an existing sheet. It works well up until now. The problem is that the three ranges that I am trying to copy the data from on workbook to another has changed size. In previous version of my workbooks the range was two columns by 10 rows. Now, it is 1 column by 10 rows. So, when I run this macro it doesn't work because the two ranges are different. Is there any way to:
1) Only copy over one of the rows of a range thus making the macro run?

2) Do not run that part of the macro if there is an error?

Thanks so much for reading this long-winded description but the error is a big problem

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


Run "UnProtectAll"

Set b = Selection
ad = b.Address

' Local Variables
Dim wkbDataFile As Workbook

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Alternative To Copy Range Paste Range?

Feb 24, 2013

im currently using a Code that copies a visible range from one workbook and pastes that Range to another workbook. I dont like it though because every time it pastes the screen jumps.

I tried setting Range 1 = Range 2, its not giving me an error but its not "pasting" the information to the 2nd workbook.

I know ive done it before by doing each cell in each row individually but a its a big Data Table and that would take too long.

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Copy A Range And Paste It Over A Variable Range

Jul 16, 2009

I am using the code below to copy a range and paste it over a variable range.

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Copy And Paste Value Above In Range?

Apr 9, 2014

From E15:E150

Start with E16 and if it is blank than make it the same as the value above (If E16 is blank than E16 would have value of E15)

If it has a value than skip and go to next.... all the way through E150.

So an example would be:

15 ABQ
18 MFE
19 AUS
21 HOU
25 ATL
and so on

Would look like this after macro

15 ABQ
16 ABQ
17 ABQ
18 MFE
19 AUS
20 AUS
21 HOU
22 HOU
23 HOU
24 HOU
25 ATL
26 ATL
and so on

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Copy And Paste Using Range

Sep 21, 2005

can somone tell me why the attached code will not work it works for the first
range only but when others added it fails also how do you clear outline of
copied cells, i used range ("D9").Select but no good.

-- Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Workbooks("Staff Details").Activate
Range("B2:B8", "C11", "K11", "K12").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

End Sub

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Copy Paste In Range

May 8, 2007

I need to paste in sheet2 in rows 8 to 19

Rows 1 to 7 in sheet2 might stay empty.

[A20].End(xlUp) takes care of the 19th row .. how can I adjust the range to start at row 8 ?

Sub CopyBoldCells()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In Selection
If rng.Font.Bold = True Then
Rows("" & rng.Row & ":" & rng.Row & "").Copy
[A20].End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Next rng
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Copy Range :: Cut/paste In The Next Available Row

May 15, 2008

I need some code that will copy cells A20:D20 then cut and paste in then paste in the next available row below (some rows below may be taken)

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Copy Range And Paste It To Ex Only 30 Rows

Apr 10, 2014

I want do copy a range and paste to a specific range. So if the copy selection is larger I don't want it to paste the rows that don't fit.

With this code it copy a range and paste even outside my given paste range.


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Copy Range And Paste Using Inputbox?

Apr 25, 2014

I am using below code to copy certain data(Range("C4:R46")) and paste after certain row(After 43 rows) with 50 times

I want to popup a inputbox who asked for how many time u want to paste data, if i choose 4 then paste data after certain row(After 43 rows) with 4 times

If I choose 14 then paste data after certain row(After 43 rows) with 14 times

[Code] .....

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Copy The Range And Paste To Another Workbook

Sep 25, 2009

i facing another problem at here and do not know how to write the part of coding. it is pending for 2 weeks. i do not know how to explain so i attach the excel to explain. i hope can get any reply soon.

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